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British by the back door: Is immigration fuelling the Brexit debate?


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OK. To get back on topic.

If anyone is under any illusions about the daily assault on the UK, by illegal immigrants. Read these links from the past couple of days.

Coming in by lorry.


People dying trying to swim the channel.


Another incident from 2012


The Channel Tunnel.

From way back in 2001. Just goes to show how long this has been going on.



This is an interesting article on the daily capture of Illegal Immigrants. Like everything else, it brings up more questions than it answers.


I would like to commit my true thoughts at this point. I fear my post would be instantly deleted.

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Without the Migrants Britain can close down.

Let them go and live without money from Brussels, then crying will really start.

Britain just want's the best of everything without taking on responsibility.

Let them join the US $.

Bye Bye. clap2.gifcheesy.gifbah.gif

You need to get your facts straight!

So how much money does the UK receive from Brussels vs the £55,000,000 sent there every DAY?

Should've voted for the Purple people... As mentioned before, to talk (negatively) about immigration is not racism, it's realism...

I'll stand by for the racist card to go up [emoji99][emoji99][emoji99]

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Without the Migrants Britain can close down.

Let them go and live without money from Brussels, then crying will really start.

Britain just want's the best of everything without taking on responsibility.

Let them join the US $.

Bye Bye. clap2.gifcheesy.gifbah.gif

You need to get your facts straight!

So how much money does the UK receive from Brussels vs the £55,000,000 sent there every DAY?

Should've voted for the Purple people... As mentioned before, to talk (negatively) about immigration is not racism, it's realism...

I'll stand by for the racist card to go up [emoji99][emoji99][emoji99]

Unfortunately the poorly written propaganda article this thread is based upon, and several posters in this thread, are conflating illegal immigration with legal. The deluge of trafficed and illegal immigrants trying to get into the coutry should have no bearing on whether Britain pulls out of the EU because the perceived benefits of Britain to an immigrant is a purely British matter, not an EU one.

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All I'm saying is I'd like to see the UK pull out of the €U so they can change back to and continue making their OWN laws.

I'm all up for migration workers... But they have to be WORKERS, not benefit free loading scroungers.

An Australian style points system is what's needed.

The UK needs quality immigrants not quantity.

Edited by Porkster
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Without the Migrants Britain can close down.

Let them go and live without money from Brussels, then crying will really start.

Britain just want's the best of everything without taking on responsibility.

Let them join the US $.

Bye Bye. clap2.gifcheesy.gifbah.gif

You need to get your facts straight!

So how much money does the UK receive from Brussels vs the £55,000,000 sent there every DAY?

Should've voted for the Purple people... As mentioned before, to talk (negatively) about immigration is not racism, it's realism...

I'll stand by for the racist card to go up [emoji99][emoji99][emoji99]

Unfortunately the poorly written propaganda article this thread is based upon, and several posters in this thread, are conflating illegal immigration with legal. The deluge of trafficed and illegal immigrants trying to get into the coutry should have no bearing on whether Britain pulls out of the EU because the perceived benefits of Britain to an immigrant is a purely British matter, not an EU one.

Yes of course. All the LEGAL migrants from the EU who are criminals in their own Country should freely be allowed to move to the UK.

So your conclusion that Immigration is purely a British matter and not an EU one is utter garbage.

This shows the same type of logic and understanding you tried to use when you tried to announce, earlier in the thread that the UK unemployment figure was only 1.7 million.

No logic and no understanding.

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Unfortunately the poorly written propaganda article this thread is based upon, and several posters in this thread, are conflating illegal immigration with legal. The deluge of trafficed and illegal immigrants trying to get into the coutry should have no bearing on whether Britain pulls out of the EU because the perceived benefits of Britain to an immigrant is a purely British matter, not an EU one.

Yes of course. All the LEGAL migrants from the EU who are criminals in their own Country should freely be allowed to move to the UK.

So your conclusion that Immigration is purely a British matter and not an EU one is utter garbage.

This shows the same type of logic and understanding you tried to use when you tried to announce, earlier in the thread that the UK unemployment figure was only 1.7 million.

No logic and no understanding.

