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US: Majority of blacks say police have treated them unfairly


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Half of blacks say police have treated them unfairly
JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — A majority of blacks in the United States — more than 3 out of 5 — say they or a family member have personal experience with being treated unfairly by the police, and their race is the reason why.

This information, from a survey conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, comes as the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, approaches its first anniversary and the nation continues to grapple with police-related deaths of black Americans.

African-Americans said they felt especially targeted by the police. Half of black respondents, including 6 in 10 black men, said they personally had been treated unfairly by police because of their race, compared to 3 percent of whites. Another 15 percent said they knew of a family member who had been treated unfairly by the police because of their race.

White Americans who live in more diverse communities — those where census data show at least 25 percent of the population is non-white — were more likely than other whites to say police in their communities sometimes treat minorities more roughly, 58 percent to 42 percent. And they're more likely to see the police as too quick to use deadly force, 42 percent to 29 percent.

Larry Washington, 30, of Merriville, Indiana, described his encounter with a white police officer when he was arrested for theft in Burbank, Illinois, as a teenager. "When I got to the police station, the officer who arrested me told me that I looked like I wanted to do something about it," Washington said, adding, "And he kept calling me 'nigger.'"

"It's been like this for a long time," Washington said. "It's just now that everybody starting to record it and stuff, it's just hitting the spotlight. Most Caucasians, they think it's just starting to go on when it's been like this."

The AP-NORC poll shows stark differences between whites and blacks when it came to attitudes toward law enforcement:

—More than two-thirds of blacks — 71 percent — thought police are treated too leniently by the criminal justice system when they hurt or kill people. A third of whites say police are getting away with it, while nearly half — 46 percent — say the police are treated fairly by the criminal justice system.

—When asked why police violence happens, 62 percent of whites said a major reason is that civilians confront the police, rather than cooperate, when they are stopped. Three out of 4 blacks, or 75 percent, said it is because the consequences of police misconduct are minimal, and few officers are prosecuted for excessive use of force. More than 7 in 10 blacks identified problems with race relations, along with poor relations between police and the public that they serve, as major reasons for police violence.

—Whites and blacks disagreed over whether police are more likely to use deadly force against blacks. Nearly 3 out of 4 whites — 74 percent — thought race had nothing to do with how police in their communities decide to use deadly force. Among blacks, 71 percent thought police were more likely to use deadly force against black people in their communities, and 85 percent said the same thing applied generally across the country. Fifty-eight percent of whites thought race had nothing to do with police decisions in most communities on use of deadly force.

Seventy-two percent of whites said they always or often trust police to do what is right for them and their community, while 66 percent of blacks said they only sometimes, rarely or never trust the police to do what is right.

The AP-NORC Poll of 1,223 adults, including 311 black adults, was conducted online and by phone July 17-July 19, using a sample drawn from NORC's probability-based AmeriSpeak panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 4.2 percentage points. For results among black respondents, the margin of error is plus or minus 9.1 percentage points.

Respondents were first selected randomly using address-based sampling methods, and later interviewed online. People selected for Amerispeak who didn't otherwise have access to the Internet were interviewed over the phone.

AP News Survey Specialist Emily Swanson contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-05

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No duh. A black man gets pulled over for a nothing of a traffic violation and is shot to death. Justified by cops every time. A white multiple murderer in SC gets handled with kid gloves and bought a fast food meal because he was hungry. Racism imbrues every aspect of American culture. Disgusting and Shameful.

Edited by arunsakda
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I wonder why...

There are so many abuses of statistics in that link that I don't know where to start.

Well, please try.

NYPD had 23,000,000 "civilian contacts" in 2011. 3 officers were shot and injured, one killed.

That's one per 6,000,000 contacts with civilians. (That's 1 in 6 million) I can see why they’d be scared to death at every encounter with a black person…


Even if all 4 police shootings were perpetrated by blacks, that’s one for every 450,000 blacks in NYC.

Yet 60% of blacks contend they’ve been treated unfairly by police.

In NYC which has 1.8 million blacks, that’s 1,080,000 black folks who think they’ve been treated unfairly.

4 NYC cop shooters may have been black. 1,080,000 NYC blacks think they’ve been treated unfairly. Can you see any disconnect there?

Look at the actual numbers of people involved, not the percentages of the baddies that are black, white or Hispanic.

You can make it look as bad as you want with the statistics, but it’s still a huge group of our citizens paying the price for a small number of baddies.

And no, I'm not black. I'm a redneck from Texas.

Edited by impulse
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The name David Duke sounded vaguely familiar so i looked him up. 'Dr David Duke is an American white nationalist, anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, far-right politician and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan'! An impressive CV! Clearly the ideal person to give an unbiased account on race relations in the USA!

With apologies to John McEnroe, 'You cannot be serious'!

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There would be very interesting to hear more details of the "statistics" described.

1. How many black policemen vs white policemen are we talking about?

NOTE: if offended by used terminology - get out of this thread.

2. Are blacks treated unfairly by white police only or by black police as well?

3. "Unfair" treatment is a very subjective complaint. It is tainted by (minimum) the following factors:

# education of police and citizen

# expectations of police and citizen

# social standing of police and citizen

# state or geography of police/citizen contact

# ???????

From my point of view this report sucks professionally and is plainly politicized.

