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Coffee house has right to charge overstaying fee

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They may provide comfy chairs, air con, bright lights and are clean but it is virtually impossible to get a good cup of coffee anywhere in Thailand. When they are not offering some 3 in 1 horror, it is usually as fresh as last weeks milk or so bland, it is almost unnoticeable.

Vietnam seems to be able to provide some superb coffee, even in tiny family back street places. And it is stupidly cheap. But then they have the French history, which also means you can get bread and pastries that are delightful and as good as anywhere in the world. I guess this also explains their love of coffee.

Even Lao and Cambodia are better than Thailand for a decent coffee.

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Any company should have a right to do, within reason, whatever they want with their space. If they say that you can do one thing and not another then it's ok. If they want to charge for sitting there doing work while drinking coffee then so be it. Just as long as the consumer knows up front.

There is an opening for other, quieter, shops to offer this service for free or a reduced charge (like free wifi in cheaper hotels where as most of the 4-5 star hotels it costs extra). There could be a need for rentable business spaces, meeting rooms that serve coffee as well. Maybe this is a need that is not being met around Bangkok!?


....it should be posted....or the customer approached and informed.....

...otherwise it becomes too similar to the karaoke bar ripoffs.....

...people often have business meetings over lunch or drinks......

...it does not state whether the patron in this case stayed for half an hour or an hour or more.....

...so can you be charged after 15 minutes....if the owner or whomever 'sees fit'....

...they should think this through carefully...

...seems like someone bowed to pressure from 'someone'.....

...franchise owner....who knows...

...and be sure that customer will not be coming back....

...maybe better let all of us know the location....

...I do not want to pay 2500 baht for 4 coffees...


The article did absolutely state the time the people spent taking up space at the establishment...

"According to a OCPB official, Bon Café clarified the 2,000 baht open-food charge on top of coffee collected from four customers who ordered six drinks, but spent two hours at the table to discuss business on Wednesday and later were presented with a bill for 2,260 baht...."

They certainly have the right, and they did have the policy posted.

That said I agree with the consumer group's decision that the policy needs to be more prominently displayed, and it would have been a good idea to stop by the table and inform or remind the group of the policy.

This further information does throw an entirely different light on the episode from what I thought from the initial posting with the bill displayed; it did not mention that they had been taking up space for two hours while ordering only a few beverages.


They may provide comfy chairs, air con, bright lights and are clean but it is virtually impossible to get a good cup of coffee anywhere in Thailand. When they are not offering some 3 in 1 horror, it is usually as fresh as last weeks milk or so bland, it is almost unnoticeable.

Vietnam seems to be able to provide some superb coffee, even in tiny family back street places. And it is stupidly cheap. But then they have the French history, which also means you can get bread and pastries that are delightful and as good as anywhere in the world. I guess this also explains their love of coffee.

Even Lao and Cambodia are better than Thailand for a decent coffee.

I do not know about that particular shop, but I had some good coffee a number of places in Bkk. I found several Starbucks that were on parr with their US counterparts, (I know, not everyone cares for theirs...I do) The little street stall two blocks from my rented condo did a great cafe' filtre, and I was amazed and gratified to find a Dunkin' Donuts kiosk in Tesco Lotus near the Bang Na BTS station.

I bought some coffee beans from a roadside stand in the hill country in Chiang Mai, and wish I had bought more. It was really great!

I am a little bit of a coffee fanatic... I buy green beans from all parts of the world, and roast them to my own taste.... I agree that the 3 in 1 is "emergency" fare at best, but I would not settle, and kept actively searching until I found a few acceptable sources.thumbsup.gif


Let's beatdeadhorse.gif

The coffee shop has the right to establish whatever crappy surcharge they want to impose.

They should post the details clearly.

Customers can then read it and tell all their friends.

As for me, I am happy there are different kinds of coffee shops; some for those busy folks on the go; and some for us guys who want to sip, read, and people-watch.


I thought they were talking about visa's lol.

I guess why not if appropriately posted and a time period indicated, as I've seen some establishments post a minimum purchase amount at busy times (lunch/dinner).

2,000 baht without being notified, pay what you consumed and walk out.


