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Five bankrupt Thai cops sacked, more likely says top brass

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Presume they had been assured buy previous politicians they would never have to repay the loans...

Time to get a crash helmet boy's as it looks like fines donations are going to double... gigglem.gif

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Guess the deposIt protection insurance is giving the banks a false sense of security in respect of judicious handling of loans (and deposits). Hardly surprising as they do not seem to have learned the lessons of 1997. There was an arrogance among them that the govt would always bail them out to protect deposits (Siam City is a classic example), but after 97 they were forced to provide their own protection (although the Act took 9 bleeding years to come about). Now it seems this insurance is an encouragement to them to dish out money left, right and centre again to people like these cops because the insurance will keep you and I solvent even as their NPLs skyrocket.


Some calculations per person are in order I think.

9,000,000,000 / 13,000 = 692,307.69 THB per person
2,000,000,000 / 2,500 = 800,000 THB per person
900,000,000 / 1,100 = 818,181.82 THB per person
Just for the people who think the 9 Billion THB is a lot...

So being around 2.55 Billion US dollars is not a lot in you way of thinking. One would have trouble spending the interest, let alone the capital in a lifetime. Oh, I just forgot who posted what I was reading. Sorry Bill.


Maybe the are sacked because their debt situation has spun out of controle, making the next step to out of controle (sight) tea money more likely.

These days a cop could be hired in Udon apperantly by a hi-so from a medical supply group to assasinate a ? monk with socalled healing powers, making competition tuff for a regular private hospital boss.

Unheard of 20 years ago. now for hire.


This is how lost these people really are

1 : it is no ones business what the cop owes

2 : As long as the noodle muncha performs a good days rort on the job. He was served his community well :)

3 Thais may disagree but his a credit to his people and showing the global community full and complete Thainess :)


How big was the probe for this... Did the Chief get a extended version or did he use the old one lodged in his ass


I see the rationale, if they're bankrupt they're susceptible to corruption ! giggle.gif

UK banks used to have a similar approach and staff were very restricted in the debts they were allowed to have.

A relative is a senior sgt major in the police. He was declared bankrupt due to running up massive debts betting on football. The bookie is higher ranking and all police in that area have to make bets regularly.

The buy your gun, uniform, motor bike and all equipment from us scam is just for starters.

I met some of these guys at a party at his house. Seriously heavy.


This is an eye opener,first time in my 13 years of living here that I can remember any sort personal financial information being released.To me it is obvious that they lived on there projected corrupt income.I personally know 1 cop who graduated as a lawyer and joined the police in the officer rank.He told me that during his 5 month traiining course he was encouraged into corruption,which I assume he followed up on as shortly after he was driving a brand new car,plus had the obligatory mia noi.I would hazard a guess in thinking the same applies to all civil servants,I use that term lightly.It is well publicised about teachers and farmers being in debt and the various governments bailing them out.This is the way they want it,it was the same where I come from.It used to be called the mortgage trap,so you had to be a good boy to keep your job to enable you to pay your mortgage.The only difference being you did not live on dirty money,only what you earned by your own effort.Yes I know there are crims in every society,just want to knock that one on the head before i start getting tedious posts from the expats who have gone native.

Why mention the "Obligatory Mia Noi" ????? Most Thai men have a Mia Noi, its not the sole province of the Police. Talking to my neighbour, after paying for a position in the police, the only way ahead is to follow the custom and keep the Tea money flowing anyway, otherwise they quickly go under. The fact that these guys owe so much, is indicative of the scale of corruption, imagine a few hundred teachers or farmers getting into debt for Billions, Not likely to happen as the banks wouldnt let it get that far.


Even an old car would cost a couple 100k baht, are coppers not allowed to have a car?

Either you didn't read the article or you don't know the difference between thousands, millions, and billions! These cops were millions and billions into debt. Not a measly few hundred thousand

Which one was billions into debt? I think someone already did the math for you.


