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We were married only a few months before applying for a holiday and were refused. I am a Brit but am 20 years older than my wife and maybe this was an issue.

Only if you were under 38 years old at the time.

I'm not aware of any guidance on the "genuine and subsisting relationship" requirement being between people of certain ages, assuming the relationship is legally recognised in the UK as such.



Instead of another thread, if any can confirm: When in UK next year, after my retirement extension in Thailand expires, I can apply at the Thai Consulate for a 90 day visa (even though UK is not my home country), and then apply for extension to stay when in the Kingdom? This is correct, yes?

I suggest you do start another thread in the Thai visa forum; it is unlikely anyone who knows the answer will see your question here.

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The point of this post is to suggest that you ask if there is a way that you could both swear oaths and have a document created by an Embassy or consul acceptable to the British authorities.

Maybe 7 x 7 could comment?

Different counties have different rules and evidence requirements. That such an affirmation is required by or acceptable to the Spanish does not mean it will be to the British.

Indeed, as UKVI will not accept a statement in a visa application that the relationship is genuine without evidence to back it up, why would they accept such a document without similar evidence? If a couple are prepared to lie in a visa application, then surely they would also be prepared to lie in such an affirmation?


I'm not aware of any guidance on the "genuine and subsisting relationship" requirement being between people of certain ages, assuming the relationship is legally recognised in the UK as such.

See Annex FM Section FM 2.0 Genuine and Subsisting Relationship for the official guidance.

Under the Foreign Marriages Act 1899 the UK recognises as legal any marriage which is legal in the country where it was registered.

However, this does not necessarily mean that the foreign spouse can apply for UK settlement:-

  • To be granted UK settlement both parties to the marriage, sponsor and applicant, must be 18 or over.
  • If the marriage is polygamous, only one spouse will be granted settlement in the UK.

Assuming, in both examples, that all the other settlement requirements are met. of course.

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The point of this post is to suggest that you ask if there is a way that you could both swear oaths and have a document created by an Embassy or consul acceptable to the British authorities.

Maybe 7 x 7 could comment?

Different counties have different rules and evidence requirements. That such an affirmation is required by or acceptable to the Spanish does not mean it will be to the British.

Indeed, as UKVI will not accept a statement in a visa application that the relationship is genuine without evidence to back it up, why would they accept such a document without similar evidence? If a couple are prepared to lie in a visa application, then surely they would also be prepared to lie in such an affirmation?


I'm not aware of any guidance on the "genuine and subsisting relationship" requirement being between people of certain ages, assuming the relationship is legally recognised in the UK as such.

See Annex FM Section FM 2.0 Genuine and Subsisting Relationship for the official guidance.

Under the Foreign Marriages Act 1899 the UK recognises as legal any marriage which is legal in the country where it was registered.

However, this does not necessarily mean that the foreign spouse can apply for UK settlement:-

  • To be granted UK settlement both parties to the marriage, sponsor and applicant, must be 18 or over.
  • If the marriage is polygamous, only one spouse will be granted settlement in the UK.

Assuming, in both examples, that all the other settlement requirements are met. of course.

My wife had actually asked me to make a statement prior to submission stating that my marriage was genuine. I feel repulsed by the notion. I argued only someone lying would do something like that. Well, it appears we are both not entirely correct. Perhaps there is value; I dont know. I am convinced now I would have been denied even if such a statement was attached. We are now pulling statements from lots of people including all those invited and who came to the wedding about 6 months ago. We even have statements from our college dean that we were a couple 5 years ago. Who knows? I am now moved over to another thread to finalize my questions- regarding applying for Thai visa from the UK.

Thank you all. My questions have been answered for sure. I am grateful; especially to the few who I've bumped heads with in the past and helped me here today.

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Although the document I linked to in my previous is designed for settlement applicants, the factors listed in part 3.1 of that document will also be used to assess the relationship in applications such as yours.

All you need to do is provided documentary evidence, such as letters, utility bills, bank statements addressed to each or both of you at the same address, covering a reasonable period, I suggest at least two years, to show that you satisfy 3.1(i) and 3.1(ii)

(i) The couple are in a current, long-term relationship and are able to provide satisfactory evidence of this.
(ii) The couple have been or are co-habiting and are able to provide satisfactory evidence of this.