Good, and they probably saw the warning on the table, but decided they were just to big to take any notice of it, I hope they do this in all the coffee shops, and macdonalds


This is somewhat situational, and the owners should use their discretion on what is best for the specific time. At busy times, I would say 30 minutes table-time is enough for a coffee and a cake, and to skim-read your newspaper. After that you should pay additional 30-minute rents on the table. If it is a very quiet day, owners should consider waiving this rent rule, if the shop is almost empty. The point is also different because of the hot climate here, these places are air-conditioned, and so are more popular than meeting for business in parks or whatever. People do go for the coffee, but many will stay for the aircon, and this should involve a table-rent fee after 30 minutes during peak business times.


I get fed up with all the free-loaders clogging up Starbucks with their laptops and study books spread out over the best tables. In Vietnam the Starbucks have a code printed on the receipt that allows one hour internet and that controls it pretty much and I don't see all that clogging there that i see here.

The other way is to have well trained staff who when they see someone with an empty glass approach them with 'may I get you a drink?' if the answer is 'no' then it's 'I'm so sorry we need the table for customers'


Returning to this topic this morning (but typing quickly lest a 'meeting charge' is applied) it occurred to me that this probably wasn't a response to actual problem they were experiencing but just a 'great idea' for money making that they came up with. One of the reasons I tend to pass through Thailand these days, a week or so at the most instead of staying anywhere near as long as I used to, is because of the habit of isolating and charging for each and every angle they an think of.

I am of course not talking about quiet rural areas, but anywhere where you are tied up in the 'industry' to some degree. I remember being in a small eatery in Surat once. Charge for the toilets (basic slosh type), charge to plug in any device.

Of course, those in business themselves here will say - "I have the right to charge whatever I need to". Yes, you do, but it means that customers will remember you for all the wrong reasons and will probably be a flow of one time visitors, not loyal regulars.

I contrast this with some other parts of the world where even in the thick of a tourist area, so much hospitality and complimentary service can be found, an understanding of the long term bigger picture. I find being a tourist in Thailand to be 90% cash cow orientated.


These ridiculous overpriced Coffee Places on every corner - its coffee for Gods sake ... But if people gonna have a business meeting why go in a Coffee house - mind boggling ...

I guess you do not know much about coffee?whistling.gif

Strange. I believe in history the insurance industriy and the shipping brokerage industies started in Coffee shops or was it in Tea Houses. Just look at the history of London.


Not all coffee shops are going to punish their customers who choose to meet over coffee.

I'd say Bon Cafe will lose more business over this than they will gain.

Sam nam na.

What is the so-called 'business' that they will be losing? There is no profit to be made when someone hogs a table for an hour over one coffee. That's how to go bust.

Turnover is everything whether it's patrons or product.


Yet nobody bitchs about the sign that reads Restrooms are for cusomers only....same thing......Then them putting it one social media, <deleted>.

I wonder what business these knobs were discussing , perhaps opening a coffee shop?


A surcharge is a good idea for over 30 minutes of occupying a table unless the bill is over a certain amount.

I find it annoying to buy coffee and cake then stand there with nowhere to sit, and have students being coached by their Tudor and people use the place as their office with computer and paper work spread over 4 tables.

Mac Donalds in Amarin plaza is the same it's full of Chinese tourists and tour guides waiting for their buses and students with their instructors . Nowhere to sit most of the time.


Why don't you charge every tourist double also. That's really worked well for Thailand. Any coffee shop owner who does this. Here is some free advice. Having a masters in business. I can forecast your failure

Are you successful in your business, do you own a chain of stores , coffee shops ?

I hope you understand having a master degree is not enough my friend, if your successful in business and you have proven you can forecast future in business, then most will respect your opinion.


Coffee shops should not be involved in determining what people are talking about on their tables. Rather, they should enforce minimum purchase requirements. If I'm in a coffee shop, I order at least 1 drink per hour that I occupy a table. That seems a reasonable requirement per person or they could impose a minimum baht per hour per table order requirement. The coffee shop doesn't care what is being done at the table, as long as it isn't disturbing other customers and so long as the table is generating adequate revenues.

