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Lost UK passport.

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Hello all.

On Sunday nigtht I unfortunately lost my UK passport. I went to make a report to the police yesterdday. I also went to the British embasssy and they just gave me a list of email address I need to use to reapply for a new passport.

My problem is lack of ID. The only photo ID that I have is my work permit. I will also be able to get a letter from my school confirming my address. The police report is in Thai. Will this need to be translated and submitted with the LS1 form? Im pretty concerned about this situation. At the embassy it was hard to understand what the lady was saying i'm confused.

Many thanks.

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You can use the work permit and a copy of the police report if you are asked for ID bay an official.

Do you have copies of your lost passport?

The police report will will need to translated for the passport application.

Be sure you keep a copy of the police report. You will need it when you go to immigration to have your extension/permit to stay reinstated in you new passport.

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Ok thanks mate. I have a copy of the data page of the passport, in black and white....and I think I have a scanned copy of my older passport. That's good about the Work permit being ok. Do you know if I need to go to Immigration now to report this? And for getting the visa reinstated can I do that in my province or do I have to go to bkk. Thanks so much for your help

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You do not need to report to immigration until you get your new passport. You go to your local immigration office where your extension was done if you have one.

If you have a visa they will just reinstate your last entry. If you had a valid visa it was lost with you passport and you would have to go out for a new one.

If you are on an extension of stay they will reinstate your extension stamp and enter any info they may have for the visa you used to get the permit to stay you have been extending..

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You do not need to report to immigration until you get your new passport. You go to your local immigration office where your extension was done if you have one.

If you have a visa they will just reinstate your last entry. If you had a valid visa it was lost with you passport and you would have to go out for a new one.

If you are on an extension of stay they will reinstate your extension stamp and enter any info they may have for the visa you used to get the permit to stay you have been extending..

Ok thanks for that. I am now having problems with my school giving me a letter confirming mate current address. They say they can't do this as I am not resident at my school. Do you know if the embasssy would accept a signed and stamped letter from my landord? I can't think of anything else that I can use.

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The school does not really have to confirm your address. See it they will write a letter to you for any reason and put your address as if they were mailing it to you.

If you have a rental agreement in your name you could use it. It would have to be translated to English.

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The school does not really have to confirm your address. See it they will write a letter to you for any reason and put your address as if they were mailing it to you.

If you have a rental agreement in your name you could use it. It would have to be translated to English.

Hello mate. Sorry for the delay in reponse..has been hectic. Getting things from the school has been difficult, but I now have an original copy of a certificate of employment with my address and photo on it. signed and stamp. Have a letter from landlord confirming my address and a stamped tax return form with my name and address. The letter from my landlord states the date i moved in and how much I pay per month.

Do you think this will be ok? This is more than likely all I will be be able to get in terms of proof of residency aside from a tenancy agreement but the tenency agreement that I have is only a copied version and they didn't seem impressed with having to write the letter for me so requesting an original copy of the tenency could prove problematic.

Edited by Jay1
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Ok thanks so much. Do you think a colour copy of my WP, a black and white copy of my lost passport and a colour copy of my previous passport will be sufficient in terms of photo ID for the passport application? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just obviously really worried

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