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Why Warm Beer All The Time?

Ling Kae

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What is it with some bars in Pattaya that we have to put up with warm beers?

It is wide spread, by that I mean lower end cheap bars as well as expensive high end a Go Go's.

Example, walk into a Go Go in LK, they charged 150 B for a LEO and it was warm. Friend and me left half way through it as we couldn't drink it.

Tonight, a popular beer bar in New Plazza, warm Leo's. After a few Tigers (that were cold) I asked why Leo is not cold? Answer was, oh last night we sell too mut. Yeah ok but if you sell too mut why not put more in the fridge? It ok, never happen again.

What is wrong with these people, do they want customers or not?

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The beers here especially Thai beers taste foul ,brewed with rice. Agree though ice cold you get no flavour but is refreshing and cheap,so have to keep looking

Warm beer is for taste,'cept Thai beers, have to try the likes of Witherspoons,for quality beer

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They try to run these bars with one refrigerator. Some bars will turn it up to save money. Often they stock it too close to serving time. The list goes on. My favorite bar usually has cold beer because I trained them and I have been a monster bar customer in the past, so they listen to me.

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I thought warm beer was an American thing...

Mainly pale ales seem to like IPA stuff with their micro brewing.

Good British beer in Patts can be had,as guest beer on monthly basis and Guinness is quite cheap 150 baht a pint all day in a place or two....but again bottled Thai beer tastes foul,got to be ice cold to kill any flavour

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I thought warm beer was an American thing...

Absolutely not. Ice cold beer is the only way to go. Maybe because the beer isn't that good? Though that's changed drastically in the past 10 years.

Interesting article:


I do know on a hot summer day, there's nothing like an ice cold beer! LOL

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I used to nag the bar staff all the time to make sure the beer was cold.

We had a big fridge that ran constantly and it used to get filled everynight at closing time then at 4pm when the cleaner arrived the 2 bar chillers were switched on and then at 7pm the bar man would move the beers from the 24hr chiller to the bar chillers then we opened at 9pm.

We also had large tubs of ice if it was busy.

We sometimes got it wrong but most of the time it was cold enough.


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Poor bar management where cold stock isn't rotated (taken out, new, warm stock placed first and older, colder stock replaced in front).

Also note that the first thing they do is open the door of the fridge then leave it open while they open the cases of beer. Smarter ones have the beer unboxed and ready to go in as soon as the cold stock is taken out.

Also, since it is low season, businesses are running with fewer staff and a fair few are opening later so restocking the fridge later in the day (nearer opening time), hence the warm piss.

Any establishment that unplugs their refrigeration overnight should be avoided.

I think the Aussies are the most ardent when it comes to cold piss so seek out an Aussie bar and I think you won't be disappointed... with the beer temperature anyway.

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I thought warm beer was an American thing...

Absolutely not. Ice cold beer is the only way to go. Maybe because the beer isn't that good? Though that's changed drastically in the past 10 years.

Interesting article:


I do know on a hot summer day, there's nothing like an ice cold beer! LOL

Agree a lot with that article. Witherspoons had Fullers London Pride in bottles for a while (I bought the last of their stock thumbsup.gif ) but it was kept in a freezing cold fridge. The couple of times I drank it there I had to leave it out for 15 minutes to warm up otherwise there was just no flavour and a waste of money.

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OP, hard to believe you could lack so much common sense.

If bar sold out of beer the night before , they can not put more , because it's all gone .

They can not buy more in the middle of the night .

Manager goes to order/ buy stock the next afternoon and delivery can take another hour.

It then gets put in the fridge and simply not enough time to cool down.

So to answer your silly question, why not put more? Because there is no more to put in.

To answer your next silly question, why not buy more in the first place? Because bar does not sell out every night of the same beer. Some nights everyone drinks one type, other nights another type and other nights a mix.

Instead of being a drama queen, could have asked for a glass of ice and the next round order different beer being aware one type is not chilled yet .

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How anybody can drink Thai bottled beer warm beats me,it is just the foulest tasting drink imaginable,Do not think Chang Draught or Tiger is brewed the same way,tastes different. San Miguel left to get a bit of warmth tastes OK ,that I think is brewed with barley and not rice

bought a bottle,pint sized ,of Tuborg at 7/11 a while ago 74 baht,now that is good larger. Witherspoons sell wheat beers too,not a great fan of them wheat for bread,barley for beer

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I thought warm beer was an American thing...


