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US TIP report: Thailand stays on Tier 3


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Frankly said, who cares about a rating by a country that can not find her own behind in her pants with both hands?

Nothing but politics because because some supposedly democratically elected leaders are not satisfied with the present Thai government. Easy, picking on a small country, isn't it? Why not choose China or Saudi Arabia for a change?

Uncle Sam, surely 1st Tier material in the hypocrites liga closely followed by the EU. whistling.gif

Thailand doesn't have to care. As they say..."up to you".

If they think the USA is as insignificant as you do they will simply tell them to F off

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There where they should be. It also mentions prosecuting the two phuketwan journalists - I knew that would come back to haunt them.

Good news for the journalists, since the judiciary in Thailand isn't really independent i can see a 500 Baht fine and a quick release coming

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Efforts do not necessarily correlate with results. However, I do have some sympathy with Mr P as corruption is endemic in Thai society, from the lowly civil servant to the highest power in the land.

and he isn't part of it ??

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There where they should be. It also mentions prosecuting the two phuketwan journalists - I knew that would come back to haunt them.

Good news for the journalists, since the judiciary in Thailand isn't really independent i can see a 500 Baht fine and a quick release coming

The final judgement was a foregone conclusion before the trial started hence the prosecution not even bothering to turn up for two of the three days of the trial. The big question is what the conclusion is......

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Except financially (which I am continually surprised at) Thailand is, morally, a failed state. Its juvenile mentality, coupled with contempt for foreign opinion and a society riddled with corruption from top to bottom, is going to eventually catch up with it. It's a shame because it could be a fantastic country. Alas, I believe it will take decades for that to be the case.

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me' by Bloodhound Gang

Thanks for that.

After putting a great strain on my grey matter I've come up with the one I was after - The Coasters .

Time for a lie down in a darkened room.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Malaysia, Cuba taken off US human trafficking blacklist

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic lawmakers and rights groups on Monday accused the State Department of politicizing its annual rankings of nations on their efforts to combat modern-day slavery, as key trading partner Malaysia was taken off a blacklist.

Cuba was also given an upgrade, a week after the U.S. and Cuba formally restored diplomatic relations, ending a half-century of estrangement.

But Thailand, downgraded with Malaysia last year because of pervasive labor abuses in its lucrative fishing industry, remained stuck on "tier 3" — the lowest ranking in the department's annual Trafficking in Persons Report.

Undersecretary of State Sarah Sewall denied political considerations had come into play.

Secretary of State John Kerry formally launched the annual U.S. assessment of how 188 governments around the world have performed in fighting the flesh trade and other forms of exploitative labor, which he described as a "battle against money."

He said the report was not intended to "name and shame" but to galvanize action against an illicit trade that the U.N. estimates generates $150 billion in profits each year, in industries also including mining, construction and domestic service.

Critics contend that Malaysia's upgrade is related to its participation in a U.S.-backed trade agreement among Pacific Rim countries. Thailand is not part of the proposed agreement.

"Upgrades for Malaysia and Cuba are a clear politicization of the report, and a stamp of approval for countries who have failed to take the basic actions to merit this upgrade," Democratic Senator Robert Menendez said in a statement.

Sewall cited a strengthening of Malaysia's anti-trafficking law and an increase in trafficking investigations and prosecutions on the previous year, although convictions decreased.

Malaysia is one of 12 nations seeking this week to finalize negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the key economic plank of Obama's Asia policy. An anti-trafficking amendment to legislation crucial for the deal's eventual ratification by Congress limits the president's ability to secure free trade agreements with countries assigned to tier 3.

Like Thailand, Malaysia has faced intense international criticism over trafficking of stateless Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar and Bangladesh aboard overcrowded boats. Dozens of graves as well as pens likely used as cages for migrants have been found in abandoned jungle camps on both sides of the Thai-Malaysian border.

"Migrants are being trafficked and abused with impunity, Rohingya victims' bodies are being pulled from shallow graves at the border and convictions are down this year compared to last year — so how can the State Department call this 'progress'?" said Phil Robertson, deputy director of the Asia division at Human Rights Watch.

Sewall said the discovery of the mass graves in Malaysia happened almost two months beyond the current reporting period that ended March 31. She said Malaysia still has "much room for improvement."

In Cuba's case, Sewall cited progress in addressing sex trafficking but she voiced concern the island nation's government has failed to recognize the problem of forced labor. Cuba, which had been on the blacklist for several years, has denied allegations of coerced labor on Cuban government work missions abroad.

