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Phetchaburi Muslim community protests bacon factory


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It is indeed refreshing to see this mob of whingers are not only whinging in the west, also in a third world country as well , ( Thailand used to be an emerging economy ) now if my memory serves me right I think under section 44 rule they can order the bacon factory too be built in the Mosque , me doth think that these people of religion nature protest to much, loosen up ladies and enjoy life. coffee1.gif

Same the world over, they appear to believe they are entitled to govern the world , with rules from their religion. To many politicians giving into them.

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Another example of Muslim supremacy. "I believe it, therefore you are obligated to honor my beliefs even if it interferes with business". I am offended by women in Islamic headscarves but that does not give me the right to dictate what she wears.

Who is dictating anything?

You have a right to set up a petition against headscarves, and to protest them.

So, what's your problem here?

Don't wish to have an argument, your opinions. If you live in a Muslim country try and protest about anything and see what happens. Where is the mutual respect?

You do know these people are Thais and this is their country. The actually do have the right to some forms of protest.

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Another example of Muslim supremacy. "I believe it, therefore you are obligated to honor my beliefs even if it interferes with business". I am offended by women in Islamic headscarves but that does not give me the right to dictate what she wears.

Who is dictating anything?

You have a right to set up a petition against headscarves, and to protest them.

So, what's your problem here?

Don't wish to have an argument, your opinions. If you live in a Muslim country try and protest about anything and see what happens. Where is the mutual respect?
You do know these people are Thais and this is their country. The actually do have the right to some forms of protest.

Did I not agree with their right to protest?

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Here we go again, they come into other countries and expect these countries to change everything for them, are those Muslims

so selfish that they think that no one else should have a religion.

Do they not realise that this is a Buddhist country, not Islam, and the people have the right to prepare and eat pork if they wish.

Instead of protesting, let them go back to where they came from or some Muslim country that will grant their wishes.

There are around forty Muslim countries in the world, why don't they go to one of them? They will not be missed.

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They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I could not agree more it's not a Muslim country there lucky they are allowed to preach in Thailand Christians or Buddhist can't in a Muslim country

A: They are Thai and this is their country so they can preach here.

B: I've lived in the Middle East and attended midnight masses there. (I'm an atheist but like a good Christmas service, mainly for the singing if I'm honest).

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Do not give in to this attempted blackmail. They win this one and there will be another one then another. Look at other countries that have given in to such demands: all meat is halal, for example.

The appetite for pork in Thailand is high: it's what they like to eat. If a few Muslims don't like that, I know who should move on and it's not the Thais.

Take a look at UN resolution 62/154 and tell me I'm wrong ... you won't!

You łnow who should move on?

You do know these are Thai Muslims don't you?

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They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I could not agree more it's not a Muslim country there lucky they are allowed to preach in Thailand Christians or Buddhist can't in a Muslim country
A: They are Thai and this is their country so they can preach here.

B: I've lived in the Middle East and attended midnight masses there. (I'm an atheist but like a good Christmas service, mainly for the singing if I'm honest).

Lived where in the Middle East? Bahrain is secular. Get caught practicing a non Muslim religion in Saudi Arabia and you will be deported.

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The article is not clear. If it is pork and bacon processing plant, I see no problem and agree with many of the above comments. But if they are smoking the bacon and releasing the smoke into the air, the locals may have a point.

Are any of the locals who are not Muslims complaining? If not that should be the end of this.

Let the Muslims go to a Muslim country if they don't like it here, they have their culture and

Thailand has it's culture, if they don't agree with it, let them just go.

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indeed, these are Thai Muslim religion (although the picture, there are chéchias and shirt which strongly resembles a djellaba, so I think they are of Arab natonalité Thai and Muslim) but they Muslims want first. And they show good.

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muslim (not only the thais)should start thinking that if others can eat pig then for sure they could also eat pig and there is no problem about it as long as the hygiene process is respected , same for the indians with cows etc etc .....religion is a mess and nothing adapted to our modern lifes.

education is also what make that happened.....people don't need mosquee, or churches....they need school to learn the real world where they are living in and not all those stupid and ignorant verses from the corant or whatever other conservative and old fashion religion.

sorry for all of them.....i will keep eat my beautifull cow steak.... rare please, my ham, pig pates or sausages etc etc....!they don't know what they are missing!