I'm from Florida & have been to half the States and 45 countries. Last thing I ever heard of was anybody seeking a warm beer.

I thought it was a British thing. I can understand some specialty beers are designed to be served warm-ish, much like cabernet.

The bars in Abu Dhabi used to drive me NUTS, as they were a former British protectorate & had inherited many British traditions (I guess), I'd order a Jack Daniels & Coke & it came with one ice cube and a room temperature Coke on the side.

I'm not Brit-bashing here. I only spent 8 hours in London on a long layover once, so maybe I'm wrong?

I can unequivocally say that Americans despise warm beer though.


As for the original poster of this question....TIT.

Asian mindset. You'll find that it is widespread in Asia.

I gave up on asking questions like this years ago when I almost got booted out of a restaurant in Surin for asking why there was no hand soap in the said upmarket restaurant restroom. They said "Oh, but we have soap in the staff restroom out back" GGGGRRRRRRR!!!!

I started arguing......"Why not put some in the CUSTOMER'S restroom?" I got a blank stare as a couple thugs hovered nearby.

My wife said "Just go wash your hands back there!"

Beer on ice ain't too bad. It has a hydrating effect. I got to where I kinda liked it.

150 baht for a warm beer though? I agree, I would expect it to be about 1 degree above freezing at that price.

Edited by jaywalker
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OP, hard to believe you could lack so much common sense.

If bar sold out of beer the night before , they can not put more , because it's all gone .

They can not buy more in the middle of the night .

Manager goes to order/ buy stock the next afternoon and delivery can take another hour.

It then gets put in the fridge and simply not enough time to cool down.

So to answer your silly question, why not put more? Because there is no more to put in.

To answer your next silly question, why not buy more in the first place? Because bar does not sell out every night of the same beer. Some nights everyone drinks one type, other nights another type and other nights a mix.

Instead of being a drama queen, could have asked for a glass of ice and the next round order different beer being aware one type is not chilled yet .

Good point Konying, especially considering most Pattaya bars aren't much bigger than a postage stamp.

On the other hand I have been in the Tahitian Queen (farang management), and have seen them booming to the point where the staff were on a constant train, hauling empty cases of beer bottles out, and cases of full (GASP) cold beer in.

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Once the subject of beer is understood and not just quaffed ,it is fascinating. Types of barley ,hops too,fermentation,anyone remember barley wine?,just a strong ABV beer. Never could stand too bitter beer almost like vinegar,mild a bit lower that bitter is good beer to drink.

Gees I miss standing at a bar tasting it properly

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It took me 40 years in the desert to figure out that beer is rubbish..


But by all means carry on

You'll reach your "best before" date too

Just ignore itcheesy.gif

AHHH. Homebrew in the desert. That was some kind of art eh?

It seemed I was one of the FEW, that had access to Google in 2005 in Kuwait, along with my German and Canadian buddies.......AGAIN, NOT BASHING any nationalities here, just stating facts.

The first thing one learns (via 10,000 websites out there), is that EVERYTHING must be sanitized when making beer.

Had Aussie, Kiwi, British, American friends that said, "Ahhh...It's OK.". One Limey friend said he sanitized with CO2??????? His beer was FOUL!

Talk about BAD BEER!!

The Aussie & Kiwi guys would use NA beer & sugar & bread yeast, then toss in a few cans of carbonated NA beer to try & give it some fizz....YUCK!!!

My German friend had a pressure cooker he used to carbonate his beer at least.

It came out as a mug of foam.

I had a US APO (Army Post Office) address, so I could get anything online without it going thru Kuwaiti customs.

Me, the German & the Canuck, would properly sanitize everything with either bleach or food-grade iodine which was designed for sanitizing beer stuff.

We used Amsterdam NA beer as the base, actual beer yeast and 1 kilo of sugar for two cases of 330 ml cans.

1 week in a sanitized (with iodine) 30 liter jerry can with a hose siliconed into the cap running off into a 1.5 liter water bottle (gas can escape, but it is isolated from outside air, which contains nasty yeast).

We scoured the local markets & managed to collectively come up with quite a few of those stainless steel 5 gallon Pepsi fountain drink soda cans. The three of had about 6 each.

I got us some professional siphon rigs, & after about 9 days fermenting at room temperature (~74 degrees F), dump half a cup of sugar into the sanitized steel cans, then siphon the fermented beer into them.

