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UK: Lord Sewel requests leave of absence as cops probe alleged prostitute and cocaine romp

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Lord John Sewel requests leave of absence as cops probe alleged prostitute and cocaine romp

LONDON: -- HOUSE of Lords member John Sewel has requested a leave of absence while police and Parliament investigate his alleged drug use and sexual behaviour.

The married 69-year-old father was filmed and photographed in an alleged drug-fuelled sex session with two prostitutes, with the footage already costing him his position as deputy speaker.

Sewel said on Monday he has “no intention” of returning to the House of Lords until the investigations have been completed.

Lord Coke: Top peer’s drug binges with £200 prostitutes http://t.co/MNDelYunf6 pic.twitter.com/ThQJxj27Cw
— The Sun (@TheSun) July 26, 2015

Labour MP John Mann called for Sewel to retire from the Lords immediately to save himself “further embarrassment”.

“He chaired the committee that makes the decisions on discipline,” the member of the lower House of Commons said.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/world/europe/lord-john-sewel-requests-leave-of-absence-as-cops-probe-alleged-prostitute-and-cocaine-romp/story-fnh81p7g-1227459505702

-- News.com.au 2015-07-28


Police search Lord Sewel's flat after launching drugs probe

LONDON: -- A police probe is under way into allegations a peer took cocaine while cavorting with prostitutes.

A uniformed police officer was on guard outside the door of Nelson House, Dolphin Square, London, following two days of lurid accusations against Lord Sewel.

The former Labour minister has requested a leave of absence from the House of Lords while investigations are carried out, promising not to enter Parliament or claim allowances - but left the door open to a future return to the red benches.

A search warrant was carried out on his central London property at 6pm but the Metropolitan Police said no arrests have been made at this stage. After a three-hour search detectives were seen leaving the property carrying several bags of evidence.

A uniformed officer left carrying a battering ram.

Full story: http://www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk/news/police-search-lord-sewel-s-flat-after-launching-drugs-probe-1-6870398

-- Peterborough TELEGRAPH 2015-07-28


Lord Sewel: Police search address in central London

LONDON: -- Police have searched a central London address, after launching a criminal investigation into claims made against former Deputy Lord Speaker Lord Sewel.

The Metropolitan Police said it was looking into "allegations of drug-related offences involving a member of the House of Lords".

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-33683431

-- BBC 2015-07-28


Busted — Cops probe peer’s hooker drug romp
— Sewel resigns as he’s pictured in bra

LONDON: -- SHAMED Lord Sewel puffs on a cigarette — while wearing a hooker’s orange bra and leather jacket.

Sewel, 69, faces a police inquiry over The Sun on Sunday’s revelation that he snorted cocaine with two vice girls at his London flat.

The Labour peer resigned as Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords yesterday.

Baroness D’Souza, the Lords’ Speaker, said she had referred our revelations to the Upper House’s Commissioner for Standards “as a matter of urgency”.

Full story: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/6561588/Lord-Sewel-bra-snap-released-as-he-resigns.html

-- THE SUN 2015-07-28


How to destroy your reputation and your marriage, lose all your jobs and income and become less than a nobody, in two minutes, pathetic.


So, in the photo of him and the two women...who took the photo?

It seems to me that he was royally set up..taking photos of the lines, the bra etc...whoever was taking the photos had an idea to use those photos for something other than nostalgia.


So, in the photo of him and the two women...who took the photo?

It seems to me that he was royally set up..taking photos of the lines, the bra etc...whoever was taking the photos had an idea to use those photos for something other than nostalgia.


They were hardly blowing the coke up his nose were they?

Either way - it's a good thing to have they hypocrite exposed.


This is my favourite story of the month.

Chairman or the Standards and Privilege committee showing everyone he can get his hands dirty by really examining the furthest parameters of acceptable standards and indeed privileges.

I bet that was the best charlie UK government funds could afford.


My daughter, 15, has random drug testing in her school.

I think there should be random or compulsive drug testing of all MP's and the House of Lords.

Crackheads have no place in positions of leadership (or anywhere else).


Falling standards of behaviour everywhere in the UK, rape and stabbings on a daily basis, drunks in pubic, violence on the streets, reading a UK newspaper is a source of embarrassment.


Oh come on now. I'm sure he was only doing it for 'research' purposes. Shame on all you politician bashers out there.


" LONDON: -- Lord Sewel puffs on a cigarette — while wearing a hooker’s orange bra and leather jacket.
Sewel, 69, (... in charge of upholding standards in the House of Lords) faces a police inquiry over The Sun on Sunday’s revelation that he snorted cocaine with two vice girls at his London flat."

Good to know that the moral compass of England is in good hands and immoral behavior is being rigorously sniffed out....


It's all just sex and drugs on television these days.

