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Mr. Kraisorn Urges Officials Of Ict Ministry To Possess Unity

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Mr. Kraisorn urges officials of ICT Ministry to possess unity

The Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Mr. Kraisorn Pornsuthee (ไกรสร พรสุธี), has urged the ministerial officials to be in harmony and accelerate the ICT development in order to modernize the country.

Mr. Kraisorn chaired the meeting to deliver the policies of the Council of Democratic Reform under the Constitutional Monarchy (CDRM) to the ICT officials. Mr. Kraisorn said that the policies were delivered so the officials would acknowledge the performances of the ministry.

He added that the officials were instructed to adhere to reconciliation and develop knowledge of the officials by providing seminars in various topics.

He stated that the ICT Ministry will continue to develop knowledge on advanced technologies and national modernization.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 22 September 2006

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