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Reds vow response to Suthep

The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- Nuttawut slams reform foundation as political; plans press conference next week

The red shirts and Pheu Thai Party politicians have come out strongly against last week's launch of a new foundation by their arch-rivals, the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC).

Red-shirt leader Nuttawut Saikuar yesterday launched a verbal attack against the People's Democratic Reform Foundation (PDRF) and its press conference, which he accused of being political in nature and aimed at prolonging military rule.

Nuttawut said he would hold a press conference as well and ask red shirts to wear red in response.

Nuttawut, a co-leader of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictator-ship (UDD), posted on his Facebook yesterday that the press conference held by the newly established PDRF, led by former PDRC chief Suthep Thaugsuban, was political in nature and yet it was permitted by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

Nuttawut said the country must be in a pathetic state because the foundation claimed that it would take care of Thailand, adding pressure on the government of Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha. The junta-backed government, which has committed itself to a roadmap to return power to the people, has been urged by Suthep to stay on in power to push through what Nattawut described as a "vague reform".

The red-shirt leader asked where was Suthep for the past year when the National Reform Council was doing its job. He said the permission by the NCPO for the foundation to hold a press conference sets a new standard and red shirts will likewise hold a press conference this week, details of which will be announced later. He added that if the PDRC could wear their national-flag shirts, then red shirts should be able to wear their red shirts as well.

NCPO spokesperson Colonel Winthai Suvari said the military junta has yet to receive a request from Nuttawut to hold a press conference and it will take the request into consideration if a request is made. He added that if any organisation wants to hold a constructive press conference that is not against peace and order, then it would be allowed. He urged people to look at the content of the press conference held by Suthep and not the man himself.

Pheu Thai Party caretaker deputy spokesperson Anusorn Iamsa-ard, meanwhile, warned that the latest move by the PDRC under the banner of a foundation was clearly a political act, which is supposedly banned by the NCPO. Anusorn added the move could only intensify the situation, as people can see that one side can do anything while the other side is always accused of being wrong.

He accused the PDRC of seeking an extension for the NCPO and the Prayut government and called it a "world-class deception". Anusorn urged the NCPO to clarify itself and keep a distance from the PDRC, adding that they have nothing to gain from it.

Former energy minister Pichai Narithaphan, meanwhile, warned that the move by the PDRC is dragging the already bad economic situation further down because it would add to the uncertainty of both Thai and foreign investors, with GDP growth rate already cut to under 3 per cent.

Meanwhile, Panthongtae Shina-watra, posted on Facebook saying the foundation established by the PDRC is purely political and has been established to create political chaos. He challenged those involved with the foundation to declare that they would never run for elections.

In reply, the foundation spokesperson Akanat Promphan defended the PDRF saying it was established to protect national interests and act as a centre to collect nation reform proposals. He said critics have distorted the intention of the foundation and was spearheaded by movements that claim to fight for freedom and democracy but are demanding the curbing of others' rights.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Reds-vow-response-to-Suthep-30265694.html


-- The Nation 2015-08-02

They make the LA bloods and crips look like pussies

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Jaturpon said Suthep will disrupt the peace and now thaksins son has stated as much.

I am sure Nattawut will be able to hold a press conference as long as he does not try try to divide the nation, incite unrest, threaten anyone, intimidate or belittle anyone. When looking at the responses by some on TVF one can be ensured that these negative qualities are in their ethos and Nattawut cannot open his mouth without offending or inciting violence.

He is but a violent irrelevant man trying desperately for his UDD to stay in the spot light and the only way they know how to do that is through violent actions.

What was Suthep saying or doing when PEACE TV was doing what they do best? He didn't come out to threaten or act like a child and state "If you can do it so can I". Where was Abhisit? He is a man that would look odd coming out stating "We will come out in our Dem shirts because PEACE TV is being broadcast" Abhisit let the Junta control the situation and the broadcast was banned. Where was Suthep and Abhisit when PEACE TV was reinstated? Allowed to broadcast again to the nation? No where to be seen because it was deemed lawful.

