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Is She Bad?


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It is not her fault to like him. So she doesnt need to be guilty.

The wrong perosn is the Dutch guy. He didnt tell your friend his situation.

I had a similar situation 2 yrs ago. He didnt tell me he had a gf for four yrs until I fell in love with him. At last, he still went back to his gf. I never thought I was the third person coz he was wrong morally, not me. And he hurt me. He is the one who should be guilty.

And I guess maybe the Dutch guy is just playing around. Thats why he told your friend his salary. Anyway, 4500Euro in Thailand is a big money. Perhaps he wanna find someone else to play with and use his salary as a bait. Anyway, its just my personal opinion.

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maybe the story should be checked, is the Dutchi really telling the true now or does he stay with his wife and she is just one of 100 other afairs he may has?

Is his wife really bad or just pissed because he uses every chance to jump in other beds?

What I mean before thinking what to do and if she is right or wrong, you should check the story if the Dutchi is telling the true or not.

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Although, on the flip side of things, coming from the US, any girl who "claims" to be in a relationship unknowingly with a man already in a relationship, is lying to herself and everyone else for that matter.

Common sense dictates that you check out the guy you are talking to. You accept a home phone number and not only cell. You call at night to say goodnight! You ask to meet the friends, in person, and siblings by phone. And you definitely check out his place.

However, she is still not a home wrecker, “HE” is the one wrecking his marriage.

I'm sorry anna, but just how does a "female" date a man for FOUR YEARS and not realise he has a gf? Three months, I can buy.

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I am surprised at all the sactimonious moralizing here. There is not nearly enough information in the origional post to make much of an evaluation of this. To me, the bottom line is if both parties are sincere and honest, ie the new girlfriend & the man, and the motive for being together and forming a new relationship is based on love for each other, then go for it. Maybe the man has got no such thing in his marriage. Of course, the man should try to discuss his problems with his wife, etc,etc. But, she may be impossible, uncommunicative & uncooperative, such as some I have known. If the wife has no interest in repairing a faulty relationship, then she should expect he worst. It is not always about sex-hungry dirty-dog men chasing another conquest.

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I am surprised at all the sactimonious moralizing here. There is not nearly enough information in the origional post to make much of an evaluation of this. To me, the bottom line is if both parties are sincere and honest, ie the new girlfriend & the man, and the motive for being together and forming a new relationship is based on love for each other, then go for it. Maybe the man has got no such thing in his marriage. Of course, the man should try to discuss his problems with his wife, etc,etc. But, she may be impossible, uncommunicative & uncooperative, such as some I have known. If the wife has no interest in repairing a faulty relationship, then she should expect he worst. It is not always about sex-hungry dirty-dog men chasing another conquest.

not always but 95% of the time it is

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