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Buying Anti-hypertensive meds in pharmacy as opposed to hospital


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HI all would appreciate some information. I currently take a daily dose of Normetic (Amlodopine 5mg/Olmesartan 40 mg) and Concor (Bisoprolol Fumarate 5mg). I get a bimonthly prescription of 56 meds through the cardiologist at my local hospital. I'm sure I am paying well over the odds (4,000 +) and wonder if anyone could give me an idea of what these might cost from a pharmacy via prescription. Many thanks.

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The best source would be to ask at a drugstore (or several) - most such medications are sold OTC so they would be happy to provide there price to attract a new customer. I would look for a place that has good business and is air conditioned. In most cases price will be considerably lower than hospital if they have stock (that can vary greatly - those located near large hospitals often sell both retail and wholesale so often stock more items.

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I am on hypertension meds also. Where are you located. In Phuket the best and cheapest place to buy meds is the pharmacy wharehouse inside the big supercheap. Just take a photo of the box and the english wording on it with your phone and then show it to the girls at the counter. If they are unfamiliar with it they will drap out one of their drug books and check for something they have in stock.

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I am on hypertension meds also. Where are you located. In Phuket the best and cheapest place to buy meds is the pharmacy wharehouse inside the big supercheap. Just take a photo of the box and the english wording on it with your phone and then show it to the girls at the counter. If they are unfamiliar with it they will drap out one of their drug books and check for something they have in stock.

both these both these drugs are avilable at most pharmacies and are very cheap, but ask for Betaco which is generic concor it is much cheaper

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Buying at a pharmacy instead of hospital will usually cut costs about in half. More if you switch from an imported brand to locally made. That is easily done for bisoprolol and there are also local brands of amlodopine. However the only form of olmesartan are imports - both in combo with amlodopine and alone. As you will likely be on these meds long term I suggest you ask your dr about changing from olmesartan to losartan -- same family of meds, same mode of action but available in local brands. You'd then take 3 separate pills, all local brands. Fraction of what you currently spend.

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Thanks for the comments. I'm not looking to change meds as these work perfectly. I'm just wondering if anyone else is taking the same meds and how much they are paying. I am up country so my options are not as great as if I was in BKK or a bigger city. But I'll have a word with a pharmacy here in my local town and see what they can come up with. Thanks again.

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i have had heart valve replacement and a double by-pass this is what i have bought the last 6yrs.

amlopine 5mg.100tabs.manufacter berlin. cost 180bht.per.100box.

bisoprolol fumarate 5mg.100tabs.manu.sps[hypercor] cost 600bht.per 100box.

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I don't take the drugs you are talking about - rather, I take heart medication. By NOT using the hospital pharmacy service I have cut my costs enormously for the exact same drugs. Shop around. I find that pharmacists are quite happy to compete for price. The guy I ended up buying from is very happy to order in if he doesn't stock the item and it usually arrives the next day. Also most pharmacies have someone that can speak English - even up-country as I am too.

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The other cost saving tip worth mentioning here is to buy a higher Mg amount pill and then cut it in half for your daily dosage.

For example, I take 50mg of Loranta per day. However I buy the 100mg pills and cut them in half as a box of 100mg pill is not twice the price of a box of the 50mg pills.

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Thai private hospitals I have been to charge well over the odds.

The 1st time, it is almost "blackmail" as the nurse escorts you to the pharmacy & inserts the script for processing.

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I'm taking losartan potassium 50mg for hypertension and buy through the local pharmacy at about half the price the hospital charge. I would suggest your savings would be similar.

Be careful though with checking expiry dates and place of manufacture; you don't want to buy three months stock that expire this month, and you don't want the version manufactured in Mumbai.

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I take Anaprel and at my local public hospital pay 1/2 a baht a pill, this is cheaper than in the local pharmacies or the same price. I think you will find that if you buy your medicine from public hospitals you will pay a fair price.

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I take Anaprel and at my local public hospital pay 1/2 a baht a pill, this is cheaper than in the local pharmacies or the same price. I think you will find that if you buy your medicine from public hospitals you will pay a fair price.

You've a greater chance of being given a dodgy generic manufactured in Timbuktu at a public hospital. My wife is asthmatic and tried getting her inhaler from the local public hospital under the 30Bht scheme. But she found that the inhaler didn't give her the same relief as one bought from the local pharmacy, they were both generic versions but one was manufactured in Germany the other India.

So beware.

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I am on a similar medicine 5mg/160mg amlodipine/valsartan and buy 28 tabs for a 1000 THB at Facinos Pharmacy in Tescos, its expensive because of manufacture in Spain. Our towns local pharmacy wanted 1400 Baht a box. As pointed out there are local versions of both medicines but in my case I never got on with Amlodopine on its own, made by ankles balloon up.

This country surprises all the time, I have just got over a bout of food poisoning/fever and took Amoxicillan which my wife bought for me at the Moo mom/pop come drug store shop.

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I take Anaprel and at my local public hospital pay 1/2 a baht a pill, this is cheaper than in the local pharmacies or the same price. I think you will find that if you buy your medicine from public hospitals you will pay a fair price.

You've a greater chance of being given a dodgy generic manufactured in Timbuktu at a public hospital. My wife is asthmatic and tried getting her inhaler from the local public hospital under the 30Bht scheme. But she found that the inhaler didn't give her the same relief as one bought from the local pharmacy, they were both generic versions but one was manufactured in Germany the other India.

So beware.

I use the Queen Sirakit hospital for my eye drops They are half the price of farcino and they are the American version

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I take Anaprel and at my local public hospital pay 1/2 a baht a pill, this is cheaper than in the local pharmacies or the same price. I think you will find that if you buy your medicine from public hospitals you will pay a fair price.

You've a greater chance of being given a dodgy generic manufactured in Timbuktu at a public hospital. My wife is asthmatic and tried getting her inhaler from the local public hospital under the 30Bht scheme. But she found that the inhaler didn't give her the same relief as one bought from the local pharmacy, they were both generic versions but one was manufactured in Germany the other India.

So beware.

I use the Queen Sirakit hospital for my eye drops They are half the price of farcino and they are the American version

Are those drops to reduce the pressure ... if so please what do you use and how much ... thanks
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