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Thailand considers cloning ancient contested Preah Vihear temple


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Go ahead and build your "clone". It will draw a few curious at first, then die. People who want to see Preah Vihear, want to see the REAL THING, not some mock up bull crap!

Thai thinking at it's best.

this is the chinese way ..................copy , copy , copy .

Don't be racist just because you have limited knowledge. Four greatest inventions by the Chinese ; gunpowder, paper making, printing & compass. Who copy who????

I think he means Modern Chinese, not the ones of 1,000 plus years ago...the ancestors would not feel like they descendants have been honorable....

There's no doubt the Chinese used to be a great civilisation.

Used to be.

Then came Mao Tse Tung and the cultural revolution.

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Clone the entire Angkor Wat complex. That'll teach those pesky Cambodians laugh.png

The Indians tried that recently and it flew like a lead balloon after the Cambodians complained. Now Thailand should learn from that lesson, because unlike India, it is already on shaky terms with the Cambodians and with the AEC community coming up, this is not the time to antagonize it's neighbor. Thailand will be in for a very rude awakening if this project were to ever go ahead.

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I think they have no idea what a ridiculous, greedy country this would make Thailand look like.

After everyone stopped laughing at them that is.

The villagers won't think it's stupid, that man is their big hero now.

But Thai don't realise that most tourist visit those temples because there's not much else to do or see.

They need to build some real impressive attractions like Disneyland or Seaworld. Or make huge artificial reefs to attract divers. Instead of some real plans they want to duplicate the temple which is 5 minutes away thumbsup.giftongue.png

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In Macau, there's a copy of the Las Vegas copy of Venice blink.png

Although making copies is big business in Thailand, there are many countries doing exactly the same thing. I find it much more worrying that Asian culture to an increasing degree is replaced by western commercialism.

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i think youre all missing the point here, they can copy it but make it better with water tight roofs and atm machines so the chinese can go inside and buy trinkets. plus, once they film a few soaps there the thais will go by the million so they can stand outside and take selfies.....it will make billions!

I think the number you were looking for is jillions....

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"Thai and Cambodian security forces have battled at least twice over the long-contested Preah Vihear just across the border from Si Sa Ket" Shake of the head. Two nominally Buddhist countries fighting over a temple. Have they ever heard the second noble truth? "Suffering comes from attachment"? Like having a war over which country is most peaceful.

False equivalence and a poorly reasoned comment, sorry to say. The two countries are acting completely differently: Cambodia is defending what is rightfully its cultural property and heritage against legally unfounded aggression/land- and temple-grabbing by the Thais.

Rest assured one can defend oneself or one's culture and remain Buddhist.

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In Macau, there's a copy of the Las Vegas copy of Venice blink.png

Although making copies is big business in Thailand, there are many countries doing exactly the same thing. I find it much more worrying that Asian culture to an increasing degree is replaced by western commercialism.

I don't think that is intended to directly compete for visitors in the way that the Thai copy of Preah Vihear clearly is.

Cultural artefacts are apparently copyrightable when there is commercial value attached to them. It's not clear whether that can be internationally enforced, but the Thai copy would be in clear violation of this. Quite apart from being in bad taste.

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"Thai and Cambodian security forces have battled at least twice over the long-contested Preah Vihear just across the border from Si Sa Ket" Shake of the head. Two nominally Buddhist countries fighting over a temple. Have they ever heard the second noble truth? "Suffering comes from attachment"? Like having a war over which country is most peaceful.

False equivalence and a poorly reasoned comment, sorry to say. The two countries are acting completely differently: Cambodia is defending what is rightfully its cultural property and heritage against legally unfounded aggression/land- and temple-grabbing by the Thais.

Rest assured one can defend oneself or one's culture and remain Buddhist.

Well said and well spotted. Not many will be able to see false equivalence nowadays. Sadly, because it's relatively common where there are too few analytical or impartial commentators.

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"Thai and Cambodian security forces have battled at least twice over the long-contested Preah Vihear just across the border from Si Sa Ket" Shake of the head. Two nominally Buddhist countries fighting over a temple. Have they ever heard the second noble truth? "Suffering comes from attachment"? Like having a war over which country is most peaceful.

False equivalence and a poorly reasoned comment, sorry to say. The two countries are acting completely differently: Cambodia is defending what is rightfully its cultural property and heritage against legally unfounded aggression/land- and temple-grabbing by the Thais.

Rest assured one can defend oneself or one's culture and remain Buddhist.

Well said and well spotted. Not many will be able to see false equivalence nowadays. Sadly, because it's relatively common where there are too few analytical or impartial commentators.

Really ignorant comments Thailand has accepted that the temple belongs to Cambodia since the ruling in the 60s but the issue that sparked the 2008 and 2011 is the surrounding area around the temple as all know the stairs to the temple was in Thai territory it is actually the French whom have to be blames for cheating in regards to the agreement the the border shall run along the watershed line - that would bring the temple under Thailand

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In Macau, there's a copy of the Las Vegas copy of Venice blink.png

Although making copies is big business in Thailand, there are many countries doing exactly the same thing. I find it much more worrying that Asian culture to an increasing degree is replaced by western commercialism.

I don't think that is intended to directly compete for visitors in the way that the Thai copy of Preah Vihear clearly is.

Cultural artefacts are apparently copyrightable when there is commercial value attached to them. It's not clear whether that can be internationally enforced, but the Thai copy would be in clear violation of this. Quite apart from being in bad taste.

You think that the casinos in Las Vegas and Macau aren't commercial? The Venice copies are copies of Venice, plain and simple, and they are made for commercial purposes. The methods are a bit different from the "Thai way", but the principle is largely the same.

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In Macau, there's a copy of the Las Vegas copy of Venice blink.png

Although making copies is big business in Thailand, there are many countries doing exactly the same thing. I find it much more worrying that Asian culture to an increasing degree is replaced by western commercialism.

I don't think that is intended to directly compete for visitors in the way that the Thai copy of Preah Vihear clearly is.

Cultural artefacts are apparently copyrightable when there is commercial value attached to them. It's not clear whether that can be internationally enforced, but the Thai copy would be in clear violation of this. Quite apart from being in bad taste.

You think that the casinos in Las Vegas and Macau aren't commercial? The Venice copies are copies of Venice, plain and simple, and they are made for commercial purposes. The methods are a bit different from the "Thai way", but the principle is largely the same.

The Vegas Venice is not competing with the real Venice for visitors - it's not sucking revenue out of the Venetian economy - whereas the copy of Preah Vihear would actually compete directly for visitors - that is its entire rationale and that's why it would be even more crass to copy it.

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