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Clinton tries to break through Trump surge with GOP attacks

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Clinton has more to worry about than the GOP now that the FBI has an active investigation into her email shenanigans... The only question is whether the DOJ would hand down an indictment for a presidential candidate...


FBI is not investigating Mrs. Clinton or any person or persons in respect of the emails.

The FBI inquiry is of the private server system and not of any one single person or of any person at all. The FBI inquiry is of a system, not a person.

Stated additionally and materially, the FBI has no "target" in this investigation, if it is an investigation. A central part of person-orientated FBI "investigations" is that there is a "target," meaning a person. There is no target in this FBI inquiry and no person is being reviewed.

Moreover, documents or papers presently classified but not classified at the time Mrs. Clinton was SecState present no criminal or illegal activity at the time or going forward.

Nobody on the right should hold his breath waiting for an indictment because there will not be any indictment because no person is being investigated. On second thought, do hold your breath.

And one more time, if the choice on election day November 2016 is between Clinton and Bush, voters will choose Clinton. A third Bush will only get clipped.

The money continues to be on former SecState Hillary Clinton no matter who the Republicans nominate.

A third Bush will only get clipped.

You finally said something I can agree with.

Kasich would give her a run for her money.

IMO a Kasich, Carson team would be hard to beat.

Agreed on Shrub III I'm also pleased to note.

Rubio-Kasich could make it something of a respectable and interesting run cause as it stands now, with Shrub III loaded up with big bucks as the establishment's fav, it wouldn't be even respectably close regardless of whom John Ellis "Jeb" Bush would as the nominee put on the ticket with him.

I'd note that with this (first) debate Rubio appears to have finally broken out of the yoke he'd had as a dork still running for class president at Florida State Uni or perhaps his high school junior class. The Rube has nonetheless surprised himself in this respect more than he's impressed us. The Rs do need a baby face to put up against HRC.

Mrs Clinton has zeroed in on Bush cause for all of Shrub's bungling, fumbling and proliferatingly apparent weaknesses as a candidate for prez, he is the establishment fav and is hauling in the dough which is very tough for his rivals for the nomination to overcome in the long haul.

As an addendum, Walker might well get Koch Bros kinds of bucks but as the standard and typical Midwest guy he won't be able to pay audiences enough to stay awake much less to set the sleep alarm and go out to vote for him. The Walker campaign pin-on button should read to 'wake me when it's over.' I'm trying to think of the medical word for sleeperwalkering...

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The fact that this woman is, or feels that she is, in contention only serves as af further affirmation as to her highly flawed character.

She and her lounge lizard husband are a total disgrace and lack any form of social or moral conscience.

Meanwhile the Clinton Foundation has done more for Thailand's poor and disadvantaged then the typical wealthy Thai or you for that matter. Who are you to pass judgement on the Clintons' social or moral conscience? That's uncalled for and not justified.


A third Bush will only get clipped.

The money continues to be on former SecState Hillary Clinton no matter who the Republicans nominate.

You finally said something I can agree with.

Kasich would give her a run for her money.

IMO a Kasich, Carson team would be hard to beat.

You are living in lulu land if you actually believe that Republicans would vote for an afro american.

Either one of these 2 chaps gets nominated and the Donald will be the 3rd candidate.


Mrs. Clinton is not a target of the FBI examination of the private email server.

Mrs. Clinton is the OWNER of of the private email server. Just who do you think that target is going to be? giggle.gif


Mrs. Clinton is not a target of the FBI examination of the private email server.

Mrs. Clinton is the OWNER of of the private email server. Just who do you think that target is going to be? giggle.gif

There is no 'target' person of this FBI security inquiry. The inquiry is of the server, not a person. That is the FBI speaking, not the highly funded and extensive, hundred-voiced rightwing shitstirring media.

Former SecState Clinton has zero liability for discussing any material that may now be classified but that was not classified at the time she may have discussed the material. That is the law but since it doesn't serve the stalker political purposes of the massive and well funded rightwing media they ignore the facts and the reality of the law.

When the FBI is not investigating you, then the FBI is not investigating you. It's pretty basic and simple to recognize as the fact and the reality, but not for the right and its loser issues and loser compulsions.