RED's deciding their own laws, interpreting laws as they see fit and coming out with their firebrand of threats as if accountability was a dirty word.

I look forward to hearing what he has to say followed by him being banned then quickly followed by bombs.

I sincerely hope for the sake of the peaceful majority I am wrong.

You mean the peaceful majority that elected PT party governments for two decades and then had their votes nullified by elites using the army to hijack the government by coups?


If the reds had not started all the chaos and violence in the first place by trying to overthrow the government, Suthep would not have any organisation


Jaturpon said Suthep will disrupt the peace and now thaksins son has stated as much.

I am sure Nattawut will be able to hold a press conference as long as he does not try try to divide the nation, incite unrest, threaten anyone, intimidate or belittle anyone. When looking at the responses by some on TVF one can be ensured that these negative qualities are in their ethos and Nattawut cannot open his mouth without offending or inciting violence.

He is but a violent irrelevant man trying desperately for his UDD to stay in the spot light and the only way they know how to do that is through violent actions.

What was Suthep saying or doing when PEACE TV was doing what they do best? He didn't come out to threaten or act like a child and state "If you can do it so can I". Where was Abhisit? He is a man that would look odd coming out stating "We will come out in our Dem shirts because PEACE TV is being broadcast" Abhisit let the Junta control the situation and the broadcast was banned. Where was Suthep and Abhisit when PEACE TV was reinstated? Allowed to broadcast again to the nation? No where to be seen because it was deemed lawful.

RED's deciding their own laws, interpreting laws as they see fit and coming out with their firebrand of threats as if accountability was a dirty word.

I look forward to hearing what he has to say followed by him being banned then quickly followed by bombs.

I sincerely hope for the sake of the peaceful majority I am wrong.

You mean the peaceful majority that elected PT party governments for two decades and then had their votes nullified by elites using the army to hijack the government by coups?

The majority of voters actually voted for some one else!

That's been kinda the problem the last two decades. PT weren't operating for the greater good (to be fair most governments don't) that's the myth of democracy!


You know I wondered the same - that by stirring unrest in a very gentle way by using Suthep, - It gives the military reason to stay on, to push through further 'reform'. I hope my cynicism is proven wrong.

"gives the military reason to stay on, to push through further 'reform'."

may be this would be a blessing for Thailand.

Anybody believing the reds and their pay-and-puppet-master are not considering a plan for a violent come back?


The Junta cannot allow a public debate between PDRC/Democrat and PTP foundations over their political differences!

It will look too much like DEMOCRACY and the Junta isn't yet prepared for that.

What the Junta is prepared for is allowing only its political message to be delivered and Suthep supports that message.


One would wonder if this is not a blessing in disguise for Khun PM Prayuth.

Nothing like both these sides of equal idiots having a go in front of the thai public for that public to remember what the mess was like 16 months ago when these clowns were all out of control, and for the public to be able to re value and appreciate the path that Khun Prayuth has Thailand on.

" 16 months ago when these clowns were all out of control,"

I remember only the red clowns out of control - oh and don't forget the shin government


Jaturpon said Suthep will disrupt the peace and now thaksins son has stated as much.

I am sure Nattawut will be able to hold a press conference as long as he does not try try to divide the nation, incite unrest, threaten anyone, intimidate or belittle anyone. When looking at the responses by some on TVF one can be ensured that these negative qualities are in their ethos and Nattawut cannot open his mouth without offending or inciting violence.

He is but a violent irrelevant man trying desperately for his UDD to stay in the spot light and the only way they know how to do that is through violent actions.

What was Suthep saying or doing when PEACE TV was doing what they do best? He didn't come out to threaten or act like a child and state "If you can do it so can I". Where was Abhisit? He is a man that would look odd coming out stating "We will come out in our Dem shirts because PEACE TV is being broadcast" Abhisit let the Junta control the situation and the broadcast was banned. Where was Suthep and Abhisit when PEACE TV was reinstated? Allowed to broadcast again to the nation? No where to be seen because it was deemed lawful.

