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Vocabulary chart teaches children that dark skin is 'ugly'

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I completely disagree with what they've done here, however I believe they are entitled to their opinion on what is and isn't ugly. I don't think it's right for foreigners to come here to Thailand and declare that "Thai's are racist" and that they should change their culture and opinions to accomodate us foreigners.

You're tap-dancing. You might be right about foreigners "coming here" and voicing their opinions publicly. Thailand does not welcome foreign agitators, no matter the right or wrong of the matter. That's a matter of sovereignty and it IS their right. But racism IS racism, and this is clearly racism. Shouting it in the street or elsewhere in public or getting all in a local Thai person's face about it is one thing granted, but it's perfectly acceptable and very reasonable to make such observations here on TV. Globally, the world is a commons now and has been for decades (or more, depending on whom you ask), but if Thailand thinks that its internal practices & prejudices should be - or even can be - shielded from world opinion, they're living in the past and headed for a train wreck.

So you think racism is OK when a part of the "culture", and that eliminating it is a matter of merely "accommodating" foreign opinion?? Wow. Just wow.

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What color is this dress?

On Thai lakorn they often have a country bumpkin as a servant in one of the wealthy households (often in the home of the "good-girl" who will be abused and raped by the "bad" boy, and then fall in love with "good' boy) , and they use make-up to make her look much darker.

Skin color is as much about class, position in society and perceived intelligence, than beauty or lack thereof.

"Whiteness" to a point is fine here, but I've seen a few albinos and nobody using them in commercials.

Ah, i do miss our albino heavy commercials in the west. ;)


I taught at a school which had hired a very dark skinned gentleman. He told me he started learning to speak Thai only to realize the absolutely HORRIBLE things they were saying about him right to his face. Even after he informed them he "khow chaied," they kept on speaking despicably based solely on his skin color.

Something I learned from Bill Nye - ALL humans are of the same race, we just have different tribes. Some people may find this as splitting hairs, others might grasp the subtle context that we're all the same, some with lighter tans, others darker, but we HAVE to get over this garbage! Once a kid sees this guide, and the concept continues to get fed, it can only grow into full-blown xenophobia.

I agree. They really should start teaching them from an early age that not all white skinned people are very wealthy too biggrin.png


I think most would agree that Thais are racist right? always have been all this HiSo, LoSo BS and "face" the dark skin thing is inbuilt in the patriotism and nationalism that is the construct here


Presumably, the poster has the company's name and contact information along the bottom. The fact that said company has yet to be deservedly called out and figuratively spat upon in social media speaks volumes.


Maybe one should ask the designer of the poster why he or she referred to the image as ugly. It might be a possibility that not the colour was the reason but the scar and tattoos that caused the designer to refer to it as ugly.

But words like racism or anti-Semitism have become words used to label people that don’t agree with the few experts on these subjects who decide what political correctness is or has to be in our days.


When I drive I am a bad driver because I am not Thai

When I shop in Do Home I am a shoplifter because I am not Thai

When I shout I am told to stop because I am not Thai and only Thai people are allowed to do that

I must not stand and block up a doorway, only Thai people can do that

I cant plant rice because I am not Thai

I can pay up when required though so my money is good.

Thank goodness that there is something good about me.


How many of you remember Yui Rojjana? She hails from Issan and is darkskinned. She was discovered by a modelling agency in Bangkok and went tro America where she became a top model. When she started out she couldn't even walk in high heels. She was very successful, made the 'face' for a Chanel perfume and the covergirl for a prestigeous womens magazine.

At the time may Thais were puzzled by her success, they considered that she wasn't very beautiful by Thai standards, but the main ctiticism of her was that she was dark skinned.

. Here she is, judge for yourself.

Judge for myself

I judge it lol but in my opinion her face look ok with great body . Modeling is about being unique too

But beautiful and dark skin Asian is like this in opinion.


Can say that our taste is different.

look at miss universe or some beauty competition. Your will understand what is beautiful word mean to most people.

Just compare the face lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


coffee1.gif So, the alarm rings and the bleeding hearts 'race' to the call. bah.gif Asian culture doesn't like dark skin..period. It is not desirable and women especially use bleaching agents to lighten their skin. Go outside, bleeder, and see Thais completely covered and HOT. Have you ever even been to a farm here?wai.gifGet a grip on your emotions, dummy.facepalm.gif

good, it must be recognized, without being racist, that people with dark skin, very dark, do not make efforts to gain acceptance.
These are still the ones who invade every country that does not belong to them and do not care anything.
Y has to see in Europe. sick.gifph34r.png

blink.png ? what


Thai racism at it's finest.

