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US: Republican contenders scrambling to adjust to 'Trumpism'


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It is too early to say which candidate the Republicans will pick, but finally there seems to be some excitement about things. Sure Trump is a loudmouthed guy making headlines with his brash statements. He is getting attention. The rest of the pack will have their chance to counter his statements at the Aug 6th debate. The Democrats on the other hand have, basically without any debate, have given the nomination to Hillary. Unless Burnie Sanders can hang in there, there will be no Democratic debate, no choice. The American political scene needs new blood on both sides. Dragging up the same old has beens on both sides of the spectrum just puts the American people at a loss as far as being interested in who is President.

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Got my popcorn for Thursday August 6th when the first R debate will occur. Some people call it a debate, others call it a self-immolation.
Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday Thursday afternoon
Going to the candidates debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Ev'ry way you look at it, you lose
August 6th btw is the date the bomb hit Hiroshima (1945). This August 6th it will hit in a debate hall in Cleveland Ohio full of Republicans to include ten candidates for prez. Take a few MSM with it too I'm afraid.
"August 6th btw is the date the bomb hit Hiroshima (1945). This August 6th it will hit in a debate hall in Cleveland Ohio full of Republicans to include ten candidates for prez. Take a few MSM with it too I'm afraid."
What a screwed up bunch of statements. The Democrats led by Democrat Harry S. Truman nuked Japan - Democrats - the only warmongers ever to use a nuke.
Democrats got the US into WWII - Warmongers.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats led by the Chief Commander of the US Military - Democrat Obama - nuked the Republican debates, just as you predict. Ask the Japanese.
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Definition of politically correct: "agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people."

Definition of politically correct: Trolling without saying what you really think.


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If it comes down next year on election day to Clinton vs Bush, voters will choose Clinton.

As for the present, this week's ABCNews/Washington Post survey poll found HRC with 50% and JEB with 44%. It is moreover a reliable rule in elections that undecideds break on election day 70-30 or narrowly close to it for the candidate already favored, i.e., HRC. So if JEB (John Ellis Bush) should get that far, he might want to have his concession speech already drafted.

It is also rare indeed for one candidate an any race to be polling at 50% (or better) well before any votes are cast. The norm is at the least a respectable contest up to the weekend before the Tuesday voting, as was the case with Romney, and was also true even as the economy was crashing down on John McCain.

(It wuz on Sunday evening before the Tuesday 1980 election that Jimmy Carter was presented with rolling in-house D party weekend polls that showed the bottom fall out from under him, and he's not the only one in this respect in either party. The R's going in to the Aug 6th debate have no bottom....it's a focking abyss.)

It remains much too early to call a turnover of majority control in the Senate after the votes are cast, but D's in the Senate and elsewhere are already smiling and R's up for reelection are very quietly sprucing up their resume'. R's in the House are already online to fortune tellers in Thailand.

Not sayin yet what my own Thai fortune tellers are showing but I go back each day coz I like it....biggrin.pngthumbsup.gif .

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Got my popcorn for Thursday August 6th when the first R debate will occur. Some people call it a debate, others call it a self-immolation.
Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday Thursday afternoon
Going to the candidates debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Ev'ry way you look at it, you lose
August 6th btw is the date the bomb hit Hiroshima (1945). This August 6th it will hit in a debate hall in Cleveland Ohio full of Republicans to include ten candidates for prez. Take a few MSM with it too I'm afraid.
"August 6th btw is the date the bomb hit Hiroshima (1945). This August 6th it will hit in a debate hall in Cleveland Ohio full of Republicans to include ten candidates for prez. Take a few MSM with it too I'm afraid."
What a screwed up bunch of statements. The Democrats led by Democrat Harry S. Truman nuked Japan - Democrats - the only warmongers ever to use a nuke.
Democrats got the US into WWII - Warmongers.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats led by the Chief Commander of the US Military - Democrat Obama - nuked the Republican debates, just as you predict. Ask the Japanese.

