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Thai Public Health Min warns of dengue fever during rainy season


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Min. of Public Health warns of dengue fever during rainy season


BANGKOK, 13 July 2015 (NNT) - The Ministry of Public Health is warning the public to remain vigilant against dengue fever during the rainy season.

Public Health Minister Dr. Ratchata Ratchatanawin has revealed that more than 24,000 people have come down with dengue fever during the first six months of this year. So far, 17 patients have died from the illness.

According the Department of Disease Control, the rate of infection usually rises in July and August. Patients are commonly found in Rayong, Trat, Petchaburi and Krabi provinces.

Provincial public health offices have urged households and communities to destroy potential breeding grounds for mosquito larvae, especially at childcare centers, schools, religious places and hospitals on a weekly basis.

Medical staff are expected to reduce the rate of fatality among dengue fever patients. Those displaying symptoms such as red rashes, high fever, eye soreness, loss of appetite and nausea should be taken to hospital as soon as possible.

-- NNT 2015-07-13 footer_n.gif

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what rainey season is this well read/versed ministry referring to and location of same?

Where do they (selection group) find these pillers of intelligence concerning current affairs in Thailand ? there must be some entity protecting the feeble, retarded individuals who represent Thailand and send messages to like minded people around the world somewhere out there with the stars and comets or the would have become another specie lost to the wold forever.

i wonder if these pewople are capable of finding their way home without the assistance of a homing pigeon or canine on a string /lesh tied to their private parts

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Another warning but no action. Not seen any fogging/spraying in Pattaya for over a decade.

I live in a village in Isaan, two villages down from us had 5 infections with two deaths. The authorities came out immediately with their fogging equipment which i refused to have done around our house after i watched the guy doing the fogging throw up twice despite his mask. After an argument and an inspection done of our ground they agreed it wouldn't be necessary as we had taken all precautions anyway. I don't know what is in that fogging but it cant be healthy.

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Another warning but no action. Not seen any fogging/spraying in Pattaya for over a decade.

I live in a village in Isaan, two villages down from us had 5 infections with two deaths. The authorities came out immediately with their fogging equipment which i refused to have done around our house after i watched the guy doing the fogging throw up twice despite his mask. After an argument and an inspection done of our ground they agreed it wouldn't be necessary as we had taken all precautions anyway. I don't know what is in that fogging but it cant be healthy.

Just tell your neighbors mosquitos not to come into your property and you'll be OK.

Fogging guy throwing up......improper safety equipment...does that surprise anyone.

I'd sooner a short amount of discomfort/inconvenience than weeks of pain, and possibly death, with Dengue. If had it once, don't want it a second time.

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what rainey season is this well read/versed ministry referring to and location of same?

Where do they (selection group) find these pillers of intelligence concerning current affairs in Thailand ? there must be some entity protecting the feeble, retarded individuals who represent Thailand and send messages to like minded people around the world somewhere out there with the stars and comets or the would have become another specie lost to the wold forever.

i wonder if these pewople are capable of finding their way home without the assistance of a homing pigeon or canine on a string /lesh tied to their private parts

Rainey? Pillers? the? specie? wold? pewople? lesh?

Get yourself a spellchecker before people on this forum start regarding YOU as feeble and retarded.

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Dengue fever increases in the rainy season , the dengue mosquito is always around in daylight hours , the malaria mosquito is a night time girl and clocks on after 6Pm ,however it is in the female breeding season in the gestation period that it produces malaria, other wise enjoy the healthy life style in Thailand.coffee1.gif

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