The fact that this woman is, or feels that she is, in contention only serves as af further affirmation as to her highly flawed character.

She and her lounge lizard husband are a total disgrace and lack any form of social or moral conscience.

Meanwhile the Clinton Foundation has done more for Thailand's poor and disadvantaged then the typical wealthy Thai or you for that matter. Who are you to pass judgement on the Clintons' social or moral conscience? That's uncalled for and not justified.

While I know not Halion, if he's like most long time expats in Thailand he HAS contributed a lot to Thailand. I personally have put a few million baht into the Thai economy over the past 20 years or so and I am not the only one by a long chalk.


^ Nice try, but the FBI does not conduct "civil" inquiries, only criminal investigations... This spin of words by the media is to protect their darling Hillary... Evidence that the email server was used to conduct political operations, along with transferring secure state department data has already been established... The latest set of Clinton emails released by the state department were heavily redacted before their release, indicating they contain state secrets... The actions of General Petraeus were far less damning and he lost his career and was convicted of a crime... As I said before, the only real question is whether the new AG at the DOJ gets the nod to had down indictments...

Try this stuff on for size in respect of the Freedom of Information Act then-SecState Hillary Clinton had at the time been complying with....
The U.S. Justice Department said Friday that, contrary to media reports, it did not receive a request to open a criminal investigation into how sensitive information was handled in Hillary Clinton's private emails.
The agency says that it what it received was "not a criminal referral," but a request related to the potential compromise of classified information, according to a Washington Post report by Sari Horowitz.
And this....
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)...also rejected the notion that the inspectors general of the State Department and intelligence agencies asked for a criminal probe into Clinton's email account.
"I spoke personally to the State Department inspector general on Thursday, and he said he never asked the Justice Department to launch a criminal investigation of Secretary Clinton's email usage,” Cummings said in a statement, as quoted by The Hill.
Cummings added that the State Department inspector general "told me the Intelligence Community IG notified the Justice Department and Congress that they identified classified information in a few emails that were part of the [Freedom of Information Act] review, and that none of those emails had been previously marked as classified," according to The Hill. (Emphasis added.)
Freedom of Information Act...in other words, what does the FOIA allow into the public domain at a given time and that security officials perhaps might not want to allow to later be continued as public information under certain later re-classifications.
So contrary to the super-high funded extreme rightwing mass of media, there is nothing criminal in the FBI examination of FOIA and SecState Clinton at the time.
There is no person being looked into, there is no crime suspected or reported by anyone in any respect. No one outside of the richly funded fringe rightwing mass of media has been talking about indictment or criminal behavior or activity.
It is law that discussing information presently classified that was however not classified at the time it may have been discussed under the FOIA is not a problem, not inappropriate, not a crime, not suspicious, not sinister, not a violation of anything, not a threat to anyone or to the national security etc etc.
But the fringe extremist right isn't about to let the law, the FOIA or the facts get in the way of trying by hook or by crook to win an election they are presently losing.

The right will get nowhere either trying to say wait until the FBI finds out all the crimes Mrs. Clinton did in her emails, that the FBI will surely investigate her and she will be indicted, tried, shamed, burned at the stake.

Maybe but the more light that's shown on Grandma Clinton's high crimes going back to Whitewater and beyond may sway those LIV's (Low Information Voters) who won't be able to avoid hearing about them throughout the upcoming election season. biggrin.png



The right will get nowhere either trying to say wait until the FBI finds out all the crimes Mrs. Clinton did in her emails, that the FBI will surely investigate her and she will be indicted, tried, shamed, burned at the stake.

Maybe but the more light that's shown on Grandma Clinton's high crimes going back to Whitewater and beyond may sway those LIV's (Low Information Voters) who won't be able to avoid hearing about them throughout the upcoming election season. biggrin.png

So the right has its unsuspecting LIV's (Low Information Voters) that it considers highly malleable to its propaganda designs and purposes, but the rest of us have the superhigh financed and prolific RWDMM machine (Right Wing Disinformation Mass of Media)that forever make it up as they go along (FMIUATGA).

The right confirms that it long ago decided to win this election by hook or by crook.

Not happening.

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