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As a result of the recent proposed changes in Visa rules for long term stay in Thailand which will affect the under 50, non married, that consequently may generate more interest in the Thai Elite card, I would like to suggest an opportunity for ThaiVisa.com

The Thai Elite card company appears to be open to partnerships, so if ThaiVisa.com were to sell these cards and offer cashback on the commission TV received (100% of course as this is a fair community!), it would reduce the overall cost. By how much, I dont know. But would be very interested to know...

If you take a look at the ThailandElite.com website, it appears they have partners to sell to many places in Western Europe and America, but it doesnt look well thought out or marketed well. At the moment it appears that the main markets (or companies who have put some effort into marketing ) are in Hong Kong (Primarily) and Japan. I would imagine that the user base of TV contains many potential buyers on the Elite card given the recent proposed changes.

Still time will tell what the fallout from the proposed changes will be - so buying an elite card now may be a bit hasty...

Comments appreciated

Also will the price of the card be going up anytime soon ? I seem to recall a price rise on the cards some time ago... But i may be wrong.


"I seem to recall a price rise on the cards some time ago... But i may be wrong."

Actually, the price has stayed the same, but some of the rules changed. The Elite card has had 3 generations: the first and the third are essentially the same. The second generation had (I believe) 3 catagories of cards, depending upon the buyer's focus, and those had an annual fee in addition to the million baht buy-in. Since they don't sell a lot of them, I can't imagine them raisisng the price.


just to flog this dead horse a bit more:

Elite Card still floundering

Published on Jul 25, 2006 - The Nation

Elite Card costs Bt1 million if the holder lives abroad, and Bt2 million if the holder lives in Thailand.

An informed opinion from Sunbelt or other worthy folk on here about the validity long term of this card, would be much appreciated. :o

Thats like asking which way the wind will blow tomorrow.

They may have an opinion , but thats all it will be.

Might as well ask , will the amount needed to be depsited for retirement / marriage visas go up? Will the age for retirement go up or down? Will there be a new investment visa?



An informed opinion from Sunbelt or other worthy folk on here about the validity long term of this card, would be much appreciated. :o

Thats like asking which way the wind will blow tomorrow.

They may have an opinion , but thats all it will be.

Might as well ask , will the amount needed to be depsited for retirement / marriage visas go up? Will the age for retirement go up or down? Will there be a new investment visa?


All true, but sitting here in HK is not exactly as close to the flame as these guys. You never know what snippet they may have picked up. You can only ask.

just to flog this dead horse a bit more:

Elite Card still floundering

Published on Jul 25, 2006 - The Nation

Elite Card costs Bt1 million if the holder lives abroad, and Bt2 million if the holder lives in Thailand.


Time to put this old dog to sleep.

A stupid idea from the start ... Only Asians would be interested, if anyone.



just to flog this dead horse a bit more:

Elite Card still floundering

Published on Jul 25, 2006 - The Nation

Elite Card costs Bt1 million if the holder lives abroad, and Bt2 million if the holder lives in Thailand.


Time to put this old dog to sleep.

A stupid idea from the start ... Only Asians would be interested, if anyone.


Not so, if you can think of another way to retire with a handicapped child who will be 22 when i retire at 55, I'm all ears.

Dependant visa hooked onto your retirement visa not appropriate ??

I thought that was possible.

That was the plan. However a very polite chap in the office in patters informed me not to " expect " it to be granted. As house all but built and matters in place to retire, the card in his name may have been a way of a cast iron certainty of his stay being allowed. Exploring all possibilities and open to all suggestions, life is not as straight forward for some as for others.

As house all but built and matters in place to retire, the card in his name may have been a way of a cast iron certainty of his stay being allowed.

Sorry, but I wouldn't expect anything subject to the whims of the Thai government to ever be a cast iron certainty, least of all the future viability of the Thailand Elite card.