Is reasoned debate and etiquette no longer taught in British schools? I made no such claim that immigration was a purely British matter so please do not state the contrary as fact.

I think the context of my post is clear in that I was specifying illegal immigration, however I will repeat for your benefit: if the people who are not entitled to come to the UK for work are doing so because the UK has a more relaxed welfare system than continental Europe, that is a matter for the UK. Note my use of the words 'trafficed' and 'illegal'.

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Migration Watch - the name says it all. But if you want more, you can check their Wikipedia entry and read such enlightening descriptions of them as:

"...a pressure group with a distinctly unpleasant agenda"

"...a lobbying and campaigning organisation that is currently engaged in a campaign entitled 'No to 70 Million'"

"A nasty little group playing an old, and unwelcome, trick"

Can we next expect to see EDL or BNP bilge reported as 'news'?

Did you edit the Wikipedia entry? You can you know. Now perhaps you can cease attempts at deflection and address the whacking great problem facing not just the UK but Europe in general.
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Unfortunately the poorly written propaganda article this thread is based upon, and several posters in this thread, are conflating illegal immigration with legal. The deluge of trafficed and illegal immigrants trying to get into the coutry should have no bearing on whether Britain pulls out of the EU because the perceived benefits of Britain to an immigrant is a purely British matter, not an EU one.

Yes of course. All the LEGAL migrants from the EU who are criminals in their own Country should freely be allowed to move to the UK.

So your conclusion that Immigration is purely a British matter and not an EU one is utter garbage.

This shows the same type of logic and understanding you tried to use when you tried to announce, earlier in the thread that the UK unemployment figure was only 1.7 million.

No logic and no understanding.

Is reasoned debate and etiquette no longer taught in British schools? I made no such claim that immigration was a purely British matter so please do not state the contrary as fact.

I think the context of my post is clear in that I was specifying illegal immigration, however I will repeat for your benefit: if the people who are not entitled to come to the UK for work are doing so because the UK has a more relaxed welfare system than continental Europe, that is a matter for the UK. Note my use of the words 'trafficed' and 'illegal'.

It is clear that your understanding of many things is distinctly lacking.

Try doing some research on TRAFFICKED and ILLEGAL woman from the poorer EU Countries. It might just enlighten you.

Before having a go at someone's level of education. Have a look at your own.

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Unfortunately the poorly written propaganda article this thread is based upon, and several posters in this thread, are conflating illegal immigration with legal. The deluge of trafficed and illegal immigrants trying to get into the coutry should have no bearing on whether Britain pulls out of the EU because the perceived benefits of Britain to an immigrant is a purely British matter, not an EU one.

Yes of course. All the LEGAL migrants from the EU who are criminals in their own Country should freely be allowed to move to the UK.

So your conclusion that Immigration is purely a British matter and not an EU one is utter garbage.

This shows the same type of logic and understanding you tried to use when you tried to announce, earlier in the thread that the UK unemployment figure was only 1.7 million.

No logic and no understanding.

Is reasoned debate and etiquette no longer taught in British schools? I made no such claim that immigration was a purely British matter so please do not state the contrary as fact.

I think the context of my post is clear in that I was specifying illegal immigration, however I will repeat for your benefit: if the people who are not entitled to come to the UK for work are doing so because the UK has a more relaxed welfare system than continental Europe, that is a matter for the UK. Note my use of the words 'trafficed' and 'illegal'.

It is clear that your understanding of many things is distinctly lacking.

Try doing some research on TRAFFICKED and ILLEGAL woman from the poorer EU Countries. It might just enlighten you.

Before having a go at someone's level of education. Have a look at your own.

I will start again. The article upon which this entire thread is based upon suggested that Britain may withdraw from the EU because of immigration concerns. These can only be concerns about legal immigration because the EU does not dictate the welfare conditions that, apparently, encourage illegal migrants to move to the UK.

How is the origin of the trafficed person relevant to a UK withdrawal from Europe? The EU does not facilitate the illegal entry of European or non-European people to the UK.

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Yes of course. All the LEGAL migrants from the EU who are criminals in their own Country should freely be allowed to move to the UK.

So your conclusion that Immigration is purely a British matter and not an EU one is utter garbage.

