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Polish man found dead with throat slashed in Bangkok Sukhumvit Soi 23 hotel

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none of the mans belongings had been stolen, said Pol Sub Lt Thotsaphol Insith as his million baht cash he had with him was still intact and only 300 Baht spent


I've worked in bars, hotels, nightclubs, strip clubs all of my adult life. This sounds like a suicide. Not uncommon. Not unusual.

One guy slashed himself to the throat repeatedly with a box cutter in front of all of us down on Main St. In Las Vegas, in front of the Plaza. He kept everyone away from him and from trying to stop him by flinging blood and swiping at us with his razor when we got too close. When he finally cut his jugular and lost consciousness, we rushed in to try and save him, but we lost him right away.

If they really want to get the job done, they will. Unfortunately hotels are a really popular spot for suicides.


Actually I find it quite easy to stay away from Red Light districts at night... Its probably not the walking around that gets you in trouble.Its when you start soliciting and becoming involved with people that work in those areas. That's when the real trouble begins. I would argue that many of the old sex pats who visit .and indeed live here also have some form of psychological problems. These problems are exacerbated by the illusion that these young hookers actually fall for them! Add to the mix alcohol, drugs, hot weather etc and it all ends in tears.. Personally, I'm usually at home with my family after 8 pm every night.Hence, the chances of something untoward happening to me is lessened.

Yes, Thailand has problems. But every country does! What angers me is Westerners who assume that they know it all. They come here and say Thailand needs to do this.Thailand needs to do that. That is despite the fact that they have chosen to live here! For example, what right has people from America have to criticise gun laws in Thailand when you can see evidence in the news every day of shootings in America. People move here with closed minds and apply their own imperialistic mindset to what happens here. This is not Europe or America. This is Thailand.It is what it is...and that's why we love it...right...?

If you take the number of incidents of sexpats indulging in purchased sexual intercourse (including attempted failures) and compared it to the number killed over any period of time, the risks would approach that of travelling on a commercial flight.

If you were subtract those sexpats injured or killed by their regular g/f or wife (or both) because they indulged in purchased sexual intercourse, the risk would be less than sleeping in your own bed. Unless you're in the habit of taking hookers home to the bed you share with wife or g/f.


Why wouldn't they investigate. It probably wouldn't take much to do a proper investigation unless their Som Tam is getting cold.

1. Were his fingerprints the only ones on the knife.

2. Assuming they are his prints ONLY. Were the prints in the right place for someone cutting his own throat.

3. If you cut your own throat, which is not unheard of, but rare, might there be blood in very specific places for such an act.

4. Where was his body in relation to the blood and knife?

5. Was the knife in his dominant hand. Look for a selfie to determine the dominant hand.

6. I wonder if police have ever heard of "hesitation marks". Any of those?

7. No signs of a struggle, but really how close did they look? Any unexplained marks, cuts, scratches or bruises on his body?

...and I'm sure there are a few other specific questions that can be asked and investigated assuming they could be bothered.

Oneday, you would be disrupting and have the whole police force in chaos should you directly claim answers to these straight forward and standard questions..... We don't want the complete Bangkok to come to a standstill do we ??


The police hasn't gotten the message yet that they should keep their mouth shut untill proper investigation has been done.

does not seem so hard to me.

And why would you like the fun to end ?


the problem with fingerprints and DNA is that it leads you to the person who is guilty.

So so finger prints as no Thai could do such a thing...


none of the mans belongings had been stolen, said Pol Sub Lt Thotsaphol Insith as his million baht cash he had with him was still intact and only 300 Baht spent

Well, Thais must all get their share from the Farang before he leaves Thailand may it he overcharging, robbing, murder, rape or what ever do they not. Killing the Goose laying the golden eggs slowly but surely...

It Is What It Is........Sad but true.


Ah, Sukumvidt 23. Many years ago I lost my virginity around there.

My ass hurt for a week. wink.png

Should have reported itto the police---they would have soon found it


RIP, prayers with his family.

I don't see the self-inflicted throat cutting as any indication that it wasn't suicide. Taking pills, cutting wrists in the bath, even hanging, have all been called "feminine" by various suicidal men that I've counselled. If the person is a tough guy, and he has decided that this will be his final act, then cutting the throat might seem more appropriate to him. In feudal Japan of course, seppuku was considered an honourable way for a man to die, and that must be far more painful than slashing the throat. Infact some Japanese ladies in that era would choose to die by slashing neck arteries, a very quick death, but this was not considered manly in that culture.


Give it a week & the BIB will record it as a death by accident.. cut himself while shaving !!

Case closed, no adverse effect to tourist numbers...


Why bother going to live abroad or holiday abroad if you are just going to kill your self, what is it about Thailand that people especially Farang's like to commit suicide, or is that what they want us to believe.


Maybe he brought back a lady for the night, who turned out to be a ladyboy who got angry when asked to leave. They are hanging around Sukhumvit and appear strong and aggressive for such a crime.