As a result of the recent proposed changes in Visa rules for long term stay in Thailand which will affect the under 50, non married, that consequently may generate more interest in the Thai Elite card, I would like to suggest an opportunity for ThaiVisa.com

The Thai Elite card company appears to be open to partnerships, so if ThaiVisa.com were to sell these cards and offer cashback on the commission TV received (100% of course as this is a fair community!), it would reduce the overall cost. By how much, I dont know. But would be very interested to know...

If you take a look at the ThailandElite.com website, it appears they have partners to sell to many places in Western Europe and America, but it doesnt look well thought out or marketed well. At the moment it appears that the main markets (or companies who have put some effort into marketing ) are in Hong Kong (Primarily) and Japan. I would imagine that the user base of TV contains many potential buyers on the Elite card given the recent proposed changes.

Still time will tell what the fallout from the proposed changes will be - so buying an elite card now may be a bit hasty...

Comments appreciated

Also will the price of the card be going up anytime soon ? I seem to recall a price rise on the cards some time ago... But i may be wrong.


I am a Thailand Elite Lifettime member - what do you wish to know?

with all these visa and investment thingy going on, would you think any body will trust this Elite Card.

I am an Elite member and it is better than the investment visa!


just to flog this dead horse a bit more:

Elite Card still floundering

Published on Jul 25, 2006 - The Nation

Elite Card costs Bt1 million if the holder lives abroad, and Bt2 million if the holder lives in Thailand.


Time to put this old dog to sleep.

A stupid idea from the start ... Only Asians would be interested, if anyone.


Actually, I am an Thai Elite Life Member and I am American...guess that puts your statement to sleep!!


Hopsing; interested in hearing your experience with the card. Reasons for purchasing, Good/bad, positive/negative surprises Etc.

Other posted wanted you to comment on whether the price would go up! If you can answer that, I have a few stocks I would like your comments on too! :o


Hopsing; interested in hearing your experience with the card. Reasons for purchasing, Good/bad, positive/negative surprises Etc.

Other posted wanted you to comment on whether the price would go up! If you can answer that, I have a few stocks I would like your comments on too! :D


Excellent, a man who knows what he is talking about. Lots of negativity surrounding the card, but good to hear from someone who has one. :o

As a result of the recent proposed changes in Visa rules for long term stay in Thailand which will affect the under 50, non married, that consequently may generate more interest in the Thai Elite card, I would like to suggest an opportunity for ThaiVisa.com

Khun Bob I dont get it?

Why should their be a bigger demand for Thai Elite card on grounds of new visa regulation?

Holders of The Thai Elite card is NOT above any laws in Thailand. What they get is a small plast card, a few friends...very few friends and their own booth at the immigration check in at the airport...oh yes and their own carpet too.

Seems Thaivisa has tried before to enter into a CC business, but the setup was to huge for even Thaivisa to enter. Sadly becuase many of the other offers that came along with the idea was good.

So in terms of a large community like this entering some sort of arrangements is a good idea and I give you that. But I dont get why it should be because of new laws?

But here are the facts from Thai Elite...very Elite card

Notice the bold text.

• Not be a Thai citizen

• Not a hold a permanent residence certificate

• Not have been declared bankrupt

• Not have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of more than six months (irrespective of whether or not the applicant was actually imprisoned)

• Not have been declared a person unsound of mind, incompetent or quasi incompetent

• Be allowed to stay in Thailand in accordance with the immigration laws or any related laws of Thailand


As a result of the recent proposed changes in Visa rules for long term stay in Thailand which will affect the under 50, non married, that consequently may generate more interest in the Thai Elite card, I would like to suggest an opportunity for ThaiVisa.com

Khun Bob I dont get it?

Why should their be a bigger demand for Thai Elite card on grounds of new visa regulation?

Holders of The Thai Elite card is NOT above any laws in Thailand. ?

But here are the facts from Thai Elite...very Elite card

Notice the bold text.

