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Vocabulary chart teaches children that dark skin is 'ugly'

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i just showed this to my wife and she thinks it funny and social acceptable. don't expect Thailand to change any time soon.

Sad but true Steve.

My gf didnt get the fuss either.

What was that comment last year about ugly chicks not wearing bikinis or something? From the big boss.

Now if they had just put a pic of an ugly farang chick in a bikini on that poster instead of a black guy we could have beat each other up about sexism instead.

Someone like Jo Brand, or Katy Hopkins?

This whole thread has turned ugly, and the best laugh is, not a single person here can do a bloody think to change it.. Mountains out of a Thai molehill

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firstly though we have to accept that your wife is representative of the entire population of Thailand..

Did you ever were in Thailand? I mean not as tourist..Answer-no..Yes, his wife thinks same as mine and same as ordinary Asian. Not only Thai.

Cliche alert!!! - False Syllogisms


You are wrong. It's true syllogism.And you didn't answer the question..Where do you live? I'm sure not in Thailand.

There's no such thing- perhaps you'd like to explain?


I just showed it to my wife and all she did was shake her head and say, "ignorant people".

congratulation! you're married with farang girl! But we here talks about Thai...

good lord! Do I detect a touch of racial prejudice?


In my view this is not only ignorant but also sad. After all, the majority of the Thai population are not fair skinned. In my travel around Thailand, and they are many, I have seen many Thai people with very dark skin. Granted, not so many males with two earrings but certainly a plethora of tattoos.

This line of thought could be, and most likely is very damaging to the self-esteem of most of the nation. Hence the popularity of skin whiting creams which are so heavily advertised and have been proven to be dangerous.


I just showed it to my wife and all she did was shake her head and say, "ignorant people".

congratulation! you're married with farang girl! But we here talks about Thai...

good lord! Do I detect a touch of racial prejudice?

No, you didn't.

SOme of arguments by the "Political Correctness gone Mad" brigade are bizarre. From the if the shoe was on the other foot, to "hey, this is thailand".
Its simple. if you see a porno picture on the screen. Do you argue?. Its Pornographic or its not. Simple. Think about the foreign journo who posted
a dick pic on the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs Line account.
Was there any argument about if it was a lewd image?. No, It was clearly pornographic.
When you see racism, its racist or its not. There's no borderline racism.
Its very admirable, those trying to defend (justify) the picture. They will defend until they cannot defend it anymore and it is so obvious (as it is now), then admit it.

loved to have seen a chick in a bikini on a school poster. Ugly or beautiful.

A very ambiguous remark for some that can spot racism but seems to be unable to avoid a remark that some women would find is sexist.

If you are of the same generation as me, don't tell me most teenagers (both boys and girls) didn't like watching baywatch when it was on Television.
Also, how many of the Thai kids at school now are going to grow-up and in twenty years time gonno say "I would have liked to have seen many black faces
on school posters when I was at school, ugly or beautiful". Oh!, but wait, they did see, and they were all ugly.

I am sorry for my cursing in some comments I was mad

Ok that is the last

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I wouldn't worry too much about the cursing. Whilst cursing isn't an attractive thing I would expect that anyone reading post 375 would realise there are far less attractive things about your personality than the cursing.


But to most Asian. People still prefer white skin. But it's the clear skin that most people think it attractive. They prefer clear skin. You can search google how many people try to search about how to make their skin appear clearer; try to reduce acne, scar and facial pore.

And lol I think guy know instantly which girl is hotter . Even they was brought up in Asian . Same go with girl In Asian. We can't deny that dark skin make guy look more masculine but it doesn't make handsome guy who have white skin less handsome


All these girl is extremely hot to me!

I am lazy to add guy pics. Don't want my post to be too long

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The dark skinned girl is the prettiest. The middle one looks like a ghost. Very little that is attractive about super white skin. To me, it does not look healthy. And considering maybe half the people on the planet have darker skin, there is nothing positive and productive about teaching these kids to dislike dark skin, it is simply the product of a dark heart, and a blind soul. Anyone who thinks white skin is more beautiful may have some bigotry that has to be resolved, or has been hypnotized by the media. To me, dark skin is gorgeous.


Yeah I'm wrong I agree with the person above that beauty is in the eye of beholder . It's up with trend and fashion

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Not me.
There are multiple criteria to differentiate the beautiful from the ugly. We can name a few such as mass balance, the harmony of colors and all aspects that delight us: youth, strength, health, suggestion, masculinity, femininity, purity, light etc ...
To deny this is tantamount to denying the art.
But to associate skin color to beautiful criteria is a real ugly grossness.


