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A terrible ordeal that she went through reading this report. Appears the shot was a very lucky one - “I grabbed the gun and just shot it behind me,” she said. “It hit him.”

Woman who shot attacker Saturday: 'He had done it before'
By Erin Beck, Staff writer

Listen to the recording of the 911 call here.
Neal Falls walked into the home of a Charleston woman on Saturday. He immediately said “live or die” and pressed a gun to her stomach.

“I fought men my whole life,” the woman said Wednesday, standing next to her worried mother on the porch of her West Side home. “I guess I had to be ready for that guy.”
The woman, who asked that her name not be used, shot and killed Falls after he choked and beat her inside her home.

Police believe Falls, 45, of Springfield, Oregon, might have attacked women before, based on items found in his vehicle. On Wednesday, they released his name and the contents of the vehicle, including several axes, a shovel, knives, a machete, bleach, a pair of boots, handcuffs and a bulletproof vest.

The woman described a desperate fight for her life, lasting 10 or 15 minutes.
She said when she began panicking and pleading for her life, Falls told her, “No, you're going to be quiet,” and grabbed her by the throat.

- Full details at: http://www.wvgazettemail.com/article/20150722/GZ01/150729758/1419/#sthash.ogcL69Xh.dpuf


Good for her. Glad she had a weapon and knew how to use it.

She did not have a weapon.

She shot him with his own gun.

". Police say Falls was fatally shot July 18 as he attacked and choked the escort in West Virginia, and she grabbed his handgun off the ground and fired it."

Read, read, read....


Good for her. Glad she had a weapon and knew how to use it.

did you read the op, she did not have a weapon, she used his gun.

Good for her. Glad she had a weapon and knew how to use it.

She did not have a weapon.

She shot him with his own gun.

". Police say Falls was fatally shot July 18 as he attacked and choked the escort in West Virginia, and she grabbed his handgun off the ground and fired it."

Read, read, read....

Think, think, think. She had a gun after she grabbed his because she used it to shoot him. The gun was made available to her. She also obviously knew how to use it.

Good for her.


A few of his toys (see the type of ammunition)

The gun is a Ruger LC9 in 9mm and the only round I can see is standard fare JHP. That's a darned good self defense handgun and is deliberately small.



So o guess teaching my 12 year old daughter to handle a gun is not a waste of time.

only if she is planning on becoming a sex worker

Why make such a stupid comment about the posters daughter?


I was pleased to see the U.S. media treat this woman with RESPECT.

But sex work remains illegal in the USA except parts of Nevada.

Surely this should be next legal frontier, alongside legalization of marijuana for private use, legalizing of sex work.

Sex work brought out of the closet would put more of those rapey and murdery types back in the closet!

Yeah, that's sort of a dilemma for the right wing folks wanting to exploit this case. The OP says "US sex worker," other mainstream articles I've read says "escort." A prostitute with a gun, that must drive those religious folks bananas. Nevertheless, happy ending indeed.


this is why people all over the world should have a right to have a gun

Most people have the right to own a gun, but, my friend, it has to be registered, and can also be denied.


I was pleased to see the U.S. media treat this woman with RESPECT.

But sex work remains illegal in the USA except parts of Nevada.

Surely this should be next legal frontier, alongside legalization of marijuana for private use, legalizing of sex work.

Sex work brought out of the closet would put more of those rapey and murdery types back in the closet!

Yeah, that's sort of a dilemma for the right wing folks wanting to exploit this case. The OP says "US sex worker," other mainstream articles I've read says "escort." A prostitute with a gun, that must drive those religious folks bananas. Nevertheless, happy ending indeed.

I think there's a lot here you don't understand. Everyone I've talked to, right or left approves of what this woman did in killing the man. Most are very relieved for her. I have yet to hear anyone make her less than human for being an escort as they are usually called in the US. I've heard only congratulatory remarks about how she handled it. Without fail people are hoping she gets well soon.

No one is "going bananas". Escorts are a part of life.

There are about 200,000 women who use a gun to protect themselves from rape every year in the US and I posted a link to that above.

If I was going to go bananas it would be when the press fails to report when people defend themselves, showing how often it is necessary. My link says that in only about 8% of the cases there is a shot fired. In about 92% of the cases the presence of the gun is deterrent enough.

This woman was very unfortunate to be harmed, and just as unfortunate to have to kill a man. She will have emotional scars from this for life but living with those memories beats dying any time.



A few of his toys (see the type of ammunition)

The gun is a Ruger LC9 in 9mm and the only round I can see is standard fare JHP. That's a darned good self defense handgun and is deliberately small.


I thought it was a shaped charge bullet (not sure of the term in English? a hollow one) due to the seemingly flat tip of the bullet, but was not sure.


I was pleased to see the U.S. media treat this woman with RESPECT.

But sex work remains illegal in the USA except parts of Nevada.

Surely this should be next legal frontier, alongside legalization of marijuana for private use, legalizing of sex work.

Sex work brought out of the closet would put more of those rapey and murdery types back in the closet!

Yeah, that's sort of a dilemma for the right wing folks wanting to exploit this case. The OP says "US sex worker," other mainstream articles I've read says "escort." A prostitute with a gun, that must drive those religious folks bananas. Nevertheless, happy ending indeed.

I think there's a lot here you don't understand. Everyone I've talked to, right or left approves of what this woman did in killing the man. Most are very relieved for her. I have yet to hear anyone make her less than human for being an escort as they are usually called in the US. I've heard only congratulatory remarks about how she handled it. Without fail people are hoping she gets well soon.

No one is "going bananas". Escorts are a part of life.

There are about 200,000 women who use a gun to protect themselves from rape every year in the US and I posted a link to that above.

If I was going to go bananas it would be when the press fails to report when people defend themselves, showing how often it is necessary. My link says that in only about 8% of the cases there is a shot fired. In about 92% of the cases the presence of the gun is deterrent enough.

This woman was very unfortunate to be harmed, and just as unfortunate to have to kill a man. She will have emotional scars from this for life but living with those memories beats dying any time.


I was being a tad facetious. Yes, pretty much everyone agrees that this woman was heroic (appropriate term for a change) in that she probably saved the lives of other women. No disputing that. I was sort of going a bit OT and speaking about "escort" life in America, and how they have to remain underground. If someone were to suggest legalization of prostitution, who do you think would most likely be against that? I'm guessing the religious folks. That's the point, in a rather roundabout way.


Here is our (lucky) heroine. Apparently she tried to defend herself with a rake (?!) and he put the gun down to wrestle it off her.

It's not known if she had a permit for the rake.


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