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David Letterman reveals top 10 'facts' about Donald Trump (VIDEO)

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David Letterman Reveals Top 10 'Facts' About Donald Trump (VIDEO)

SAN ANTONIO: -- What do David Letterman, the US military invasion of Mexico, and an anthropomorphic butt plug have in common? They’re all the latest in the ever-growing debacle that is the Donald Trump presidential campaign.

When late-night funnyman David Letterman retired last May, Late Show viewers everywhere bemoaned the loss of the genre’s cynical king. A format which has been often criticized as vapid and prone to celebrity fawning, Letterman was the one host willing to recognize Hollywood absurdities, and was fully aware of his own place within the institution. He was the late night prankster, the sultan of mischief, the yin to Jay Leno’s yang.

But if there’s one thing that can bring him back from retirement, it’s Donald Trump. Returning to the stage at the behest of comedic contemporaries Steve Martin and Martin Short, Letterman delivered one last hoorah.

Full story: http://sputniknews.com/videoclub/20150714/1024582459.html

-- SPUTNIK 2015-07-14

Trump is trying a strategy 48 years too late.

In 1968, Richard Nixon realized he could not become president unless he made a deeply cynical move: convincing southern racists to vote Republican.

The trouble was, they hadn't done that since the Republican Abe Lincoln freed the slaves. But Nixon calculated that the Democratic "Solid South" could now be broken open: after the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and '64, and the Voting Rights Act of '65, racists, feeling betrayed and furious, were looking for a new home.

So, in what became known as the Southern Strategy, Nixon invited racists into the GOP. Ever since, the racists have been essential to the party's "winning coalition," the collection of targeted groups that can add up to electoral victory.

Not all Republicans are racists, of course. But without racists, I don't think the GOP can win elections.

Not the kind of thing you want to talk about openly, though. So Republican politicians have become fluent in a kind of code, which they use to communicate with the ugly part of their base without offending polite society. In 1981, GOP consultant Lee Atwater offered a guide in an interview:

You say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.
More recent examples: "taking back our country," voter ID, border security and birtherism.

But now, along comes a cartoon racist like Donald Trump, who ignores the code and drops the veil from the GOP's structural racism. In response, Republican politicians pronounce themselves shocked to see such blatant bigotry, naked and unashamed.

It's a tough sell. The GOP has been doing a racist strip tease for decades now, and Trump is just skipping the tease. So embarrassing.

But it may point to a possible upside. Thanks to gauche clowns like Trump -- the GOP, like the Democratic Party of the 60s, might be forced to reform itself, if only to end the pain.

Because the party is finally experiencing the agony of racism in a form it can't ignore: bad PR.


The left and the right are running scared of Trump.

He's the only politician speaking any sense right now.

Look at the first reply in this thread - making accusations of racism - the first line of attack from the left.


What will our cultural and political kommissars do next? Dig up the corpse of Johnny Carson so he can join the pile on? This is EXACTLY what happens when an authoritarian establishment feels itself threatened. It calls everybody to the square and makes them engage in the Two Minute Hate.


The left and the right are running scared of Trump.

He's the only politician speaking any sense right now.

Look at the first reply in this thread - making accusations of racism - the first line of attack from the left.

Was that number eleven from Letterman's list?


The left and the right are running scared of Trump.

He's the only politician speaking any sense right now.

Look at the first reply in this thread - making accusations of racism - the first line of attack from the left.

Running scared? Letterman et al didn't look too scared in that clip. The only people concerned about Trump at the moment are the right wing folks. You may have a point--Trump may be exposing the core of the right wing base. Which is basically a bunch of old, racist, homophobic, anti-environment, anti-women's rights, gun-toting, bible-thumping, angry white guys. But then, we've known that all along. Thank you Mr. Trump for clearing that up.


Racial bigotry works with the core base of the Republican party, better than ever.

This election will be the swan song of the GOP because the rest of the country has moved on. Trump is a laughing stock for most Americans, to the paranoid, clueless Republican base, he's the savior. gigglem.gif


But this so called racism would be easily swallowed if it were directed at the mob who brought the twin towers down, right?

And im sure history can provide instances where the PC crowd were scrambling to defend the rights of a mob...who are now chopping peoples heads off to gain attention.

D.T may be a clown, but It makes me sick when people with political motives claim racism against opponents.