But he still was considered to be an ugly.

By school children?

Some of children refused to attend his lessons.He stayed here for 3 years.Never get an one girlfriend..Even from local karaoke bar..And he was tall, slim young(26 y.o.) boy with great smile..O.k., it looked great just for me..

I See what you are saying. Someone could be considered ugly by many. Kind of like what Joseph Merrick (the Elephant man) went through.
The problem I have with your argument is that the Thai school kids did not see a picture of what the whole of "africa" consider ugly. They saw a (stereotypical) representation of what is regarded ugly (a person with big lips, tattoos and scars on their face).
Your brit schoolteacher is ugly. Here ugly is black.

How can a population grow up with this kind of racism and not be biased ?

Thais grow up in an environment where they are never taught to handle emotions in an adult manner; they grow up in an environment where they are taught to honestly believe in fairy tales; and Thais grow up in an environment where independent critical thinking is never encouraged and you are concerned about a little engineered bias that keeps a large part of the elite on the top of the heap?
THAIS....... I take it you know all 69.7 million of them?

Or perhaps you are just generalising?

Couple of things to note here.. to support Johpa:

The Egyptians invented written language.

The Chinese invented gunpowder (or how to work it).

The Indians invented steel (or how to work it).

The Persians invented the toothbrush.

The Greeks invented Democracy.

The Romans invented roads, highways, sewers, sanitation and aqueducts.

The Americans invented flying machines (or perfected it) and the internet.

Stuff we all use today.. what exactly has Thailand in its 2558 years invented/ discovered that we all around the world collectively use in everyday life? Surely in 2558 there must be something.. or do they just copy stuff from farangs?

And regarding dark not being beautiful.. as Charles Darwin stated.. sexual selection matters in evolution.

Why is it women love having affairs/ babies with men with dark skin? Clearly the examples are everywhere.. Madonna, Kim Kardashian, Heidi Klum, are just the biggest examples. Why are women not creating babies with Thai men in the same quantities?

Sexual selection? Or maybe the chart is wrong..



But he still was considered to be an ugly.

By school children?

Some of children refused to attend his lessons.He stayed here for 3 years.Never get an one girlfriend..Even from local karaoke bar..And he was tall, slim young(26 y.o.) boy with great smile..O.k., it looked great just for me..

I See what you are saying. Someone could be considered ugly by many. Kind of like what Joseph Merrick (the Elephant man) went through.
The problem I have with your argument is that the Thai school kids did not see a picture of what the whole of "africa" consider ugly. They saw a (stereotypical) representation of what is regarded ugly (a person with big lips, tattoos and scars on their face).
Your brit schoolteacher is ugly. Here ugly is black.

When Baywatch came onto TV I wasn’t a teenager anymore. What will be going to happen in twenty years I don’t know and I might not be around to witness it.

Oh!, but wait, they did see, and they were all ugly. The problem I have with your argument is that the Thai school kids did not see a picture of what the whole of "africa" consider ugly. They saw a (stereotypical) representation of what is regarded ugly (a person with big lips, tattoos and scars on their face).

You are making an assumption that is based on one poster and generalise across the board. I have been in Africa from the North to the South and rest assured ugliness has a different definition in each region and depends on the persons that judge it. I personally don’t regard big lips as ugly nor would I say that a scar or tattoo would contribute to it. Maybe it would have been a good idea to place a link onto the poster to a website http://photobucket.com/images/ugly%20people which I have no doubt the children could explore to find Asian, European and African people that are all regarded as ugly. I might place a different angle onto the argument if the poster is racist or not.



I get it lol lol you don't even read my comment I told you guy picture in the poster resemble Africa guy and that is racist

But I don't think person who make this poster mean that

And I get it that you will never get me. So I leave

I think smart people will not argue with your guy anyways. When we know most of your guy here marry with dark skin isan girl and they already feed you about how Thai people abuse them cuz they are tan. And yeah! Your guy are their savior!

But I happend to have lot of free time. Now I have my fun and enough of this case.

Well I show my opinion and most of people Don't like it which I also accept the truth

Have fun whining here lol

We are all just Keyboard warrior!

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I think you just made his case and proved his point.


I have no problem with people questioning the sensitivity or ignorance in using the photo but to call it racist is both ignorant and comical considering the people screaming racism have no issue painting an entire group such as Thais in a negative way.

