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If You Are Planning A Trip To Thailand Now


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Its a bit disconcerting that the Australian government are urging their countrymen NOT to travel to Thailand.

I just don't understand it...Britain has said "Business as usual" so why are the Ozzies so scared???

well pauly, :D

let me answer your question and clear your conundrum for you.

its not the general aussies that are scared as we are a very resiliant lot and take things in our stride.

its is the goverment that is very paranoid these days and issue a travel warning if someone even farts in another country. :D

the only reason they do this is so that if anything happens they can cover there arse and cry out loud, " WE TOLD YOU SO ". :D

after the bali bombings the goverment got slammed for there lack of travel warnings to the island and dont want to get caught again.

pure politics my friend, thats all. :D

cheers :o

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I will be there 11-7 through 12 -6.

Unfortunaely Doc I will not be allowed to bring your vino as no liquids allowed even in stowed luggage.

Still like to meet though if possible. I'm sure we can find a taste of the Red that won't be too bad.

I bought a bottle of some Bordeaux, St. Emillion while on vacation in Hua Hin last year.

It was quite expensive and not as fresh as could be but it tasted quite good while sipping on the the beach at sunset.



cricky's pepe, you and your mate sound like you should get a room.

but that sort of thing is ok over here. :D


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I remember returning to the U.S. after my first six months in the Philippines my friend said"Man you go to Asia wile we are in the middal of a terror war, we all set in the bar every friday and talk about what a nut case you are". U.S. advizing for years don't go there now cause natives resless in the south. So now its ok if we are retired or living in Thailand but tourist wouldn't go there for few weeks cause of the situation now as if it was different two weeks ago. :D:o:D Some people understand that the best time to go any where is when others are afraid to. Back packers will return home with tall tails about how they were there during the military take over. Was tuff times beer was so cheep I had to work to spend my daily budget. :D Myself at 57 I just do what I want some one else can sort it out latter. :D

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it will affect me if i bring my wife and child to bangkok in the middle of a coup! how can you say it won't ? or have you no concept of safety?

i dont't know about you but i don't take family holidays where there is martial law...or where there are tanks on the streets...u say its safe....how can you be sure? tomorrow there could be blood spilt...i dont do risks with my family i have more sense than that....

and as for sars etc..i was in thailand when sars was about...i took the precautions but i didnt feel totally at ease....

whats the point of a holiday if your not at ease with your safety and the ease that there isnt gonna be a battle on the streets....

and dont talk to me about being afraid...i grew up in Belfast in the hieght of the troubles, ive been there done that....and theres no way i would want to go on holiday to somewhere where there is a risk of violence or chaos..!

get real...or maybe you have been living in thailand too long...perhaps you would like a visit iraq? i hear its nice this time of year...u risk taker u...oooohh... :D


if your that afraid of thailand,

i'll give you a real top tip,

stay light years away from the old blighty as the blow buses up over there. :D


just stay at home and wrap yourself up in cotton wool as your wasting your money going anywhere if you are that paranoid.

cricky's mate,

if you grew up in belfast, one would think that nothing would bother you . :D

have a nice time at home fella.

cheers :o

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I will be there 11-7 through 12 -6.

Unfortunaely Doc I will not be allowed to bring your vino as no liquids allowed even in stowed luggage.

Still like to meet though if possible. I'm sure we can find a taste of the Red that won't be too bad.

I bought a bottle of some Bordeaux, St. Emillion while on vacation in Hua Hin last year.

It was quite expensive and not as fresh as could be but it tasted quite good while sipping on the the beach at sunset.



cricky's pepe, you and your mate sound like you should get a room.

but that sort of thing is ok over here. :D


I was not going to dignify your, sophmoric at best, statement with a reply. Quite frankly, in my opinion, convering with you a total waste of time.

You've got me diagnosed, from your extensive medical training, as depressed. Then you allude that Doc and or I might be gay.

Furthest thing from my mind but apparantly sex with men is on yours.

Maybe it's you who need to experiment and experience your femine side? Are you a pitcher or a catcher.

I would say other things to to, that would be more on your level, but I don't want to be banned from the board.

So for now use your imagination.

Your puffed up, arrogent. and delusional attitude all lead you to be very convinced about your clarity and positve upbeat approach to life.

Here we just call it being a legend in your own mind.

Cricky's this!

Well that was a total waste of time.

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its is the goverment that is very paranoid these days and issue a travel warning if someone even farts in another country.

It is nice to see that Terry survived the coup with his pleasant disposition and sense of humor intact! :o

He's got Wessonality ....... but I sure wish you guys woul quit quoting him!

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Its a bit disconcerting that the Australian government are urging their countrymen NOT to travel to Thailand.

I just don't understand it...Britain has said "Business as usual" so why are the Ozzies so scared???

we all know Aussies fall into 2 categories winps and ex convicts :o Anyway their better than germans - and dont kill me one of my daughters married an Aussie and my only complaint is he dont buy beer

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No, i don't give money to countries directed by a military junta dictatorship.

So you didn't visit Thailand, under DL (Departed Leader) , when he used to support the junta over in Burma ?

ALthought that means i won't see familly or friends.

I think cambodia and vietnam or even philipinas are now a more interesting choice

To get serious, and address the topic, Thailand is now safer than before the coup, you're less likely to get beaten-up at the shopping-mall by black-shirts or shot by the brown-shirts than under DL, and there is absolutely no reason not to come on holiday here.

Personally I see even more smiling faces than previously. :o

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I have seen worse: the coup 14 years ago with hundreds of dead students... I have been in Bangkok at that time.

So I will come back to Thailand very shortly. The only thing bothering me is the censorship. I can't stand any kind of censorship, because I grew up in a democratic country. You can say, write, print whatever you want, whatever you like.

Strange thing, if a gov is afraid of newspapers and their own citizens...

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