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The point of this post is to suggest that you ask if there is a way that you could both swear oaths and have a document created by an Embassy or consul acceptable to the British authorities.

Maybe 7 x 7 could comment?

Different counties have different rules and evidence requirements. That such an affirmation is required by or acceptable to the Spanish does not mean it will be to the British.

Indeed, as UKVI will not accept a statement in a visa application that the relationship is genuine without evidence to back it up, why would they accept such a document without similar evidence? If a couple are prepared to lie in a visa application, then surely they would also be prepared to lie in such an affirmation?


I'm not aware of any guidance on the "genuine and subsisting relationship" requirement being between people of certain ages, assuming the relationship is legally recognised in the UK as such.

See Annex FM Section FM 2.0 Genuine and Subsisting Relationship for the official guidance.

Under the Foreign Marriages Act 1899 the UK recognises as legal any marriage which is legal in the country where it was registered.

However, this does not necessarily mean that the foreign spouse can apply for UK settlement:-

  • To be granted UK settlement both parties to the marriage, sponsor and applicant, must be 18 or over.
  • If the marriage is polygamous, only one spouse will be granted settlement in the UK.

Assuming, in both examples, that all the other settlement requirements are met. of course.

The real frustration is that us honest ones don´t think about lying - if we did we would do it so well that the visa would be granted!!!

The trouble is that many of us feel that if we are honest then justice will be on our side.

Heck, some of think it is our right to visit the country of our birth with our wife without undue hinderance!

We do not realise the skullduggery that goes on and that honesty on it's own is insufficient.

We need to be taught that we need to PROVE beyond any reasonable (or unreasonable) doubt that our statements are true.

An honest first timer has no idea of what it is that the Border Control Officer needs to know!

I am sure that if we applied again the visa would be granted because we are beginning to understand the twisted requirements and we would then provide sufficient proof!.

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People do lie and attempt to obtain a UK visa by fraud and deception. Some of them succeed.

No system is perfect, especially one which relies upon human beings making decisions. Sometimes the fraudsters do get through and, as I said before, sometimes the genuine get refused.

The requirements are very simple:

  • Is the applicant a genuine visitor with a genuine reason to visit; i.e. not seeking to enter the UK for a purpose other than that stated?
  • Will they be adequately supported and accommodated while in the UK without recourse to public funds?
  • Will they leave the UK when, or before, their visa expires?

I fail to see how anyone can call these requirements 'twisted.'

As said earlier, the onus is on the applicant to show that they meet these requirements; and the level of proof is not 'beyond reasonable (or unreasonable) doubt;' it is the much easier 'on the balance of probabilities.'

The UKVI do provide guidance on how to do this, which includes guidance on supporting documents.

Each year approximately 25,000 people in Thailand alone apply for a UK visit visa; and consistently 95% of them are successful.

Obviously, not all of those are first time applicants and many will be tourists who are advised by their travel agency or tour operator.

Of those who are independent travellers, whether they be sponsored by a Brit or not, I doubt that all, even the majority, will have used forums such as this, or visa agents, to help them through the process.

Heck, some of think it is our right to visit the country of our birth with our wife without undue hinderance

In an ideal world you could live in Thailand without having to report every 90 days, without having to regularly renew your marriage ( or whichever you have) visa.

In an ideal world you and your wife would be able to visit the UK whenever you chose without any visa.

In an ideal world anyone would be able to travel or live anywhere without the need for any visas.

This is not an ideal world; and I am surprised that anyone, especially someone with international travel experience, does not appreciate that.

  • Like 2

People do lie and attempt to obtain a UK visa by fraud and deception. Some of them succeed.

No system is perfect, especially one which relies upon human beings making decisions. Sometimes the fraudsters do get through and, as I said before, sometimes the genuine get refused.

The requirements are very simple:

  • Is the applicant a genuine visitor with a genuine reason to visit; i.e. not seeking to enter the UK for a purpose other than that stated?
  • Will they be adequately supported and accommodated while in the UK without recourse to public funds?
  • Will they leave the UK when, or before, their visa expires?