Mind you, I only watch the Parliamentary channel................................coffee1.gif


I am shocked, I am deeply shocked....

Not as shocked as he his lol...

Whats up with having a bit of a blow out now & then? Couple of girls round, couple of Buds, bit of Charlie...


Not condoning his behaviour in any way; but I do have to wonder how much the Toms were paid by the Sun.


What exactly is " a leave of absence"?

Still get paid while not at work?

Unlike MPs, who get a salary and expenses even if they never attend a session of Parliament, members of the House of Lords, unless they also hold a salaried office, only get paid if they turn up for a sitting.

Can be a whopping 300 quid per day, though!

Members of the Lords: allowances


300 Pounds whopping, did you say whopping? Do you have any idea how much the insurance on a castle costs, let alone a service of the Rolls and chauffeur costs. God man, have you no compassion. gigglem.gif


When I first heard about this my response was simultaneously one of hilarity mixed with - " Noble Lord?", but dominated by - "Oh you poor SOB". The last, because I'm a flawed man, no saint and this is a nightmare scenario for any man (Freddie Mercury, perhaps not) even if they're not married or in politics or whatever, for photos or video of yourself at your most 'ignoble'to be plastered around widely.

At any age it would be devastating enough but in your much later years? Perhaps even more of a sting, if you've long built up a career, a certain reputation, children and grandchildren.

As I say, it shows how 'Lordship' doesn't necessarily mean superior thought, actions, but what a nightmare. However, if he did it at 'taxpayers expense' then I'll sign the Daily Mail's "outraged" petition (after first peeking at their side bar covert photos of some teen on the beach who is now 16 and -" Ripe for taking") to have him eviscerated live on Strictly Come Dancing in front of an audience of 98% of the UK


I am shocked it was a 5 pound note! Usually $100 notes are used in the US. gigglem.gif

I to am shocked, shocked that there is no real outrage,shocked that such behaviour from one who should be an example to the general population is regarded as something akin to getting a parking ticket. I can remember a time in the UK where good manners were the norm, where MP's, the police, doctors, lawyers. the lords and ladies of the land were held in high regard and respected, whether this was right or wrong i can't say but it was a gentler time and i weep for my innocence as Queen Niobe once wept for her dead children.


Technical question: This guy says he wanted Asian whores. Don't you Brits refer mostly to Indians and Pakistanis when you say "Asian?" Or is he referring to Chinese, Koreans, Thais, etc.? Just curious.


Technical question: This guy says he wanted Asian whores. Don't you Brits refer mostly to Indians and Pakistanis when you say "Asian?" Or is he referring to Chinese, Koreans, Thais, etc.? Just curious.

Get a hobby


were held in high regard and respected,

So, who changed? I suggest that we changed because we woke up, we began to see the tangled wiring under the polished facade. More than a few of our well respected politicians, fund raisers, entertainers etc, were found to have been living sordid double lives. With the age of information, innocence is lost and many wish they'd never switched on the TV, Internet, Radio.

Days of innocence does seem more 'gentle' because they were days of innocence being bliss like a child, going about our business. Its just that we were all fooled by a very polished facade. In earlier eras of British history, that wasn't there. One read about the 1600s to 1880s or so shows just as much 'chav' ery, drunkeness, debauchery, single mums, swindlers, muggers, not only at the poverty areas but all the way up to the so called nobility. Everyone was a lot more realistic then. We just a very strange phase (say the late Victorian era onwards) where we all fooled ourselves.


were held in high regard and respected,

So, who changed? I suggest that we changed because we woke up, we began to see the tangled wiring under the polished facade. More than a few of our well respected politicians, fund raisers, entertainers etc, were found to have been living sordid double lives. With the age of information, innocence is lost and many wish they'd never switched on the TV, Internet, Radio.

Days of innocence does seem more 'gentle' because they were days of innocence being bliss like a child, going about our business. Its just that we were all fooled by a very polished facade. In earlier eras of British history, that wasn't there. One read about the 1600s to 1880s or so shows just as much 'chav' ery, drunkeness, debauchery, single mums, swindlers, muggers, not only at the poverty areas but all the way up to the so called nobility. Everyone was a lot more realistic then. We just a very strange phase (say the late Victorian era onwards) where we all fooled ourselves.

Oh i do agree with you, but too much light can blind, some things are best left in the dark shadows where they belong, a picture is made all the more interesting with shade. We are all human with our light and dark sides and none of us would like to be picked to pieces under the glare of a spotlight. The Lord in question made a big mistake, lack of discretion, a sorely underestimated quality these days, lack of discretion signifies lack of shame, a lack of morality. Who wants to know the whole of lifes truth with all it's sordid details, discretion like the air in a car tyre makes the journey through life so much more comfortable.

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