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45 is only old if you've let yourself go. No surprise that most 45 year olds here have done exactly that because they think the only thing they have to work on is having enough money to pay their way into a woman's pants

Guys who choose not to use hookers - like myself - make a conscious decision to take care of themselves and, done correctly, can look far younger than they are especially if they have hair.

You're 60+ - is your wife a gold-digger, then?

I'm 60, wife is under 40, absolutely a gold-digger ...... how could it be any other way?

(PS, I'm probably in better shape than you, come up to CM and we can race from the Zoo to Wat Doi Suthep, cycling or running, your choice, I do it most mornings)

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45 is old.

57 would be a few years from deaths door.

A 57 year old man having a normal relationship would be dating women aged 52-62.

Any woman under 50 agreeing to date a guy that old would be an obvious gold-digger.



Oh don't be ridiculous.

You're no celebrity, are you ?

Talk about nuking your own argument


Perhaps about as ridiculous as the prior argument that most English speaking Thai females are ex or current sex workers perhaps!

Not "most" but a higher percentage than non-English speaking Thai females. Much higher.

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Perhaps about as ridiculous as the prior argument that most English speaking Thai females are ex or current sex workers perhaps!

As Berkshire said,

We're talking English speaking Thai women you could date, not every Thai woman.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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"race from the Zoo to Wat Doi Suthep, cycling or running, your choice, I do it most mornings".

If indeed you do that, truly you have my respect, I think however I might need proof before handing it over!

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Oh don't be ridiculous.

You're no celebrity, are you ?

Talk about nuking your own argument


Perhaps about as ridiculous as the prior argument that most English speaking Thai females are ex or current sex workers perhaps!

Not "most" but a higher percentage than non-English speaking Thai females. Much higher.

That's an uncharacteristically vague response BS, care to quantify the numbers into less darkness (whilst I eat dinner)?

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"race from the Zoo to Wat Doi Suthep, cycling or running, your choice, I do it most mornings".

If indeed you do that, truly you have my respect, I think however I might need proof before handing it over!

Tomorrow morning, Pilgrim's trail (behind the zoo) 7:30 (hiking/running).

We normally make it to the temple grounds (top of the steps) in 45-55 minutes.

This morning we cycled, started at front of the Zoo at 6:30, at the temple steps by 7:35.

At the moment we alternate days for cycle/run.

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45 is only old if you've let yourself go. No surprise that most 45 year olds here have done exactly that because they think the only thing they have to work on is having enough money to pay their way into a woman's pants

Guys who choose not to use hookers - like myself - make a conscious decision to take care of themselves and, done correctly, can look far younger than they are especially if they have hair.

You're 60+ - is your wife a gold-digger, then?

I'm 60, wife is under 40, absolutely a gold-digger ...... how could it be any other way?

(PS, I'm probably in better shape than you, come up to CM and we can race from the Zoo to Wat Doi Suthep, cycling or running, your choice, I do it most mornings)

I can't really comment cos I ain't 60 and even if I was, I simply wouldn't be interested in setting up home with and knocking up a far younger woman that I KNOW to be a gold-digger.

What I can say, though, is that at 46, I have no shortage of younger women - Thai and Western - on my case and none of them are panning for gold

Naturally, I dismiss the Thais - too limited - but the Western women have character and are interesting to talk to

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45 is only old if you've let yourself go. No surprise that most 45 year olds here have done exactly that because they think the only thing they have to work on is having enough money to pay their way into a woman's pants

Guys who choose not to use hookers - like myself - make a conscious decision to take care of themselves and, done correctly, can look far younger than they are especially if they have hair.

You're 60+ - is your wife a gold-digger, then?

I'm 60, wife is under 40, absolutely a gold-digger ...... how could it be any other way?

(PS, I'm probably in better shape than you, come up to CM and we can race from the Zoo to Wat Doi Suthep, cycling or running, your choice, I do it most mornings)

I can't really comment cos I ain't 60 and even if I was, I simply wouldn't be interested in setting up home with and knocking up a far younger woman that I KNOW to be a gold-digger.

What I can say, though, is that at 46, I have no shortage of younger women - Thai and Western - on my case and none of them are panning for gold

Naturally, I dismiss the Thais - too limited - but the Western women have character and are interesting to talk to

Are you interesting to talk to?

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"race from the Zoo to Wat Doi Suthep, cycling or running, your choice, I do it most mornings".

If indeed you do that, truly you have my respect, I think however I might need proof before handing it over!