I fail to see how anyone can call these requirements 'twisted.'

As said earlier, the onus is on the applicant to show that they meet these requirements; and the level of proof is not 'beyond reasonable (or unreasonable) doubt;' it is the much easier 'on the balance of probabilities.'

The UKVI do provide guidance on how to do this, which includes guidance on supporting documents.

Each year approximately 25,000 people in Thailand alone apply for a UK visit visa; and consistently 95% of them are successful.

Obviously, not all of those are first time applicants and many will be tourists who are advised by their travel agency or tour operator.

Of those who are independent travellers, whether they be sponsored by a Brit or not, I doubt that all, even the majority, will have used forums such as this, or visa agents, to help them through the process.

Heck, some of think it is our right to visit the country of our birth with our wife without undue hinderance

In an ideal world you could live in Thailand without having to report every 90 days, without having to regularly renew your marriage ( or whichever you have) visa.

In an ideal world you and your wife would be able to visit the UK whenever you chose without any visa.

In an ideal world anyone would be able to travel or live anywhere without the need for any visas.

This is not an ideal world; and I am surprised that anyone, especially someone with international travel experience, does not appreciate that.

Honest people tend not to mix with the dishonest and so never "learn the ropes"!

One of my daughters had a bf who knew exactly what to do so he could get full state benefits without working, he learned from his friends who did the same.

I would not know how to start!

Since on the visa application they require the contact details of the applicant and the people with whom they will stay during their proposed visit.

However, as you have pointed out before, they have no obligation to contact anyone to check any details!

It is up to the applicant to know what they require and provide sufficient proof.

So that's what I will call "Twisted".

  • Like 1

Honest applicants do not have to learn any ropes from dishonest ones!

All they have to do is follow the UKVI guidance and supply evidence to back up what they have said in the application.

Something which, by his own admission, the OP failed to do.

Let me ask you a question.

You are an ECO and have before you an application from someone living in Thailand with a retirement visa to travel to the UK as a family member of a Thai woman who is travelling to the UK as a Tier 4 student.

All he has provided as evidence of their relationship is a marriage certificate dated a mere two days before the application was submitted.

No other evidence of their relationship at all. Nothing; not even any evidence that they had met before the marriage, let alone had a relationship going back 5 years!

Would you believe the relationship to be genuine and subsisting?

Honest answer, please.

  • Like 1

Honest applicants do not have to learn any ropes from dishonest ones!

All they have to do is follow the UKVI guidance and supply evidence to back up what they have said in the application.

Something which, by his own admission, the OP failed to do.

Let me ask you a question.

You are an ECO and have before you an application from someone living in Thailand with a retirement visa to travel to the UK as a family member of a Thai woman who is travelling to the UK as a Tier 4 student.

All he has provided as evidence of their relationship is a marriage certificate dated a mere two days before the application was submitted.

No other evidence of their relationship at all. Nothing; not even any evidence that they had met before the marriage, let alone had a relationship going back 5 years!

Would you believe the relationship to be genuine and subsisting?

Honest answer, please.

Of course I would accept it was genuine, why not?

He has the proper and required paperwork!

If he were a liar he would have done things differently and very cleverly, this is the simple truth, no BS, just honest.

Twisted for me means that "they" regard you all as liars and they miss the real liars!

My honest reply.




You seem to be saying that you believe anyone who makes a statement, in this case that their relationship is genuine and subsisting, without providing evidence to back it up must be telling the truth, whilst anyone who provides such evidence must be lying!

In which case I have about 1 million USD trapped in a Nigerian bank account and need your help getting it out; for which I will pay you a percentage.

PM me your bank details, including all security passwords, and I'll get things started!

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I submitted a second time last week. I paid the fee and expedited service. I was told with the additional fee it would shorten the time to about ten days instead of weeks. I provided overwhelming photos, bills, evidence of years of shared addresses, statements, joint accounts, etc. I included marriage books, and marriage photo books, and dvds- which they cannot accept. Obviously they fear autorun virus. Fearing this I uploading to youtube and provided the address.

