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Do even the best Thai Wives tell Lies?


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If a Thai lady (or any female for that matter) tells you that you are are a hunsum and desirable man , what is worse is the lie you tell yourself by believing she is telling the truth.

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I Never Lie To My Thai Wife. Well .....

Steve My Husband ...

+ Do I look fat in this?

+ Do you think I eat too much?

+ Are you always horny?

+ Do you like Thai food?

+ Do you think I sleep all the time?

+ Do you like beer?

+ Why you always want pizza?

+ Is my hair too short?

+ Are my legs getting big?

+ Do you like a big butt?

+ Do you take Viagra?

+ Do you like blondes better than dark hair woman?

+ Do you think of sex all time?

+ Do you like my small breasts?


I lie once an hour ... on the hour.

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I Never Lie To My Thai Wife. Well .....

Steve My Husband ...

+ Do I look fat in this?

+ Do you think I eat too much?

+ Are you always horny?

+ Do you like Thai food?

+ Do you think I sleep all the time?

+ Do you like beer?

+ Why you always want pizza?

+ Is my hair too short?

+ Are my legs getting big?

+ Do you like a big butt?

+ Do you take Viagra?

+ Do you like blondes better than dark hair woman?

+ Do you think of sex all time?

+ Do you like my small breasts?


I lie once an hour ... on the hour.

It's very strange - instead of discussing family, art, politics, nature, ( interior design- I am a friend of Dorothy ) etc etc

You only lie about sexual matters- ( and Pizza ) a reflection on the fabulous quality of ex- sexpats who seem to make the Kingdom their home ?

Try expanding your horizons

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I Never Lie To My Thai Wife. Well .....

Steve My Husband ...

+ Do I look fat in this?

+ Do you think I eat too much?

+ Are you always horny?

+ Do you like Thai food?

+ Do you think I sleep all the time?

+ Do you like beer?

+ Why you always want pizza?

+ Is my hair too short?

+ Are my legs getting big?

+ Do you like a big butt?

+ Do you take Viagra?

+ Do you like blondes better than dark hair woman?

+ Do you think of sex all time?

+ Do you like my small breasts?


I lie once an hour ... on the hour.

I have always been puzzled about men not being able to tell their wife/GF that they look fat in a dress and so on. Truth hurts, part of being adult. Either you handle it or cry like a girl.

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Gee ... Guys. I was just trying to be funny.

By the way - Jerk Wad.

We live on Maui, Hawaii. Not "The Kingdom".

The Kingdom Is Not Our Home.

We do live in our condo in BKK 3-4 months of the year.

I'll try to expand my horizons.

{{{{ Why-o-Why would ANYONE post on this site?}}}}}

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More importantly, do we ever know the truth about anything?

It really depends on what people consider to be a lie......how it is defined.

Is an embellishment a lie?

Are you lying if you misdirect the truth, when the reality would crush a person completely? Or do you soften the blow, so it is easier for them to bear, in their time of need?

If your child is having a birthday party tomorrow, & fears it might rain, are you lying when you tell them it won't, so they don't get sad?

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What kind of lies are you talking about?

There are harmless lies....you cook her a God-awful meal and she tells you it's "just fine." Or you buy her a butt-ugly scarf for her birthday and she says she "loves it."

Then there are the more serious kinds....like "he's my brother, I go stay with him tonight because he's afraid to be alone." Or "my mom in hospital, need 500,000 bt operation" when her mom is perfectly healthy and out in the fields morning to night.

And everything in between. So again, what kind of lie are you referring to?

Nothing like that, I'm not even sure she is lying, there is just something I want to know, if it is a lie it is harmless.

The thing that I'm particularly torn about is whether a Thai girl needs to come clean about her past. I'm not even talking about BGs, but just regular girls when asked about how many guys they've been with. Nearly every "normal" Thai girl that I've dated tells me they've been intimate with only one guy in all their life (always a Thai guy, their first love). I have no way of knowing for sure (or if I even want to know), but there are times when I'm certain they're lying. Farang-hunters are a different breed, of course, and they'll happily admit/brag about how many foreigners they've been with.

What's contradicting, perhaps, is that I myself would never admit to a girl about how many females I've been with. I wouldn't even admit that I'd been with a BG. So yes, we all lie or mislead in some form or another.

why should any woman be required to provide you with a sexual resume?