Among other nations upgraded from tier 3 were Uzbekistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Papua New Guinea and Saudi Arabia.

Those downgraded to tier 3 were Belarus, Belize, Burundi, Comoros, the Marshall Islands and South Sudan. The 23 nations on the blacklist also include Iran, Libya, North Korea, Russia, Syria and Zimbabwe.

President Barack Obama now has 90 days to determine whether to apply sanctions against tier 3 governments. The president can block various types of aid and could withdraw U.S. support for loans from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. But the U.S. often chooses not to, based on its national security interests, as it did last year for both Thailand and Malaysia, which Washington views as important partners in its strategic outreach to Asia.

The Thai Embassy in Washington "strongly disagreed" with its retention on tier 3, saying it didn't reflect reality and the government's efforts to combat human trafficking.

On Friday, Thai state prosecutors recommended charges against more than 100 people, including a Thai army general, implicated in trafficking of migrants.

Thailand also remains under the spotlight over slavery in Southeast Asia's fishing industry. A year-long Associated Press investigation has led to more than 800 people being rescued or repatriated in recent months.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-28

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

The song was "Charlie Brown" by the Coasters.

Edited by jonnit
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Government committed to combating human trafficking despite unfavorable standing in TIP report


BANGKOK, 28 July 2015 (NNT) – The United States Department of State has release its annual Trafficking in Persons report for year 2015, with Thailand remaining listed in the lowest "Tier 3" category.

According to a press release from Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, keeping Thailand within Tier 3 did not reflect the country's efforts against human trafficking and the associated progress that has been made over the past year.

The press release said the government had made anti-human trafficking work a national agenda. A national-level mechanism involving the prime minister, deputy prime ministers and all relevant ministers had been set up to combat human trafficking. Several relevant laws had been amended, including the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act. Networks of major human traffickers had been dismantled, and high-ranking officials found involved in human trafficking had been arrested and prosecuted.

In the aspect of prevention, re-organization of labor in the fishing sector was undertaken. Some 1.6 million migrant workers were registered so they may receive the same lawful protection as that entitled to Thais, and so the risk of the workers falling victims to exploitation and to human trafficking would definitely reduce.

The ministry indicated that over the past year, efficiency in screening and caring for victims of human trafficking had been improved. Thailand had also taken the initiative at the bilateral and regional levels in combating human trafficking.

Despite the country's standing in the TIP report, the foreign ministry indicated that the government remains committed to combating human trafficking and will be increasing collaboration with the private sector and civil society for anti-human trafficking purposes. The governor will also expand anti-human trafficking collaborations with foreign countries and international organizations.

-- NNT 2015-07-28 footer_n.gif

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Thai only reacts when the reports such as this are coming out. Yes it takes a lot of time to fix the issue, so it should have been fixed a long time ago. Then Thais don't really care for each other personally. They only bind together to fight things when they feel threaten. This matter doesn't stress then that their fellow citizen is being threaten or abused. But Thailand will be forced to change a lot of things in this real world..with ASEAN and other world interests... so good to discipline this wayward child. :-)

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G to fight things when they feel threaten. This matter doesn't stress then that their fellow citizen is being threaten or abused. But Thailand will be forced to change a lot of things in this real world..with ASEAN and other world interests... so good to discipline this wayward child. :-)

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

'Charlie Brown'

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me' by Bloodhound Gang

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Undersecretary of State Sarah Sewall denied political considerations had come into play.

Be honest, Sarah:

If you ain't our poodle we ain't love you. You are either with us or against us.

That's not democracy but bullyism.

Leadership may have changed but philosophy has not. whistling.gif

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

The song was "Charlie Brown" by the Coasters.

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me' by Bloodhound Gang

Charlie Brown by The Coasters is the one I'm thinking of and was recorded much earlier.

Now I'm waiting to hear it introduce a certain programme on Friday nights. biggrin.png

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"The latest report only applies to the government's actions prior to March, so efforts after the third month will be counted in next year's report, not this year," she said.

These reporters and the government are not paying enough attention to this statement. Everyone knows Thailand didn't really start to do anything different until the migrant mass graves were found on May 1st of this year. That was after the cut-off date for this report. In addition to that, and it's very heartening to see this in the report, Thailand continues with their insane prosecution of the two journalists from the PhuketWan newspaper. That alone is reason enough to keep them at Tier 3.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Military men learn the use of force to solve problems.

Bigger problem = more force

Not diplomats

Not economists

Not technocrats

So when the general population have finally had enough of these military clowns and start to push back, how will they react?