Tomorrow morning, Pilgrim's trail (behind the zoo) 7:30 (hiking/running).

We normally make it to the temple grounds (top of the steps) in 45-55 minutes.

This morning we cycled, started at front of the Zoo at 6:30, at the temple steps by 7:35.

At the moment we alternate days for cycle/run.

Respect given, well done.

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Does JLC fancy CH and will they connect, stay tuned. laugh.png

Nah i'm just concerned that the girls have a stimulating conversation partner as well.

BTW I swim 1500 meters several times a week in about 40 minutes no stopping except for a sip of water every 300 meters.

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What's a 44 year old Thai female to do, one who's maybe worked the bar scene twenty five years earlier and perhaps been involved in a series of affairs with foreigners, nay, even older foreigners, probably all in the interests of helping family financially, do those things make her a truly bad person, dunno.

But I wonder how the OP would have reacted had she "come clean" to him, on Day 1, regarding her history. Would the OP have said, "thank you for being honest, now we can moved forward together" or would he have simply walked away, my money's on the latter and I reckon hers was also.

I reckon FWIW that her history is really no business of the OP, chances are that all males can find some dirt of some description, on their girllfriends/wives, if they dig deep enough.

Methinks the OP is asking the wrong questions, he should be asking whether he is seriously interested in the woman or not and does he want a relationship with her. But of course, setting out his stall here on TVF on this issue is only ever going to elicit one type of response, "she's bad", an ex-hooker", "I personally know of .....:", and other such nonsense. Simply, threads such as these represent yet another opportunity to bash Thailand and all things Thai, particularly by people who don't even live here yet are mysteriously "experts" on all things Thai.

Ah, if only all people in the world were as pure as the driven snow that is so many TVF posters!

What a slobbering Thai apologist you are. You try to defend a hard core hooker, then you say this is a Thai bashing thread.

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I will now tell my story,that is 14 years old. I met a Thai girl on Suk/Soi 4 14 years ago.

She was one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She came up to me and said

We be forever.We spent 3 weeks together at my hotel.

3 Months later we spend another 3 weeks,an then another 3 weeks 2 months later.


We have been married 11 years,we we have a house paid for about 2hrs.north of Bangkok.

A brand new car and my wife has almost paid for it all. ( I sold all the gold i gave to her when gold went

up )

We have lived in the U.S.A. For 8 years now and she is the manager and head chef of a Thai restaurant

and made 1.3 million baht last year. ( she does not understand the I.RS. Taxes )

All the money her family needs is paid by my wife. She has a wonderful family and they only ask for about

7,000 baht a month.

When I walk around in shopping malls with my wife,everybody stares at her.She asks me why???

Maybe I good lucky............>>>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE HER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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An another thing.............

Why do I know so many wonderful Thai girls outside of Bangkok.

I mean there is a million wonderful girls in Thailand.

Maybe it's you?????

I have been all over the world chasing girls....Me ( SINGLE,NO KIDS,HIGH INCOME)

Only two kinds of girls in this world..... Thai girls and the other ones

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She is in Ao Nang/Krabi now, not Pattaya at this time.

She's staying in tourist areas, who is paying the hotel bill? Tourists usually consider most Thailand hotel rates to be reasonable, but it is expensive for the locals who are not wealthy. Good place to meet foreign men, no? Or do you think she's saving it all up for you? I like the suggestion above that you take on a new identity on the dating site and introduce yourself.

My guess is you are on a roster of guys she has some sort relationship with. You caught her straight out when you saw the dating sites on her computer, don't convince yourself you didn't. These older gals use the dating sites so when the mark arrives in Thailand he comes right to her, hopefully not distracted by the younger talent available. What these gals try to do is arrange with the john that he will send her $$ when he gets back to farangland, preferably a few thousand in hard currency per month -- the younger ones work this too. A popular ruse is if you send me $$ I won't have to work the bars any more, and I would be your woman.

Once I went to an internet place in Suk Soi 4 (back before wifi became popular), had to wait a short while for a machine to become free. They eventually sat me at one, and the previous customer (a 40-ish pro) didn't log out of her email account. I fact, one of her 'love letters' was still right there on the screen. Love you, miss you too much, etc. I looked through her account, she had a bunch of guys, 'when you come back?', in some cases money not come yet, please send soon, and so on. I was tempted to drop some of these guys a line, forward them some of the writing, but decided to keep out of it.

Move on, best of luck, hope the learning experience helps in your future.

