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After years of mismanagement and a devil may care attitude, the water is coming back to, ehm.... splash them! clap2.gif

Better warn tourists coming to Bangkok to bring their own water to keep the head count up. If the farmers cannot use water for rice maybe we should have a tourist quota. I wonder if the water gun factories are cutting back on their production. The handwriting was on the wall back in April and we ignored it for the then and there. Time to pay the Piper.

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I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

Its not the job of farmers to control and manage water resources, its the job of government and the civil servants involved. The farmers and industry have the same right to water as any other user. But due to the inability of this government and its civil service to manage anything, including the water there is a water shortage. Without these farmers and industries, millions of people will be without jobs. To call farmers and industry criminals because they use water to produce products, are lets be kind to you - childish/naive.

They need to use drip irrigation really not sprinklers, they waste so much probably more than half evaporates.

There are "drips" in the water system already. Part of the problem not the solution so to speak.


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

No they don't understand it, and if I would be farmer and xxx.000 Baht of crops are dying on my fields I wouldn't care if someone other has tap water for a week or not.

Call it egoist but for many farmer it is about financial survival.

In many areas....for example Pattaya it often happens that there is no tap water and people don't die....

shouldnt have wasted all their money on a shiny new pick up then instead they could have dug a bloody big hole for pick up money, I know as I dug mine 8 metres deep, full of water right now and all water off my hillside road and roofs is diverted into their so very little escapes elsewhere. Locals thought I was nuts, guess they wont be laughing soon.

Your next project should be to teach them how to use matches.


The solution is quite simple, send the water to attitude adjustment, then flog it a thousand times, ask all boat owners to line up boats tied to bridges and push water up stream back into water reservoirs.

Put out immediate notice for cultural change orders in which all people are informed that shower on wakeup and before going to sleep is no longer necessary and only 1 a week is needed.

arrest all h2o moelcuels for LM and disobeying the grand order of things.

arrest the sky for making the government look stupid after it had declared there would be enough water and the rain making dance had worked properly.


NEAR, but not IN the Bangkok " connected " zones so, who cares ?

I assume this is in jest

If not you really are the rear end of a donkey.

You may think that the world revolves around your rectum and that is fine.


Bangkok is just outside Pathum Thani so you probably should care unless you like washing in salt water.

Your thoughtless is noted.

Just wondering are you Americon????


NEAR, but not IN the Bangkok " connected " zones so, who cares ?

I assume this is in jest

If not you really are the rear end of a donkey.

You may think that the world revolves around your rectum and that is fine.


Bangkok is just outside Pathum Thani so you probably should care unless you like washing in salt water.

Your thoughtless is noted.

Just wondering are you Americon????

Do Americon's come from the IOUSA perchance?? There is so much indifference in the world today a "not in my back yard" mentality. Kind of reminds me of the saying First they came for? and then they came for? and then they came for me. To see your world revolve around your rectum does that mean one must put their head between their legs. I am to fat for that.


The most basic necessity of life is unavailable and yet these boffins are considering the "essential" purchase of submarines.

Pure thainess!

By any chance did you mean buffoons?

I did consider many "b" words but thought that the scientific expertise involved in these inactions, boffin seemed most suitable sounding discription.


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

No they don't understand it, and if I would be farmer and xxx.000 Baht of crops are dying on my fields I wouldn't care if someone other has tap water for a week or not.

Call it egoist but for many farmer it is about financial survival.

In many areas....for example Pattaya it often happens that there is no tap water and people don't die....

shouldnt have wasted all their money on a shiny new pick up then instead they could have dug a bloody big hole for pick up money, I know as I dug mine 8 metres deep, full of water right now and all water off my hillside road and roofs is diverted into their so very little escapes elsewhere. Locals thought I was nuts, guess they wont be laughing soon.

beside you can farm fishes inside the rest of the year....or make it more nice and use it as pool.....

I do and it does


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

No they don't understand it, and if I would be farmer and xxx.000 Baht of crops are dying on my fields I wouldn't care if someone other has tap water for a week or not.

Call it egoist but for many farmer it is about financial survival.

In many areas....for example Pattaya it often happens that there is no tap water and people don't die....

shouldnt have wasted all their money on a shiny new pick up then instead they could have dug a bloody big hole for pick up money, I know as I dug mine 8 metres deep, full of water right now and all water off my hillside road and roofs is diverted into their so very little escapes elsewhere. Locals thought I was nuts, guess they wont be laughing soon.

beside you can farm fishes inside the rest of the year....or make it more nice and use it as pool.....

me hole, wife for scale in the bottom


No they don't understand it, and if I would be farmer and xxx.000 Baht of crops are dying on my fields I wouldn't care if someone other has tap water for a week or not.