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Thai Foreign Ministry says US TIP report not fair

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Foreign Ministry issued a statement late Monday night, expressing its disagreement to the US Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report 2015 that maintained Thailand in Tier 3 for second consecutive year.

The statement said Thailand took note of the evaluation but the placement of Thailand in Tier 3 did not accurately reflect the efforts by the country to combat human trafficking during the past year.

The statement say:

"In reference to the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report 2015 that was released in Washington DC on Monday 27 July 2015, Thailand is maintained in Tier 3 for the second consecutive year.

Thailand takes note of such an evaluation but believes that the placement of Thailand in Tier 3 does not accurately reflect the significant efforts undertaken by the Government and its partnership with private sector and civil society in making the tangible progress that has occurred on all fronts in the previous year.

Since August 2014, the Thai government has translated its genuine political will to combat human trafficking into practical policies, effective implementation, and concrete results: On policy & policy implementation, the government has (i) declared combating trafficking in persons a national priority, (ii) set up a Policy Committee on Combating Human Trafficking and Illegal Fishing chaired by the Prime Minister and 5 sub-committees chaired by the Deputy Prime Ministers and relevant Ministers and (iii) revised and enacted several laws and regulations including the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act. On prosecution & law enforcement, relevant agencies intensified their efforts, which led to the crackdowns of trafficking syndicates as well as many arrests and punishments of high-ranking officials complicit in human trafficking. On prevention, the holistic solution to address labour exploitation in the fishery sector was introduced in tandem with the expedited registration and legalization of more than 1.6 million illegal migrants. These policies provided them with legal protection and, therefore, reduced their vulnerability to human trafficking. On protection, victim identifications by multi-disciplinary teams and victim care have been improved. On partnership, Thailand has played a leading role in forging bilateral and multilateral partnerships to ensure that this highly complex issue was addressed in a concerted manner and achieved the appropriate balance between human rights and security considerations.

Despite the tier ranking, Thailand will continue to do its utmost to overcome the remaining challenges, while also promoting security and upholding our long and distinguished tradition of adherence to humanitarianism. We will also seek to further strengthen cooperation and partner with all stakeholders including private sector, civil society, international organizations and international community."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Thai-Foreign-Ministry-says-US-TIP-report-not-fair-30265372.html


-- The Nation 2015-07-28

Thailand has been involved in this slave fishing game for at least the past 20 years and just started several months ago with cleaning up their act. I am sure next year they are on Tier 2.

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It would be very unveiling if the connections were made between who owns and funds and invests in these trafficking industries and tying that into real estate investment, and luxury living on the part of the people pulling the strings behind the scenes of such activities. I wonder how many of them are the white ex-pats who reside in Phuket who happily have upgraded their lifestyles to living in villas and yachting around and enjoying the great Paradise of Thailand? There always seems to be a "dead end" when these investigations are involved to only pointing at the obvious fishing fleets and the names of the companies listed as their operating licensed dealers, but the ties never go further than what is easily obtained in public records.

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Frankly said, who cares about a rating by a country that can not find her own behind in her pants with both hands?

Nothing but politics because because some supposedly democratically elected leaders are not satisfied with the present Thai government. Easy, picking on a small country, isn't it? Why not choose China or Saudi Arabia for a change?

Uncle Sam, surely 1st Tier material in the hypocrites liga closely followed by the EU. whistling.gif

Hand in your passport and renounce your citizenship, then see how welcome you are here. Who knows, your name may crop up on a human rights abuse report from one of the countries you despise so much once you find yourself stateless...

I'm working on it. I would turn in my German passport anytime for a Thai passport.

And nothing to worry, besides German citizenship I also hold Brazilian citizenship by birth. You see, trying to scare the <deleted> out of me does not work with me either. Feel free to pass my name on to HRW or AI or whoever feels to be the messias and savior of this planet. There are countless of them and everyone claims to be the real one.

Face it, Darwinism is reality while morality is men-made and comes in so many different styles but eventually the greater bully will always dictate the rules and it will always be that way. wai.gif

And this report is a big issue to you because it effects you and your daily business in Thailand, or its just because you like to bash the States instead of being disgusted at the acts of human trafficking that really does take place in Thailand and run by people such as the Police and the Armed Forces? right gotcha.....

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The problem for Thailand in this and other issues it is now 'grappling' with is this: the Thailand culture of graft, nepotism and head-in-the-sand-ism means that they don't actually know what the rest of the world means by 'standards'.

Because of where Thailand is coming from, they don't understand what is being said.