Implanting in the heads of children that can barely read, that black people are ugly.

Terrible that the education department actually let this through.

I know, I know...it's a "misunderstanding".

I know, I know...it's a "misunderstanding".

Yes maybe......but it makes me so angry to think that so called educated..... people produced this rubbish, Sad to imagine how the Kid's feel in the Class Room.....sad.pngsad.png

Asian culture doesn't like dark skin..period. It is not desirable and women especially use bleaching agents to lighten their skin. Go outside, bleeder, and see Thais completely covered and HOT. Have you ever even been to a farm here?

That's not at all what this is about. Nobody here will disagree with your first sentence, so you're not telling us anything we don't already know.

What many of us are saying is this: it shouldn't be that way. Especially in this situation where impressionable children are just beginning to understand these ideas. This poster reinforces the idea that a person's value is dependent on their outward appearance, and that's wrong.


I completely disagree with what they've done here, however I believe they are entitled to their opinion on what is and isn't ugly. I don't think it's right for foreigners to come here to Thailand and declare that "Thai's are racist" and that they should change their culture and opinions to accomodate us foreigners.

I agree with you and would even take it further. The word ‘racism’ in our days is used to place an opinion that doesn’t suit the mind frame of some people to turn a valid argument into the wrong. Using the word racism ensures that there will be no further discussions.


Leave the Thais be.

Right or wrong, most here (farangs) in Thailand are here with the permission of the Thai government. If you want the take a stance on "racism" or any other garden variety "do good cause" go back to your own bloody country and open a Non-Profit.

But please stop bellyaching about this silly nonsense.

We all have our own silly misconceptions, nobody is perfect.

Thai children, indeed all children are educated socially at home!

Ugly and Pretty are defined there, not in the classroom!

I choose to take none of your advise.

As a thinking person I will always highlight the foulness of racism.


Are you sure its not the tattoos or the earrings that make the kid ugly? The fairer Korean looking boy's facial features are more symmetrical as well, We assume that Thais are per definition racists, while we don't know the reasons why the maker of the poster calls the other kid ugly.

If you see 2 girls, one is ugly and dark and the other pretty and fair skinned, does that make you a racist when asked about your preference?

If the creator of this educational poster intended to mean that dark skinned people are uglier than light skinned people, then yes he's a racist.

I think he is just plain dumb to put such a possible sensibility on an educational learning resource.

I understand your points, but want to be careful to play the racist card. I think the person responsible for this material lacks a certain number of brain cells rather than being a racist.

Having lived here for 13 years, yes I am sure.

Looking at the pretty and beautiful pictures, they are both fair skinned.

As is the the picture of the guy for good.

Colour is playing a role.

Only the ugly picture has a dark skinned individual. Something completely unnecessary if tattoos and earrings were the criteria for ugly.

I understand your points and I have also lived here for ages, but what if the handsome kid was dark and the ugly white? Then it would be racist as well.

Educational resources should not show images of people to describe ugly or prettiness. Its tasteless and wrong, but not per definition racist. You don't know what the designer of this fine piece of had in mind when he made it.

I feel I do.

Whether they were being deliberately offensive or not I can't say.

But they made a deliberate choice to use a dark skinned face to represent ugly.

Colour played a role in their reasoning.

They see dark skin as a trait that is undesirable and ugly.

The institutionalised racism of many UK police forces in the early 80s might be an appropriate comparison.

Quote The institutionalised racism of many UK police forces in the early 80s might be an appropriate comparison Unquote

I disputed that claim then and I dispute it now. I don't care what the politically correct authorities found. From reading your previous views on these forums, pc appears to be your thing. The British police are the world's finest despite their occasional over-reactions in response to severe provocation. Sorry for being off topic and personal but I just couldn't let that accusation slip by.


I completely disagree with what they've done here, however I believe they are entitled to their opinion on what is and isn't ugly. I don't think it's right for foreigners to come here to Thailand and declare that "Thai's are racist" and that they should change their culture and opinions to accomodate us foreigners.

Everyone should change negative attitudes and opinions based upon skin colour.

Judging someone on their skin colour isn't an opinion it's hatred.



The police forces themselves admitted to this situation and to their eternal credit took steps to eradicate it.

