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PM urges speedy implementation of Thai Chinese dual-track rail project

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PM urges speedy implementation of Thai Chinese dual-track rail project


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said yesterday that the government is speeding up implementation of the Thai-Chinese joint venture railway projects with assurance that construction of the first dual-track rail project linking Nong Khai province in the Northeast and Rayong province in the East will begin this October.

He emphasised the importance of the joint railway development project between Thailand and China in preparation for the Asean Economic Community next year stating clearly it has to start this October.

He said the government is doing everything to kick off the project as the two countries have agreed the project will become a historic joint rail development of them.

Gen Prayut conceded that the project implementation has been delayed by problems concerning Term of References (TOR) and the government is trying to make the people understand.

The two countries signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the project in December last year.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-urges-speedy-implementation-of-thai-chinese-dual-track-rail-project

-- Thai PBS 2015-07-25

the government is trying to make the people understand.

Christ this is getting boring. Just come out with it. 'You may neither like nor want it but we're going to do it anyway so stop complaining it upsets us'.


Did he say what the "government" (one assumes he meant the Thai government?), is actually doing to speed up this project?

Other than "making the people understand"?


He's-just-an-interim-PM-for-long-enough-to-restore-Peas-And-Horderves-and-then-there-will-soon-be-elections-and-he-won't-even-be-around-to-get-a-good-start-on-a-dual-track-railroad-so what-is-He-thinking?

Oh wait...


Seems like your man is playing sides. I actually think it would be a good thing. But in polotics there is no thing as a coincidence.

Interim Pm bloody hell, He has been PM longer than many who have been elected. You are talking out your back passage.


Well, finally it looks like the big rail projects with the Chinese are set to move ahead.

It's been a long process, what with the pre-qualifications submittals, tender advertisements, tender reviews, and awards of contracts to qualified companies.

What? You say you know nothing about this?

Well, that is indeed a curious thing.



For an interim PM, Junta leader Prayut - O should be getting Thailand on track , not down the track , reservoir water keeps drying up , among countless other problems and here we are putting in all these knee jerk projects into play, who is paying for these trains and what is the reward to China , these Government to Government deals ( The Prayut - O transparency ) are a worry, no budget details, just a trust in me , so the people should be concerned and ask for more information, coffee1.gif


What purpose will a railroad to Rayong serve ? Why China when the Japanese have some of the best High Speed Trains going and Japan will likely not want to annex Thailand !!


Well, finally it looks like the big rail projects with the Chinese are set to move ahead.

It's been a long process, what with the pre-qualifications submittals, tender advertisements, tender reviews, and awards of contracts to qualified companies.

What? You say you know nothing about this?

Well, that is indeed a curious thing.


I agree, it would be nice to know who won all the contracts for tender for this huge project.

Probably won(!) by a family member or maybe a general who just happens to own such like companies!

We will never know as it will be as transparent as a certain persons wealth.


the good general is selling the county down the proverbial river.

We need rain not a train. We need the essentials of life not the luxuries. If your going to urge something let it pertain to water not waste. Priorities in the forefront lets solve them. I think someone else mentioned this but was the train deal ever tendered or just given to China as a gesture of eternal friendship?. I am slowly starting to learn now why things made in China that are sold on Ebay are shipped free. Looking at the quality of the items they should be free as well. Half the items are inferior or broken and when I contact the Chinese seller about returning them he just says "keep them and I will refund your money but give me positive feedback" So lets see after the Chinese made trains are running what the "feedback" will be. Unfortunately the people that approved the deal will be long gone into pension paradise.


Who needs a higher speed dual track rail link capable of both passenger and freight service going to the NorthEast? There's nothing there. The previous government had it right, a cabinet member said that there were hordes of poor commuters in ChiangMai waiting for a speedy link to Bangkok. Even our PM at that time put her best foot forward, specifying and designing lunch boxes.

Anyway, fun aside, with the Chinese financing the building of the links, lots of Chinese companies involved. Of course this is worrying to the point the Japanese offered to finance and build some other really required links and even Thai companies interested in financing BKK to HuaHin and Pattaya/Rayong.


Some people don't understand that a horse delivery system aka: Pony Express after was RAIL which not moves only people but supplies of many sorts. So, with vehicle traffic costing money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. So, 2 tracks, more service, more commerce, less spoilage and it goes on and on. The US mail system triggered and funded the Aviation industry in the beginning GO Boeing.


How about speedily overhauling police force, courts, and education. How does kissing China a*s help millions of Thai citizen wallowing in a corrupt society or inept education system.


So, cant hold an election within 3 years but can get a multi billion project that will affect the whole country rushed in within the next 3 mths ? whistling.gif

He and his cronies are selling the country down the Chao Prayuth river and the direction is mainly China.....

It should not be ignored which faction is so strongly Pro Chinese nor who the eastern tigers champion, it gives at least the likely direction of where this governing regime and sponsors are intending to take the country.

Then again they are mostly thai chinese pushing it so cant blame them for wanting to keep it in the family .. so to speak.


For an interim PM, Junta leader Prayut - O should be getting Thailand on track , not down the track , reservoir water keeps drying up , among countless other problems and here we are putting in all these knee jerk projects into play, who is paying for these trains and what is the reward to China , these Government to Government deals ( The Prayut - O transparency ) are a worry, no budget details, just a trust in me , so the people should be concerned and ask for more information, coffee1.gif

Exactly, and in the future this will be called the "Rail scam"


There was a big discussion of the impracticalty of this railway project at the FCCT last year.

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