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If the Florida missing teens at sea story had happened in Thailand


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Imagine the exact same story in Thailand.

Teens go out in a boat.

A horrible storm.

Boat found very far out to sea without the teens.

In Thailand, wouldn't that be the end of it?

The families would not have hope. Agree or not?

Yet in the U.S. all this massive effort and hope.

I just found that interesting.

I'm not saying one type of response is better than the other. But definitely different.


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I understand the sentiment behind the search but question the rationale behind it. It's a horrible tragedy (I assume). Now would the same kind of effort be made in Thailand, except for extremely important persons? No, right?

Anyway, I think this is about easing the family into acceptance of what happened other than any realistic hope.

Edited by Jingthing
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I understand the sentiment behind the search but question the rationale behind it. It's a horrible tragedy (I assume). Now would the same kind of effort be made in Thailand, except for extremely important persons? No, right?

Anyway, I think this is about easing the family into acceptance of what happened other than any realistic hope.


At least in LOS, we would know for sure the boat in the photo was theirs, as there would be some official pointing at it.

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In America we also use helocoptors to rescue dogs caught on cliff sides.

And spend millions to search for millionaires who have nothing else to do with their time but to climb mountains, joyride in personal aircraft or hot air balloons or sail about in their yachts and run into trouble.

For example ... Steve Fossett:

The Nevada search cost $1.6 million, "the largest search and rescue effort ever conducted for a person within the U.S." Jim Gibbons asked Fossett's estate to shoulder $487,000 but it declined, saying Fossett's wife had already spent $1 million on private searching

While at the same time inadequate provision for the homeless and undernourished is left to charity. Priorities at their finest.

Nevada has an estimated homeless population of 10,556, according to the report.

Leslie Carmine, spokeswoman with Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada, said in September, the average number of men staying at the day shelter for increment weather, which is open from May through September, was 314. The shelter was only funded for 130 men, but the organization had to fund raise money to pick up the additional costs.

This year, Catholic Charities’ food pantry is serving over 4,500 families per month, she said. Last year, it served about 3,300 to 3,500 families per month
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I think these things are used more as training in situations like this rather than expectations/hope. So not really

correct to say it's a waste of resources. Exercises/simulations/drills need to be done anyway.

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There is still an active search a week later. It's obviously all about the families now ...


Well-to-do families.

That too.

I think the media has been feeding their delusions for some days now. They've been too timid to just say ... sorry, they're dead. I noticed one of the mothers recently said WERE ... not are ... well, that's pretty much it.

It's very sad. I suppose it's OK if they felt there was hope for a few more days after there was no hope. RIP.

Back to the realism of limited resources.

Imagine if the huge amount of resources spent on this search after it was obviously hopeless was spent on every such case on earth when the odds are so remote. Obviously, not possible. So choices are made. Not always rational ones.

Referring to the OP, mai bpen rai sometimes might make more sense!

Edited by Jingthing
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The official search is over but the search continues with private donated funds. 100,000 dollars a day the last I heard. Crazy? I do think so.

There are some noises that the parents might have some liability here and are lying that they didn't know the kids were going offshore, even suggesting this overblown search drama is a way to cover that up.


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I understand the sentiment behind the search but question the rationale behind it. It's a horrible tragedy (I assume). Now would the same kind of effort be made in Thailand, except for extremely important persons? No, right?

Anyway, I think this is about easing the family into acceptance of what happened other than any realistic hope.

Brits make VIP's do the looking...


(Posted in keeping with the nature of this thread!)

Edited by evadgib
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The official search is over but the search continues with private donated funds. 100,000 dollars a day the last I heard. Crazy? I do think so.

There are some noises that the parents might have some liability here and are lying that they didn't know the kids were going offshore, even suggesting this overblown search drama is a way to cover that up.



I grew up in Florida. Beach-blond hair as a kid, lots of boating. I spent a few years on the east coast, 15 on the west.

There's a difference between boating in the Atlantic and the Gulf. My friends and I had an appropriate, healthy respect for the Gulf. We never would have gone more than half a mile off-shore in the Atlantic. Weather can change too quickly.

Hard to feel sorry for the parents, if they knew what two 14 year olds were up to.

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