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Tigerandog, you're one very bitter man, how can you generalize because you had a relationship with acouple Aussie women. Why,did they not tell you every day, hullo hansum. You vely hansum , while they checked out you ATM card. I speak some Thai, my best friend is Thai, my studies were on Thai culture. Look in the mirror with your Thai girlfriend /boyfriend ,wife/husband & ask them a question, do their eyes look away, or down & smile on reply? You muppet

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What kind of lies are you talking about?

There are harmless lies....you cook her a God-awful meal and she tells you it's "just fine." Or you buy her a butt-ugly scarf for her birthday and she says she "loves it."

Then there are the more serious kinds....like "he's my brother, I go stay with him tonight because he's afraid to be alone." Or "my mom in hospital, need 500,000 bt operation" when her mom is perfectly healthy and out in the fields morning to night.

And everything in between. So again, what kind of lie are you referring to?

Nothing like that, I'm not even sure she is lying, there is just something I want to know, if it is a lie it is harmless.

The thing that I'm particularly torn about is whether a Thai girl needs to come clean about her past. I'm not even talking about BGs, but just regular girls when asked about how many guys they've been with. Nearly every "normal" Thai girl that I've dated tells me they've been intimate with only one guy in all their life (always a Thai guy, their first love). I have no way of knowing for sure (or if I even want to know), but there are times when I'm certain they're lying. Farang-hunters are a different breed, of course, and they'll happily admit/brag about how many foreigners they've been with.

What's contradicting, perhaps, is that I myself would never admit to a girl about how many females I've been with. I wouldn't even admit that I'd been with a BG. So yes, we all lie or mislead in some form or another.

why should any woman be required to provide you with a sexual resume?

Where did I say that she was "required?" That's why I said I was torn. A person's sexual history shouldn't matter...except that it does. Well, it's all a matter of personal preference. Clearly, you don't care whether your wife/GF has been with one man or several hundred. That's your personal preference. If mine differs, why would you have a problem with that?

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whistling.gif Be serious.

All people, (not just men and/or women), are individuals with their own likes and dislikes.

There are always things one party in a marriage likes, and the other party doesn't care for.

But to keep the marriage going (assuming that the parties are happily married), there will always be things he or she will lie about that they like....when in reality they don't like that thing.

One of the parties to the marriage may love going to Dog Shows, the other is bored by them.

The secret of a long-lasting marriage is to go to the Dog Shows you can't stand and to lie to your partner how much you like those Dog shows the other one loves.

It's called compromise, and if your marriage is worthwhile. a lot of compromise will be needed to keep it together.

And that requires learning to lie with conviction.


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My piece is brutally honest. Not sure if that is better or worse.

Mine must be related to yours somewhere along the line thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Well both our wives are married to Scots.
Another Scot here.....

Over the years I have never known mine to lie....Nor have I come across an instance or situation when something contrary or different popped up afterwards.....

She will say sorry if something has happened - many times before I'm aware of it....

She has no tolerance for gossip and will not speak with those that do.....

Our 14 year old daughter has been brought up the same way and is also straight forward pretty much the same mode only not as self assured - but she will be with age.....

The 7 y/o is a work in progress but turning out much the same.....If my wife notices a behavioral change that is not good from the influence of a friend then she is not allowed or monitored and coached about it.....

It's a small IL family and all straight forward with no drama.....

Same here,though I'm not a Scott,thank god

I ' d had a few experiences with Thai girls b4 I met my wife. For the first 6 months I used to set her traps to see if she would lie to me,she never did. I was still very wary for the next 18mths again she never lied to me and I don't believe she ever has,except with very small instances such as deniaing that she's eaten the last piece of cake.Now together 9 yrs.

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Gee ... Guys. I was just trying to be funny.

By the way - Jerk Wad.

We live on Maui, Hawaii. Not "The Kingdom".

The Kingdom Is Not Our Home.

We do live in our condo in BKK 3-4 months of the year.

I'll try to expand my horizons.

{{{{ Why-o-Why would ANYONE post on this site?}}}}}

Don't worry about it mate. Just remember that if we were all the same "would't life be boring"

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Many years ago when i was still married to my German wife we traveled from Bavaria to North Germany for her Grandfathers birthday. While there my wife an i chatted with her Grandfather while her Grandmother was in the kitchen preparing a carp for dinner. The Grandfather confessed that he hated eating carp but when they were first married his wife made him a carp for dinner, there wasn't much else to get in those days, he forced himself to eat the carp and praised his wife on her cooking skills and how it was his favourit meal.She agreed she enjoyed preparing carp and eating it as much as he did so we mustn't tell her the truth as she made him a carp meal every birthday and it would upset her, he said he preferred chicken . When my wife came out of the kitchen after speaking with her Grandmother she was silently laughing. Later she told me her Grandmother had told her that she hated eating any kind of fish and preparing carp was very troublesome she would much prefer to cook him a chicken but we mustn't tell him the truth, it would upset him. A successful marriage where a white lie undoubtedly helped.