Get a Thai massage my friend cause you look like....well, you sound like you need some R&R. An instance of political pre-traumatic stress syndrome if I've ever seen one, and I can say I'd seen a lot of 'em in the business over the decades.

Coincidence I guess that I wuz talking to a Japanese scientist socialist friend the other day who said he wuz working on a Republican party neutron political bomb. I thanked him but then I said no thanks and that he should just sit back and wait until election day. wai2.gif

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It is too early to say which candidate the Republicans will pick, but finally there seems to be some excitement about things. Sure Trump is a loudmouthed guy making headlines with his brash statements. He is getting attention. The rest of the pack will have their chance to counter his statements at the Aug 6th debate. The Democrats on the other hand have, basically without any debate, have given the nomination to Hillary. Unless Burnie Sanders can hang in there, there will be no Democratic debate, no choice. The American political scene needs new blood on both sides. Dragging up the same old has beens on both sides of the spectrum just puts the American people at a loss as far as being interested in who is President.

It's too early to say the Dems have given it to Hillary. She was the front-runner for ever in 2012 only to lose it to a charismatic, inexperienced nobody. 14 more months of Hillary's cackles and the people will be dying for another charismatic, inexperienced nobody. The long election cycle hurts her. Her ratings will drop over time, not strengthen, as people grow tired of her. She isn't a sure thing.

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If it comes down next year on election day to Clinton vs Bush, voters will choose Clinton.

As for the present, this week's ABCNews/Washington Post survey poll found HRC with 50% and JEB with 44%. It is moreover a reliable rule in elections that undecideds break on election day 70-30 or narrowly close to it for the candidate already favored, i.e., HRC. So if JEB (John Ellis Bush) should get that far, he might want to have his concession speech already drafted.

It is also rare indeed for one candidate an any race to be polling at 50% (or better) well before any votes are cast. The norm is at the least a respectable contest up to the weekend before the Tuesday voting, as was the case with Romney, and was also true even as the economy was crashing down on John McCain.

(It wuz on Sunday evening before the Tuesday 1980 election that Jimmy Carter was presented with rolling in-house D party weekend polls that showed the bottom fall out from under him, and he's not the only one in this respect in either party. The R's going in to the Aug 6th debate have no bottom....it's a focking abyss.)

It remains much too early to call a turnover of majority control in the Senate after the votes are cast, but D's in the Senate and elsewhere are already smiling and R's up for reelection are very quietly sprucing up their resume'. R's in the House are already online to fortune tellers in Thailand.

Not sayin yet what my own Thai fortune tellers are showing but I go back each day coz I like it....biggrin.pngthumbsup.gif .

Apparently neither you nor your Thai fortune tellers were consulted by Quinnipiac University prior to publishing their poll results two days ago.


Clinton In Trouble In Colorado, Iowa, Virginia, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds; Trump's Negatives Are Almost 2-1
Jully 22, 2015
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is behind or on the wrong side of a too-close-to-call result in matchups with three leading Republican contenders, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released today.
Perhaps the biggest loser, however, is Donald Trump, who has negative favorability ratings of almost 2-1 in each state, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. The Swing State Poll focuses on key states in the presidential election.
In several matchups in Iowa and Colorado, another Democratic contender, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, runs as well as, or better than Clinton against Rubio, Bush and Walker. Vice President Joseph Biden does not do as well.
Clinton gets markedly negative favorability ratings in each state, 35 - 56 percent in Colorado, 33 - 56 percent in Iowa and 41 - 50 percent in Virginia.
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Definition of politically correct: "agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people."

Definition of politically correct: Trolling without saying what you really think.


What? I'm pretty sure I've made it clear "what I think." You're just too lazy to read my other posts.

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The more time the now 16 conservative, white males vying for the Republican ticket have to spend making fools of themselves on the news, the more time the Democratic candidates have to collect money to beat the winner. Thank you GOP!

Just to be pedantic I should point out that the 16 include a woman and an Indian-American (both with about 1% of the current vote) and an African American man who is currently in 4th or 5th place.

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Definition of politically correct: "agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people."

Definition of politically correct: Trolling without saying what you really think.


