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Thailand CANNOT ENDURE as a 'mai pen rai' country

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And amid all of these problems which are not unusual for any 1st world country, let alone a developing one, is the hordes of farang who come to LOS each year seeking a 1st world lifestyle at 3rd world prices.

Many of which bring with them their attitudes of entitlement, loud mouth, belligerence and excessive drama. Who pays for all the extra overhead and manpower required to deal with the numerous altercations, street fights, fatalities and suicides involving farang?

It's easy to criticize the shortcomings of other countries while failing to acknowledge those of your own country and fellow citizens.


clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif At last a great article. I have been saying the same for years. The excuses used for Mai Pben rai are idiotic. Great work from the writer.

On a side note the English of that will do is not used in the same context, I am afraid. When someone gets knocked off their motor bike you do not say that will do, or maybe you do.biggrin.png


"A military coup deep-rooted can't possibly address the country's issues"

Starting with the military itself being one of the problems and refusing to admit it also needs REFORM.

"1 government and 1 constitution can't fix everything."

That has never been tested as the nation since 1933 has essentially operated under two parallel governments, one of which exercises military dominance over the other.

While Thailand has had various constitutions representing the sovereignty of the Thai people, "elitists" have held themselves above such constitution and not bound by its covenants. The elitists grant themselves "extra-constitutionality" by which they can subvert the Thai people's rights and liberties with impunity.

Until Thailand is united into one society, there shall continue to be a sovereign divide.


A country ruled by the elite few, cannot silence the discontent of the impoverished and downtrodden majority.

The path ahead is indeed a rough one and I am fortunate to view it from afar.

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