Slap a small charge of CO2 on them to make sure the lid had a good seal & let them sit for another week, then put them in a fridge that would hold two of them, with a tap & drip pan mounted on the door.

Sugar and yeast = booze/alcohol + CO2. That's what bubbled off in the beginning.

In the sealed Pepsi cans, they became carbonated properly = really nice beer on tap.

I had moved into a giant 6 bedroom 5 bath villa while my wife was back in Thailand for a visit & hired the UGLIEST, FATTEST Filipina I could find, live-in maid while she was away.

Wifey was LIVID about that, but then worked the hell out of her. She was Khun Nai finally! biggrin.png

I WORKED that maid to death making beer.

My daughter was about 2 at the time & snagged a 99% empty Amsterdam NA beer can one day & HAULED ASS with it.......had it turned to the heavens, pulling every drop out of it.

My wife grimaced at me & said "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree".

We made some REALLY good beer there.

Edited by jaywalker
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The beers here especially Thai beers taste foul ,brewed with rice. Agree though ice cold you get no flavour but is refreshing and cheap,so have to keep looking

Warm beer is for taste,'cept Thai beers, have to try the likes of Witherspoons,for quality beer

Chang Classic is brewed at 5.8% abv for the local market. It is 5% abv for export. The two "versions" are in fact very different. Chang Export is a 100% malt beer, while Chang Classic sold in-country is brewed with rice

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The beers here especially Thai beers taste foul ,brewed with rice. Agree though ice cold you get no flavour but is refreshing and cheap,so have to keep looking

Warm beer is for taste,'cept Thai beers, have to try the likes of Witherspoons,for quality beer

Chang Classic is brewed at 5.8% abv for the local market. It is 5% abv for export. The two "versions" are in fact very different. Chang Export is a 100% malt beer, while Chang Classic sold in-country is brewed with rice

Wheat growing in Thailand will not be on large scale,Barley do not think so,too hot. Might be brewed elsewhere than Thailand and imported,supposed the wheat and barley could be too....Malaysian Guinness suggested to have better taste than Irish produced Guinness

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The beers here especially Thai beers taste foul ,brewed with rice. Agree though ice cold you get no flavour but is refreshing and cheap,so have to keep looking

Warm beer is for taste,'cept Thai beers, have to try the likes of Witherspoons,for quality beer

Chang Classic is brewed at 5.8% abv for the local market. It is 5% abv for export. The two "versions" are in fact very different. Chang Export is a 100% malt beer, while Chang Classic sold in-country is brewed with rice

Wheat growing in Thailand will not be on large scale,Barley do not think so,too hot. Might be brewed elsewhere than Thailand and imported,supposed the wheat and barley could be too....Malaysian Guinness suggested to have better taste than Irish produced Guinness


hang Export Product Type Lager Beer
Major Ingredient Contents from Finest Malt 100%, and selected yeast, especially for Chang Beer Alcohol Content 5% by volume Color Amber gold Type of Content Bottle 630 ml and 330 ml, Can 500 ml and 330 ml Contain in cases Big bottle 630 ml 12 bottles/case, Small bottle/Can 330 ml 24 bottles/case,

Can 500 ml 12/case Brewery Beer Thip Brewery (1991) Co., Ltd.

group_1ImageDetail_001811.jpg Chang Classic Product Type Lager Beer

Major Ingredient Contents from fine quality malt, rice, and hop, with natural water, and selected yeast, especially for Chang Beer Alcohol Content 5.8% by volume Color Amber gold Type of Content Bottle 630 ml and 330 ml, Can 500 ml and 330 ml Contain in cases Big bottle 630 ml 12 bottles/case, Small bottle/Can 330 ml 24 bottles/case,

Can 500 ml 12/case Brewery 1. Cosmos Brewery (Thailand) Co. Ltd.

2. Beer Thip Brewery (1991) Co., Ltd.

3. Beer Thai (1991) Plc.

group_1ImageDetail_001811.jpg Chang Draught Product Type Lager Beer

Major Ingredient Contents from fine quality malt and hop, with natural water, and selected yeast, especially for Beer Chang Alcohol Content 5.0% by volume Color Amber gold Type of Content Bottle 640 ml and 330 ml, Can 500 ml and Can 330 ml Contain in cases Big bottle 640 ml 12 bottles/case, Small bottle/Can 330 ml 24/case,

Can 500 ml 12/case Brewery Cosmos Brewery (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

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