People who are claiming racism seem to either be racist or bigoted them selves or simply don't understand different cultures. If they were in a restaurant in their home country they would be shocked to hear a racist say, "that food is for the Asian guy over there" but here it is okay to state the obvious such as pointing out the food is for a "farang" in an otherwise crowded restaurant of asian. There is nothing racist about pointing out the obvious and nothing racist in using a word in Thai that described white foreigners. It certainly can be insensitive to somebody who feels insecure about who they are and even be surprising to people who don't understand or have not spent the time to learn the culture but it is not racist.

The picture is wrong and was a mistake in my opinion but it is not inaccurate. Although the dark skin was not the only thing making the photo ugly, it added to it. Regardless of what traits, the person in the photo had that made this generally considered an ugly person, they could have substituted a pike or rotting garbage or something else that would be less damaging to young people's self view or reinforce social views on attraction. Then again, it is not unhealthy in my opinion for people to have a realistic view of how others may perceive their looks but kids change and ugly ones can grow up to be attractive and regardless, not something they need to be considering at this age.

Bottom line, somebody didn't put a lot of thought into something and it took a while before people pointed it out. Happens every day all over the world including with large companies with huge marketing budgets.


I just showed it to my wife and all she did was shake her head and say, "ignorant people".

congratulation! you're married with farang girl! But we here talks about Thai...

good lord! Do I detect a touch of racial prejudice?

yes, and he also wrote girl, he is obviously homophobe as well


Righteous ele

Racism is wrong.

It is nothing but hatred and prejudice based on someones colour.

It is bigotry and should always be opposed.

Again you cause me of being judgmental?

*Why* is it wrong?

What's wrong with hatred and prejudice based on someone's color?

You seem fine with hatred and prejudice based on someone's inner thoughts, so what's the difference?

Why should bigotry always be opposed?

You are being judgmental. You believe you are a better person than those whose beliefs and cultural values differ from yours. That's called judgementalism.

Let me help you out:

No one can chose their color, their race, their sexual orientation!

(That's why it is wrong, to be judgemental of that! That's why prejudice is wrong! That's why hatred of these things makes no sense!

And by the way: no one is being black or gay AT you!)

But you can chose to be an a- hole, as some on here demonstrate perfectly!

(That is their "inner thought" as you so eloquently named it! And that should be attacked! Because a-holes and bigotted a-holes all the more, should be called out!

Got it now, Einstein?)


More and more government agencies out themselves by publishing very silly things.

A wrong person at the wrong place will always do the wrong thing. Plenty of those folks around.


More and more government agencies out themselves by publishing very silly things.

A wrong person at the wrong place will always do the wrong thing. Plenty of those folks around.

You got it wrong,,, Whoever did the chart did a great job ( as far as Thai cuture is concerned ) Thats the way it is here,their country their culture. you cant change it.


How can a population grow up with this kind of racism and not be biased ?

Thais grow up in an environment where they are never taught to handle emotions in an adult manner; they grow up in an environment where they are taught to honestly believe in fairy tales; and Thais grow up in an environment where independent critical thinking is never encouraged and you are concerned about a little engineered bias that keeps a large part of the elite on the top of the heap?
THAIS....... I take it you know all 69.7 million of them?

Or perhaps you are just generalising?

Couple of things to note here.. to support Johpa:

The Egyptians invented written language.

The Chinese invented gunpowder (or how to work it).

The Indians invented steel (or how to work it).

The Persians invented the toothbrush.

The Greeks invented Democracy.

The Romans invented roads, highways, sewers, sanitation and aqueducts.

The Americans invented flying machines (or perfected it) and the internet.

Stuff we all use today.. what exactly has Thailand in its 2558 years invented/ discovered that we all around the world collectively use in everyday life? Surely in 2558 there must be something.. or do they just copy stuff from farangs?

And regarding dark not being beautiful.. as Charles Darwin stated.. sexual selection matters in evolution.

Why is it women love having affairs/ babies with men with dark skin? Clearly the examples are everywhere.. Madonna, Kim Kardashian, Heidi Klum, are just the biggest examples. Why are women not creating babies with Thai men in the same quantities?

Sexual selection? Or maybe the chart is wrong..

never mind the quality, feel the width


Righteous ele

Racism is wrong.

It is nothing but hatred and prejudice based on someones colour.

It is bigotry and should always be opposed.

Again you cause me of being judgmental?

*Why* is it wrong?

What's wrong with hatred and prejudice based on someone's color?

You seem fine with hatred and prejudice based on someone's inner thoughts, so what's the difference?

Why should bigotry always be opposed?

You are being judgmental. You believe you are a better person than those whose beliefs and cultural values differ from yours. That's called judgementalism.

Let me help you out:

No one can chose their color, their race, their sexual orientation!