In many cultures people who tried to protect national interests and whom would have gone on to bring about real changes that would have protected future citizens..were branded racists and shut down.. from pollies who went on to do even worse things.

Its the personification of hypocrisy in my books, as the ones claiming racism dont give a flyingF, about whos being vilified. They are of the same ilk and most certainly will use any means of dirty tacticts against their opponents


But this so called racism would be easily swallowed if it were directed at the mob who brought the twin towers down, right?

And im sure history can provide instances where the PC crowd were scrambling to defend the rights of a mob...who are now chopping peoples heads off to gain attention.

D.T may be a clown, but It makes me sick when people with political motives claim racism against opponents.

In many cultures people who tried to protect national interests and whom would have gone on to bring about real changes that would have protected future citizens..were branded racists and shut down.. from pollies who went on to do even worse things.

Its the personification of hypocrisy in my books, as the ones claiming racism dont give a flyingF, about whos being vilified. They are of the same ilk and most certainly will use any means of dirty tacticts against their opponents

Looking forward to your many examples.


What will our cultural and political kommissars do next? Dig up the corpse of Johnny Carson so he can join the pile on? This is EXACTLY what happens when an authoritarian establishment feels itself threatened. It calls everybody to the square and makes them engage in the Two Minute Hate.

Like Trump is inviting folks to do with regard to Mexicans.


The left and the right are running scared of Trump.

He's the only politician speaking any sense right now.

Look at the first reply in this thread - making accusations of racism - the first line of attack from the left.

Only 30% of the electorate is republican. Only 12% of that 30% electorate is supporting Trump's statements.

Do you know what 12% of 30% is? 3.5%

Only 3.5% of Americans agree with Trump. Are you saying 96.5% scared by 3.5%? Surely you jest!

And he is racist.. if he wasn't, he wouldn't be losing sponsors. Why would companies withdraw their support for it otherwise? If he's making sense, why aren't they all over it?


I never really cared for Letterman to start with and, to me at least, this is a really pathetic attempt at humor. I couldn't even crack a smile at this ignorant attempt of humor, let alone laugh at any of it.

D.L, your "use by" date has expired, and you were never that good of a comedian to start with.


The left and the right are running scared of Trump.

He's the only politician speaking any sense right now.

Look at the first reply in this thread - making accusations of racism - the first line of attack from the left.

Only 30% of the electorate is republican. Only 12% of that 30% electorate is supporting Trump's statements.

Do you know what 12% of 30% is? 3.5%

Only 3.5% of Americans agree with Trump. Are you saying 96.5% scared by 3.5%? Surely you jest!

And he is racist.. if he wasn't, he wouldn't be losing sponsors. Why would companies withdraw their support for it otherwise? If he's making sense, why aren't they all over it?

His sponsors are abandoning him because it's the Politically Correct thing to do, Plain and simple. Do I think Trump has a shot at the White House? Not really. But it is actually somewhat refreshing to have a potential political candidate who says what he thinks, instead of kissing ass and saying what he/she thinks people want to hear.


But this so called racism would be easily swallowed if it were directed at the mob who brought the twin towers down, right?

And im sure history can provide instances where the PC crowd were scrambling to defend the rights of a mob...who are now chopping peoples heads off to gain attention.

D.T may be a clown, but It makes me sick when people with political motives claim racism against opponents.

In many cultures people who tried to protect national interests and whom would have gone on to bring about real changes that would have protected future citizens..were branded racists and shut down.. from pollies who went on to do even worse things.

Its the personification of hypocrisy in my books, as the ones claiming racism dont give a flyingF, about whos being vilified. They are of the same ilk and most certainly will use any means of dirty tacticts against their opponents

See, your first sentence (emphasised by me) shows the sort of ignorance behind much of today's racism. It's when an entire race is vilified because of the acts of a few that it becomes racism.

Your second last sentence (emphasised by me) is silly. Of course they care!

(PS, Try "epitome" instead of "personification" in that sentence.)


The only people Trump is frightening are those politicians who might miss out on a place on Fox News' Republican Clown Car Debate Show because of him.

Otherwise he's simply a joke. If there was an American Alan Partridge, he could play him.


The left and the right are running scared of Trump.

He's the only politician speaking any sense right now.

Look at the first reply in this thread - making accusations of racism - the first line of attack from the left.

Only 30% of the electorate is republican. Only 12% of that 30% electorate is supporting Trump's statements.