What? I'm pretty sure I've made it clear "what I think." You're just too lazy to read my other posts.

Sorry about that. I shouldn't have quoted you. You triggered a different thought and I should have stated it by itself. I didn't mean to refer to your post.


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God help USA if Trump ever becomes President.

After Obama and his loony policies, Trump would be a breath of fresh air. Anyone who thinks Hillary is going to be the next occupant of the White House is hallucinating or having a bad dream.

If anyone is hallucinating........


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For a start, the GOP could whittle if down the number of "contenders" to a dozen or less it may help their cause.

There are around 20 and not a lo of difference between them, except for " The Donald".

Trump is doing a great job of exposing all of the racism and bigotry in the GOP and disgusting a lot of voters.

Even a good number of "Red State" voters are looking elsewhere for a viable candidate.

Bernie Sanders is doing unexpectedly well in "Red States".

That says a lot for the good job "The Donald" is doing!

Keep it up Trump.

You may be just what the country needs to keep the GOP out of the presidency for another eight years!

Thank you!

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I am personally quite pleased that Trump has come on the Presidential campaign scene, otherwise it would be nothing but namby-pamby non committal statements on 'safe' and Politically Correct issues handed out by the powers that be. Trump with his Trumpisms has thrown a monkey wrench into the well oiled political CONTROL machines of both parties. Now every other day Trump will barge into a new issue that both political parties would rather not discuss -- because if they did actually discuss issues important to the people - the politicos might actually have to do something about them

I took notice that Trump has a had a private meeting with Presidential Candidate Senator Ted Cruz held in Trump Towers, NYC... And just a day or so ago -- Trump made a donation to the Ted Cruz political campaign... This is certainly getting interesting. Also to keep the Republican - so called Establishment Leadership (RINOS) from stabbing him in the back... Trump has said in various ways "If they treat me right I will not go off an start a 3rd Party Presidential campaign" (to paraphrase)... Trump KNOWS he has to threaten this -- because he KNOWS they will stab him in the back.

Without Trump and Trumpisms the current Presidential Campaign would be another anti-climax with the powers that be manipulating their candidate to the front of the pack with phony opinion polls, and attack ads... Had Trump not appeared there would be 10,000 JEB JEB JEB that's our boy ads saturating the air waves.... And there would be opinion polls you never heard of before pronouncing that Jeb Bush was leading by 110% of the vote in every county in the nation...

But Trump has stolen the microphone and video camera and has run away with it... Makes My Day

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I am personally quite pleased that Trump has come on the Presidential campaign scene, otherwise it would be nothing but namby-pamby non committal statements on 'safe' and Politically Correct issues handed out by the powers that be. Trump with his Trumpisms has thrown a monkey wrench into the well oiled political CONTROL machines of both parties. Now every other day Trump will barge into a new issue that both political parties would rather not discuss -- because if they did actually discuss issues important to the people - the politicos might actually have to do something about them

I took notice that Trump has a had a private meeting with Presidential Candidate Senator Ted Cruz held in Trump Towers, NYC... And just a day or so ago -- Trump made a donation to the Ted Cruz political campaign... This is certainly getting interesting. Also to keep the Republican - so called Establishment Leadership (RINOS) from stabbing him in the back... Trump has said in various ways "If they treat me right I will not go off an start a 3rd Party Presidential campaign" (to paraphrase)... Trump KNOWS he has to threaten this -- because he KNOWS they will stab him in the back.

Without Trump and Trumpisms the current Presidential Campaign would be another anti-climax with the powers that be manipulating their candidate to the front of the pack with phony opinion polls, and attack ads... Had Trump not appeared there would be 10,000 JEB JEB JEB that's our boy ads saturating the air waves.... And there would be opinion polls you never heard of before pronouncing that Jeb Bush was leading by 110% of the vote in every county in the nation...

But Trump has stolen the microphone and video camera and has run away with it... Makes My Day

Not sure if you are right there. It seems Walker is the Koch Brothers preferred lap dog, and if so it will be his face you see on every TV.

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