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Thai I.Q.


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Many years ago, in a discussion about the difference between officers and the lads, this was an answer I was given by my 'seadad':

"Chris, upstairs is a wardroom filled with very clever people. 95% of them could tell you the cubic capacity of a jam jar, but only 5% of those could tell you how to take the lid off it. Schooling isn't everything."

That has always stuck with me.

Which brings me to the point of how a country's population is assessed for an average IQ. How is that done? Everyone takes an IQ test?

IMO, your other half came to a logical conclusion that if the scales were working properly for weighing body weight, and then weren't working after being used for something else, then the later action was to blame.

What is IQ?

I have had many so called clever people ask me why something is not working today, when it was working perfectly yesterday. Not so sure about the scales but I do believe that printers sometimes have a chip inside so that it only prints out so many pages or only lasts for so long. So you have no option but to go out and buy another printer, so maybe the same principle applies to many electronic items.
no, you just buy new ink
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Double post deleted - how to switch off the self destruct button?

Lift up your computer. On the bottom, in the right-hand corner is a small yellow button.

Press this.

It is the self-destruct button for the main self-destruct button.

I just noticed that my computer has 2 self destruct buttons, one red, one yellow.

My computer is made in Thailand, and has no double standards.

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"IQ" is a 19th century concept.

Intelligence is about the ability to solve new problems.

Originally the focus was on mathematics, later language and other skills were added.

Then it dawned that there also are very different skills, and EQ emotional intelligence was introduced.

Is a gifted mathematician without social skills intelligent?

Is an artist that does not know how to count stupid?

A typical question for IQ test:

What do diamonds, snow and sugar have in common?

Ask that question to an Amazone indian, and I predict he will not be able to answer.

Good thing for Einstein that nobody ever asked him to compose a hard rock song.

There are Culture Fair IQ tests that try their best to measure IQ without using language. One example is Raven's Progressive Matrices:


I have just scored 115 on the I.Q. test, so not too bad. Probably not good enough to be a brain surgeon.

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"IQ" is a 19th century concept.

Intelligence is about the ability to solve new problems.

Originally the focus was on mathematics, later language and other skills were added.

Then it dawned that there also are very different skills, and EQ emotional intelligence was introduced.

Is a gifted mathematician without social skills intelligent?

Is an artist that does not know how to count stupid?

A typical question for IQ test:

What do diamonds, snow and sugar have in common?

Ask that question to an Amazone indian, and I predict he will not be able to answer.

Good thing for Einstein that nobody ever asked him to compose a hard rock song.

There are Culture Fair IQ tests that try their best to measure IQ without using language. One example is Raven's Progressive Matrices:


I have just scored 115 on the I.Q. test, so not too bad. Probably not good enough to be a brain surgeon.
not good enough to go to university
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Sorry, hocuspocus, but there is too much hocuspocus in your OP.

First, IQ cannot be increased by training. If it could, - a dog trained to bring back the stick would have higher IQ than its master.

Second, - go and buy new scales.

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I have just scored 115 on the I.Q. test, so not too bad. Probably not good enough to be a brain surgeon.

Yes, not bad!

I took the same test just now and scored 'above 153' ==> Genius level!

That maybe explains why I was a rocket scientist (true!) in a previous career...

No wonder I have issues chatting about Quantum Theory with my ex-wives smile.png

Edited by simon43
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I have just scored 115 on the I.Q. test, so not too bad. Probably not good enough to be a brain surgeon.

Yes, not bad!

I took the same test just now and scored 'above 153' ==> Genius level!

That maybe explains why I was a rocket scientist (true!) in a previous career...

No wonder I have issues chatting about Quantum Theory with my ex-wives smile.png

Did you read the fine print?

It says:

Anyone taking TV Forum seriously, should deduct 100 points from his score.

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They want near 20 euros for the IQ test result?

You get the result free if you 'Like' them on FaceBook.

I have an empty FB a/c - so I liked them on that, whatever that means....

But intelligent does not equate to smart. I am maybe a prime example, because despite having a brain larger than the planet Jupiter, my 'smart' Issan wives still managed to pull the wool over my eyes smile.png

Actually, as a young man, my parents considered me the black sheep of the family, for failing to study at Cambridge University, (London suited me better since it offered a space technology MSc).

My father was a linguistics professor (a polyglot, able to speak and read in more than 20 languages). My eldest brother is a PhD from Cambridge, working his career for the UK government in radar signature analysis. My middle brother studied Cosmology at Cambridge under Steve Hawkins.

The IQ level in Thailand is pitifully low, and seemingly going in the wrong direction. I don't want to sound elitist, (but I know this will sound elitist!). Although I can speak/read/write very good Thai, I have a tortuous time chatting with the average Thai because they are, well, just plain stupid smile.png

(Covers head to protect against the hail of abuse and bricks)

It is not their fault at all. It is the terrible educational system in this country, the issue of 'face' and the stigma of actually asking questions.

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Not so subtle Thai bash.

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


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