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Bangkok traffic cops told to respect bosses' privilege

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About time too that these lower grade police and volunteers got slapped down. It is an outrage that law abiding teetotal senior officers should be treated to the humiliation of being breath tested.The next thing you know they will be insisting on searching them at airports in case they are carrying guns on board planes.

Again Thailand is setting a world trend, a step that other countries fail miserably to copy.

I am certain that in this right minded progressive society that we will see the plate numbers and photos of these individuals shortly prominently displayed in the papers so we can all dive for cover when they weave their way back home after a bender.

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what this tells me is that all top ranking cops do not have to obey the law. I guess they are above the law. Those cops were doing their job and doing it corectly, he should have given them praise NOT criticize them.


Why are we surprised at this? Elite class still reigns free. Sanctioned government corruption blatant. Sad state of affairs.

We are surprised because it is such a blatant and public exposure of elite attitudes which are usually expressed more subtly. We know what the puu yai are like but I for one, in all my decades in Thailand, have never seen such a shameless and completely unnuanced self-exposure by a big wig, with such a blatant spoken contravention of the correct professional behaviour. That is why I'm surprised, and why so many of us are. If you're not, I can only conjecture that you keep company with the elite and are accustomed to hearing such stuff on a personal level.


Bangkok traffic cops told to respect bosses' privilege.
What privilege here?
To drive possibly drunk?
To refuse an alcohol test?
Criticizing officers on duty and not to follow their instructions when he is off duty?
Not to follow the laws?
They are inflated Clowns without any leadership qualitys.

What's next?
Shoot someone in the head without penalty?


Wouldn't it have ben wise for him to take the test to prove that no one is above the law?

To me it indicates that he probably had been drinking.

But Thai elites would rather appear out of line than give up their excess privileges.


Beyond belief.

And here I was hoping that things might gradually change - seems I was deluded.

Might as well just call- off the coup, the protests, the inconvenience and invite Thaksin back to take over again, seems we are no better off than before - if you're in power just do as you please.

Surely there is a really hard nosed military guy somewhere in Thailand with the balls to take over and really bang heads together - not pussy foot around the difficult issues while making a lot of noise over the simple fix-up's,although seems some of the easy fix-up's are now getting too difficult.

End of rant - back to being deluded it's easier on the blood pressure.


Because of the hierarchy system that the Thais have had ingrained in themselves since birth. This insolent behavior does not have any impact on the publics thinking. The public is trained that the elite are afforded these indiscretions without any recourse. This in itself will always keep Thailand in the lowest echelon of progress in the modern world. So sad that these people will forever lack the morals and intelligence that the rest of the world can achieve. They don't even recognize what the issue is, similar to the North Koreans not knowing the state their country is in. Ignorance truly is blissful.


Crazy to the extreme I bet everyone agrees.. pro junta .. pro Thaksin.. everyone with half a brain agrees that this is stupid.

There are some things we can all agree on. The law should be enforced equally without prejudice or favour. All Thais should be equal in the eyes of the law.

Looks like there's a long way to go before that is the case.


Because of the hierarchy system that the Thais have had ingrained in themselves since birth. This insolent behavior does not have any impact on the publics thinking. The public is trained that the elite are afforded these indiscretions without any recourse. This in itself will always keep Thailand in the lowest echelon of progress in the modern world. So sad that these people will forever lack the morals and intelligence that the rest of the world can achieve. They don't even recognize what the issue is, similar to the North Koreans not knowing the state their country is in. Ignorance truly is blissful.

Absolutely spot on.

In fact, reading a Mathayom 1 textbook the other day, the hierarchical system was justified by the fact that the status and wealth of the family one is born into is a direct result of accumulated merits and demerits from previous existences. I got the feeling Buddhist teachings were being bent to fit the existing power structures of Thai society.


That's just a confirmation that nothing has changed and nothing will change the next 50 Years. I'm sorry for the decent Thai people. Just another punch into their face.


Beyond belief.

And here I was hoping that things might gradually change - seems I was deluded.

Might as well just call- off the coup, the protests, the inconvenience and invite Thaksin back to take over again, seems we are no better off than before - if you're in power just do as you please.

Surely there is a really hard nosed military guy somewhere in Thailand with the balls to take over and really bang heads together - not pussy foot around the difficult issues while making a lot of noise over the simple fix-up's,although seems some of the easy fix-up's are now getting too difficult.

End of rant - back to being deluded it's easier on the blood pressure.

I feel the same.

Think positive. The hope that really crucial system errors be parked.

That the law and the penalties for all should be equal in a society.

And then there are coming public out these two inflated clowns and try to bend the entire police force in their favor with privileges.

The public proclamation that the law does not apply to all.

Yes, Beyond belief.



Other extraordinary quotes from a truly unbelievable story:

"As for selecting which car for alcohol test, we will judge by the clothes, manner, and the way they talk."

"After talking to someone who is sober for one to two minutes, you should be able to tell that they don’t smell of alcohol," he said. "Those people shouldn't be called to take the test. You have to look. Don't just randomly inspect people."

"After I identified myself to [the volunteer cops], they turned pale," Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah said, according to Matichon.

"If ordinary people have this experience, what would they think? "

This is the funniest part.... if I am not mistaken, the critical relevance to such testing is in its randomness. I believe in the west they are known as "random breath tests"... LOL, They are totally uneducated in law enforcement- from the bottom to the top.

