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British PM Cameron: Migrant 'swarm' will not disrupt tourism


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British Prime Minister: Migrant "swarm" will not disrupt tourism

LONDON, England - David Cameron's description of "swarms" of migrants, has been condemned by a human rights group that called his language "irresponsible, dehumanising" and "extremely inflammatory" as desperate migrants continue to attempt the dangerous journey across the Channel to the UK.

The Prime Minister, speaking from Vietnam as part of his tour of South East Asian nations, said migrants illegally entering the UK would not be offered a "safe haven" and reassured British holiday-makers that authorities would ensure they had a “safe and secure holiday”.

But his comments were condemned by the Refugee Council, who criticised the PM's "irresponsible, dehumanising" language as "extremely inflammatory".

Mr Cameron’s remarks follow the attempts of hundreds of migrants, many fleeing horrendous persecution in some of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters, to cross the Channel on Wednesday night.

"This is very testing, I accept that, because you have got a swarm of people coming across the Mediterranean, seeking a better life, wanting to come to Britain because Britain has got jobs, it's got a growing economy, it's an incredible place to live,” Mr Cameron told ITV.

"But we need to protect our borders by working hand in glove with our neighbors the French and that is exactly what we are doing."

His remarks were condemned by Ukip leader Nigel Farage, who insisted that he would never use the word "swarm" in an interview with BBC Radio 4's Today program on Thursday morning - despite having described migrants in exactly the same way earlier this year.

On ITV's Good Morning Britain, Mr Farage described being surrounded by "swarms of potential migrants," according to a transcript obtained by Politics Home.

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/62039/british-prime-minister-migrant-swarm-will-not-disrupt-tourism

-- eTN 2015-07-31

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UK leader comes under fire for remarks on migrants

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister David Cameron is facing criticism for using the word "swarm" to describe the migrants trying to get into Britain through the Channel Tunnel.

Cameron told ITV News that the situation is "very testing," and that it was brought on by Britain's growing economy.

"You have a swarm of people coming across the Mediterranean, because Britain has got jobs," he said in remarks Thusday.

A candidate for leadership of the opposition Labour Party, Andy Burnham, described the remark as "disgraceful." Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron said: "We are talking about human beings here, not insects."

Cameron was questioned amid chaos near the tunnel in Calais, where large numbers of migrants have been scaling fences and trying to get aboard freight trains or trucks bound for Britain.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-31

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Cameron, someone who occasionally I find myself nodding in agreement with and other times my thought is - "<deleted>". For his comment essentially implying - "hey, ain't team Osborne doing a great job. It explains why migrants come", my thought is - "cheap opportunist <deleted>". For his 'swarm' description, I defend him because the term is 'not' extreme by definition.

It does fit what is happening, particularly for Migration. Swarm Behaviour / Self organisation are terms Wikipedia will clarify. But yes, I understand any 'fears' of escellation to Goebbels lingo - "Rats, Cockroaches" etc

Migrants certainly are human beings, but it shows just how paralysed we've made ourselves when our first thought is to self flagellate when simply describing things as they are. The BBC is always coming under fire for its use of "stampede" when a mass of people rush something and disaster ensues, the biggest whingers being British minorities' when (for example) a bridge collapses over in Pakistan because an irrational rabble rushed it, or many are trampled underfoot. In a rare credit to the BBC, it seems they won't be brow beaten on that one, as they still use it. Farage deserves the - "cheap opportunist <deleted>" label for his comment against Cameron, attempting point scoring. So does a Labour MP who is throwing his dollies out of the pram over - "swarm" at the moment, apparently The Refugee Council may be more neutral in its concern about use of the term, than any of the other fools.

In other news, Cameron has been going around South East Asia creating an alliance in Indonesia, Malaysia and other places against Islamists, seeking increased security in these places for tourists, such as airport security, and attempting to expand British trade in these areas instead of being ring fenced by the EU. On the other hand, his policy to hand opportunities to 'marginalised' Muslims by making them a special priority in society, in his fight against ISIS, reveals a fundamental misunderstanding about the Islamist self image. There is Cameron for me, someone who takes a bold step forward then shoots himself in the foot. I can't quite work this man out.

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Cameron, someone who occasionally I find myself nodding in agreement with and other times my thought is - "<deleted>". For his comment essentially implying - "hey, ain't team Osborne doing a great job. It explains why migrants come", my thought is - "cheap opportunist <deleted>". For his 'swarm' description, I defend him because the term is 'not' extreme by definition.

