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Seeking Teachers For A School. Helping The School, Or Wasting Your Time?

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Hello and Sawasdee Khrap, wai.gif

Just wanted to know how others on this so valuable forum think about the "lovely process of helping your school" finding a new teacher? I assume that I’m not alone doing such an unthankful job that robs my free time.

Fact is that our director has all in a sudden realized that there's a teacher for Anuban one and two missing? Then the usual Thai way of finding somebody immediately, because the parents have already aid for a teacher and other utter nonsense.

Of course is there not enough money to offer a decent amount as a salary, because "the school" doesn't have enough money.........

Considering that the director's in the middle of building a new house, well, better said a palace that won't be cheap. What a coincidence.

When you're the guy for everything, who's fixing the computers, because nobody else would do it and shops would only put some dodgy virus loaded programs on, you might understand why I prefer to keep the machines I'm using, running and if needed renew programs, etc...

Then between teaching and some weekend seminars for teachers, which is okay and good paid, you have to deal with people who're seeking a job.

It's pretty much everywhere the same, "please help the school", post an add at xxx.com and deal with it. facepalm.gif

Trying to make sure that the applicants send their resumes to the coordinator wasn't successful. She doesn't understand so many different English speaking people and you finally (have to?) agree to do that for them......

Preparing seminar after seminar and conducting them on weekends makes you understand what stress really is, even if the money's okay for all the work.

Not even enough money to pay another trainer, so you're on your own, conduct seminars while the coordinator's sitting on her bigger ( can’t say fat ass) bum and is basically doing nothing. But she receives the same amount of cash from our educational area office. Modern hidden slavery.

Hurrey, the add's online, the fist resumes come in. The Africans no matter from Uganda, or Nigeria are all native English speakers, once you answer an e-mail and make the mistake to give them your personal phone number, you're screwed.

You can tell them that you'll get back to them, but after only one day they call you, start to yell at you in Suaheli why you didn't call them back? Okay, Sir, we'll call you tomorrow, then immediately block their phone number and e-mail address. Some of them are really clever and use another one.

Okay, block the number, block the e-mail and continue reading the partly/mostly bizarre resumes. Some Asian job seekers always wish you "More Power", no idea why they wish me more power, maybe more power to give them a job? I don't know, but it's irrelevant.

Then you think you've won the lottery. A youngish Asian woman applies and you think yep, she'd be fine for the little ones and finally use your own money to get in touch with her to schedule an interview. The ideal one for the little ones, good English skills and youngish.

Well, some problems with communication on the phone might have been the noise coming from some students who're so loud that you don't understand your own word. But only god knows why a he always becomes a she and vice versa.

Then after some phone calls, using your own phone credit, an e-mail arrives, saying that the place would be so far away from Korat and that she wouldn't have anybody to help her. Okay, no problem, it wasn't me who wanted a job. But it was my time that was wasted for somebody who applied for a job, living only 220 km away. Four hours by train. But I guess she found something locally.

The resume of some people lack of the most important information. No copy of a degree, transcripts, no passport copy, no visa status information, no nothing. Some resumes don't even show the gender of the applicant.

Some more of these "More Power To You" mails and you feel that you're losing power, reading them. Only trying to find out if NNES have a valid TOEIC can take a long time to find out. Why do they NOT send the most important documents becomes a nightmare……..

The coordinator doesn't seem to understand how much work that can be and is asking twice an hour who applied. Even telling her that I was already using more than 300 baht for phone calls doesn't seem to give me some phone credit, or similar. Not even a sign of appreciation. Nil.

Then you tell somebody to come to school on Tuesday morning, to give a short demo lesson, but the coordinator forgot to mention that the director won't be here. Okay, another mail and to be sure also a phone call.

I've just spent two hours deleting mails and responding to some. I'm at a point where I just delete certain e-mails, coming from a big continent, block them immediately, otherwise you'll get their resume, or what people usually call resume.

Some easy questions are just not understood, I have to ask again and again, then slow down like speaking to a student, if the applicant is able to give a short demonstration lesson. I gave up trying to explain where the school is and send a link from Khun Google.

One native English speaker's really interested, even knowing that the starting salary will only be 18 K. After some boring e-mails, the guy's asking me if I could "lend him some money" that he can make it to the interview, but he seems to be an honest guy and offers me to pay 12 K back when he receives his first salary.