I see the rationale, if they're bankrupt they're susceptible to corruption ! giggle.gif

So before they got fired/bankrupt they were not corrupt?

I thought the ' giggle ' smiley would have shown I was being sarcastic.


Even an old car would cost a couple 100k baht, are coppers not allowed to have a car?

Either you didn't read the article or you don't know the difference between thousands, millions, and billions! These cops were millions and billions into debt. Not a measly few hundred thousand

Which one was billions into debt? I think someone already did the math for you.

So you state his math is factual whereas one cop could owe a few million and another could owe a billion! An average does not show each individual and is not accurate. You would know this if you had any forethought.

The entire country will soon be Bankrupt and with the high Baht U.S. Dollar exchange rates, look at the recent price increases in your stores. A ten Baht Kit Kat bat goes up from 10 to 12 Baht in one week and the larger size from 40 to 43 Baht.


The entire country will soon be Bankrupt and with the high Baht U.S. Dollar exchange rates, look at the recent price increases in your stores. A ten Baht Kit Kat bat goes up from 10 to 12 Baht in one week and the larger size from 40 to 43 Baht.

Yeah, people in our village talk of nothing but the price of Kit Kats these days.


The entire country will soon be Bankrupt and with the high Baht U.S. Dollar exchange rates, look at the recent price increases in your stores. A ten Baht Kit Kat bat goes up from 10 to 12 Baht in one week and the larger size from 40 to 43 Baht.

Yeah, people in our village talk of nothing but the price of Kit Kats these days.

Yeah, the same in ours. They are finding it hard to get their chocolate fix owing to the increase. It's getting so bad that I've had to incrtease the gardner and housekeeper's hourly rate just so they can buy their weekly supply. So everyone is suffering. whistling.gif


Why axe them they plainly don't take backhanders.

Or maybe the governments crackdown on corruption is having an impact on their income
what fantasy are you living in? Corruption still alive and well.

Some calculations per person are in order I think.

9,000,000,000 / 13,000 = 692,307.69 THB per person
2,000,000,000 / 2,500 = 800,000 THB per person
900,000,000 / 1,100 = 818,181.82 THB per person
Just for the people who think the 9 Billion THB is a lot...

And your point is?..


The entire country will soon be Bankrupt and with the high Baht U.S. Dollar exchange rates, look at the recent price increases in your stores. A ten Baht Kit Kat bat goes up from 10 to 12 Baht in one week and the larger size from 40 to 43 Baht.

Stop eating Kit Kat.

They're not healthy anyway.


Why axe them they plainly don't take backhanders.

Or maybe the governments crackdown on corruption is having an impact on their income
what fantasy are you living in? Corruption still alive and well.

It certainly is still alive and well, I ain't much into fantasies nowadays, we'll not the kind I'd like to share,, my response was a bit of humour on my part, you should try it sometime,,

seriously though I'd say the efforts against corruption is being tackled in some way, although too big a task to overcome in the short term, but at least it's more than any of the 2 previous administrations can lay claim to


The entire country will soon be Bankrupt and with the high Baht U.S. Dollar exchange rates, look at the recent price increases in your stores. A ten Baht Kit Kat bat goes up from 10 to 12 Baht in one week and the larger size from 40 to 43 Baht.

Stop eating Kit Kat.

They're not healthy anyway.

Everyone knows kit kats are a vital staple of a healthy diet and also a good measuring stick of a countries buying power...

Forget barrells of oil, let's just deal in kitkats so everyone understands...


Even an old car would cost a couple 100k baht, are coppers not allowed to have a car?

Of course they are, and they are allowed to be in debt as long as they are making payments the same as everyone else. Why should the police be able to exploit the interest free loan system by not bothering to pay it back? it's about time they put a stop to it.


Why axe them they plainly don't take backhanders.

That's why their in debt!

Crazy, be corrupt & prosper

Follow the rules & be bankrupt & sacked

TIT crazy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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