RED's deciding their own laws, interpreting laws as they see fit and coming out with their firebrand of threats as if accountability was a dirty word.

I look forward to hearing what he has to say followed by him being banned then quickly followed by bombs.

I sincerely hope for the sake of the peaceful majority I am wrong.

You mean the peaceful majority that elected PT party governments for two decades and then had their votes nullified by elites using the army to hijack the government by coups?

The majority of voters actually voted for some one else!

That's been kinda the problem the last two decades. PT weren't operating for the greater good (to be fair most governments don't) that's the myth of democracy!

But they didn't vote democrat either, just how many votes did the democrats get again, and who were their nearest rivals and how many votes did they get?


Jaturpon said Suthep will disrupt the peace and now thaksins son has stated as much.

I am sure Nattawut will be able to hold a press conference as long as he does not try try to divide the nation, incite unrest, threaten anyone, intimidate or belittle anyone. When looking at the responses by some on TVF one can be ensured that these negative qualities are in their ethos and Nattawut cannot open his mouth without offending or inciting violence.

He is but a violent irrelevant man trying desperately for his UDD to stay in the spot light and the only way they know how to do that is through violent actions.

What was Suthep saying or doing when PEACE TV was doing what they do best? He didn't come out to threaten or act like a child and state "If you can do it so can I". Where was Abhisit? He is a man that would look odd coming out stating "We will come out in our Dem shirts because PEACE TV is being broadcast" Abhisit let the Junta control the situation and the broadcast was banned. Where was Suthep and Abhisit when PEACE TV was reinstated? Allowed to broadcast again to the nation? No where to be seen because it was deemed lawful.

RED's deciding their own laws, interpreting laws as they see fit and coming out with their firebrand of threats as if accountability was a dirty word.

I look forward to hearing what he has to say followed by him being banned then quickly followed by bombs.

I sincerely hope for the sake of the peaceful majority I am wrong.

RED's deciding their own laws, interpreting laws as they see fit and coming out with their firebrand of threats as if accountability was a dirty word. "

RED's deciding their own laws..? Wrong they are shouting out the laws which their creator decides

When you think of reds never forget their creator and his more or less hidden agenda


I would like both sides to describe in detail what they mean by reform, if Suthep or the reds want to get involved in reform they should be doing it through mechanisms that already exist through the current government, if Suthep feels there is a need to set up a separate organisation to address reforms then the government needs to take a long look at why and sort it out, in saying that it is my understanding that the reds refused to participate

We already know Suthep's agenda:

"They have approaches that are in accordance with the blueprint of the NRC, especially on political reform" - Alongkorn Polabutr, a former member of the Democrat Party and a current member of the NRC.

And the NRC blueprint is in accordance with the NCPO roadmap. What more does one need to know about Suthep's aims?

Suthep is looking ahead to the next elections where he expects the support of the NCPO with its suppression of the PTP.


Jaturpon said Suthep will disrupt the peace and now thaksins son has stated as much.

I am sure Nattawut will be able to hold a press conference as long as he does not try try to divide the nation, incite unrest, threaten anyone, intimidate or belittle anyone. When looking at the responses by some on TVF one can be ensured that these negative qualities are in their ethos and Nattawut cannot open his mouth without offending or inciting violence.

He is but a violent irrelevant man trying desperately for his UDD to stay in the spot light and the only way they know how to do that is through violent actions.

What was Suthep saying or doing when PEACE TV was doing what they do best? He didn't come out to threaten or act like a child and state "If you can do it so can I". Where was Abhisit? He is a man that would look odd coming out stating "We will come out in our Dem shirts because PEACE TV is being broadcast" Abhisit let the Junta control the situation and the broadcast was banned. Where was Suthep and Abhisit when PEACE TV was reinstated? Allowed to broadcast again to the nation? No where to be seen because it was deemed lawful.

RED's deciding their own laws, interpreting laws as they see fit and coming out with their firebrand of threats as if accountability was a dirty word.

I look forward to hearing what he has to say followed by him being banned then quickly followed by bombs.