He " a sort of" ran out money in Sin city, but he'll take the teaching position for sure. After some really annoying e-mails and phone calls, I had to tell him to flag off and leave me the frog alone.

One more blocked applicant and still no idea when the big boss has time to interview the ones who're waiting for an answer, while the parents are waiting for the teacher, because they already paid for him-her.

.I believe that those guys who always write "More Power To You" seem to know how exhausted I am. Who knows, there might be some job less fortune tellers?

It would be great if some of you honorable members, who've got the power to "help to hire" would share their experience about seeking a teacher just recently.

Is it possible that I'm not the only one who receives such outstanding resumes?

Finally, I'd like to thank you in advance for any useful posts. Time for a really deserved cold one now.

More Power To You !!! thumbsup.gif




Sounds like this school is twinned with Satit Kaeset, Chonburi.

Summers in Australia for the director don't come cheap ;)


Sounds like this school is twinned with Satit Kaeset, Chonburi.

Summers in Australia for the director don't come cheap wink.png

Can't believe that there're more directors who take the education of their students so serious. Mine has got a Dr. title in front of his name, which a Thai friend of mine had done for him. I mean all the written stuff.

Of course is he driving a Fortuner, but considering that even ordinary teachers are driving such cars, ( and almost killing innocent students being hammered in Buri Ram) he's also planning to upgrade his status in form of a European car.

He's really asking me if a Benz would be better than a BMW, as he's aware that I'm also (was) made in Germany.

I wish I had the problem to choose between a Benz and a BMW. But finally I can be lucky that I bought a car from the money I had when I came to this beautiful country.

I only know two Filipinos, who drive expensive Pick Ups, don't really know many whitening creamed foreigners have one. Usually Mopeds.

And i doubt it that somebody on a 30+ nitwit salary will ever be able to save money to buy a car. There's the Lord Buddha on top, then of course His Majesty our beloved King, of course, but right afterwards seem to come the Pooo's...

I really feel sorry for him that he couldn't make his decision yet. Poor guy. Must hurt a lot. facepalm.gif



A thai teacher i know was promoted to assist the director. He told me a few weeks ago that the director said to her whilst banging his fist on the table"don't buy things, just get me receipts". He is a decent guy and refused, to be then told he would do nothing but tech in that school.

I suspect this is normal behaviour of many school directors, and until the general sends in a few forensic accountants to audit all directors personal itsaccounts and all the schools, this sort of behaviour will continue.

Such an easy win, but I suspect it won't happen


Waste of time and also you open yourself to criticism in the form of being shot as the messenger. bah.gif

It is a waste of time, but considering that I'll have to work together with this new teacher, it's also in my interest to find somebody suitable, without proof that evolution can go in reverse.

It should be somebody who can work on his/her own, I do not have/ want to spend my time to show somebody how to teach little kids, if you know what I mean.

I just came back from a seminar, where I've met our coordinator. She didn't do anything, just sat on her Jiggle butt and then I saw that she got paid the same amount they gave me for working my arse off. Only two short breaks all day long and 50 something teachers.

Asking her when the applicants should show up for an interview was like banging my head against a wall. She doesn't know, because the director is so busy, but they want a teacher immediately, because the parents have already paid for their kids?

You can call that insanity at its best. There're people who're seeking a job and waiting for an answer, but I can't give them a date to schedule an interview. It makes me feel so stupid that I agreed to do it for them.

I'll wait two more days and if they still don't know when the applicants should to be at our school, I'll send them an e-mail telling them that the position is taken and I'll apologize for the idiots from my school. Full stop.

The position has to be filled by the end of this month, but the director is too busy, because building his new castle seems to be more important than anything else.

It's so annoying that I'd really love to tell them what I really think about the whole buffalodung...But then I'd also ask for my immediate dismissal.


Basic rules for the o.p.

1) dummy up . When they have an obnoxious task for you pretend you don't understand. Have them explain it to you a hundred times and show you how to do it.

Pretend ignorance of all IT and have them show you your way to proceed.

2 ) Be super pleasant and polite .... Nod a lot .... Then do nothing.

3) This is war. Snuggle up to your enemies. Be sociably friendly with all your colleagues .... Even have an after hour beer with them....get them on your side ...... But then do nothing outside your job remit unless you want to and enjoy it.

4) Suck up to any parents you meet. They can make useful unspoken alias.