And the bureaucracy does not have systems to institue and carry through long term fix-it programs. All we see is short term raids, and then it is forgotten, back to business as usual.

And it will be ever thus, IMO.

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

The Coasters song Charlie Brown

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Hmmm... I just glanced at the report. Couldn't find a section on the US in there [EDIT: found it. TIER 1 of course]. I mean, I thought I would find something about US-based companies relying on sweatshops and child-labour, exploitation of illegal immigrant workers, etc. Guess there aren't glass houses after all. [My point is that while the issue is a real and terrible one, the US should not be the international arbiter of such things as its own record is far from clean ... would prefer to see this come from the UN or a neutral NGO].

This is an interesting piece on the terrible conditions faced by child laborers on American tobacco farms: https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/06/27/dispatches-daily-show-takes-down-child-labor-tobacco-farms

Edited by Docno
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Frankly said, who cares about a rating by a country that can not find her own behind in her pants with both hands?

Nothing but politics because because some supposedly democratically elected leaders are not satisfied with the present Thai government. Easy, picking on a small country, isn't it? Why not choose China or Saudi Arabia for a change?

Uncle Sam, surely 1st Tier material in the hypocrites liga closely followed by the EU. whistling.gif

Hand in your passport and renounce your citizenship, then see how welcome you are here. Who knows, your name may crop up on a human rights abuse report from one of the countries you despise so much once you find yourself stateless...

I'm working on it. I would turn in my German passport anytime for a Thai passport.

And nothing to worry, besides German citizenship I also hold Brazilian citizenship by birth. You see, trying to scare the <deleted> out of me does not work with me either. Feel free to pass my name on to HRW or AI or whoever feels to be the messias and savior of this planet. There are countless of them and everyone claims to be the real one.

Face it, Darwinism is reality while morality is men-made and comes in so many different styles but eventually the greater bully will always dictate the rules and it will always be that way. wai.gif

And this report is a big issue to you because it effects you and your daily business in Thailand, or its just because you like to bash the States instead of being disgusted at the acts of human trafficking that really does take place in Thailand and run by people such as the Police and the Armed Forces? right gotcha.....

Nope, but I realized the efforts and the progress being made personally when registering our Laotian housemaid. Officers worked around the clock to get things done. Was a real mess to get things cleaned up but eventually our housemaid received her migrant worker ID and for the first time she has now certain rights in Thailand. So has her Laotion boyfriend.

Efforts are being made as I have witnessed personally but the Western world does nothing but being a pain in the back and rather make things more complicated than trying to be supportive. Do this or...

I can actually understand that the PM gets annoyed by this and reacts accordingly. There is a lot of national pressure on the government already but the international community increases it even more by doing more bad than good.

Issues are being tackled now that previously democratically elected government failed to cope with. It must hurt in the hearts of those self-styled democrats of the world if the human trafficking problem actually improved or even got rooted out after a coup by a junta rather than slick politicians that came to power by an election and false promises. That must not be because it would send the wrong message, wouldn't it? whistling.gif

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Nope, but I realized the efforts and the progress being made personally when registering our Laotian housemaid. Officers worked around the clock to get things done. Was a real mess to get things cleaned up but eventually our housemaid received her migrant worker ID and for the first time she has now certain rights in Thailand. So has her Laotion boyfriend.

Efforts are being made as I have witnessed personally but the Western world does nothing but being a pain in the back and rather make things more complicated than trying to be supportive. Do this or...

I can actually understand that the PM gets annoyed by this and reacts accordingly. There is a lot of national pressure on the government already but the international community increases it even more by doing more bad than good.

Issues are being tackled now that previously democratically elected government failed to cope with. It must hurt in the hearts of those self-styled democrats of the world if the human trafficking problem actually improved or even got rooted out after a coup by a junta rather than slick politicians that came to power by an election and false promises. That must not be because it would send the wrong message, wouldn't it? whistling.gif

Unfortunately your viewpoint disintegrates once one realizes that the current government did nothing until the discovery of mass graves in May 2015, thus triggering international outrage at the situation and pretty much forcing the government to take action. Without that impetus.....well, you know.

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This is an interesting statement, a variation of which you'll find at the end of most/all country reports: "The government took steps to decrease the demand for commercial sex acts, including investigating cases against 772 individuals accused of procuring or soliciting prostitution" [Thailand]. [The Singapore one chastises the government for only making "limited efforts to reduce the demand for commercial sex acts"]. Just how does a government reduce real demand for commercial sex, and why should it even aim to do so? Seems to be a little questionable moralising at play here. .

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