I sincerely hope for the sake of the peaceful majority I am wrong.

You mean the peaceful majority that elected PT party governments for two decades and then had their votes nullified by elites using the army to hijack the government by coups?

The majority of voters actually voted for some one else!

That's been kinda the problem the last two decades. PT weren't operating for the greater good (to be fair most governments don't) that's the myth of democracy!

But they didn't vote democrat either, just how many votes did the democrats get again, and who were their nearest rivals and how many votes did they get?

I didn't say they did! Just stating that the majority of Thais actually voted for someone else!


Jaturpon said Suthep will disrupt the peace and now thaksins son has stated as much.

I am sure Nattawut will be able to hold a press conference as long as he does not try try to divide the nation, incite unrest, threaten anyone, intimidate or belittle anyone. When looking at the responses by some on TVF one can be ensured that these negative qualities are in their ethos and Nattawut cannot open his mouth without offending or inciting violence.

He is but a violent irrelevant man trying desperately for his UDD to stay in the spot light and the only way they know how to do that is through violent actions.

What was Suthep saying or doing when PEACE TV was doing what they do best? He didn't come out to threaten or act like a child and state "If you can do it so can I". Where was Abhisit? He is a man that would look odd coming out stating "We will come out in our Dem shirts because PEACE TV is being broadcast" Abhisit let the Junta control the situation and the broadcast was banned. Where was Suthep and Abhisit when PEACE TV was reinstated? Allowed to broadcast again to the nation? No where to be seen because it was deemed lawful.

RED's deciding their own laws, interpreting laws as they see fit and coming out with their firebrand of threats as if accountability was a dirty word.

I look forward to hearing what he has to say followed by him being banned then quickly followed by bombs.

I sincerely hope for the sake of the peaceful majority I am wrong.

You mean the peaceful majority that elected PT party governments for two decades and then had their votes nullified by elites using the army to hijack the government by coups?

The majority of voters actually voted for some one else!

That's been kinda the problem the last two decades. PT weren't operating for the greater good (to be fair most governments don't) that's the myth of democracy!

But they didn't vote democrat either, just how many votes did the democrats get again, and who were their nearest rivals and how many votes did they get?

I didn't say they did! Just stating that the majority of Thais actually voted for someone else!

Yep, and it's also a fair comment to say the majority didn't want the democrats to run the country either!!


"Reds vow response to Suthep"

Just what we don't need.

yes but every action has a reaction and if the Junta treat the Suthep mob kindly and don't apply the same 'gathering' rules what can they expect? the junta's 'we are fair' is just utter BS

The reds come out in force.. then the junta puts them in jail.. every action has a reaction.. what do you expect the junta to do.

you are right I expect a Military Junta to jail all dissent and gag the press as they are doing


So will Pheu-Thai and the red-shirts set up their own organisation and try to come up with reforms to balance those from Suthep ?

Or will they just try to intimidate others with threats and violence ?.


If the reds had not started all the chaos and violence in the first place by trying to overthrow the government, Suthep would not have any organisation

same galaxy, different planet... whistling.gif


Agreed but unfortunately when the Phue Thai and reds respond it usually means killings and violence.

ah, cut the BS, ... just for once, please.

No b.s the reds are the most violent of the groups, I believe up to 4 children killed by them when they went after the anti government protesters. You just have to look at the Trat massacre and how the reds on stage responded to it. It clearly shows they like and condone violence.

If they could protest peacefully and in their own backyard nobody would care about it. But no they need violence and need to protest in BKK.

you guys really can't help yourselves, can you... ?

alright, go ahead and do the math, then come back with your numbers...


We have had relative peace regarding Political parties, now it seems as if the kindergarten has shut, as the children are squabbling again. God give us all strength, these moronic people will eventually destroy Thailand as it stands at the moment, they cannot see beyond the ends of their collective noses. Talk about saving face, this is a farce .


"Reds vow response to Suthep"

Just what we don't need.

True, but put yourself in their place. How can they just sit idly by while the other lot are allowed to rub their noses in it? They HAVE to react.
Agreed but unfortunately when the Phue Thai and reds respond it usually means killings and violence.

