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Stem Cells disc degenerative disease


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Just curious if anyone is up to date in the world of Stem cells and disc degenerative disease.

Is it still all witch craft and false promises or are there now legitimate places that offer it in Thailand or other parts of the world

anyone have any experience, success, failures or could point me in the right direction or is it something that is still not proven or safe


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Numerous studies have demonstrated success using cell-based therapies to treat disc disease, and these successes are in the early stages of translation into the clinic. Although not widely available, it is likely that stem cell therapies will become a treatment option for some patients with disc disease in the near future.

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It is still in earl;y stages and far from an approved treatment. A lot more research is needed.

Use of unapproved stem cell therapy in Thailand has caused a number of fatalities and the govt has since cracked down on it.

One of the risks/concerns with stem cell treatments is the risk of creating a tumor.

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