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Plant/tree Nurseries...

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where can i buy mango and papaya trees?

i know theres a plant / tree shop near the backside of the army land.

anywhere specifically sell fruit trees and any idea of costs?

and has anyone ever heard of an avacado tree for sale in thailand?



Papaya trees are grown from seed....they produce fruit in one year and you cut them down when they get so tall that its too much trouble to pick the fruit or they fall down....maybe three years but not sure.....it is a tall skinny tree usually/often with only a central trunk and no branches with a smallish clump of leaves at the top and fruits clustered around the stem just under the clump of leaves. We grow ours from the seed we get in the fruit we buy or are given by friends and family....you can buy seed too. We have had some success but alot of failure too....we get the plants growing and they get to be about two metres tall and then they mostly die...maybe the ground water level is too high where we have been planting them.....they don't tolerate saturated soil well...or so I've read...or there might be a boron deficiency in our soil...I've read that they are really sensitive to boron levels but I have no idea how likely it is to have a boron deficiency in Thai soil. My wife has been growing them and I've been a casual observer....she hasn't been doing very well with them (she's sort of a mai pen rai farmer) and I'm trying to find the time to get more involved....anyway...if you start them from seeds you get in fruit you buy you can get a bunch of them growing for cheap and hope that some of them make it.....best bet is in a piece of land that is up a bit from the rice field level to avoid saturated soil.


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