Do you know what 12% of 30% is? 3.5%

Only 3.5% of Americans agree with Trump. Are you saying 96.5% scared by 3.5%? Surely you jest!

And he is racist.. if he wasn't, he wouldn't be losing sponsors. Why would companies withdraw their support for it otherwise? If he's making sense, why aren't they all over it?

Your 3.5% that agrees with Trump is probably pretty accurate. But it's rather amazing how this small number thinks that there are many more like them when there's actually not. This happens when people only socialize with like-minded individuals. There sure seems to be a lot of these folks on TV, and they still haven't figured out that they're part of a vanishing/dying demographic.


The left and the right are running scared of Trump.

He's the only politician speaking any sense right now.

Look at the first reply in this thread - making accusations of racism - the first line of attack from the left.

Only 30% of the electorate is republican. Only 12% of that 30% electorate is supporting Trump's statements.

Do you know what 12% of 30% is? 3.5%

Only 3.5% of Americans agree with Trump. Are you saying 96.5% scared by 3.5%? Surely you jest!

And he is racist.. if he wasn't, he wouldn't be losing sponsors. Why would companies withdraw their support for it otherwise? If he's making sense, why aren't they all over it?

Your 3.5% that agrees with Trump is probably pretty accurate. But it's rather amazing how this small number thinks that there are many more like them when there's actually not. This happens when people only socialize with like-minded individuals. There sure seems to be a lot of these folks on TV, and they still haven't figured out that they're part of a vanishing/dying demographic.

The Right Wing echo chamber is ideal for people with closed minds. It is a sealed chamber that broaches no alternative viewpoints, arguments or facts. The inhabitants who are mentally there work themselves into a froth of bitterness, resentment and victimhood.

Trump is just a media whore churning the froth and tapping into it for self-aggrandisement.



The left and the right are running scared of Trump.

He's the only politician speaking any sense right now.

Look at the first reply in this thread - making accusations of racism - the first line of attack from the left.

Only 30% of the electorate is republican. Only 12% of that 30% electorate is supporting Trump's statements.

Do you know what 12% of 30% is? 3.5%

Only 3.5% of Americans agree with Trump. Are you saying 96.5% scared by 3.5%? Surely you jest!

And he is racist.. if he wasn't, he wouldn't be losing sponsors. Why would companies withdraw their support for it otherwise? If he's making sense, why aren't they all over it?

Your 3.5% that agrees with Trump is probably pretty accurate. But it's rather amazing how this small number thinks that there are many more like them when there's actually not. This happens when people only socialize with like-minded individuals. There sure seems to be a lot of these folks on TV, and they still haven't figured out that they're part of a vanishing/dying demographic.

The Right Wing echo chamber is ideal for people with closed minds. It is a sealed chamber that broaches no alternative viewpoints, arguments or facts. The inhabitants who are mentally there work themselves into a froth of bitterness, resentment and victimhood.

Trump is just a media whore churning the froth and tapping into it for self-aggrandisement.




An interesting read about Trump's campaign , that you're not going to get from the MSM:

Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate? To help the Clinton campaign....


I think that DL and Bernie are bringing a puff of fresh air to the debates. Neither the Repubs or Demo's have a viable candidate. On one side you have a rabble led by W's brother.....what!

On the other you have a very tired old woman who has been shown to be no better than the people she claims already run Congress! Either Bernie or Donald should win, at least they're honest enough to admit their real beliefs! thumbsup.gifwai.gif


The media said that Trump was leading in the Polls. I get he will go over the edge is he get Sarah Palin as his running mate.


But this so called racism would be easily swallowed if it were directed at the mob who brought the twin towers down, right?

And im sure history can provide instances where the PC crowd were scrambling to defend the rights of a mob...who are now chopping peoples heads off to gain attention.

D.T may be a clown, but It makes me sick when people with political motives claim racism against opponents.

In many cultures people who tried to protect national interests and whom would have gone on to bring about real changes that would have protected future citizens..were branded racists and shut down.. from pollies who went on to do even worse things.

Its the personification of hypocrisy in my books, as the ones claiming racism dont give a flyingF, about whos being vilified. They are of the same ilk and most certainly will use any means of dirty tacticts against their opponents

"But this so called racism would be easily swallowed if it were directed at the mob who brought the twin towers down, right?"

This thread is about Trump.

Why are you mentioning Bush and Cheney???

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