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Changing banks for purposes of receiving UK Pension

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Anyone with any experience of this/can provide link to UK department responsible? I'm done with the idiocy that passes for the Thai, well, anything really. But having spent an hour and a half at my local branch of SCB this morning after my ATM card had been rejected from ATM 'suspended/invalid', it transpired 'passport has new number'. Yes, but that was a year ago and shouldn't make any difference as no problems with Immigration. 'You mus' come Bangkok an' chain you card'. 'But I'm in an SCB Bank NOW (yes, I KNOW they're stupidly not interconnected), can they fax you a signed copy of my passport?''Cannot', 'How do i get to f@#&ing Bangkok if I cannot withdraw my money?' 'I let yoo take ou' moneee but you mus' sen' signed copy of you passport'. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh.

I was not alone in having a meltdown, there were many others present having been blocked as skimmers are yet again at work on Phuket. So who are they now? first it was the Russians, then Middle Easterners, read reports of Thailands new and welcomed with open arms Chinese getting in on the act too.

So, back to my original point, I need to change my bank details at HM UK Pensions, but search throws up plethora of options. Anyone? And how difficult was it. Thank you.

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Calm down. Eat a bar of Snickers. Better now?

[An epithet that will fly over the head of anyone who has not seen a couple of long-running recent adverts on UK TV]

As posted, mist lifted and heart attack averted. I had been expecting huge hassle and mountains of paperwork/blood sample having to have been DHLr'd to the UK, but no! One 'phone call +44 191217777 and brief chat and done! How refreshing smile.png This of course will not be repeated when I must travel personally to TOT tomorrow with everything bar the kitchen sink to explain to assorted cretins my standing order must be changed and that no, I am not a thief who wants to divert money from my own account. I've cancelled all other appointments for the day.

I don't eat junk 'food' and it doesn't calm you down. Raw food diet. Give it a go.

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As posted, mist lifted and heart attack averted. I had been expecting huge hassle and mountains of paperwork/blood sample having to have been DHLr'd to the UK, but no! One 'phone call +44 191217777 and brief chat and done! How refreshing smile.png This of course will not be repeated when I must travel personally to TOT tomorrow with everything bar the kitchen sink to explain to assorted cretins my standing order must be changed and that no, I am not a thief who wants to divert money from my own account. I've cancelled all other appointments for the day.

I don't eat junk 'food' and it doesn't calm you down. Raw food diet. Give it a go.

I was surprised how easy it was when I phoned the UK pension people 4 months ago---- so much so that there seemed to be a lack of security.

I only get a very small pension as I left the UK at an early age----so I just wanted it to be posted in once a year---but 13 weeks is the longest they told me---& the first 13 week payment came through few weeks ago.

"Raw food diet. Give it a go."----I juice, --Green only--but I dont think that I could just eat raw.

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If I understand this correctly:

Your account is in Bangkok and you were not, your bank tried to protect you by suspending your card as a result of fraudulent activity and you went into a nearby branch to try to get your card unblocked. But because you'd renewed your passport the number on it didn't match bank records hence they were reluctant to unblock your card, unless you went into the branch where your account was held in order to prove your identity via the signature card.

None of that sounds too unreasonable although I do understand that a blocked ATM card will elevate stress levels! Look on the bright side, you didn't loose any money as a result of the skimmers so your bank performed well, don't you think.

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