(As the esteemed leader is blatantly ignorant of democracy, so the police are devoid of knowledge of law, enforcement and justice and protocol... this is the endemic problem in Thailand - an absolute and complete ignorance of pretty well everything. It will require massive overhauling, I doubt anyone here today will be alive to see that day... These problems are profound, and truly saddening).


what complete total b--l s--t!!!

reasone why Thailand is so <deleted> up. here is a perfect example. i am the BIG guy and am above all LAWS and exempt from any LAW FULL request. i get more brown bags than you, so you need to listen to me. when i say jump, you are suppost to ask how hi.

if the chief of police can not observe the LAW, how do you expect any one else to. they have a saying for this; good old buddy boy system, do what i say not what i do.

so, this is how you lead by example??????

i only hope that the PM has the b-lls to have this person in for one of his adjustment sessions and moves him to an inactive post and retire him. it is about time changes happen if you really want to improve the country. no one is above the law!!


Crazy to the extreme I bet everyone agrees.. pro junta .. pro Thaksin.. everyone with half a brain agrees that this is stupid.

Absolutely Rob,

But you see the way it works. The chosen ones can't be stopped, questioned, inconvenienced by the minions no matter what they do, how they behave or whatever the consequences. They are always right and can say and do anything to keep face.

And that's true for the politicians of all persuasion, senior police and military, senior military, senior members of society and all their spouses and offspring.


Crazy to the extreme I bet everyone agrees.. pro junta .. pro Thaksin.. everyone with half a brain agrees that this is stupid.

Obviously not "every" one does agree.


Bangkok traffic cops told to respect bosses' privilege.

What privilege here?

To drive possibly drunk?

To refuse an alcohol test?

Criticizing officers on duty and not to follow their instructions when he is off duty?

Not to follow the laws?

They are inflated Clowns without any leadership qualitys.

What's next?

Shoot someone in the head without penalty?

I believe this one has been done already. If I recall correctly the alleged perp became a trainer of police marksmen.


Because of the hierarchy system that the Thais have had ingrained in themselves since birth. This insolent behavior does not have any impact on the publics thinking. The public is trained that the elite are afforded these indiscretions without any recourse. This in itself will always keep Thailand in the lowest echelon of progress in the modern world. So sad that these people will forever lack the morals and intelligence that the rest of the world can achieve. They don't even recognize what the issue is, similar to the North Koreans not knowing the state their country is in. Ignorance truly is blissful.

Absolutely spot on.

In fact, reading a Mathayom 1 textbook the other day, the hierarchical system was justified by the fact that the status and wealth of the family one is born into is a direct result of accumulated merits and demerits from previous existences. I got the feeling Buddhist teachings were being bent to fit the existing power structures of Thai society.

Actually, the Buddhist teachings were invented for just that reason.


Other extraordinary quotes from a truly unbelievable story:

"As for selecting which car for alcohol test, we will judge by the clothes, manner, and the way they talk."

"After talking to someone who is sober for one to two minutes, you should be able to tell that they don’t smell of alcohol," he said. "Those people shouldn't be called to take the test. You have to look. Don't just randomly inspect people."

"After I identified myself to [the volunteer cops], they turned pale," Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah said, according to Matichon.

"If ordinary people have this experience, what would they think? "

This is the funniest part.... if I am not mistaken, the critical relevance to such testing is in its randomness. I believe in the west they are known as "random breath tests"... LOL, They are totally uneducated in law enforcement- from the bottom to the top.

(As the esteemed leader is blatantly ignorant of democracy, so the police are devoid of knowledge of law, enforcement and justice and protocol... this is the endemic problem in Thailand - an absolute and complete ignorance of pretty well everything. It will require massive overhauling, I doubt anyone here today will be alive to see that day... These problems are profound, and truly saddening).

Unless UK law changed, the police cannot stop you for a random drink test. They have to have a reason for the initial stoppage.


well I was drinking at the Corner store last night with 2 of Duty officers and couple red bus operators and few local lads we where all happy and I was the only one that walked home Well I think I walked


'"I have instructed all volunteers and police officers to memorize faces, names, and license plates of their commanders well, so that this mistake will not happen again," Pol.Maj.Gen. Thanapon said.' What mistake? Them requesting a breath test? Or that arrogant w . . . . r demanding special treatment?

'He added that volunteer traffic officers will need to go through "a short orientation to see if they are qualified."' So should some of RTP's generals. That would sort the chaff from the wheat - and no doubt leave the BiB desperate for senior officers of merit.


You have got to be kidding!! blink.png

I think they should step back in time on this one where 4 slaves used to carry you on their shoulders and you sat in a golden chair with another couple of guys fanning you. As you would not be "driving" it would not matter. I cannot believe that our dear leader did not step forth and chastise this guy. His silence is not golden in this case. This looks so bad all around. When you see this guy or others of his ilk in person must you bow down and kiss their ring?


You have got to be kidding!! blink.png

I don't know if still the same in the UK that Police can only stop someone if they are breaking the law, such as speeding or faulty lights etc. In the past then and only then coud they ask someone to give a breath test. A random police check point in my opinion does not qualify. As for remembering senior officers number plates that is open house on them getting drunk, driving in the knowledge they will NOT get stopped


This just gets more ridiculous the more is said. One law for the priviliged another for the rest. If people were obviously drunk we wouldn't need a breathalyser. In my country the maximum is .05. Many people appear quite sober but judgement is impaired. I am speechless!!!!!!

I bet it doesn't make the Thai media, Nation, Bangkok Post, TV. Disgusting flouting of the law. I hope the person is kicked out by the PM.

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