5) Think Thai ..... Behave Thai. When in Rome etc.


the general sends in a few forensic accountants to audit all directors personal accounts and all the schools, this sort of behaviour will continue.

Such an easy win, but I suspect it won't happen

This is the crux of the mess the whole Thai education system is in. IMO

And rather than suspect, I can guarantee little to nothing will be done.

Its a sad state of affairs.


Basic rules for the o.p.

1) dummy up . When they have an obnoxious task for you pretend you don't understand. Have them explain it to you a hundred times and show you how to do it.

Pretend ignorance of all IT and have them show you your way to proceed.

2 ) Be super pleasant and polite .... Nod a lot .... Then do nothing.

3) This is war. Snuggle up to your enemies. Be sociably friendly with all your colleagues .... Even have an after hour beer with them....get them on your side ...... But then do nothing outside your job remit unless you want to and enjoy it.

4) Suck up to any parents you meet. They can make useful unspoken alias.

5) Think Thai ..... Behave Thai. When in Rome etc.

Would you be so kind and let me know where you buy your stash?

I decided to pretend to be dead, similar to a situation when a black bear's approaching me in the woods of lower northeast.<+>.) facepalm.gif


Basic rules for the o.p.

1) dummy up . When they have an obnoxious task for you pretend you don't understand. Have them explain it to you a hundred times and show you how to do it.

Pretend ignorance of all IT and have them show you your way to proceed.

2 ) Be super pleasant and polite .... Nod a lot .... Then do nothing.

3) This is war. Snuggle up to your enemies. Be sociably friendly with all your colleagues .... Even have an after hour beer with them....get them on your side ...... But then do nothing outside your job remit unless you want to and enjoy it.

4) Suck up to any parents you meet. They can make useful unspoken alias.

5) Think Thai ..... Behave Thai. When in Rome etc.

Would you be so kind and let me know where you buy your stash?

I decided to pretend to be dead, similar to a situation when a black bear's approaching me in the woods of lower northeast.<+>.) facepalm.gif

And don't publish your colleagues ' work online. That will surely cut down the amount of applications.


OP, you really are your worst nightmare.

You come onto these boards, all the time, with some ridiculous things that your school does and/or tells you to do. Then you accept and embrace doing it. God only knows why you let yourself be a punching bag in Thailand.

You're posting a job for 18k a month. You know damn well you're only going to get scrubs applying for that.

By the way, it's not modern day slavery when you go teach extra hours. YOU AGREED TO IT. Start saying no, and if they don't renew your contract then &lt;deleted&gt; em and move on honestly. In essence, show some backbone. You come on here all the time bitching about the variety of classes you teach, the number you teach, the extra IT duties you have, the extra hiring duties you have, the extra training duties you have. Do you think the fact that you accept it may encourage them to keep giving you more?

Having said all that, your journey of hiring a teacher is amusing and passes the time, so if nothing else just sort of look at it in that way I suppose...


Sorry OP, but half way through your initial post I gave up trying to read it. Your written English is pretty darn bad, and makes it a pain to read. :-(


Sorry OP, but half way through your initial post I gave up trying to read it. Your written English is pretty darn bad, and makes it a pain to read. :-(

Sorry bigt, that my post(s) seem to stress you out. Others might have different ways to handle things that seem to be difficult to deal with.

It works for me to write about some stuff that bugs me and to be honest, I don't give a flying kangaroo about your opinion about my written English.

Please just skip reading my posts in the future and you might find out that life can be more fun. Thanks a lot in advance for your honestly.


Sorry OP, but half way through your initial post I gave up trying to read it. Your written English is pretty darn bad, and makes it a pain to read. :-(

Sorry bigt, that my post(s) seem to stress you out. Others might have different ways to handle things that seem to be difficult to deal with.

It works for me to write about some stuff that bugs me and to be honest, I don't give a flying kangaroo about your opinion about my written English.

Please just skip reading my posts in the future and you might find out that life can be more fun. Thanks a lot in advance for your honestly.

Seeing as you are an English teacher, would it not be better to ask advice on how you may improve your English?


Sorry OP, but half way through your initial post I gave up trying to read it. Your written English is pretty darn bad, and makes it a pain to read. :-(

Sorry bigt, that my post(s) seem to stress you out. Others might have different ways to handle things that seem to be difficult to deal with.

It works for me to write about some stuff that bugs me and to be honest, I don't give a flying kangaroo about your opinion about my written English.

