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Submarine procurement project put on hold, says Thai Deputy PM

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I have it on good authority that the retractably wheels design ran into problems. sad.png

Seems like the bulkheads could not withstand the extra force the shock absorbers would create driving over the sea bottom with half the superstructure above water.

The wheel design modification is progressing and classified. wink.png

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I wont get too excited with this news. The army still have the allocated submarine budget and will spend it whichever way they want. The Mercs and the BMW are just on hold too. The submarine budget is part of the defence budget worth 207B for 2016 which have been approved by the NLA. It will get spent someway or the other and nothing from this treasure trove will revert back to the people in need.


Let's not be confusing issues here with too much knowledge please.

Why not use the money,instead of Subs they really dont need, and create National Service for all Thais when they reach 18yrs old ?(men)

After boot Camp Train them in different fields, that are of use to them when they complete the 2 yrs....
It would firstly get them off their bums and off the streets, and work daily....and second it would stamp out any corruption if it was in the Army (i.e.having to pay someone to get in). In 2yrs you have the start of a real workforce that has been taught the fundamentals of discipline..They would also be the first pick for the Police force after 2yrs

Watch Thailand go ahead then.....Singapore did.

just my thoughts.

Umm , they do have national service, conscripts are selected by ballot every April.
Rather than paying to get in the Army there are " informal" arrangements to get out - 35K. is the going rate I believe.
After basic training conscripts are taught golf course maintenance and a host of other domestic skills. The only thing they don't do, I gather from taking to my wife's younger relatives is any soldiering.
It's also not uncommon for conscripts to be sent home after the first year, and their pay to be, how shall we put it, redirected.

Unbelievable. They have actually listened to public opinion. Well knock me down with a feather.

Oddly enough I believe they very often do fly these kites to give them a clue as to how to run things.


They found another way of topping up Mia Noi Mastercard and purchasing some Lamborghini ... clap2.gif

It will come up again or it will be a massive loss of face - imagine to actually change their mind, I dont believe it ...wai.gif


Chinese bikes are bad enough.... a Chinese sub? What are they thinking! Besides... what do the Thais want with a sub in the first place? Moor it off the far south and say "Behave"? Nothing against the Thai Navy they do their job. But a sub? Come one.


If there is 1 thing Thailand doesn't need its a bigger military... It's swollen beyond comprehension as it is.

You should aquaint yourself with reality.....which is quite different from your erroneous guess.

Compare Military Expenditures of ASEAN countries.


OK well tell me WHY it needs a bigger military, what is the issue / issues that require even more soldiers to join the ranks than now.

Even when the army does the job of the police it still copes.

I wasn't talking about expenditure either. I was getting at how are x amount of soldiers going to benefit the country in new and innovative ways. I can't see it personally. If you can do please enlighten me


'Prawit ... said the Navy will have to work on informing the public ... and come up with comparative information on what Thailand will gain in terms of maritime benefits ...' Something the navy evidently didn't need to do in order to convince Prawit.


Unbelievable. They have actually listened to public opinion. Well knock me down with a feather.

Or else - and far more likely - they have worked out a way to extract the funds needed to do "studies" on this. The 63-years-without-subs Submarine Division complete with admirals will continue to draw a large budget I'm sure.

How many governments have there been in the last 63 years? Why do you think none of them chose to do something about this Submarine Division? How many admirals, officers and ratings are involved? Why didn't the PTP's Defence Minister examine the role of this division?

That's the trouble with PTP supporters. They automatically assume everyone must be as bent as PTP and their criminal boss.


Why not use the money,instead of Subs they really dont need, and create National Service for all Thais when they reach 18yrs old ?(men)

After boot Camp Train them in different fields, that are of use to them when they complete the 2 yrs....

It would firstly get them off their bums and off the streets, and work daily....and second it would stamp out any corruption if it was in the Army (i.e.having to pay someone to get in). In 2yrs you have the start of a real workforce that has been taught the fundamentals of discipline..They would also be the first pick for the Police force after 2yrs

Watch Thailand go ahead then.....Singapore did.

just my thoughts.