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The first thing I learnt in LOS was..."How do you know when a Thai female is lying .........Their lips are moving"!

Never the less as several have already mentioned we all do it's just the shade of black to white and the difference between eastern and western cultures and how they treat lying. Westerns condone it but Buddhists I understand can sometimes make merit.

We have to be tolerant andmake own decisions based on circumstsnces.

Your first sentence would apply more to a British politician.

Surely that should just be "politicians"!

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The first thing I learnt in LOS was..."How do you know when a Thai female is lying .........Their lips are moving"!

Never the less as several have already mentioned we all do it's just the shade of black to white and the difference between eastern and western cultures and how they treat lying. Westerns condone it but Buddhists I understand can sometimes make merit.

We have to be tolerant andmake own decisions based on circumstsnces.

Your first sentence would apply more to a British politician.

Surely that should just be "politicians"!

You are probably right, but I think it would be wrong for a UK person to refer to American or Australian politicians or any other countries politicians in that way.

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The first thing I learnt in LOS was..."How do you know when a Thai female is lying .........Their lips are moving"!

Never the less as several have already mentioned we all do it's just the shade of black to white and the difference between eastern and western cultures and how they treat lying. Westerns condone it but Buddhists I understand can sometimes make merit.

We have to be tolerant andmake own decisions based on circumstsnces.

Your first sentence would apply more to a British politician.

Surely that should just be "politicians"!

You are probably right, but I think it would be wrong for a UK person to refer to American or Australian politicians or any other countries politicians in that way.

Why? As Churchill once said, ''The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end there it is.''

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I have found that many Thais instead of telling a direct lie will not speak. Or If you ask them a question they will say things like " why you ask me that, believe what you want... Up to you " basically avoiding giving an answer. To me this is just as bad as a lie.

Two types of people you can never trust, a liar and a thief.

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The only 'truth' that any of us know, is that we exist. All the rest is unprovable.

Try telling that to the tax man

Soo right Soal, once they get their 'teeth' into you, they do not let go.

But when they owe you money....!!!

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She keeps telling me how nice looking i am and havnt changed a bit in the 22 years we have been married , oh i dont know ,maybe she isnt lying after all

Lucky you! I wish my wife told me those sort of lies

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Many years ago when i was still married to my German wife we traveled from Bavaria to North Germany for her Grandfathers birthday. While there my wife an i chatted with her Grandfather while her Grandmother was in the kitchen preparing a carp for dinner. The Grandfather confessed that he hated eating carp but when they were first married his wife made him a carp for dinner, there wasn't much else to get in those days, he forced himself to eat the carp and praised his wife on her cooking skills and how it was his favourit meal.She agreed she enjoyed preparing carp and eating it as much as he did so we mustn't tell her the truth as she made him a carp meal every birthday and it would upset her, he said he preferred chicken . When my wife came out of the kitchen after speaking with her Grandmother she was silently laughing. Later she told me her Grandmother had told her that she hated eating any kind of fish and preparing carp was very troublesome she would much prefer to cook him a chicken but we mustn't tell him the truth, it would upset him. A successful marriage where a white lie undoubtedly helped.

Well then they wouldn't have had to torture themselves if they had both simply told the truth, Hope you both put them in the picture and had a good laugh

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The first thing I learnt in LOS was..."How do you know when a Thai female is lying .........Their lips are moving"!

Never the less as several have already mentioned we all do it's just the shade of black to white and the difference between eastern and western cultures and how they treat lying. Westerns condone it but Buddhists I understand can sometimes make merit.

We have to be tolerant andmake own decisions based on circumstsnces.

Your first sentence would apply more to a British politician.

Surely that should just be "politicians"!

You are probably right, but I think it would be wrong for a UK person to refer to American or Australian politicians or any other countries politicians in that way.

Why? It's well known that politicians lie, wherever they live. Probably the only US person running for office that doesn't lie is Trump and he's not a politician, yet. If he actually wins, you can expect the situation with him to change.

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