I was notified less than 24 hours later they made a decision. I was approved. As 7by7 and others noted, and I admitted, my first application looks really weak. It was an expensive learning experience but it is over. Thank you all. I suppose the Mod could close this now; I am unsure how that decision is made.

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I have a UK passport and my Thai wife has been denied twice for a visa for a holiday!!

First time i owned a 4 bedroom house with no mortgage or outstanding money on it, had over 100,000 gbp in my bank account in UK . Just bought a house in Thailand 2 years before and had over 15 million in Thai bank here.

First refusal was because they said she could not provide 6 months bank statements , she provided them with 3 months as it would take 10 days for BKK bank to get the 6 months sent from BKK and we had already booked the day to hand in the application. I had stated that i was funding the whole trip though!!

Second application was 2 years ago ,we handed in everything as before plus more. I stated again i was paying for the trip, had sold my house in Uk but gave details off all the hotels , flights etc we were planning and costs.( 500,000 bht.) My wife had over 1.2 million bht in her bank for over a year, a 1.5 million bht car in her name that was paid for and one of my houses in her name valued at 9 million bht.

Denied on several counts!!

They said they did not believe our relationship was genuine although we provided pics , marriage certificate etc . Had been married over 7 years!!

Denied as they said she did not seem to have enough money for a return flight?? It costs over 1.2 million bht for a flight??

Denied as they said they did not think she would return!! So she was going to just abandon the car etc in her name and leave it all in Thailand !!

Denied as they said there was no evidence of my Thai visa. I printed them out myself and she had the copies of it plus my actual passport !!

Plus had letters from my mother saying if for some reason we could not afford it then her and her husband would pay for it if we ran out of money and a letter from a friend who is a retired detective chief inspector in the police who confirmed he knew us and was at our wedding!

I think the people who make the decisions on the visas just pick up a certain amount and approve them and the rest they return as denied without even looking at them!!

If she was some immigrant looking for asylum then she would have no problem getting in , get a house and loads of cash !!

Ronaldo, I too have been &lt;deleted&gt; over for a spouse visa. Without getting in to tiresome detail, the visa company (as it's no longer in government hands) approve a few and reject a lot. My wife was rejected on utterly fictional grounds and I'm now in the process of appeal, and have contacted the local MP back in the UK.

Seems we're up against a few problems currently. 1) the ever increasing number of poor unskilled migrants from Eastern Europe. 2) see previous statement , replace Europe with northern Africa. 3) The certain corruption that goes on within the agency that ensures all agency based applications have a 90+% approval rate and those applying individually, even with everything stitched up tight, will get a refusal unless there's a few slots left open.

I've had agents angrily deny this goes on, but am in touch with someone working up there who confirms my worst fears. It goes on daily. Unfortunately I didn't know this till my application was well under way, or I might have considered the same route. Goes against the grain, but been in limbo now for quite some time, and you must know how unpleasant that is.



I have a UK passport and my Thai wife has been denied twice for a visa for a holiday!!

First time i owned a 4 bedroom house with no mortgage or outstanding money on it, had over 100,000 gbp in my bank account in UK . Just bought a house in Thailand 2 years before and had over 15 million in Thai bank here.

First refusal was because they said she could not provide 6 months bank statements , she provided them with 3 months as it would take 10 days for BKK bank to get the 6 months sent from BKK and we had already booked the day to hand in the application. I had stated that i was funding the whole trip though!!

Second application was 2 years ago ,we handed in everything as before plus more. I stated again i was paying for the trip, had sold my house in Uk but gave details off all the hotels , flights etc we were planning and costs.( 500,000 bht.) My wife had over 1.2 million bht in her bank for over a year, a 1.5 million bht car in her name that was paid for and one of my houses in her name valued at 9 million bht.

Denied on several counts!!

They said they did not believe our relationship was genuine although we provided pics , marriage certificate etc . Had been married over 7 years!!

Denied as they said she did not seem to have enough money for a return flight?? It costs over 1.2 million bht for a flight??

Denied as they said they did not think she would return!! So she was going to just abandon the car etc in her name and leave it all in Thailand !!

Denied as they said there was no evidence of my Thai visa. I printed them out myself and she had the copies of it plus my actual passport !!