Please just skip reading my posts in the future and you might find out that life can be more fun. Thanks a lot in advance for your honestly.

Seeing as you are an English teacher, would it not be better to ask advice on how you may improve your English?

Okay, pretty much fair to back up your friend. But is it really about my poor English skills now? coffee1.gif

There might be guys who spend a lot of time to post a marvelous post and guys who just write something in between doing three things at the same time. I belong to the second category.

I was really waiting for such a comment coming from your keyboard. Dude, anyway, thanks a lot for pointing this out. wai2.gif

It was my intention to find out if anybody else's "helping his/her school out" in form of seeking employees for a school, including posting an add at a well-known webpage, then all the correspondence, lies, fake degrees, wasting a lot of time and perhaps some good money out of your own pocket spent for phone calls, nobody will ever reimburse you. Etc.................

I thought that there could be a sort of exchange of ideas, but finally figured out that this forum is so full of criticism and hate, that I’ll think twice to ask any further questions in the future.

Dude, I’m definitely too old for such games, but do apologize for my wrongdoing and truly hope that you feel better now.

Please do not hesitate to find the next post and continue to criticize people for whatever reason you might think is wrong, without writing one sentence, that might be of interest and topic related.

You’re really such an honest guy, please don’t forget to have a look in a mirror and write a post what you see. facepalm.gif

Thanks a lot for being such a nice guy, this country needs a lot more people like you. thumbsup.gif



I use to find teachers for my old school, but I did get 10,000 Baht finders fee. One semester they needed 6 new teachers, that was a nice little bonus. I did only get 5000 Baht if the teacher was Filipino!


Sorry OP, but half way through your initial post I gave up trying to read it. Your written English is pretty darn bad, and makes it a pain to read. :-(

Sorry bigt, that my post(s) seem to stress you out. Others might have different ways to handle things that seem to be difficult to deal with.

It works for me to write about some stuff that bugs me and to be honest, I don't give a flying kangaroo about your opinion about my written English.

Please just skip reading my posts in the future and you might find out that life can be more fun. Thanks a lot in advance for your honestly.

Seeing as you are an English teacher, would it not be better to ask advice on how you may improve your English?

Okay, pretty much fair to back up your friend. But is it really about my poor English skills now? coffee1.gif

There might be guys who spend a lot of time to post a marvelous post and guys who just write something in between doing three things at the same time. I belong to the second category.

I was really waiting for such a comment coming from your keyboard. Dude, anyway, thanks a lot for pointing this out. wai2.gif

It was my intention to find out if anybody else's "helping his/her school out" in form of seeking employees for a school, including posting an add at a well-known webpage, then all the correspondence, lies, fake degrees, wasting a lot of time and perhaps some good money out of your own pocket spent for phone calls, nobody will ever reimburse you. Etc.................

I thought that there could be a sort of exchange of ideas, but finally figured out that this forum is so full of criticism and hate, that I’ll think twice to ask any further questions in the future.

Dude, I’m definitely too old for such games, but do apologize for my wrongdoing and truly hope that you feel better now.

Please do not hesitate to find the next post and continue to criticize people for whatever reason you might think is wrong, without writing one sentence, that might be of interest and topic related.

You’re really such an honest guy, please don’t forget to have a look in a mirror and write a post what you see. facepalm.gif

Thanks a lot for being such a nice guy, this country needs a lot more people like you. thumbsup.gif


Actually It probably is fair to criticize your English as you are suppose to be a teacher! Imagine a bank manager or accountant who couldn't count properly.Or a doctor who didn't know much about medicine!! Your in a professional occupation but quite clearly lack the skills needed to succeed. You also, quite clearly, hate your job. Why don't you just leave and find a job that you can do professionally??

It's 'teachers' like you who perpetuate the problems in education here. It's also extremely unfair on the students as they deserve to be taught properly and given the best chance in life. Sorry If I'm being harsh but it is what it is!


Maybe hire some Filipino teachers instead? They'll do a good enough job for 18k . Not perfect English perhaps but better than some drunk, uneducated Brit .


< snip> Actually It probably is fair to criticize your English as you are suppose to be a teacher! Imagine a bank manager or accountant who couldn't count properly.Or a doctor who didn't know much about medicine!! Your in a professional occupation but quite clearly lack the skills needed to succeed. You also, quite clearly, hate your job. Why don't you just leave and find a job that you can do professionally??