I don't think they are involved in what people are talking about, just the length of time people occupy a table. It doesn't take an hour to drink a cup of coffee and if they want to hold a business meeting, do so on their own premises or hire a meeting place, after all it is the café owner who foots the cost of establishing the business not the person who wants to take advantage and spend hours occupying a table that other people who are prepared to spend money, could well do.

One sets up a business to make a profit, and in doing so employ people and make a living. Could you imagine if you had ten tables of four and all these people sat around for a number of hours without sticking their hands in the pocket? Or even if they did I am sure their spend would not meet the cost, so how long would the business last and who would end up losing, not the clown who wants to sit around for hours, it would be the owner, who could be out of pocket up to a few million, if it is a franchise and he had to close because he could not turn a profit.. So, sorry I cannot agree with you train of thought in this instance.


Funnily enough at lunch time today we went to C/Rai for lunch and after we had eaten it poured down with rain so we waited 'till it stopped ( about 30mins ) as we went on out motor bikes.

There were about 6 empty tables but we said if a load of people came in we would get our water proofs on and leave. We had eaten and had coffee so it would be very rude in our eyes to stay while others needed food. The place is a restaurant not a roadside sala.


Funnily enough at lunch time today we went to C/Rai for lunch and after we had eaten it poured down with rain so we waited 'till it stopped ( about 30mins ) as we went on out motor bikes.

There were about 6 empty tables but we said if a load of people came in we would get our water proofs on and leave. We had eaten and had coffee so it would be very rude in our eyes to stay while others needed food. The place is a restaurant not a roadside sala.

A situation that can be accepted and would be understood by most reasonable people, Very courteous and responsible.


I thought this was common practice in Bangkok. I regularly come for a business meeting with a young lady, it actually usually lasts less than an hour, then she puts her clothes on, I pay THB 1000 and go.

These guys must be newbies.


I can't believe how many tards are supporting a coffee shop here. It's a coffee shop and overpriced bad coffee gives you the right to sit. I agree that some customers are annoying and selfish, but a whole purpose of a coffee shop is to be a meeting place. Someone is taking longer than usual to drink their coffee? Sorry, but that's the cost of doing business. And 2000 baht charge is ridiculous. It's 360 baht for 2 hour foot massage. Holiday Inn Express is 1500 including breakfast. A coffee shop like this will be closed soon due to boycott. It's pure arrogance.

Oh dear..... I stopped reading after "tards".

That type of behaviour only gets people's backs up.

Let's keep it civil, eh?


I can't believe how many tards are supporting a coffee shop here. It's a coffee shop and overpriced bad coffee gives you the right to sit. I agree that some customers are annoying and selfish, but a whole purpose of a coffee shop is to be a meeting place. Someone is taking longer than usual to drink their coffee? Sorry, but that's the cost of doing business. And 2000 baht charge is ridiculous. It's 360 baht for 2 hour foot massage. Holiday Inn Express is 1500 including breakfast. A coffee shop like this will be closed soon due to boycott. It's pure arrogance.

Oh dear..... I stopped reading after "tards".

That type of behaviour only gets people's backs up.

Let's keep it civil, eh?

Me too. Maybe he should take a hike back to whatever forum his name suggests.


Funnily enough at lunch time today we went to C/Rai for lunch and after we had eaten it poured down with rain so we waited 'till it stopped ( about 30mins ) as we went on out motor bikes.

There were about 6 empty tables but we said if a load of people came in we would get our water proofs on and leave. We had eaten and had coffee so it would be very rude in our eyes to stay while others needed food. The place is a restaurant not a roadside sala.

I like your style! You're obviously a very considerate and thoughtful person.

I would feel the same. I mean to say, that I'd feel guilty staying at a place for any length of time, once my meal or drinks have finished. I'd feel as if I were taking advantage!


Funnily enough at lunch time today we went to C/Rai for lunch and after we had eaten it poured down with rain so we waited 'till it stopped ( about 30mins ) as we went on out motor bikes.

There were about 6 empty tables but we said if a load of people came in we would get our water proofs on and leave. We had eaten and had coffee so it would be very rude in our eyes to stay while others needed food. The place is a restaurant not a roadside sala.