Plus had letters from my mother saying if for some reason we could not afford it then her and her husband would pay for it if we ran out of money and a letter from a friend who is a retired detective chief inspector in the police who confirmed he knew us and was at our wedding!

I think the people who make the decisions on the visas just pick up a certain amount and approve them and the rest they return as denied without even looking at them!!

If she was some immigrant looking for asylum then she would have no problem getting in , get a house and loads of cash !!

Ronaldo, I too have been <deleted> over for a spouse visa. Without getting in to tiresome detail, the visa company (as it's no longer in government hands) approve a few and reject a lot. My wife was rejected on utterly fictional grounds and I'm now in the process of appeal, and have contacted the local MP back in the UK.

Seems we're up against a few problems currently. 1) the ever increasing number of poor unskilled migrants from Eastern Europe. 2) see previous statement , replace Europe with northern Africa. 3) The certain corruption that goes on within the agency that ensures all agency based applications have a 90+% approval rate and those applying individually, even with everything stitched up tight, will get a refusal unless there's a few slots left open.

I've had agents angrily deny this goes on, but am in touch with someone working up there who confirms my worst fears. It goes on daily. Unfortunately I didn't know this till my application was well under way, or I might have considered the same route. Goes against the grain, but been in limbo now for quite some time, and you must know how unpleasant that is.


At least i am not the only one who has been screwed then !!

I have not even looked at the agent route yet but i think some of them charge a fortune from what i can tell. I think i will try once more myself, then if that fails try an agent. If that fails then they can keep their country !!biggrin.png

I made an appeal after the second application as some of the reasons for turning my wife down were utter drivel !! Like she couldnt afford a return ticket despite having over a million bht in her bank for over 9 months!!

The appeal was sent to vietnam!!! fell on deaf ears and they couldnt give me a answer to any of my points that i had said were utter garbage like her not having money etc. Utter waste of time sending the appeal !


I too have been <deleted> over for a spouse visa. Without getting in to tiresome detail, the visa company (as it's no longer in government hands) approve a few and reject a lot.

All visa applications are considered by Entry Clearance Officers who are directly employed by the UKVI, the agency to which you refer is no more than a drop off point for hard copies of the application and supporting documents, they take no part in the decision making process.

Your allegation of corruption is a serious one, as is your allegation that applications are routinely refused without due consideration. Whilst I believe the UKVI is far from perfect I don't subscribe to your opinion of this, if you have evidence to support your allegation I urge you to bring it to the attention of the relevant authority.

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Indeed, og.

Experience has shown that many who make similar accusations simply did not provide the evidence to back up their assertions in the application and wont accept the responsibility for their own mistakes.

Then there are a few who are acting as touts for dodgy so called visa agents who con the gullible into thinking they can use their contacts to guarantee a visa.

Of course, I am not saying that either poster falls into one of these groups.

But, as you say, if they are genuine and do really have evidence of corruption at VFS or the entry clearance section at the embassy then they must report this to the British authorities immediately.

The last time a member here made such accusations and was advised to do just that he made lengthy excuses for not so doing!

I wonder what these two will do.

  • Like 1

I have a UK passport and my Thai wife has been denied twice for a visa for a holiday!!

First time i owned a 4 bedroom house with no mortgage or outstanding money on it, had over 100,000 gbp in my bank account in UK . Just bought a house in Thailand 2 years before and had over 15 million in Thai bank here.

First refusal was because they said she could not provide 6 months bank statements , she provided them with 3 months as it would take 10 days for BKK bank to get the 6 months sent from BKK and we had already booked the day to hand in the application. I had stated that i was funding the whole trip though!!

Second application was 2 years ago ,we handed in everything as before plus more. I stated again i was paying for the trip, had sold my house in Uk but gave details off all the hotels , flights etc we were planning and costs.( 500,000 bht.) My wife had over 1.2 million bht in her bank for over a year, a 1.5 million bht car in her name that was paid for and one of my houses in her name valued at 9 million bht.

Denied on several counts!!

They said they did not believe our relationship was genuine although we provided pics , marriage certificate etc . Had been married over 7 years!!

Denied as they said she did not seem to have enough money for a return flight?? It costs over 1.2 million bht for a flight??

