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Delivering Furniture to a House


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Hi all,

I've just moved from an apartment that was fully furnished to a house that is partially furnished. I knew this when I rented the place, but since I'm going to be here for awhile I planned to get some pieces (a desk, sofa, etc.) from corner outlets around CM, not fine furniture. I also planned to add a fridge in the kitchen, and fans, etc. to keep the place cool. I wonder if anyone has experience getting these kind of items delivered? Or if there are certain shops that will or won't deliver? Should (and how could) I rent a pickup? This is my first run with getting furniture delivered, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. I doubt I could secure a sofa on the back of my bike, so I don't really know what I'm doing (for this portion of the moving).

Any help is much appreciated.

Edited by dravieu
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Every place we've bought furniture and appliances delivers -- including the humble wicker shops along Chang Moi. If the owner thinks the purchase is a too small for him to bring around in his truck after closing time, he'll simply flag down a passing song thaew and negotiate a good delivery price and load it in the back of the song thaew for you.

Be sure you have your complete address written down in Thai to show at the store.

Edited by NancyL
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Ditto for Nancy's comment. If you can, get a copy of a local map (google will do) and write on it exactly where your house/unit/building is located. If you live in a moobaan also get a copy of a map of the place and note exactly which house is yours. I was given this advice and have had several items of furniture delivered with no problems (all by the place who sold it), and it also helped the guys when they installed the new fibre internet service.

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