(That's why it is wrong, to be judgemental of that! That's why prejudice is wrong! That's why hatred of these things makes no sense!

And by the way: no one is being black or gay AT you!)

But you can chose to be an a- hole, as some on here demonstrate perfectly!

(That is their "inner thought" as you so eloquently named it! And that should be attacked! Because a-holes and bigotted a-holes all the more, should be called out!

Got it now, Einstein?)

Certainly no one can choose their colour,race or sexual orientation and being black had an evolutionary advantage if you are living in the savanna under a hot sun all the time. Having an aversion to any or all of these three things mentioned however is also not chosen, aversions come from bad experience or instinct, nobody wakes up one day and decides to hate the Chinese. Aversion or irrational hatred isn't the problem as long as they are kept inside so to speak, actions against the object of your aversion is the problem and this must be stopped of course. Latent racism is common, where the roots lie isn't important, there are many latent aversions, many people dislike red headed people on sight, why? who knows, maybe they need a lobby as well. Some people dislike being called an A-hole or being lectured to about what is right or wrong, in the end all you can have is an opinion like any one else so get off your high moral horse.


Answer to solebundy Well i know this indian guy that wanted a relationship with a white woman,, his name ASIF

as in, AS IF it mattered ? Or are you making some reference to Edwina Mountbatten's affair with Nehru, i don't think his name was ASIF.


Answer to solebundy Well i know this indian guy that wanted a relationship with a white woman,, his name ASIF

as in, AS IF it mattered ? Or are you making some reference to Edwina Mountbatten's affair with Nehru, i don't think his name was ASIF.

soalbundy You are really funny lighten up a bit


I have no problem with people questioning the sensitivity or ignorance in using the photo but to call it racist is both ignorant and comical considering the people screaming racism have no issue painting an entire group such as Thais in a negative way.

People who are claiming racism seem to either be racist or bigoted them selves or simply don't understand different cultures. If they were in a restaurant in their home country they would be shocked to hear a racist say, "that food is for the Asian guy over there" but here it is okay to state the obvious such as pointing out the food is for a "farang" in an otherwise crowded restaurant of asian. There is nothing racist about pointing out the obvious and nothing racist in using a word in Thai that described white foreigners. It certainly can be insensitive to somebody who feels insecure about who they are and even be surprising to people who don't understand or have not spent the time to learn the culture but it is not racist.

The picture is wrong and was a mistake in my opinion but it is not inaccurate. Although the dark skin was not the only thing making the photo ugly, it added to it. Regardless of what traits, the person in the photo had that made this generally considered an ugly person, they could have substituted a pike or rotting garbage or something else that would be less damaging to young people's self view or reinforce social views on attraction. Then again, it is not unhealthy in my opinion for people to have a realistic view of how others may perceive their looks but kids change and ugly ones can grow up to be attractive and regardless, not something they need to be considering at this age.

Bottom line, somebody didn't put a lot of thought into something and it took a while before people pointed it out. Happens every day all over the world including with large companies with huge marketing budgets.

Haven't 'seen' any screaming on this topic yet, either from the pro or anti racist arguers.

I reckon its clearly racist but I never said all Thais are racist or all Thais are this or that because of their 'race'.

So I guess my claims aren't ignorant or comical.

Bottom line is, somebody produced a poster that can be interpreted with a racist message, which makes it racist.

I understand the racism card has been overplayed in recent decades hence a reluctance now to use the word. I get that and I agree with that.

But this is clear cut and obvious racism, intended or not.

Culture has nothing to do with whether it meets the definition of racist or not. It only explains how it could be seen as acceptable.

Arguments about whether the guy really is ugly are extraordinarily facile, insensitive, subjective and immature and just illustrate why you cant use a human face to illustrate this term.

And they are largely irrelevant to proving it is racist - the overwhelmingly obvious difference between the handsome and ugly pics is the skin colour, which makes it racist.

You can say this is a rant if you like and that Im screaming with rage, drunk on PC etcera etc - you can say the sky is purple with orange spots too but it dont make it so.


Answer to solebundy Well i know this indian guy that wanted a relationship with a white woman,, his name ASIF

as in, AS IF it mattered ? Or are you making some reference to Edwina Mountbatten's affair with Nehru, i don't think his name was ASIF.

soalbundy You are really funny lighten up a bit

I am fully chilled out, i only argue here for the sake of argument, taking a break from trying to teach my 8 year old son to improve his Thai reading skills, all he wants to do is watch minecraft so we argue, the cat wants to walk over my keyboard and the dog is getting jealous so reading the serious indignation of the PC brigade makes for an amusing break. Seriously, what is ASIF, i am obviously seriously behind the curve.