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Your post referred to protesting in a Muslim country.

If you were referring to the citizens of Muslim countries, then the several I've lived in all allowed protests like this. Peaceful and respectful.

If you were referring to non-citizens protesting, your point does not apply to this case.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Here we go again, they come into other countries and expect these countries to change everything for them, are those Muslims

so selfish that they think that no one else should have a religion.

Do they not realise that this is a Buddhist country, not Islam, and the people have the right to prepare and eat pork if they wish.

Instead of protesting, let them go back to where they came from or some Muslim country that will grant their wishes.

There are around forty Muslim countries in the world, why don't they go to one of them? They will not be missed.

They are in their own country.

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Your post referred to protesting in a Muslim country.

If you were referring to the citizens of Muslim countries, then the several I've lived in all allowed protests like this. Peaceful and respectful.

If you were referring to non-citizens protesting, your point does not apply to this case.

Yes.Egypt, Bahrain. No one was shot.

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Did the Buddhists protest when they built the three mosques in the area ???

Maybe they should have, but it is Thai nature to live and let live, they are very tolerant people, one of the reasons

I love living here.

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They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I could not agree more it's not a Muslim country there lucky they are allowed to preach in Thailand Christians or Buddhist can't in a Muslim country
A: They are Thai and this is their country so they can preach here.

B: I've lived in the Middle East and attended midnight masses there. (I'm an atheist but like a good Christmas service, mainly for the singing if I'm honest).

Lived where in the Middle East? Bahrain is secular. Get caught practicing a non Muslim religion in Saudi Arabia and you will be deported.

Lived in Kuwait for five years. Christians were allowed to practice.

Because Kuwait is secular.

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Sure the can find a different location . Just have to look for it .

I love beacen , but I also respect those don't eat it .

any farming like chows , pigs , goat are messy .

The best thing for the planet is we all become veggiteeian.

Next live for sure . And the best thing for the plant is we 50% less people .

So many things to work on .

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Here we go again, they come into other countries and expect these countries to change everything for them, are those Muslims

so selfish that they think that no one else should have a religion.

Do they not realise that this is a Buddhist country, not Islam, and the people have the right to prepare and eat pork if they wish.

Instead of protesting, let them go back to where they came from or some Muslim country that will grant their wishes.

There are around forty Muslim countries in the world, why don't they go to one of them? They will not be missed.

They are in their own country.

Instead of protesting, let them go back to where they came from or some Muslim country that will grant their wishes. Read this again.

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Your post referred to protesting in a Muslim country.

If you were referring to the citizens of Muslim countries, then the several I've lived in all allowed protests like this. Peaceful and respectful.

If you were referring to non-citizens protesting, your point does not apply to this case.

Yes.Egypt, Bahrain. No one was shot.


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Here we go again, they come into other countries and expect these countries to change everything for them, are those Muslims

so selfish that they think that no one else should have a religion.

Do they not realise that this is a Buddhist country, not Islam, and the people have the right to prepare and eat pork if they wish.

Instead of protesting, let them go back to where they came from or some Muslim country that will grant their wishes.

There are around forty Muslim countries in the world, why don't they go to one of them? They will not be missed.

They are in their own country.

Instead of protesting, let them go back to where they came from or some Muslim country that will grant their wishes. Read this again.

They are living where they come from.

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Your post referred to protesting in a Muslim country.

If you were referring to the citizens of Muslim countries, then the several I've lived in all allowed protests like this. Peaceful and respectful.

If you were referring to non-citizens protesting, your point does not apply to this case.

Yes.Egypt, Bahrain. No one was shot.

They protested. They got shot.

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Your post referred to protesting in a Muslim country.

If you were referring to the citizens of Muslim countries, then the several I've lived in all allowed protests like this. Peaceful and respectful.

If you were referring to non-citizens protesting, your point does not apply to this case.

Yes.Egypt, Bahrain. No one was shot.

They protested. They got shot.

The incidents in Bahrain and Egypt happened during political protests aimed at ending authoritarian rule in their countries. Authoritarian governments tend to react badly to such protests, regardless of faith.

The protest against this factory is not of that level. The countries I lived in would not have shot anyone making a similar type of protest in this manner.

It's not as if these protesters were occupying the centre of Bangkok in an attempt to overthrow the government.

Edited by Bluespunk
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