It's 'teachers' like you who perpetuate the problems in education here. It's also extremely unfair on the students as they deserve to be taught properly and given the best chance in life. Sorry If I'm being harsh but it is what it is! <snip ends here>

Thanks for your criticism, please tell me where I wrote that I "hate" what I'm doing? I hate when coordinators of schools are trying to give you their responsibilities. I hate it when school directors steal the money of parents who pay good money for their kids' education.

And a few more things.

Should I start to criticize your English now? Dude, it's "you're in a occupation", not your in a "occupation." But you might not even know that, because you always write it wrong?

It's not in my interest splitting hairs here.

One more poster who's got nothing to say that's "a sort of" related to the topic, just criticizing my language efficiency?

Mods, please be so kind and shut down this thread, it doesn't make any sense if there's nobody familiar with the topic, or maybe not willing to share his, or her experience " helping the superiors of a school in this country" to find an employee.facepalm.gif



Don't waste your time. I spent a lot of time sorting through applicants and the majority did not respond when i asked them to come in for an interview; the others failed to turn up.


"Should I start to criticize your English now? Dude, it's "you're in a occupation", not your in a "occupation." But you might not even know that, because you always write it wrong?

I think you will find that it is "an occupation".

One more poster who's got nothing to say that's "a sort of" related to the topic, just criticizing my language efficiency?

That "sort of" relates


Mods, please be so kind and shut down this thread, it doesn't make any sense if there's nobody familiar with the topic, or maybe not willing to share his, or her experience " helping the superiors of a school in this country" to find an employee.facepalm.gif"

They are not "superiors", they are seniors.

Is English even your second language ? I know it is not your first.


In keeping with your wishes, I will post a relevant post.

I pity the poor fool who takes a position in any school that you work in, I think you need to realise, YOU are the problem, with your constant complaining.

Man up, and say no, or do it and stop complaining !


< snip> Actually It probably is fair to criticize your English as you are suppose to be a teacher! Imagine a bank manager or accountant who couldn't count properly.Or a doctor who didn't know much about medicine!! Your in a professional occupation but quite clearly lack the skills needed to succeed. You also, quite clearly, hate your job. Why don't you just leave and find a job that you can do professionally??

It's 'teachers' like you who perpetuate the problems in education here. It's also extremely unfair on the students as they deserve to be taught properly and given the best chance in life. Sorry If I'm being harsh but it is what it is! <snip ends here>

Thanks for your criticism, please tell me where I wrote that I "hate" what I'm doing? I hate when coordinators of schools are trying to give you their responsibilities. I hate it when school directors steal the money of parents who pay good money for their kids' education.

And a few more things.

Should I start to criticize your English now? Dude, it's "you're in a occupation", not your in a "occupation." But you might not even know that, because you always write it wrong?

It's not in my interest splitting hairs here.

One more poster who's got nothing to say that's "a sort of" related to the topic, just criticizing my language efficiency?

Mods, please be so kind and shut down this thread, it doesn't make any sense if there's nobody familiar with the topic, or maybe not willing to share his, or her experience " helping the superiors of a school in this country" to find an employee.facepalm.gif

Why are you so adverse to advice?

You are always posting about how you always have to do everything yourself but as soon as some one offers a way out you shut the door.

I have never known anyone who seeks advice but does not accept it as much as you do.

Now you want to close another thread just because you dont like the course it is taking. My advice now would be to stop posting.


if my school asked me to find someone who's prepared to accept 18k, I'd pretend to look and when asked again simply reply that I couldn't find anyone. No headache, no phone bills.....


if my school asked me to find someone who's prepared to accept 18k, I'd pretend to look and when asked again simply reply that I couldn't find anyone. No headache, no phone bills.....

Not all schools are close to a city , if it's a village school 18-20k is not so bad salary but most westerners would turn it down. I know a lot of educated Filipinos in Thailand willing to work for 20k .


if my school asked me to find someone who's prepared to accept 18k, I'd pretend to look and when asked again simply reply that I couldn't find anyone. No headache, no phone bills.....

Not all schools are close to a city , if it's a village school 18-20k is not so bad salary but most westerners would turn it down. I know a lot of educated Filipinos in Thailand willing to work for 20k .

Followed by admin and student asking where their farang teacher is at ;p

InB4 closed at OP's request.

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