This shows the same type of logic and understanding you tried to use when you tried to announce, earlier in the thread that the UK unemployment figure was only 1.7 million.

No logic and no understanding.

Is reasoned debate and etiquette no longer taught in British schools? I made no such claim that immigration was a purely British matter so please do not state the contrary as fact.

I think the context of my post is clear in that I was specifying illegal immigration, however I will repeat for your benefit: if the people who are not entitled to come to the UK for work are doing so because the UK has a more relaxed welfare system than continental Europe, that is a matter for the UK. Note my use of the words 'trafficed' and 'illegal'.

It is clear that your understanding of many things is distinctly lacking.

Try doing some research on TRAFFICKED and ILLEGAL woman from the poorer EU Countries. It might just enlighten you.

Before having a go at someone's level of education. Have a look at your own.

I will start again. The article upon which this entire thread is based upon suggested that Britain may withdraw from the EU because of immigration concerns. These can only be concerns about legal immigration because the EU does not dictate the welfare conditions that, apparently, encourage illegal migrants to move to the UK.

How is the origin of the trafficed person relevant to a UK withdrawal from Europe? The EU does not facilitate the illegal entry of European or non-European people to the UK.

Thank you for confirming what I had already concluded.


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Incursions by "hundreds" of migrants into the Eurotunnel terminal in France have become a nightly occurrence, the cross-channel rail operator has said.

A company spokesman said hundreds of people were being removed from around the terminal perimeter, the railway or platforms each night.

The spokesman said: "We're dealing with people traffickers working together to create diversions and distract security. It's well-organised, co-ordinated activity."


People traffickers working together in well organised, co-ordinated activity.

So why are the French Police not dealing with this illegal activity.

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Incursions by "hundreds" of migrants into the Eurotunnel terminal in France have become a nightly occurrence, the cross-channel rail operator has said.

A company spokesman said hundreds of people were being removed from around the terminal perimeter, the railway or platforms each night.

The spokesman said: "We're dealing with people traffickers working together to create diversions and distract security. It's well-organised, co-ordinated activity."


People traffickers working together in well organised, co-ordinated activity.

So why are the French Police not dealing with this illegal activity.

OK, you have already branded me as clueless, so please educate me - why is illegal immigration going to cause the UK to exit the Europe Union? That is the thrust of the article upon which this thread is based.

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Migration Watch - the name says it all. But if you want more, you can check their Wikipedia entry and read such enlightening descriptions of them as:

"...a pressure group with a distinctly unpleasant agenda"

"...a lobbying and campaigning organisation that is currently engaged in a campaign entitled 'No to 70 Million'"

"A nasty little group playing an old, and unwelcome, trick"

Can we next expect to see EDL or BNP bilge reported as 'news'?

Did you edit the Wikipedia entry? You can you know. Now perhaps you can cease attempts at deflection and address the whacking great problem facing not just the UK but Europe in general.

That's right - I edited the Wikipedia entry, but not before I hacked into the both the Guardian and Independet's websites to ensure those comments were inserted into the articles referenced, and all that before breakfast.

I don't for one second, deny their is a problem with illegal immigration, but I object to people trying to use it as a stick with which to bang their UKIP/Daily Mail anti-EU drum. There seems to be a lot of misinformation being spread by those supporting a UK withdrawal from the EU, and this is one of their tactics - confuse the two and hope that people don't see their lies for what they are.

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Incursions by "hundreds" of migrants into the Eurotunnel terminal in France have become a nightly occurrence, the cross-channel rail operator has said.

A company spokesman said hundreds of people were being removed from around the terminal perimeter, the railway or platforms each night.

The spokesman said: "We're dealing with people traffickers working together to create diversions and distract security. It's well-organised, co-ordinated activity."


People traffickers working together in well organised, co-ordinated activity.

So why are the French Police not dealing with this illegal activity.

OK, you have already branded me as clueless, so please educate me - why is illegal immigration going to cause the UK to exit the Europe Union? That is the thrust of the article upon which this thread is based.

I could explain it to you. What I cannot do is make you understand it.

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OK, you have already branded me as clueless, so please educate me - why is illegal immigration going to cause the UK to exit the Europe Union? That is the thrust of the article upon which this thread is based.