It does fit what is happening, particularly for Migration. Swarm Behaviour / Self organisation are terms Wikipedia will clarify. But yes, I understand any 'fears' of escellation to Goebbels lingo - "Rats, Cockroaches" etc

Migrants certainly are human beings, but it shows just how paralysed we've made ourselves when our first thought is to self flagellate when simply describing things as they are. The BBC is always coming under fire for its use of "stampede" when a mass of people rush something and disaster ensues, the biggest whingers being British minorities' when (for example) a bridge collapses over in Pakistan because an irrational rabble rushed it, or many are trampled underfoot. In a rare credit to the BBC, it seems they won't be brow beaten on that one, as they still use it. Farage deserves the - "cheap opportunist <deleted>" label for his comment against Cameron, attempting point scoring. So does a Labour MP who is throwing his dollies out of the pram over - "swarm" at the moment, apparently The Refugee Council may be more neutral in its concern about use of the term, than any of the other fools.

In other news, Cameron has been going around South East Asia creating an alliance in Indonesia, Malaysia and other places against Islamists, seeking increased security in these places for tourists, such as airport security, and attempting to expand British trade in these areas instead of being ring fenced by the EU. On the other hand, his policy to hand opportunities to 'marginalised' Muslims by making them a special priority in society, in his fight against ISIS, reveals a fundamental misunderstanding about the Islamist self image. There is Cameron for me, someone who takes a bold step forward then shoots himself in the foot. I can't quite work this man out.

It's called Political correctness!

It's very easy for opposition politicians to criticise his comments, for political point scoring. But they come across as fools, who somehow miss the real picture or refuse to actually engage in a solution.

This situation is down to the French, who should clear the whole area from migrants. But they don't because they want to force the UK to take these migrants. One more reason to get out of the EU. IMO

Edited by ggold
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Whatever happens in the public eye, I've noticed Cameron quickly makes big statements which he thinks the public want to hear then does precisely nothing.

Look at his immigration targets fiasco. And next is the referendum on the EU : I realise now that there will be zero chance that we can actually vote to leave. Either the question on the ballot will be ridiculous (Like "Do you vote to sever all ties with the EU') or he will keep stalling if it looks like we might vote NO.

They only won because the alternatives were too awful to even contemplate.

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Refugee Council ??????????????

Go get a proper job!

It most likely is a proper job, but in general, someone who is a genuine political refugee, or who believes they may be, should apply for asylum in the first country in which they land, provided it is a country that recognizes the UN conventions and protocols on Refugees. In this case, most of these folks should have applied in perhaps Italy.

At a minimum, if they are in France and it can't be proven that they arrived in another country first, then they should be processed by France.

If they are political refugees they should be resettled, if not they should be returned to their country of origin.

It is ludicrous for these countries to allow them to move on to another country.

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Refugee Council ??????????????

Go get a proper job!

It most likely is a proper job, but in general, someone who is a genuine political refugee, or who believes they may be, should apply for asylum in the first country in which they land, provided it is a country that recognizes the UN conventions and protocols on Refugees. In this case, most of these folks should have applied in perhaps Italy.

At a minimum, if they are in France and it can't be proven that they arrived in another country first, then they should be processed by France.

If they are political refugees they should be resettled, if not they should be returned to their country of origin.

It is ludicrous for these countries to allow them to move on to another country.

It is certainly a proper job. I dont know much about the Council, or if they are doing a proper job, but I do know this,

No-one would argue that the current refugee situation is a problem, and everyone wants some one to do something to resolve the problem.

Well, there are people trying to do something, and I guess the Council is one of them.

IMO the whole situation is a case of the chickens coming home to roost, for years we cavalier, run around the world, destabilizing governments and engaging in corporate colonialism, our countries and all of as have benefited from these behaviors .,

Now as I said, the chickens are coming home to roost and we need to deal with it. the question is how?

Dealing with it in our countries is a stop gap situation, only good as a short term solution, the problem needs to be dealt at it's source , these people don't want to be here,they much rather be in their own countries, with their families,friends, culture. and we dont want them here. Or do we?

The solution,, Make it better for them to stay in their own countries,

But is it economically feasible?

or do we need more pain , for as and for them before we are compelled to act properly?

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Yes, they are Human Beings - intent on illegally entering the UK and hoping to either stay their illegally and enter the black economy or really hoping they'll be allowed to stay and helped generously including bringing their families over.

Countries in EU simply cannot allow illegal immigrants, looking for a better economic future, to simply come as they please. Those countries who received them originally and allowed them to move on are shocking. Simply glad to get rid of the problem to someone else instead of actually addressing the issue and deporting them.

France has been unable to handle this, asked UK for financial help, and would probably like to get rid of them all to the UK if possible.

Cameron makes the right noises, but we shall see what he actually does.

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Refugee Council ??????????????

Go get a proper job!