Denied as they said they did not think she would return!! So she was going to just abandon the car etc in her name and leave it all in Thailand !!

Denied as they said there was no evidence of my Thai visa. I printed them out myself and she had the copies of it plus my actual passport !!

Plus had letters from my mother saying if for some reason we could not afford it then her and her husband would pay for it if we ran out of money and a letter from a friend who is a retired detective chief inspector in the police who confirmed he knew us and was at our wedding!

I think the people who make the decisions on the visas just pick up a certain amount and approve them and the rest they return as denied without even looking at them!!

If she was some immigrant looking for asylum then she would have no problem getting in , get a house and loads of cash !!

Ronaldo, I too have been <deleted> over for a spouse visa. Without getting in to tiresome detail, the visa company (as it's no longer in government hands) approve a few and reject a lot. My wife was rejected on utterly fictional grounds and I'm now in the process of appeal, and have contacted the local MP back in the UK.

Seems we're up against a few problems currently. 1) the ever increasing number of poor unskilled migrants from Eastern Europe. 2) see previous statement , replace Europe with northern Africa. 3) The certain corruption that goes on within the agency that ensures all agency based applications have a 90+% approval rate and those applying individually, even with everything stitched up tight, will get a refusal unless there's a few slots left open.

I've had agents angrily deny this goes on, but am in touch with someone working up there who confirms my worst fears. It goes on daily. Unfortunately I didn't know this till my application was well under way, or I might have considered the same route. Goes against the grain, but been in limbo now for quite some time, and you must know how unpleasant that is.


So you really think that the Entry Clearance Officers are employed by Vfs Global ?


Interesting isn't it? We get a lot of stories like the ones above of horrendous treatment by vfs and visa denials yet apparently there is a 95% success rate in obtaining visas! Someone's telling porkies somewhere.


5% rejection rate is still a large number of refusals but I suspect many spouting on here have poorly prepared applications!

The Chief Inspector of Borders & Immigration has suggested that 10% of family visa applications were processed 'inconsistently'. This meant some were refused wrongly and some approved, wrongly.

The bright idea thought up by the Home office was that it would be quicker and cheaper for applicants to apply again than to 'appeal'. It seems the UKVI are facing rather a lot of informal requests for reconsideration of decisions.

If they had a proper system of checks in place, I suspect the UKVi would find it cheaper to do a good job first time!


The average annual 95% issue rate is for visit visa applications made in Thailand.

Obviously other categories of application in Thailand and visit applications in other countries will have different issue rates.

I fail to see why anyone would think UKVI are producing false figures; especially false figures showing more applications are accepted than actually are.

What would be the point of so doing?

In the current anti immigration climate in the UK, I'd have thought if anything the government would want to show fewer visas are being issued than actually are, not more!

The figures can be found here; if you have good Excel skills, which I don't! They used to be presented in a much simpler format, but no longer, unfortunately.

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Rejection rates do vary between countries.

An independent inspection of Abu Dhabi and Islamabad stated:

"Our file sampling identified inconsistent decision making and this is becoming a common theme across all of our overseas inspections. Entry clearance staff frequently referred to the intense focus on the achievement of numerical targets, which they believe affected their ability to make correct decisions. We consider that their concerns, along with our file sampling results, strongly suggest there is a correlation between a strong focus on numerical benchmark targets and inconsistent and poor decision quality. The UK Border Agency needs to do much more to establish whether this is the case."

This strongly suggests that there are target issued to ECO's. These may be a simple time deadline or (for the more paranoid) refusal targets.

In the same report:

"We do not believe that citing an increased refusal rate (as evidence of improving quality and consistency in visa decision making) was substantiated. We found work had not been undertaken in Abu Dhabi to evaluate why appeals were being allowed; moreover, our file sampling also revealed inconsistencies in decision making".

This does go back five years but recent reports continue to show inconsistencies in decision making suggesting that things have not changed that much.

Page 4 of http://icinspector.independent.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/An-Inspection-of-the-Dhaka-Visa-Section.pdf, shows little change in standards there but accepts a good standard of ECM review was taking place.

My opinion for what it is worth is that ECO's have some way to go!

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