• Not be a Thai citizen

• Not a hold a permanent residence certificate

• Not have been declared bankrupt

• Not have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of more than six months (irrespective of whether or not the applicant was actually imprisoned)

• Not have been declared a person unsound of mind, incompetent or quasi incompetent

• Be allowed to stay in Thailand in accordance with the immigration laws or any related laws of Thailand

A quote from the Thailand elite website:

Thailand Elite Members are automatically entitled to a five-year multiple entry visa that is valid for 90 days each trip and can be extended without having to leave the country as many times as needed. This allows a virtually unlimited length of stay within Thailand. Members can apply for extensions at any approved location throughout the country and overseas. For most cases, with all the proper documentation available, processing will normally take only one day

A quote from the Thailand elite website:

Thailand Elite Members are automatically entitled to a five-year multiple entry visa that is valid for 90 days each trip and can be extended without having to leave the country as many times as needed. This allows a virtually unlimited length of stay within Thailand. Members can apply for extensions at any approved location throughout the country and overseas. For most cases, with all the proper documentation available, processing will normally take only one day

Yes and the quote "• Be allowed to stay in Thailand in accordance with the immigration laws or any related laws of Thailand " is also from The ThaiLand Elite website.

And the laws will change as of 1. October.

I know common sense doesnt apply on many issues in Thailand, but lets say you have 500 members of the Thailand Elite Card who have paid between 1 or 2 million baht for membership.

And you have a few thousands that have investet several millions in condos or similar on a investment visa. Why should the law favour those on the Thai Elite card?

I know common sense doesnt apply on many issues in Thailand, but lets say you have 500 members of the Thailand Elite Card who have paid between 1 or 2 million baht for membership.

And you have a few thousands that have investet several millions in condos or similar on a investment visa. Why should the law favour those on the Thai Elite card?

Because it's Thaksin's baby? Because they have never had to do the 30 day visa runs?

They were afforded a unique visa by buying the card. Let us wait and see if it is taken away from them.

*edit to sort quotes


So looks like ThaiVisa has not read this / does not want to comment / proposed is not viable / or is not interested in offering cashback...

Maybe rightly so as at the current time there is a great deal of uncertainty over what will actually be implemented or not - so it is probably better to wait and see.

Still would be nice to know what you need to do to provide the Elite card and what is in it for the seller - maybe they do a sell 5 and get 1 free deal !

"I seem to recall a price rise on the cards some time ago... But i may be wrong."

Actually, the price has stayed the same, but some of the rules changed. The Elite card has had 3 generations: the first and the third are essentially the same. The second generation had (I believe) 3 catagories of cards, depending upon the buyer's focus, and those had an annual fee in addition to the million baht buy-in. Since they don't sell a lot of them, I can't imagine them raisisng the price.

3 categories of card - Elite Moment, Living and Business (wtih annual fee) already cut. The membership fee is remain unchaged to THB 1 million by one-off payment. The benefit also keep the same.


I've had a look around the Elite web site and can't seem to find out what happens after the 5 year visa runs out .

Do you get another 5 year visa every 5 years for life or am i completley mis reading this offer


just to flog this dead horse a bit more:

Elite Card still floundering

Published on Jul 25, 2006 - The Nation

Elite Card costs Bt1 million if the holder lives abroad, and Bt2 million if the holder lives in Thailand.


Time to put this old dog to sleep.

A stupid idea from the start ... Only Asians would be interested, if anyone.


Not so, if you can think of another way to retire with a handicapped child who will be 22 when i retire at 55, I'm all ears.

A friend of mine was retired here with his handicapped adult son without any problems.

I've had a look around the Elite web site and can't seem to find out what happens after the 5 year visa runs out .

Do you get another 5 year visa every 5 years for life or am i completley mis reading this offer

Yes; the 5 year visa rolls for life (or the lifetime of the project). If you get a new passport, you'll also get a new 5 year visa from scratch.

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