That is why they are a reputable and trustworthy force. They solve issues not hide them.


Miss Uganda?, Miss America? Nope Miss Japan 2015. Nivea et al should be pooping their pants right now!

Her winning the Miss Japan contest caused a lot of controversy in Japan because she is of mixed race Japanese/African American. It wouls seem that some Japanese are as xenophobic and racist as some Thais.


How many of you remember Yui Rojjana? She hails from Issan and is darkskinned. She was discovered by a modelling agency in Bangkok and went tro America where she became a top model. When she started out she couldn't even walk in high heels. She was very successful, made the 'face' for a Chanel perfume and the covergirl for a prestigeous womens magazine.

At the time may Thais were puzzled by her success, they considered that she wasn't very beautiful by Thai standards, but the main ctiticism of her was that she was dark skinned.

. Here she is, judge for yourself.

And here she is in reality.

Sadly life at the top can be precarious.



I think I see that ugly dude on sukhumvit soi 15, he tried to sell me cocaine.

Years ago I was in front of the shopping center opposite Nana and that guy and another one just like him tried to offer me some kind of "deal" but I effed them of quite loudly before I found out what it was. biggrin.png


Not really surprised by this blatant illustration.

The "ugly" guy is a negro, not a dark-skinned Thai.

How can a population grow up with this kind of racism and not be biased ?

"Biased" isn't the word - it is blind prejudice! Most Thai people think negroid is "dirty"


Have Thais got childish minds or are they just naturally cretins.

Both. but I doubt the author made that association deliberately.

As Napoleon said "Never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence". Also known as "Hanlon's razor". You'll be needing that a lot if you are in Thailand for any length of time.

Well expressing ignorance is a disgrace. The use of racism is from your quote, is loosely compared to being stupid. Yes if you have been here long enough you know that, Thais are ingrained ith racism. I have herad it from many affleuent Thais. "We are not racist we just don't like coiloured people, and others" They just don't or won't accept what they say are racist comments.

Yes i agree with you should get use to it here in Thailand if you are going to live here for any length of time. Very much like I here when some Thai people say, you just dont understand Thai culture. sorry yes I do, I just dont agree with it.

I am not shocked at the article and see it on a regular basis. What does shock me is those who try to defend the ignorance of it.

Robert Browning summed it up rather well....


Robert Browning summed it up rather well....IGNORANCE IS NOT INNOCENCE BUT SIN

Yes he summed it well like a bigot, his mother was a devout evangelical Christian and this stupid sentence is a perfect exemple of the social-racism of his time.

That means: The lower class who have no access to education... are sinners.

And you as a teacher take this pedantic Nazi-like exemple to demonstrate how we Westerners are superior to the Thai people cheesy.gif


There is no reasonable person who does not only see this as racist but a way to disgrace poor people because those who work in the fields get dark.


Asian culture doesn't like dark skin..period. It is not desirable and women especially use bleaching agents to lighten their skin. Go outside, bleeder, and see Thais completely covered and HOT. Have you ever even been to a farm here?

That's not at all what this is about. Nobody here will disagree with your first sentence, so you're not telling us anything we don't already know.

What many of us are saying is this: it shouldn't be that way. Especially in this situation where impressionable children are just beginning to understand these ideas. This poster reinforces the idea that a person's value is dependent on their outward appearance, and that's wrong.

My daughter was brought up in schools that have been multi racial and as far as I know she wouldn’t have made colour an issue to decide what was ugly or pretty. I do not agree with you that children begin to understand these ideas but they are taught these ideas by adults that already have formed their prejudices. The poster doesn’t reinforce anything it will be the words of the teacher that will determine the direction this is going. Due to my wife I have come to Thailand for the last two decades and travelled the country to a certain extend when here. I have noticed very dark skinned Thais and Thais with a skin colour that might apply to westerns. It certainly didn’t place a value on these persons.


Once again the world pities Thailand.

The world, like Rhett Butler (GWTW), frankly, doesn't give a damn. They are far too busy with more important things.

It is more likely some of the foreigners here are concerned with the stunning ignorance and complacency displayed by some, not all, Thais.

However, some of the posters on this topic have displayed equal ignorance.

In the second decade of the 21st century, Thais should be aware that judging people on their skin color is ignorant and intolerant. There are no excuses.

This was just plain stupidity on the publisher's behalf.


"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Martin Luther King Jr.

"There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Collected Works

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