Oh look it's the western people who were only just 1 century ago that was busy enslaving people of african descent and native peoples from lands like australia, usa, canada to name a few and afterwards freeing them but still discriminating starts to throw a hissy fit at something as tiny as a textbook description. You see the contrast here?

How can the western people aka farang actually try to lecture thais/asians on racism when they were the ones making slaves out of africans, segregating them from bathrooms, restaurants, public places just 60 years ago and still having the police harrassing black people on the streets and then suddenly acting all self righteous all because of a textbook description that did not even imply that blacks are ugly just that the illustration happens to be a man that's black.

Please take your white guilt and white man's burden elsewhere. It's true that after the civil rights movement and the collective efforts of groups like the black panthers, NAACP etc farangs started to become super sensitive towards blacks compared to all other minorities and are very afraid of being called racist especially towards blacks but please that is due to your own white guilt and burden. Don't try to bring that over to other nationalities like the thais who have done nothing of that sort to black people. You see the irony? On the one hand farangs are responsible for how blacks/africans have suffered in countries like the US and their own native africa but decide they need to lecture a country's people who have not even done 1% of the damage they did to black people and try to show how racist thais are. whistling.gif


I have no problem with people questioning the sensitivity or ignorance in using the photo but to call it racist is both ignorant and comical considering the people screaming racism have no issue painting an entire group such as Thais in a negative way.

People who are claiming racism seem to either be racist or bigoted them selves or simply don't understand different cultures. If they were in a restaurant in their home country they would be shocked to hear a racist say, "that food is for the Asian guy over there" but here it is okay to state the obvious such as pointing out the food is for a "farang" in an otherwise crowded restaurant of asian. There is nothing racist about pointing out the obvious and nothing racist in using a word in Thai that described white foreigners. It certainly can be insensitive to somebody who feels insecure about who they are and even be surprising to people who don't understand or have not spent the time to learn the culture but it is not racist.

The picture is wrong and was a mistake in my opinion but it is not inaccurate. Although the dark skin was not the only thing making the photo ugly, it added to it. Regardless of what traits, the person in the photo had that made this generally considered an ugly person, they could have substituted a pike or rotting garbage or something else that would be less damaging to young people's self view or reinforce social views on attraction. Then again, it is not unhealthy in my opinion for people to have a realistic view of how others may perceive their looks but kids change and ugly ones can grow up to be attractive and regardless, not something they need to be considering at this age.

Bottom line, somebody didn't put a lot of thought into something and it took a while before people pointed it out. Happens every day all over the world including with large companies with huge marketing budgets.

Haven't 'seen' any screaming on this topic yet, either from the pro or anti racist arguers.

I reckon its clearly racist but I never said all Thais are racist or all Thais are this or that because of their 'race'.

So I guess my claims aren't ignorant or comical.

Bottom line is, somebody produced a poster that can be interpreted with a racist message, which makes it racist.

Well I guess that makes you fall into the other group in my opinion ... someone with a lack of understanding of other's culture.

Had to stop reading after the last comment above because that is just plain comical, if not so ignorant, to state that because some may interpret something as racist by definition makes it racist. That is simply bizarre logic.

Being insensitive, stupid or ignorant is not racism but being a racist is stupid.


Oh look it's the western people who were only just 1 century ago that was busy enslaving people of african descent and native peoples from lands like australia, usa, canada to name a few and afterwards freeing them but still discriminating starts to throw a hissy fit at something as tiny as a textbook description. You see the contrast here?

How can the western people aka farang actually try to lecture thais/asians on racism when they were the ones making slaves out of africans, segregating them from bathrooms, restaurants, public places just 60 years ago and still having the police harrassing black people on the streets and then suddenly acting all self righteous all because of a textbook description that did not even imply that blacks are ugly just that the illustration happens to be a man that's black.

Please take your white guilt and white man's burden elsewhere. It's true that after the civil rights movement and the collective efforts of groups like the black panthers, NAACP etc farangs started to become super sensitive towards blacks compared to all other minorities and are very afraid of being called racist especially towards blacks but please that is due to your own white guilt and burden. Don't try to bring that over to other nationalities like the thais who have done nothing of that sort to black people. You see the irony? On the one hand farangs are responsible for how blacks/africans have suffered in countries like the US and their own native africa but decide they need to lecture a country's people who have not even done 1% of the damage they did to black people and try to show how racist thais are. whistling.gif

Either the picture is racist or its not. History has nothing to do with it.

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