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Suthep announces formation of mass foundation for national reform

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By putting himself outside the political system he can use methods politicians can't use:

organizing street protests, boycotting elections, blocking roads, fighting against democracy, getting away with corruption.

His tactic and method seems to not have changed.

Don't worry the cobra has his eye on this little mouse. Should he stray into striking range lookout. Going after this little mouse in the future could serve two purposes. He could put the brakes to the elite agenda and even back em up a bit and bring them into line and also he could come out as a champion to the average Thai looking for answers. It could prove to be a win win situation for him. All good things come to he who waits one of my sainted grandmothers sayings.


While I hold no brief for Yingluck and her policies she was elected in an internationally certified election. I call that democracy.

What Suthep did was not unlike the infamous Munich beer hall putsch of one Adolph Hitler. In other words you go my way or I disrupt the government. That is not democracy.

Yes, and she was removed for an abuse of power by a court of law. That's called not being above the law.

The fact she was in reality no more than a puppet for a non elected criminal fugitive, her brother, to run and manage the government how he saw fit, in his interests and in pursuit of his agenda does cloud the water somewhat.

But, in the end, the one indisputable fact is that she was democratically elected. Don't like her, elect someone else in the next election.

And, you know as well as I (although I doubt you will admit it) that the court was stacked against her.

She broke the law, knowingly and willingly. Dumb ass thought she could do anything she liked and simply lie her way out, just like her brother. The disrespect of the law, following procedures and any form of accountability is the Shin's Achilles' Heel. They leave themselves wide open then lie and/or scream it's all political.

If the followed the law, observed procedures and did what they swore to do they'd still be in office. But they just can't which given criminal leadership is understandable.

Or do you think people in government should be allowed to break the law as they like and only be removed from office if they loose an election?

You mean broke the law like Suthep did by obstructing people from voting along with so many other laws he broke or encouraged others to break, or breaking the law by taking power by coup rather than election. Which one?


While I hold no brief for Yingluck and her policies she was elected in an internationally certified election. I call that democracy.

What Suthep did was not unlike the infamous Munich beer hall putsch of one Adolph Hitler. In other words you go my way or I disrupt the government. That is not democracy.

Yes, and she was removed for an abuse of power by a court of law. That's called not being above the law.

The fact she was in reality no more than a puppet for a non elected criminal fugitive, her brother, to run and manage the government how he saw fit, in his interests and in pursuit of his agenda does cloud the water somewhat.

But, in the end, the one indisputable fact is that she was democratically elected. Don't like her, elect someone else in the next election.

And, you know as well as I (although I doubt you will admit it) that the court was stacked against her.

She broke the law, knowingly and willingly. Dumb ass thought she could do anything she liked and simply lie her way out, just like her brother. The disrespect of the law, following procedures and any form of accountability is the Shin's Achilles' Heel. They leave themselves wide open then lie and/or scream it's all political.

If the followed the law, observed procedures and did what they swore to do they'd still be in office. But they just can't which given criminal leadership is understandable.

Or do you think people in government should be allowed to break the law as they like and only be removed from office if they loose an election?

You mean like the laws Suthep broke by preventing people from voting or obstructing commerce or encouraging others to break the law or taking over the government by coup as Prayuth did?


By putting himself outside the political system he can use methods politicians can't use:

organizing street protests, boycotting elections, blocking roads, fighting against democracy, getting away with corruption.

His tactic and method seems to not have changed.

The army will not let him go down this road again. The corruption part well I seem to think there is a code of dishonor in dividing up the pie. Everybody is "entitled" to a piece according to their pecking order. They should make up a political/corruption totem pole so we can check out who is on top.


Oh but there was. It just resulted in a government which you disliked. So, rather like the fellow at the centre of this thread, you feel it was justified to overthrow it.

i suggest that your concept of what constitutes a democracy is even more flawed than the admittedly far from perfect one Thailand had!

For an American, you seem to reject the words of Jefferson, who certainly believed that overthrowing a corrupt and incompetent government was justified.

"Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!"

I am not an American. I am English.

WW.brainyquote.com is jolly useful though isn't it?

Of course it could be argued that a military junta which came to power through a military coup, and maintains itself in power through the implicit threat of force should it be challenged, is a government which is more likely to be feared than one which faced with significant if not majority opposition, offered itself for re-election. But I don't really expect you to agree, and I can't be bothered to look up a brainy quote to support the argument!


Suthep is a lieing x-monk and x-politician. My Indian brothers in America calls him Walking Eagle. I ask what does this name mean. They told me that it was a eagle that was so full of sh-t that it was unable to fly!

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