I could explain it to you. What I cannot do is make you understand it.

I am seeing a trend here - you make a baseless statement, I ask for clarification and you retort with suggestions that I am not capable of understanding. You do understand, don't you, that that is not conducive to rational, reasoned debate?

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According to this, the number of UK unemployed is just over 1.8 million, but I think it is a myth to suggest that these people are all workshy. Of course you get blaggers and scroungers - they have always been there and they always will be there - but I believe that the majority of the unemployed genuinely want to work. However if you have skills, qualifications, aspirations, do you really want to spend 12 hours a day, bent over in a field picking carrots? I know that if I was to lose my job, I would need to be on my knees before I would take such a drop in standing. It isn't arrogance, it is human nature.


I do not want to insult your intelligence. In the UK the official unemployment figure comes from the numbers currently claiming JSA. It would be beneficial for you to do a bit of research and find out who CANNOT claim JSA.

You will then see for yourself that the official unemployment figure is pie in the sky.

It is snobs that feel it is below them to do a job that is below their perceived standing. It is human nature to provide for yourself and family.You would be screaming to pick carrots 12 hours a day if there was no welfare state providing ( well over 20K ) in some instances. Of course, thanks to successive Governments, we now have a generation who think that the world owes them something.

That was the essence of my post. There are jobs available for all those that are currently unemployed. The safety net is too attractive, and in some cases better than working. This needs to change.

The welfare state was set up to assist those in short term need. Not fund lifestyles.

But we do have a welfare state, and many unemployed have been paying stamp for years - should they not be entitled to rely on the state to support them while they look for a job commensurate with their skills and qualifications? There are lots of issues with your suggestion that the unemployed should reach for the gutter: the location of the people versus the location of the low skilled work; the need to maintain skills and qualifications if you have any hope of returning to that sphere.

As for professional scroungers, I think they reside mainly in the heads of the Barclay brothers and Paul Dacre, when the former are not working out further tax avoidance schemes and the latter is not working out how to further denigrate the left through lies and smears.

About 50 yrs ago there was some concern that out of a population of 50 million, there were 500,000 unemployed. In the proceeding years successive government,especially Margeret Thatchers government manipulated the figures downwards by transfering many of those unemployed into the figures of those who could not work due to medical reasons. yet now out of a population of 64million we have nearly 2,000,000 claiming unemployment.

So why is this? Well I can only answer from my own experiance of when I had my own busines in the Uk. I employed unskilled workers in an area of high unemployment, yet there were occasions that I found it difficult to find willing workers,the employment exchange would send me people to interview and the law at that time demanded that those unemployed must attend the interview or lose their benifits.They came and quite often would tell me straight out they did not WANT to work as they could live quite happily on their different bennifits.So maybe one solution would be for the Uk to take back control of its boarders and encourage those too lazy to work to HAVE to work.

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OK, you have already branded me as clueless, so please educate me - why is illegal immigration going to cause the UK to exit the Europe Union? That is the thrust of the article upon which this thread is based.

I could explain it to you. What I cannot do is make you understand it.

I am seeing a trend here - you make a baseless statement, I ask for clarification and you retort with suggestions that I am not capable of understanding. You do understand, don't you, that that is not conducive to rational, reasoned debate?

Go back and read the whole thread. If there is anyone that is incapable of rational, reasoned debate, go have a look in a mirror.

Not withstanding your posts that were deleted yesterday.

Have you worked out yet why the UK unemployment figure is not anywhere near 1.7 Million as per your link ?

Have you worked out why this statement, by you, is ludicrous ?

should they not be entitled to rely on the state to support them while they look for a job commensurate with their skills and qualifications?

Have you worked out yet, that both LEGAL and ILLEGAL Migration to the UK is interlinked and is a real concern for UK Citizens ?

When someone cannot grasp the basics, they are incapable of having a reasoned, rational debate.