Call it egoist but for many farmer it is about financial survival.

In many areas....for example Pattaya it often happens that there is no tap water and people don't die....

shouldnt have wasted all their money on a shiny new pick up then instead they could have dug a bloody big hole for pick up money, I know as I dug mine 8 metres deep, full of water right now and all water off my hillside road and roofs is diverted into their so very little escapes elsewhere. Locals thought I was nuts, guess they wont be laughing soon.

beside you can farm fishes inside the rest of the year....or make it more nice and use it as pool.....

me hole, wife for scale in the bottom

First I thought it isn't big.....than I noticed that tinny spot on the bottom w00t.gif

That is big......you can farm whales in there.... Well done!


Boreholes I say to everyone. I've got mine, no problem and three 1,500L Ongs full. I learned these tricks from the locals. Must be more intelligent than city people. Wonder how the golf courses are getting on...not really.


They would have started a campaign for water conservation and got the public behind it (I know you laugh at the thought, but it's possible with the right psychology and the strict enforcement).

Not in Asia.

In Asia, if you and your blood relatives and the really important people in your patronage network have water, everyone else can die of thirst, as far as you're concerned - after all, they aren't really human, like you and your relations and those who're important to your various scams and dodges.


Locals thought I was nuts, guess they wont be laughing soon.

No - they'll be too busy sharpening their knives and plotting how they're going to come take your water, whether you agree to it or not.


Rice does not need to grow in water. It can grow on regular soil like weeds. The reason it's grown in standing water is because the water cuts down on weed growth. Most Asian farmers don't know that, and think that rice is a swamp crop which needs obscene amounts of water to grow.


After years of mismanagement and a devil may care attitude, the water is coming back to, ehm.... splash them! clap2.gif

Better warn tourists coming to Bangkok to bring their own water to keep the head count up. If the farmers cannot use water for rice maybe we should have a tourist quota. I wonder if the water gun factories are cutting back on their production. The handwriting was on the wall back in April and we ignored it for the then and there. Time to pay the Piper.

Actually I keep a daily log from the Thai Met offices site in Khampaeng Phet (my nearest at 65km away) and I have done for several years and I have watched the average rainfall dropping monthly year on year. It is still going down and IF Thailand is lucky then the heavy rains will come by the end of July for 2 to 4 weeks. It will go back to what it is now until mid October when hopefully it will be heavy for about a month.

This will part fill the dams and it will be used up probably by the end of February 2016 and the dry season will last as long as if not longer than this year.

By 2017 El Nino will have turned into La Nina and the water will start to fill the dams and boreholes once again. IF La Nina is good to Thailand then by 2019 or 2020 the dams will be full again.

None of this will be of much use to poor farmers as they will be broke and sell off what little land they own. The younger ones will perhaps get jobs in factories and cities and the older ones will have to be supported by their children.

I am not 100% certain of my thoughts and believe me I will love to be wrong but I don't think I will be far out I am very sad to say.


Thailand as usual , a day late and a dollar short, however ,the BMA has promised the important people in "Bangkok" that they will have water..... regardless of what happens to those of lesser importance..


Thailand as usual , a day late and a dollar short, however ,the BMA has promised the important people in "Bangkok" that they will have water..... regardless of what happens to those of lesser importance..

Like Yingluck (well not she because she is too silly, but the man in Dubai) did with the floods...let the surround area stay 1.5 meter deep under water if she wouldn't protect Bangkok everyone would got 20 cm.


For what it's worth: Every 5 years, Bangkok get seriously flooded - usually worse than the time before. The most recent major flooding was 2011. Get ready, Bangkokians, for October 2016 ! ....and in those 5 years, bangkok has subsided several cm's - and average sea levels have risen several mm's.

To anyone considering buying property in Bkk: you may want to furnish it with inflatable mattresses, and have a canoe tethered nearby.


For what it's worth: Every 5 years, Bangkok get seriously flooded - usually worse than the time before. The most recent major flooding was 2011. Get ready, Bangkokians, for October 2016 ! ....and in those 5 years, bangkok has subsided several cm's - and average sea levels have risen several mm's.

To anyone considering buying property in Bkk: you may want to furnish it with inflatable mattresses, and have a canoe tethered nearby.

Good thing too. It was once known as Venice of the East for a reason.. I bought my condo on high land smile.png


have they sold it all to nestle like they did in California?

Yes and Nestle is in Canada as well in BC (where people are being asked to ration water) and Ontario possibly more provinces buying up fresh water for practically nothing. Politicians are not putting up a fight. Its the dawn of a new age where politicians make no bones about who they are siding with and it is not the people who elect them to office.