Isn't it strange, how every time there's a foreigner's suicide in Bangkok - let's face it, it's every week or so - commenters here are absolutely sure a Thai person must be to blame; even in cases like this where the door was looked from the inside?

Let's face it, guys: a lot of people come to places like Bangkok or Pattaya to commit suicide; either quickly this way, or slowly in resignation. And they want to spend what's left of their savings on alcohol and prostitutes before they do (under the delusion that they'll then be happier for it afterwards).

The constant implications here that Thai people are somehow bloodthirsty monsters, while going to any lengths to imply that a fellow foreigner could never have been at fault, are really disturbing. Pure racism, actually.

I'm sorry for this man who did this to himself. And I'm ever sorrier for the poor girl who found him - she didn't deserve such a gruesome image forced upon her.


The BIB have to be the laziest and most incompetent police force in the world.

Close but no cigars try sub Sahara Africa, east Africa , North Africa , West Africa. In all this area give me the BIB anytime.


The BIB have to be the laziest and most incompetent police force in the world.

Close but no cigars try sub Sahara Africa, east Africa , North Africa , West Africa. In all this area give me the BIB anytime.

Cops in many cities in America are wholey corrupt for that matter. Israeli cops were purely frightening too, in my experience: made the BIB looks like caregivers.


'Pol Sub Lt Thotsaphol said police initially believed the man might have killed himself but they need to investigate further.'

What a stupid statement , better to just say the investigation is ongoing .... gigglem.gif

Or that the case is concluded, because I guarantee, this is the last we will hear about it.


It seems that here on thai visa are very much super investigators because all of them just read 10 lines of news and they all have a great opinion what the police should do and what they already did wrong. I assume that all the posters here have a perfect place where they live and the police will do as they say, as it seems that they are perfect in their jobs.


Don't worry, Thonglor police are on their way to investigate , if you hand over some money they will find out it was not a suicide....


The BIB have to be the laziest and most incompetent police force in the world.

Close but no cigars try sub Sahara Africa, east Africa , North Africa , West Africa. In all this area give me the BIB anytime.

Thailand is not far behind the US with percentage of population locked up ... somebody is arresting people, can't be that lazy.


I would say , in general , the police are rather perturbed when foreigners die in hotel rooms.

Amongst themselves they are more than likely asking one another: "Why do these foreigners have to come here to Thailand to die, all the time.



Maybe he brought back a lady for the night, who turned out to be a ladyboy who got angry when asked to leave. They are hanging around Sukhumvit and appear strong and aggressive for such a crime.

I was wondering when a ladyboy was going to be blamed!


If the word is 'safety chain' rather than 'safety chair' then it looks like suicide. Sad, if so. To all reading this thread: if you meet someone who's lonely or sad, try to cheer 'em up. As a farang coming to and residing in Thailand for a third of a century, I've noticed farang men (particularly middle aged and older) rarely if ever get eye contact when out and about town. Come on guys, it's ok to love or even idolize Thais, but don't be so standoffish when seeing a 'stranger' in public. I don't go to bars, but I do have the occasion to meet farang men my age once in awhile. They're travelers, like me. Without exception, every man I converse with has interesting stories to tell. One guy told me about sneaking out of Czechoslovakia on foot, across hundreds of miles - to gain freedom from Soviet domination. Another told me about captaining a small pleasure boat with Rod Stewart as guest. Open up. It wasn't so long ago we were all schoolboys running around the sandlot, yelling at our buddies to 'pass the ball'

Very good point Boomer. I've bin thinking af the same and doing as you say for all my life,,, having come from a small Canadian town.

What I come up with is this,,,,,,,,, Europeans have had thousands of years to build up hatred for each other from wars and economic feuding where Canadians have had no real conflicts. Even the average American is friendlier than most European. When I first arrived here I made eye contact with many when walking and nodded at many before I realized I am somewhere very different.

I say the same, open up and enjoy who others are. Good friends come from the strangest of circumstances.

Good work on the Koh Tao thing too by the way,


The BIB have to be the laziest and most incompetent police force in the world.

Close but no cigars try sub Sahara Africa, east Africa , North Africa , West Africa. In all this area give me the BIB anytime.

Remember the long-time marketing slogan used by the U.S. #2 car rental company, AVIS???

"We try harder..."

The BIB may not be No. 1 on the list mentioned here. But they are trying quite hard!


Why wouldn't they investigate. It probably wouldn't take much to do a proper investigation unless their Som Tam is getting cold.

1. Were his fingerprints the only ones on the knife.

2. Assuming they are his prints ONLY. Were the prints in the right place for someone cutting his own throat.

3. If you cut your own throat, which is not unheard of, but rare, might there be blood in very specific places for such an act.

4. Where was his body in relation to the blood and knife?

5. Was the knife in his dominant hand. Look for a selfie to determine the dominant hand.

6. I wonder if police have ever heard of "hesitation marks". Any of those?

7. No signs of a struggle, but really how close did they look? Any unexplained marks, cuts, scratches or bruises on his body?

...and I'm sure there are a few other specific questions that can be asked and investigated assuming they could be bothered.

Are Thais smart enough to test for fingerprints

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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