When I'm travelling, if it starts to rain I ride INTO the nearest "Mom and Pop" store, which gets some funny looks. But I always buy a beer, usually ask the shop owner if they'd like one too, and some peanuts or some such. As I'm buying, and nobody else is coming while it's raining, they are usually happy to avachat for a while.


I can't believe how many tards are supporting a coffee shop here. It's a coffee shop and overpriced bad coffee gives you the right to sit. I agree that some customers are annoying and selfish, but a whole purpose of a coffee shop is to be a meeting place. Someone is taking longer than usual to drink their coffee? Sorry, but that's the cost of doing business. And 2000 baht charge is ridiculous. It's 360 baht for 2 hour foot massage. Holiday Inn Express is 1500 including breakfast. A coffee shop like this will be closed soon due to boycott. It's pure arrogance.

Oh dear..... I stopped reading after "tards".

That type of behaviour only gets people's backs up.

Let's keep it civil, eh?

Me too. Maybe he should take a hike back to whatever forum his name suggests.

Nope. I'll just go to starbux for a 3 hour latte


I can't believe how many tards are supporting a coffee shop here. It's a coffee shop and overpriced bad coffee gives you the right to sit. I agree that some customers are annoying and selfish, but a whole purpose of a coffee shop is to be a meeting place. Someone is taking longer than usual to drink their coffee? Sorry, but that's the cost of doing business. And 2000 baht charge is ridiculous. It's 360 baht for 2 hour foot massage. Holiday Inn Express is 1500 including breakfast. A coffee shop like this will be closed soon due to boycott. It's pure arrogance.

Oh dear..... I stopped reading after "tards".

That type of behaviour only gets people's backs up.

Let's keep it civil, eh?

Me too. Maybe he should take a hike back to whatever forum his name suggests.

Nope. I'll just go to starbux for a 3 hour latte

Come on, you don't call that coffee do you? What they serve there should really be thrown out with the dishwater. But then not all of us can account for taste coffee1.gif .

I can't believe how many tards are supporting a coffee shop here. It's a coffee shop and overpriced bad coffee gives you the right to sit. I agree that some customers are annoying and selfish, but a whole purpose of a coffee shop is to be a meeting place. Someone is taking longer than usual to drink their coffee? Sorry, but that's the cost of doing business. And 2000 baht charge is ridiculous. It's 360 baht for 2 hour foot massage. Holiday Inn Express is 1500 including breakfast. A coffee shop like this will be closed soon due to boycott. It's pure arrogance.
Oh dear..... I stopped reading after "tards".

That type of behaviour only gets people's backs up.

Let's keep it civil, eh?

Me too. Maybe he should take a hike back to whatever forum his name suggests.

Nope. I'll just go to starbux for a 3 hour latte

Come on, you don't call that coffee do you? What they serve there should really be thrown out with the dishwater. But then not all of us can account for taste.

I used to be a Starbucks badger too...

Until I tried Thai acid coffee.

Enjoy your acid reflux.

I can't believe how many tards are supporting a coffee shop here. It's a coffee shop and overpriced bad coffee gives you the right to sit. I agree that some customers are annoying and selfish, but a whole purpose of a coffee shop is to be a meeting place. Someone is taking longer than usual to drink their coffee? Sorry, but that's the cost of doing business. And 2000 baht charge is ridiculous. It's 360 baht for 2 hour foot massage. Holiday Inn Express is 1500 including breakfast. A coffee shop like this will be closed soon due to boycott. It's pure arrogance.
Oh dear..... I stopped reading after "tards".

That type of behaviour only gets people's backs up.

Let's keep it civil, eh?

Me too. Maybe he should take a hike back to whatever forum his name suggests.

Nope. I'll just go to starbux for a 3 hour latte

Come on, you don't call that coffee do you? What they serve there should really be thrown out with the dishwater. But then not all of us can account for taste.

I used to be a Starbucks badger too...

Until I tried Thai acid coffee.

Enjoy your acid reflux.

You're another one who assumes I see. Don't drink the stuff, tea and wine are my drinks of choice.

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