Boreholes I say to everyone. I've got mine, no problem and three 1,500L Ongs full. I learned these tricks from the locals. Must be more intelligent than city people. Wonder how the golf courses are getting on...not really.

Oh I forgot to mention I have also two boreholes one 85metres deep the other 55 metres deep nice 100% clean DRINKABLE and tested to check..................of course it all takes some planning and money but long term makes sure Ill never run dry.......................locals? rain will come just wait.

Having said that this year has been fairly good a fair downpours all of which I caught in the pond via the road and hill heres the "now " shot, just taken, the inlet pipe from the road drainage is on the left, when its full on the right is a blue pipe for overflow..............it goes into another lake, I cleared the side of the road along my property and put down a concrete gully which channels it all in off the road 700 metres, its fills very fast now.


I don't want to pour oil into open fire but in Pattaya we're used to that.

We had moments when there was not a single drop coming out of public water supply pipes; some of those moments lasted five days.

Once the water returned all the taps and faucets needed change as the entire dirt, rust and rubbish from those quality pipes got stucked in cartridges, seals and fittings. Today we wait for the water tanks to be full again, then let the sediments settle just to drain 40 - 50 litres to wash out the freebie sediments. Take that treatment for each and every household - trillions of litres getting wasted again.

Possibly explains the hurry to by sub-marines; this will allow to deepwater search for .... water wai2.gif

Put a filter on the incoming line.

Clean that.


I agree with the comment that says, if the canals are dry in these areas that need the

water, this would be prime time to take equipment and deepen these canals so they will hold more water in

the future and be more useful to the people.

I hope the government and agencies are able to help out the drought stricken areas with water trucks

and such for now. This drought seems unusually long, and people affected should use this

opportunity to deepen their holding ponds, local lakes or reservoirs as well as the canals, if these areas are now dry

and could be deepened with the proper equipment such as Cats, Graders, Dozers, Dredging cranes,


Just my 2 cent suggestion.


I agree with the comment that says, if the canals are dry in these areas that need the

water, this would be prime time to take equipment and deepen these canals so they will hold more water in

the future and be more useful to the people.

I hope the government and agencies are able to help out the drought stricken areas with water trucks

and such for now. This drought seems unusually long, and people affected should use this

opportunity to deepen their holding ponds, local lakes or reservoirs as well as the canals, if these areas are now dry

and could be deepened with the proper equipment such as Cats, Graders, Dozers, Dredging cranes,


Just my 2 cent suggestion.

I agree this is a great idea and like most great ideas here it will be shelved no sorry ignored.


I agree with the comment that says, if the canals are dry in these areas that need the

water, this would be prime time to take equipment and deepen these canals so they will hold more water in

the future and be more useful to the people.

I hope the government and agencies are able to help out the drought stricken areas with water trucks

and such for now. This drought seems unusually long, and people affected should use this

opportunity to deepen their holding ponds, local lakes or reservoirs as well as the canals, if these areas are now dry

and could be deepened with the proper equipment such as Cats, Graders, Dozers, Dredging cranes,


Just my 2 cent suggestion.

I agree it would be a good time to start to clean the junk out of the kongs (canals). Hire some Rohinga (boat people?) to do it, as Thais hate to get their shoes dirty or to get any dirt under their fingernails. But don't dig the canals deeper, because they'll just fill with filth/silt in a short time. From the middle of Thailand, to the Gulf of Thailand, there's essentially no slope. Perhaps 1.5 meters. So canals in the lower half of Thailand are all level (as are nearly all canals in all other parts of Thailand).

In my town of Chiang Rai, a storm sewer was constructed. After the first hard rain, it was found to not drain. It was torn up and re-constructed. After the first hard rain of the following year, the same happened, and it had to be torn up and rebuilt a 2nd time. Now it works. I thought of buying a bubble level and donating it to the local Builder's Union - perhaps with an instruction diagram.

Near my property near town, there's a canal which has been constructed to flow away from the river. For a mile there are 40 Akha squater houses perched alongside and on it. Nice folks, with good intentions, but the more they put buried culverts in the ditch, the more likely it will flood worse each year.

Bkk should not be continually shored up for costs of trillion baht+ or whatever. Bangkokians should try to accept Mother Nature takes her course, and should look to relocate to higher ground. Sure, it's expensive and a collosal hassle, but to not relocate is worse.


I am from the central region the governments solution to the water shortage and farmers being unable to grow rice...... Don't plant rice grow vegetables instead ok less water used than rice farming so may work, other choice was for all the farmers to start fish farming where the he'll did they expect the water to come from to fill and maintain these newly dug ponds when some areas have not water for household usage. Don't know where the find some of these civil servants but need to put them back because they are clowns

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