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Thai NLA mulls draft bill to tackle teenage pregnancy issues


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NLA mulls draft bill to tackle teenage pregnancy issues
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) Thursday considered draft legislation on the prevention of teenage pregnancy issues, which called for the establishment of a committee to propose policies and measures to solve the problem of teenage pregnancy.

The 28-article draft bill included measures such as providing youngsters with proper sex education, allowing teenage mothers to continue their studies in an appropriate way until graduation, and imposing a maximum jail term of one month and/or a fine of Bt10,000 for those who refuse to help endangered teens.

The draft bill, proposed by Jate Siratharanon and 54 other NLA members, covered sexual violence, sexual assaults, premature sex and pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted diseases.

As these are issues of national-level importance that affect the rights, liberties, health, family ties and quality of life of teenagers, measures or mechanisms need to be put in place to solve the problem of teenage pregnancy.

Deputy Public Health Minister Somsak Chunharas said the Public Health Ministry would take this bill to study within 20 days before submitting it to the Cabinet's consideration, after which the bill would be passed onto NLA for deliberation in the first reading.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/NLA-mulls-draft-bill-to-tackle-teenage-pregnancy-i-30265082.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-23

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Try some Bromide in the water supply.

Is that not a myth?

The late, great Spike Milligan once wrote

"I don't think that bromide had any lasting effect, the only way to stop a British soldier feeling randy is to load bromide into a 300lb shell and fire it at him from the waist down."

Edited by Bluespunk
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They'll try to legislate themselves out of this problem by using a committee, which will just be another excuse for a few of their friends to get an extra monthly stipend. They don't need a committee, there are plenty of already existing NGOs that can help guide government strategy. This government is already a bloated mess.

Rest assured, this current government and the next will be fully transparent and clean when it comes to filling all of these committees. We know they would never use these meaningless positions to reward their friends and family. wink.png

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Well, they could always find out what causes it and tell them to stop it.

That might work...

Use the same method we did as teenagers. Tell the girl to trap a large aspirin between her legs at the knees and keep it there when danger/desire arises or go to a metal monger and have him make up a pair of steel knickers.

Edited by elgordo38
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Firstly inculcate a sense of responsibility and then half Thailand's problems will decrease after that put in laws to protect girls and enforce financial maintenance from Thai boys who, currently, just walk away

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. . . and/or a fine of Bt10,000 for those who refuse to help endangered teens.

What on earth can this possibly mean? Parents? Teachers? Hospitals? Social workers? Thai journalism at its most abysmal.

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Just look in the grade 4 science.

Animal reproduction has been deleted. Grade 5, grade 6 do not even have an example of female organs. All references to private body parts and organs are absent from school curricular. So don't expect this to change soon.

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A committee for a simple answer? EDUCATION! The mind boggles.

And as another poster put it, "health, welfare and education providers " should be included in the deliberations. coffee1.gif Don't hold your breath.

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1. Real straightforward sex education.

Hasn't happened yet that I know of. I taught at high school in USA we also had

2.teen clinics at high schools

There was basket of condoms at check, take as many as you like, no questions. The nurses would also come to individual classes to answer questions, have slide shows, etc (some of the STD slides were a bit hard to stomach.... ). Students could get treatment or referral without parents permission. Also dispensed birth control for the girls

3. Legalize abortion

4. Child support by both parties (fat chance this would ever happen, or #3, come to think of it)

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Wow! Does anyone here trust the current regime to choose the best path on this issue? whistling.gif

I thought not - I'm with you, unfortunately for the future of Thai kids. sad.png The proposals do not seem to impose any responsibility on one of the parties - Thai males.

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NLA... definitely the most qualified to deal with broad and complicated social issues, and eager to use the most effective tool at their disposal, legislation. Laws to keep teens from having sex. Yep! That ought to do it. Next...

Edited by jerojero
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