I can not see the reasoning to allow the PDRC to make this group unless the current gov is hoping for trouble. Maybe to use as an excuse to stay in power. Maybe I am wrong about this assumption and I would hope the current gov wouldn't go to such extremes. But one has to wonder.

Wouldn't you be feeling pretty damn violent under the circumstances if it were you on the receiving end of an orchestrated demonisation campaign?

Thanks for the insight. You don't even realise do you ?.

It doesn't need anyone to demonise red thugs : you can manage that perfectly well by yourself. We've all seen enough evidence for that - but I see you just blame it on someone else as always.

Nothing will happen unless someone ponies up some money for bus rides and a free party. We're all waiting for this big uprising you have been promising for months now.


Agreed but unfortunately when the Phue Thai and reds respond it usually means killings and violence.

ah, cut the BS, ... just for once, please.

No b.s the reds are the most violent of the groups, I believe up to 4 children killed by them when they went after the anti government protesters. You just have to look at the Trat massacre and how the reds on stage responded to it. It clearly shows they like and condone violence.

If they could protest peacefully and in their own backyard nobody would care about it. But no they need violence and need to protest in BKK.

you guys really can't help yourselves, can you... ?

alright, go ahead and do the math, then come back with your numbers...

Here's a tip : if you want everyone to stop thinking red-shirts are semi-literate medieval throwbacks, stop posting nonsense.


Agreed but unfortunately when the Phue Thai and reds respond it usually means killings and violence.

ah, cut the BS, ... just for once, please.

No b.s the reds are the most violent of the groups, I believe up to 4 children killed by them when they went after the anti government protesters. You just have to look at the Trat massacre and how the reds on stage responded to it. It clearly shows they like and condone violence.

If they could protest peacefully and in their own backyard nobody would care about it. But no they need violence and need to protest in BKK.

you guys really can't help yourselves, can you... ?

alright, go ahead and do the math, then come back with your numbers...

Here's a tip : if you want everyone to stop thinking red-shirts are semi-literate medieval throwbacks, stop posting nonsense.

You should practice what you preach!!


Talking about "opening a can of worms" or "Pandora's box"!

But I guess, that happens, when on one hand, 14 students demanding an end of the Junta, are a political gathering, worth a few days in jail...and on the other hand, the friendly get together of guys, who blocked roads and brought the country/ Bangkok to a standstill, because the unwashed masses elected someone, not to their liking, goes "mai pen rai"...

Well done, Mr. PM- bringing the country back to it's former glory (1812 or so) one step at a time!


Agreed but unfortunately when the Phue Thai and reds respond it usually means killings and violence.

ah, cut the BS, ... just for once, please.

No b.s the reds are the most violent of the groups, I believe up to 4 children killed by them when they went after the anti government protesters. You just have to look at the Trat massacre and how the reds on stage responded to it. It clearly shows they like and condone violence.

If they could protest peacefully and in their own backyard nobody would care about it. But no they need violence and need to protest in BKK.

you guys really can't help yourselves, can you... ?

alright, go ahead and do the math, then come back with your numbers...

Here's a tip : if you want everyone to stop thinking red-shirts are semi-literate medieval throwbacks, stop posting nonsense.

I'm not terribly concerned...


...if this whole group is funded and controlled by you-know-who......

...then of course it has nothing to do with justice....

...and is tantamount to more threats of treasonous acts.....


...if this whole group is funded and controlled by you-know-who......

...then of course it has nothing to do with justice....

...and is tantamount to more threats of treasonous acts.....

Everyone gets their orders from someone, The reds do, Suthep does. And Prayuth did. In my opinion. We can all make accurate guesses who they get their from but it's not a useful exercise.

One is no worse than another, they all want a piece of someone else's pie, that's what drives all society, human, animal, plant, it's all the same. To say one is OK because they have a particular colour shirt or lives offshore somewhere and another isn't because he doesn't is a just a nonsense and theres too much nonsense around already without creating any more.

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