Edited by JockPieandBeans
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So it’s fine for a company from another European country to tender for a job on say a new build power station in the UK, (stay with me)

Knowing full well they will pay their workers a fraction of what a British company by law HAS to pay their workers under the national agreement (the blue book) so this means they can go in at a much lower price for the job,

This is happening and has been for years, that’s why there was a big protest about a job on the Humber bank a few years ago with a Spanish company bringing in a barge into Immingham for accommodation for its workers,

This is what shouldn’t be happening to BRITISH tradesmen,

Cheap labour coming into the country with underhand ways of getting big contracts, leaving the British workers out,

I don’t have a problem with them tendering for jobs as long as it’s a level playing field and they have to pay their men the national agreement rate, digs, and travel then let’s see them undercut the British companies,

That my bloody rant and if you say I’m racist, well up to you

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Have you worked out yet, that both LEGAL and ILLEGAL Migration to the UK is interlinked and is a real concern for UK Citizens ?

When someone cannot grasp the basics, they are incapable of having a reasoned, rational debate.

Jesus! Do you sap the will to live from everyone you come across?

At absolutely no point did I say that immigration of any sort was not a concern, but I stated that by trying blame the EU for being the cause of illegal migrants was a ruse used by those opposed to EU membership. You repeatedly state that the two are linked, but you have repeatedly failed to show how membership of the EU is responsible for illegal migrants in the UK.

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Have you worked out yet, that both LEGAL and ILLEGAL Migration to the UK is interlinked and is a real concern for UK Citizens ?

When someone cannot grasp the basics, they are incapable of having a reasoned, rational debate.

Jesus! Do you sap the will to live from everyone you come across?

At absolutely no point did I say that immigration of any sort was not a concern, but I stated that by trying blame the EU for being the cause of illegal migrants was a ruse used by those opposed to EU membership. You repeatedly state that the two are linked, but you have repeatedly failed to show how membership of the EU is responsible for illegal migrants in the UK.

Last time.

Linked on this thread is a report of 1000's of Illegal Immigrants sitting in Calais awaiting the chance to get to the UK.

Guess how they got to Calais ?

All the way from Southern Europe, up through Central Europe to Calais.

This has been happening for the last 2 decades.

If the other EU Countries were to actually do what they are meant to do ( But they wont, because it costs them money ) They would get nowhere near Calais trying and dying, to get to the UK.

I posted this earlier.


People traffickers working together in well organised, co-ordinated activity.

So why are the French Police not dealing with this illegal activity.

Organised criminal activity that the French Police do nothing about, because they are trying to get to the UK.

You really should try educating yourself.

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Have you worked out yet, that both LEGAL and ILLEGAL Migration to the UK is interlinked and is a real concern for UK Citizens ?

When someone cannot grasp the basics, they are incapable of having a reasoned, rational debate.

Jesus! Do you sap the will to live from everyone you come across?

At absolutely no point did I say that immigration of any sort was not a concern, but I stated that by trying blame the EU for being the cause of illegal migrants was a ruse used by those opposed to EU membership. You repeatedly state that the two are linked, but you have repeatedly failed to show how membership of the EU is responsible for illegal migrants in the UK.

The EU is not the cause of illegal immigration into the UK, the EU simply made it a lot easier for the illegals to reach the UK border. The Schengen Agreement means that once an illegal has got into Spain or Italy, for example, they can more easily get all the way north to the border with Britain without having to show any ID or visas. Before Schengen, the illegals may have been stopped at other borders.

Still have the will to live? biggrin.png

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Have you worked out yet, that both LEGAL and ILLEGAL Migration to the UK is interlinked and is a real concern for UK Citizens ?

When someone cannot grasp the basics, they are incapable of having a reasoned, rational debate.

Jesus! Do you sap the will to live from everyone you come across?

At absolutely no point did I say that immigration of any sort was not a concern, but I stated that by trying blame the EU for being the cause of illegal migrants was a ruse used by those opposed to EU membership. You repeatedly state that the two are linked, but you have repeatedly failed to show how membership of the EU is responsible for illegal migrants in the UK.

Last time.

Linked on this thread is a report of 1000's of Illegal Immigrants sitting in Calais awaiting the chance to get to the UK.

Guess how they got to Calais ?

All the way from Southern Europe, up through Central Europe to Calais.

This has been happening for the last 2 decades.

If the other EU Countries were to actually do what they are meant to do ( But they wont, because it costs them money ) They would get nowhere near Calais trying and dying, to get to the UK.

