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I first joined Facebook back in 2007 - back then it was the thing to do. However I rarely use facebook now, probably only for gleaning some information on my two children who due to my vindictive ex wife I have been estranged.

Those who use facebook know that on a regular basis names of other Facebook users are listed in ' people you may know', these are usually 'friends' of a person in your own friends list, but also names of other Facebook users generated at random, or are they?, given the millions (Billions) of Facebook users, wouldn't you consider it more than coincidental that some Facebook users suggested, appear to come straight from my Yahoo email address book or my list of Skype contacts, does Facebook have access to my Email/Skype contacts or has hacked into them and is using my contact lists without my consent.

The weirdest contact suggested was actually my estranged daughter whose Surname had been changed to my ex wifes maiden name.

Sometimes When composing an Email, and I insert the first letter of the intended recipients name, so I can 'auto insert' from my contact list, I find that many of the 'suggested' email address's, are not in my contact list and are not known to me.

Can anyone throw any light on how these occurrances are happening, and whether they should be, and if not who would one complain to as it would seem to me that an abuse of my privacy is taking place.

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