Edited by ABCer
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We all know who is responsible for a large portion of the the crimes

Black men commit nearly half of all murders in USA, which is astounding when you take into consideration the fact that they only make up 12-13 per cent of the population.


I don't doubt the statistics.

But there were 14,800 murders one year in the USA. If half of them were committed by blacks, that's 7,400. With 44,000,000 blacks in the USA, that's one murderer for every 5,900 blacks- assuming the worst case where each murder is committed by a unique individual.

So why do the other 5,899 have to atone for the sins of the 1 when they're pulled over?

Edit: BTW, in the interest of fairness, here's a fascinating (in a voyeuristic way) story of the flipside. Follow the links and watch the videos for some disturbing entertainment...


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I'm surprised it's not far worse, knowing how prejudice and racist Americans people are..


The Truth Hurts

Does the truth hurt? Canada has about 2% blacks and the USA 13% black. Now which country do you think will have more problems? Canadian prison population 10% black USA 40 to 50% depending if you include black Hispanics. Does the truth really hurt? If you don't have the people you can't really have a problem now can you?

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The name David Duke sounded vaguely familiar so i looked him up. 'Dr David Duke is an American white nationalist, anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, far-right politician and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan'! An impressive CV! Clearly the ideal person to give an unbiased account on race relations in the USA!

With apologies to John McEnroe, 'You cannot be serious'!

Yes, I suppose I should post something from Al Sharpton on this subject - he is so much more truthful.

Here are some more pretty graphs from David Duke for you:

ID-AC = Intentional Discharge - Adversarial Conflict



Here's the link: http://goo.gl/D6vVvg

Oops, my mistake! It's a link to NYPD's Annual Firearms Discharge Reports.


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Yes, I suppose I should post something from Al Sharpton on this subject - he is so much more truthful.

Here are some more pretty graphs from David Duke for you:

ID-AC = Intentional Discharge - Adversarial Conflict

Oops, my mistake! It's a link to NYPD's Annual Firearms Discharge Reports.

Interesting that, of the 1.8 million blacks in NYC, 5 of them fired on police. Really makes me want to hate the other 1,799,995.

And NYC cops fired on almost 8 times as many people as fired on them... Hmmmm.

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Yes, I suppose I should post something from Al Sharpton on this subject - he is so much more truthful.

Here are some more pretty graphs from David Duke for you:

ID-AC = Intentional Discharge - Adversarial Conflict

Oops, my mistake! It's a link to NYPD's Annual Firearms Discharge Reports.

Interesting that, of the 1.8 million blacks in NYC, 5 of them fired on police. Really makes me want to hate the other 1,799,995.

And NYC cops fired on almost 8 times as many people as fired on them... Hmmmm.

Ain't statistics fun! biggrin.png

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If we look at the roots and history of the problem:

# blacks are brought to Americas as slave labour;

# abolition of slavery takes place;

# blacks are guaranteed equality of rights in law by constitution;

# inequality is said to exist through factual social stratification;

# blacks today have ample access to social services, education, employment, careers;

# policies of "positive discrimination" are introduced against the constitution with the aim of helping blacks to overcome factual social inequality;

# a black president of USA is elected for the last nearly 8 years;

# the present situation is still uneven (out of balance) despite all measures above;

# to describe it in simple terms - blacks are still black, whites are still white;

# ... anything I say further will be classified as racist...

There is not a grain of racism in me. There is not a grain of racism in what I said above. I am trying to be logical and rational.

Could the solution be in painting all people both white and black into, say, red?

Or maybe, just maybe the reason for imbalance and inequality is not in colour? Not on the surface?

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And here is college professor who said she was racially profiled and filled out a false report to try and ruin some poor guy's career.

Luckily, the poor cop's dash can picked up the conversation and boy oh boy look at the differences in what she alleged and how he really treated her.

Moral of the story is one segment of the population seems prone to lying and poor cesibility making this poll even more ridiculous or they take things personally that are not directed personally.

That and 3 out 5 being a majority stating they have been treated unfairly when in an Obama race baiting like fashion the poll ask you or a family member.


Dash cam audio released after professor charged with falsely claiming racial profiling during traffic stop


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"Moral of the story is one segment of the population seems prone to lying and poor cesibility making this poll even more ridiculous or they take things personally that are not directed personally."

, said the white guy...

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No duh. A black man gets pulled over for a nothing of a traffic violation and is shot to death. Justified by cops every time. A white multiple murderer in SC gets handled with kid gloves and bought a fast food meal because he was hungry. Racism imbrues every aspect of American culture. Disgusting and Shameful.

More often than not, many of these blacks have multiple prior arrest records/warrants.

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No duh. A black man gets pulled over for a nothing of a traffic violation and is shot to death. Justified by cops every time. A white multiple murderer in SC gets handled with kid gloves and bought a fast food meal because he was hungry. Racism imbrues every aspect of American culture. Disgusting and Shameful.

More often than not, many of these blacks have multiple prior arrest records/warrants.

Of course, that's right blame the victim. No license plate, child who smoked marijuana in Florida, a minor crim in Missouri pulled over for walking in the street. Police should shoot them like animales? Of course, justified every time. Why do you not go to stormfront and spew hate? There you will find many kindred opinions who idolize the likes of David Duke and other hate modern hate mongers. Edited by arunsakda
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