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Why Do I Feel Ripped Off?


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Agreed - this however underlines a dreadful situation in the Thai healthcare system.......these doctors are essentially either uneducated on the matters of antibiotics or trying to make extra cash by flogging them, which in turn means they are lacking in ethics.

This is the problem with the WHOLE Thai healthcare system; it is riddled with poorly trained staff, including doctors who don't appear to know the difference between an antibiotic and an aspirin.

Anyone who uses the Thai healthcare system does so at their own peril....I would suggest that unless it is absolutely necessary one should avoid it "like the plague" - literally!

Totally not correct. The problem is not only a Thai one, but international. All doctors follow the same protocol. They all learn from the same textbook. People in this society tend to respect doctors, I don't. I think they are idiots.

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Agreed - this however underlines a dreadful situation in the Thai healthcare system.......these doctors are essentially either uneducated on the matters of antibiotics or trying to make extra cash by flogging them, which in turn means they are lacking in ethics.

This is the problem with the WHOLE Thai healthcare system; it is riddled with poorly trained staff, including doctors who don't appear to know the difference between an antibiotic and an aspirin.

Anyone who uses the Thai healthcare system does so at their own peril....I would suggest that unless it is absolutely necessary one should avoid it "like the plague" - literally!

Totally not correct. The problem is not only a Thai one, but international. All doctors follow the same protocol. They all learn from the same textbook. People in this society tend to respect doctors, I don't. I think they are idiots.

I'm sorry but you are totally misinformed or naive beyond belief if you think that poorly trained Thai doctors are restricted by any sort of international protocol

"they all learn from the same textbook"

WHAT??? You think there's a DUMMIES BOOK for getting to be a doctor??? - I would strongly suggest that you really need to look into how doctors are trained around the world and who's qualifications are accepted in other countries.

as I also said it isn't just the doctors anyway and you like so many appear to ignore the fact that hospitals employ hundreds of staff all of whom need appropriate training.


As i said before on top of all this there is NON monitoring, or comeback...the whole system is a recipe for disaster.

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WHAT??? You think there's a DUMMIES BOOK for getting to be a doctor??? - I would strongly suggest that you really need to look into how doctors are trained around the world and who's qualifications are accepted in other countries.

Of course there is. Most doctors study western medicine just as software engineers study programming. While many things about western medicine have been proven correct, a lot of it hasn't. And any doctor, regardless of the country, believes whatever they were told in their studies. And they will try to feed you that BS because that is what they studied.

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