I posted this earlier.


People traffickers working together in well organised, co-ordinated activity.

So why are the French Police not dealing with this illegal activity.

Organised criminal activity that the French Police do nothing about, because they are trying to get to the UK.

You really should try educating yourself.

And pulling out of the EU will do what to solve that? We don't physically move away from the continent - the migrants will still be trying to get across whether we are in the EU or not. They are called illegal migrants because they don't follow the law.

"You really should try educating yourself."

You remind me a lot of the Donald.

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Jesus! Do you sap the will to live from everyone you come across?

At absolutely no point did I say that immigration of any sort was not a concern, but I stated that by trying blame the EU for being the cause of illegal migrants was a ruse used by those opposed to EU membership. You repeatedly state that the two are linked, but you have repeatedly failed to show how membership of the EU is responsible for illegal migrants in the UK.

The EU is not the cause of illegal immigration into the UK, the EU simply made it a lot easier for the illegals to reach the UK border. The Schengen Agreement means that once an illegal has got into Spain or Italy, for example, they can more easily get all the way north to the border with Britain without having to show any ID or visas. Before Schengen, the illegals may have been stopped at other borders.

Still have the will to live? biggrin.png

Our withdrawal from the EU will, I doubt, impact Schengen - so the migrants will still be chapping at the door.

It is Friday afternoon in the middle east and the nearest bar is an hour's flight away so I am not bearing up so well...

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Jesus! Do you sap the will to live from everyone you come across?

At absolutely no point did I say that immigration of any sort was not a concern, but I stated that by trying blame the EU for being the cause of illegal migrants was a ruse used by those opposed to EU membership. You repeatedly state that the two are linked, but you have repeatedly failed to show how membership of the EU is responsible for illegal migrants in the UK.

The EU is not the cause of illegal immigration into the UK, the EU simply made it a lot easier for the illegals to reach the UK border. The Schengen Agreement means that once an illegal has got into Spain or Italy, for example, they can more easily get all the way north to the border with Britain without having to show any ID or visas. Before Schengen, the illegals may have been stopped at other borders.

Still have the will to live? biggrin.png

Our withdrawal from the EU will, I doubt, impact Schengen - so the migrants will still be chapping at the door.

It is Friday afternoon in the middle east and the nearest bar is an hour's flight away so I am not bearing up so well...

It's Friday night here, but I don't get paid like you M.E. boyz! smile.png

I'll open a bottle now to salute you. Cheers! burp.gif

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Migration Watch - the name says it all. But if you want more, you can check their Wikipedia entry and read such enlightening descriptions of them as:

"...a pressure group with a distinctly unpleasant agenda"

"...a lobbying and campaigning organisation that is currently engaged in a campaign entitled 'No to 70 Million'"

"A nasty little group playing an old, and unwelcome, trick"

Can we next expect to see EDL or BNP bilge reported as 'news'?

Or Green argues that "To speak out about [immigration] is not to be anti-immigrant".[72] Green has said of MigrationWatch's agenda: "It's not racism. It's realism. It's right in a democracy that the public has the facts"

Are these statements NOT correct?

Right on biker. Rudy is obviously of the G Brown school of "mention that and you're a racist/bigot/hypocrite/little Englander/NIMBY/ any of the above. Immigration is a real problem. Those denying that either haven't been there or wish to ignore the facts.

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The anti EU lobby, including the anti immigration immigrants on this forum, have consistently failed to provide any real argument to show how leaving the EU will solve any immigration crisis in the UK.

The freedom of movement treaties and the rights which derive from them are EEA treaties, not EU ones. (If you don't know the difference, Google is your friend.)

Approximately the same number of British citizens exercise their right to live in other EEA and EU countries as EEA and EU nationals live in the UK.

EU migrants moving to UK balanced by Britons living abroad

Edited by 7by7
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Ahhhh, for those that remember Sangatte.

As part of the deal - intended to remove the "magnet" of Sangatte - the UK will take 1,000 Iraqi Kurds from the centre on work permits plus "a proportion" of Afghans with family in the UK.


We cannot deal with them..... So lets just give them work permits.

Couldn't make it up.

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