Crazy.. I would oppose this with all my life. Never went to the army myself as when you study in my country your exempt. You don't learn anything there and its a complete waste of time. (had friends who were forced to go there.. what do you think happened.. drinking drinking drinking)

Old people just think its good and think you learn something. Learning you do at school and when your working. Not wasting time in green.

The army is an option for dumb people.

Just use the money to overhaul the school system and provide some real education.

The army is an option for dumb people. - Is that a fact? Let's see, I turned down the opportunity to join Mensa when I was 17. I turned down 11 full scholarships. What did I do? Well, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and stayed for 20 years. During that time I acquired 2 Bachelor's and one Master's Degree. Nor was I the only one who did things of a similar nature.

I find your statement both ignorant and without any basis of knowledge.

I totally agree with you Just1Voice what an arrogant comment coming from a desk jockey.

I also got a good degree whilst serving in the UK armed forces, mind you that was between my drinking, drinking and drinking !

I have quite a few friends with The Korps Marinier who would disagree with him also

Best keep doing what you do best Rob, writing the PM'S speeches and propping up the Junta.

Have a nice day


Prayut didn't torpedo the sub puchases, just delayed approval. He just ordered the navy to Dive, Dive and Go to Periscope Depth.

The Navy was denied its request for subs during the Yingluck regime. It appears it wants to take advantage of the Junta's control of the government to press for sub purchases.

So the Navy doesn't need to convince the cabinet (aka Prayut) or the NLA (aka Prayut), only Prayut. And with the probable backing of Admiral Narong Pipathanasai as Deputy Leader of the NCPO, you can be sure that tentative approval was already considered by NCPO Chief Prayut.

Now that Prayut is essentially a politician as Head of Government, he needs the navy to do some PR to rally pro-Junta supporters as a show of strength. This will climax with a new Dusit or NIDA poll finding that 80%+ of those polled feel the subs are vital to the nation's security.

The sub purchases are possibly part of the Chinese dual rail deal to compensate for below market Chinese loans and three-year grace period for loan payments - essentially pure profit to the lender. Rejection of the sub purchases would upset the financial arrangements and neither party can suffer public humilitation with having to renegotiate the deal when 36 billion baht is removed from the profit margin.

But maybe another Chinese naval weapons system like advanced anti-submarine and mine sweeping capability might be substituted for the subs. This would merely be upgrades for the navy. And the Dual Rail financial deal remains in tact.

Why did Thaksin deny their previous request during his last regime? They wouldn't agree to support him? Not high enough kick back?

I don't remember the PTP Defense Minister speaking about it in parliament - oh, but wait, she never actually spoke in parliament as DM did she?

You like speculating, would you like to speculate the amount of back-hander Thaksin was in for if the water management project had been pushed through without any EIA's or real tendering following his visit to the contractor? Or how much of the 2.2. trillion off budget, out of parliament, loan would have been scammed into Shin and Shin crony pockets?


My opinion is that this change of mind comes only a few days after the USA made statements implying Thailand and it's Chinese subs would not be invited to yearly war games. These subs would cost Thailand a lot more than B36 billion if they are excluded from the gravy train that is US defense spending in SEA. Buying those subs was a bad idea on so many levels, yet doing so was championed all the way to the top.


Sub deal not sunk, just on silent running now.

No hurry, though, many Thais speculate the PM's Democratic Coup will last well into 2017, at the least.

Resume rants.


Oh thank God, commonsense can prevail. Imagine what 36 billion baht could do spent on water management and related civil engineering in Thailand. Hearts and minds Mr.P, hearts and minds.


36 billion baht. Approx 1.01 billion dollars.

For that much money, they can supply a campaign to take over Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia and double their revenue.

How come Thai's don't think like Germans. Be efficient!

This guy might give you the answer.