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I have lived in & around S.E.Asia since 1981.

I have seen most of the scams etc, but the day I wake up & think

I know it all will be the day Im in trouble. There are always new scams around.

If she is still on a dating site you register under a different name & a

picture of another man then contact her and show some interest in her

you may just get a shock of what she says & does.

A couple of old sayings around Asia are.

If it walks & talks like a Duck then it most likely is a Duck.

You can take the girl out of the bar but you cant take

the bar out of the girl.

One warning sign is Does she speak English?

If you are new to Asia one bit of advice I can give you is.

Keep your guard up 25 hours a day.

Now your reply may be "You dont understand this is different"


This did "feel different" until recently when I became suspicious and felt forced to set a little trap that she walked right into (a sneaky Thai lady should never respond to an email claiming that the sender had talked to her a year ago on a dating site). That is how I learned of the second phone and a willingness to meet. I do have a friend who plays all the dating sites and checks for me. Not currently on any. I assume that these are previous "crack hustlers" that she talks to. And yes, she speaks heavily accented English (of sorts).

My guard is up. That is why I am here.

Thank you.

Shes a tart and your'e a pratt, sorry to be so blunt but if u aint seeing it already then you must be a pratt.

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I will now tell my story,that is 14 years old. I met a Thai girl on Suk/Soi 4 14 years ago.

She was one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She came up to me and said

We be forever.We spent 3 weeks together at my hotel.

3 Months later we spend another 3 weeks,an then another 3 weeks 2 months later.


We have been married 11 years,we we have a house paid for about 2hrs.north of Bangkok.

A brand new car and my wife has almost paid for it all. ( I sold all the gold i gave to her when gold went

up )

We have lived in the U.S.A. For 8 years now and she is the manager and head chef of a Thai restaurant

and made 1.3 million baht last year. ( she does not understand the I.RS. Taxes )

All the money her family needs is paid by my wife. She has a wonderful family and they only ask for about

7,000 baht a month.

When I walk around in shopping malls with my wife,everybody stares at her.She asks me why???

Maybe I good lucky............>>>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE HER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

do you also LOVE YOURSELF?

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Not "most" but a higher percentage than non-English speaking Thai females. Much higher.

That's an uncharacteristically vague response BS, care to quantify the numbers into less darkness (whilst I eat dinner)?

I usually agree with most of your posts, so I'm not sure why you're having a hard-on with this particularly point. And perhaps I should make fun of your handle. What do you think, Mr. CuM?

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Not "most" but a higher percentage than non-English speaking Thai females. Much higher.

That's an uncharacteristically vague response BS, care to quantify the numbers into less darkness (whilst I eat dinner)?

I usually agree with most of your posts, so I'm not sure why you're having a hard-on with this particularly point. And perhaps I should make fun of your handle. What do you think, Mr. CuM?

I really don't have a "hard on" for this point but I do enjoy debate and I reckon that if somebody (or a group) is going to present a point as fact they (collectively) should be prepared to argue, justify and defend their case. As things stand presently the link between Thai's who speak some English and the sex market in Thailand remains nothing more than casual and unsupportable.

As for my handle: you'll note that I am small "c" and small "m" and there is no "u" anywhere in sight. giggle.gif

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Not "most" but a higher percentage than non-English speaking Thai females. Much higher.

That's an uncharacteristically vague response BS, care to quantify the numbers into less darkness (whilst I eat dinner)?

I usually agree with most of your posts, so I'm not sure why you're having a hard-on with this particularly point. And perhaps I should make fun of your handle. What do you think, Mr. CuM?

I really don't have a "hard on" for this point but I do enjoy debate and I reckon that if somebody (or a group) is going to present a point as fact they (collectively) should be prepared to argue, justify and defend their case. As things stand presently the link between Thai's who speak some English and the sex market in Thailand remains nothing more than casual and unsupportable.

As for my handle: you'll note that I am small "c" and small "m" and there is no "u" anywhere in sight. giggle.gif

I too enjoy a good debate. But if you're asking for scientific evidence, this is not one of those generalizations that have been vetted by the sociologists community. Just like when folks say you shouldn't marry bargirls or that Thai women love their parents, there are no scientific evidence to support those contentions as well.

Having lived in Thailand 10+ years and dating countless Thai women, I'm offering my opinion. When I hear or read of farangs who only want to date Thai women who can speak English because they themselves can't speak Thai, it's clear that they are severely limiting themselves. Not just in quantity, but quality as well.

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