It most likely is a proper job, but in general, someone who is a genuine political refugee, or who believes they may be, should apply for asylum in the first country in which they land, provided it is a country that recognizes the UN conventions and protocols on Refugees. In this case, most of these folks should have applied in perhaps Italy.

At a minimum, if they are in France and it can't be proven that they arrived in another country first, then they should be processed by France.

If they are political refugees they should be resettled, if not they should be returned to their country of origin.

It is ludicrous for these countries to allow them to move on to another country.

It is certainly a proper job. I dont know much about the Council, or if they are doing a proper job, but I do know this,

No-one would argue that the current refugee situation is a problem, and everyone wants some one to do something to resolve the problem.

Well, there are people trying to do something, and I guess the Council is one of them.

IMO the whole situation is a case of the chickens coming home to roost, for years we cavalier, run around the world, destabilizing governments and engaging in corporate colonialism, our countries and all of as have benefited from these behaviors .,

Now as I said, the chickens are coming home to roost and we need to deal with it. the question is how?

Dealing with it in our countries is a stop gap situation, only good as a short term solution, the problem needs to be dealt at it's source , these people don't want to be here,they much rather be in their own countries, with their families,friends, culture. and we dont want them here. Or do we?

The solution,, Make it better for them to stay in their own countries,

But is it economically feasible?

or do we need more pain , for as and for them before we are compelled to act properly?

As you say:-

"The problem needs to be dealt at it's source , these people don't want to be here, they would much rather be in their own countries, with their families,friends, culture."

And of course here is further irony, British overseas aid now tops £12 billion and is ring-fenced as a % of national income, regardless of cuts in UK welfare spending. This link gives food for thought:- http://ampp3d.mirror.co.uk/2014/02/11/the-4-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-uks-international-aid-budget/

So not only do we accommodate migrants, we give vast amounts of money to try and improve conditions for them at home.

As a certain UK politician remarked over 50 years ago (regarding immigration), "Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. Are we in this country mad?" Well that question has been answered many times over in the invervening years, to no effect.

Many people on this forum are endlessly critical of the Thais, but they know to run an effective immigration system. If they can do it, whay can't we?

Edited by DoctorB
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Refugee Council ??????????????

Go get a proper job!

It most likely is a proper job, but in general, someone who is a genuine political refugee, or who believes they may be, should apply for asylum in the first country in which they land, provided it is a country that recognizes the UN conventions and protocols on Refugees. In this case, most of these folks should have applied in perhaps Italy.

At a minimum, if they are in France and it can't be proven that they arrived in another country first, then they should be processed by France.

If they are political refugees they should be resettled, if not they should be returned to their country of origin.

It is ludicrous for these countries to allow them to move on to another country.

It is certainly a proper job. I dont know much about the Council, or if they are doing a proper job, but I do know this,

No-one would argue that the current refugee situation is a problem, and everyone wants some one to do something to resolve the problem.

Well, there are people trying to do something, and I guess the Council is one of them.

IMO the whole situation is a case of the chickens coming home to roost, for years we cavalier, run around the world, destabilizing governments and engaging in corporate colonialism, our countries and all of as have benefited from these behaviors .,

Now as I said, the chickens are coming home to roost and we need to deal with it. the question is how?

Dealing with it in our countries is a stop gap situation, only good as a short term solution, the problem needs to be dealt at it's source , these people don't want to be here,they much rather be in their own countries, with their families,friends, culture. and we dont want them here. Or do we?

The solution,, Make it better for them to stay in their own countries,

But is it economically feasible?

or do we need more pain , for as and for them before we are compelled to act properly?

As you say:-

"The problem needs to be dealt at it's source , these people don't want to be here, they would much rather be in their own countries, with their families,friends, culture."

And of course here is further irony, British overseas aid now tops £12 billion and is ring-fenced as a % of national income, regardless of cuts in UK welfare spending. This link gives food for thought:- http://ampp3d.mirror.co.uk/2014/02/11/the-4-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-uks-international-aid-budget/

So not only do we accommodate migrants, we give vast amounts of money to try and improve conditions for them at home.

As a certain UK politician remarked over 50 years ago (regarding immigration), "Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. Are we in this country mad?" Well that question has been answered many times over in the invervening years, to no effect.

Many people on this forum are endlessly critical of the Thais, but they know to run an effective immigration system. If they can do it, whay can't we?

Which includes people trafficking, poor rights if any for migrant workers. Slave camps on the boarder with Malaysia. Now that is an effective immigration policy indeed! whistling.gifclap2.gif

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For those willing to gloss over what a pain in the backside being under siege by economic migrants is, here is a photo of the M20 in Kent showing how much congestion is caused stopping the daily swarm of would be stowaways climbing onto freight lorries.


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