They should buy some very old cheap subs....good enough

A very cheap sub is just a surface vessel with a conning tower, and an over-kill for a garbage disposal system.


But Thailand wont become a world dominating superpower without our necessary submarines because the aircraft carrier wont frighten china back to port not even with a lick of new paint.


"put on hold" - just a sanctimonious platitude to those who know there are better ways of spending the money to help the country. coffee1.gif

Maybe the Defence Minister is learning how to be a politician as a future occupation?


The whole proposal was a political statement to the U.S and anyone else who are against this illegal military dictatorship. Now it has backfired on them big time.

Philippines reopens Subic Bay as military base to cover South China Sea

The Philippines are now begging the U.S to come back to the Subic bay along with a huge arms deal for India and Vietnam. Thailand with its Generals have in their infinite wisdom isolated the country not only from the U.S but to all its neighbors. I can feel the atmosphere in HQ right now. The once friendly open and subordinate ASEAN countries who looked at Thailand as its powerful military, ''U.S friendly neighbor'' are now cold shouldering them. Under conditions set out by the U.S in direct response to its view that this government is illegal and will not be tolerated. Thailand has consistently refused to listen to the views and implications of its actions and now it is being outcast. Now the General can sit back and watch its neighbors become Americas answer to the south China sea crisis and all the rewards and economical benefits that will come with it.

Som Nam Na Mr Prayut.


Why not use the money,instead of Subs they really dont need, and create National Service for all Thais when they reach 18yrs old ?(men)

After boot Camp Train them in different fields, that are of use to them when they complete the 2 yrs....

It would firstly get them off their bums and off the streets, and work daily....and second it would stamp out any corruption if it was in the Army (i.e.having to pay someone to get in). In 2yrs you have the start of a real workforce that has been taught the fundamentals of discipline..They would also be the first pick for the Police force after 2yrs

Watch Thailand go ahead then.....Singapore did.

just my thoughts.

Crazy.. I would oppose this with all my life. Never went to the army myself as when you study in my country your exempt. You don't learn anything there and its a complete waste of time. (had friends who were forced to go there.. what do you think happened.. drinking drinking drinking)

Old people just think its good and think you learn something. Learning you do at school and when your working. Not wasting time in green.

The army is an option for dumb people.

Just use the money to overhaul the school system and provide some real education.

The army is an option for dumb people. - Is that a fact? Let's see, I turned down the opportunity to join Mensa when I was 17. I turned down 11 full scholarships. What did I do? Well, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and stayed for 20 years. During that time I acquired 2 Bachelor's and one Master's Degree. Nor was I the only one who did things of a similar nature.

I find your statement both ignorant and without any basis of knowledge.

I totally agree with you Just1Voice what an arrogant comment coming from a desk jockey.

I also got a good degree whilst serving in the UK armed forces, mind you that was between my drinking, drinking and drinking !

I have quite a few friends with The Korps Marinier who would disagree with him also

Best keep doing what you do best Rob, writing the PM'S speeches and propping up the Junta.

Have a nice day

Can you imagine having this creep ''Robblok'' as your battle partner. Life expectancy in battle. 0.25 seconds.


Why not use the money,instead of Subs they really dont need, and create National Service for all Thais when they reach 18yrs old ?(men)

After boot Camp Train them in different fields, that are of use to them when they complete the 2 yrs....

It would firstly get them off their bums and off the streets, and work daily....and second it would stamp out any corruption if it was in the Army (i.e.having to pay someone to get in). In 2yrs you have the start of a real workforce that has been taught the fundamentals of discipline..They would also be the first pick for the Police force after 2yrs

Watch Thailand go ahead then.....Singapore did.

You mean like in Germany in the 30ties of the last century when millions of Germans had to build the "Autobahn" during Hitler's reign?

just my thoughts.


Can you imagine having this creep ''Robblok'' as your battle partner. Life expectancy in battle. 0.25 seconds.

Not really. I'd probably shoot him before the enemy did.


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