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Badly behaved tourists.


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There are lots of tourists from many different countries that visit pattaya. It's not fair to tar them all with the same brush but it would seem that culturally some are worse than others when it comes to assimilating and respecting their hosts. Personally I find Israeli tourists to be some of the worst offenders. Share your thoughts and experiences. No need to be racially offensive, just fair observations on the cultures that you feel have the hardest time grasping Thailands culture and thereby come across as rude ungracious guests. Your theories about why they act this way and whether it is rudeness or just a misguided clash of cultures.

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The Indians and Arabs have always been bad and mis treat all the Thai's, especially women. I can remember about 8 years ago there were bars that has signs posted as you entered stating that the Arabs and other Middle Easterners were not allowed in because of the way they mistreat the women. Unfortunately its part of their culture, So should we expect different when they come here? YES we should as when you visit a foreign place you must respect there culture wether you like it or not.

The Thai tourist industry is mostly responsible, Each year they go to a selected country and sale the trips and everything else about Thailand and then the following season we get those people. 6 years a go it was the Indians, you old timers might remember when they were here as much as the Russians. Then came the Russians, in such big numbers we were all astonished, the condo builders even started making smaller condos so they were affordable to the Russians and Indians. But once more we se the same pattern, Cultures which have no Background of basic manners, its not there fault its there culture. So should we expect different when they come here? YES we should as when you visit a foreign place you must respect there culture wether you like it or not.

Now the Chinese are coming and once more we see more of the Same, A culture with no manners.

Well now that the Ruble has diminished the Russians have all but gone, a few Indians still come but Just the men, and now we have to deal with the busses full of the rude Chinese.... so it seems to me in hindsight that the Thai Tourism Authority has it all wrong...they continue to bend over backwards to get the horribly wrong tourist to come here.......I guess we have to understand that its just part of living here.

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The Indians and Arabs have always been bad and mis treat all the Thai's, especially women. I can remember about 8 years ago there were bars that has signs posted as you entered stating that the Arabs and other Middle Easterners were not allowed in because of the way they mistreat the women. Unfortunately its part of their culture, So should we expect different when they come here? YES we should as when you visit a foreign place you must respect there culture wether you like it or not.

The Thai tourist industry is mostly responsible, Each year they go to a selected country and sale the trips and everything else about Thailand and then the following season we get those people. 6 years a go it was the Indians, you old timers might remember when they were here as much as the Russians. Then came the Russians, in such big numbers we were all astonished, the condo builders even started making smaller condos so they were affordable to the Russians and Indians. But once more we se the same pattern, Cultures which have no Background of basic manners, its not there fault its there culture. So should we expect different when they come here? YES we should as when you visit a foreign place you must respect there culture wether you like it or not.

Now the Chinese are coming and once more we see more of the Same, A culture with no manners.

Well now that the Ruble has diminished the Russians have all but gone, a few Indians still come but Just the men, and now we have to deal with the busses full of the rude Chinese.... so it seems to me in hindsight that the Thai Tourism Authority has it all wrong...they continue to bend over backwards to get the horribly wrong tourist to come here.......I guess we have to understand that its just part of living here.

You did a good job of not sounding racist there, well done.

When i try that, the namby-pamby PC brigade on here give me a right earbashing....10/10

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

We call them "Chavs"... And the UK is full of them,

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Bald head + tattoo's + Alcohol + British = Bad Guy coffee1.gif

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Why pick on the British?, I have seen many Europeans Aussies American just as obnoxious and also met many Brits tourists and ex pats who are quiet the opposite to your labeling of Brits.
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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

At least they never leave the bar areas and so they are easy to avoid.

I like going to Wat Yansangwararam area for a nice quiet walk around the ponds and gardens, but recently the whole place is overrun by bus-loads of Chinese who just shout and jabber and prattle at each other endlessly making it a complete nightmare. So they annoy me much more than drunken Brits do.

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The Indians and Arabs have always been bad and mis treat all the Thai's, especially women. I can remember about 8 years ago there were bars that has signs posted as you entered stating that the Arabs and other Middle Easterners were not allowed in because of the way they mistreat the women. Unfortunately its part of their culture, So should we expect different when they come here? YES we should as when you visit a foreign place you must respect there culture wether you like it or not.

The Thai tourist industry is mostly responsible, Each year they go to a selected country and sale the trips and everything else about Thailand and then the following season we get those people. 6 years a go it was the Indians, you old timers might remember when they were here as much as the Russians. Then came the Russians, in such big numbers we were all astonished, the condo builders even started making smaller condos so they were affordable to the Russians and Indians. But once more we se the same pattern, Cultures which have no Background of basic manners, its not there fault its there culture. So should we expect different when they come here? YES we should as when you visit a foreign place you must respect there culture wether you like it or not.

Now the Chinese are coming and once more we see more of the Same, A culture with no manners.

Well now that the Ruble has diminished the Russians have all but gone, a few Indians still come but Just the men, and now we have to deal with the busses full of the rude Chinese.... so it seems to me in hindsight that the Thai Tourism Authority has it all wrong...they continue to bend over backwards to get the horribly wrong tourist to come here.......I guess we have to understand that its just part of living here.

You did a good job of not sounding racist there, well done.

When i try that, the namby-pamby PC brigade on here give me a right earbashing....10/10

Totally agree,just wonder where the PC brigade exist?under a rock maybe.,makes me laugh to be accused of being racist,wear the badge with pride

Never found the Russkies too bad,Indians are a problem,walking in the road,ploughed into one recently,but the Chinese stink ,they really do

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

At least they never leave the bar areas and so they are easy to avoid.

I like going to Wat Yansangwararam area for a nice quiet walk around the ponds and gardens, but recently the whole place is overrun by bus-loads of Chinese who just shout and jabber and prattle at each other endlessly making it a complete nightmare. So they annoy me much more than drunken Brits do.

Agreed. Wat Yan is great for a nice "meditative" visit, just as long as the Chinese aren't there. They have a right to visit, no argument there, but they swarm all over with little respect for anyone else, and believe they have a right to dominate the atmosphere - I told some once to show respect and got abused for my efforts. No remorse, no guilt, no apology, just an eff you attitude. The polite ones among them must get embarrassed.

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Why pick on the British?, I have seen many Europeans Aussies American just as obnoxious and also met many Brits tourists and ex pats who are quiet the opposite to your labeling of Brits.

Why pick on anyone.. because we want to feel better about ourselves.

Its ok to pick on Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Russians... but when you touch the Brits it suddenly is not ok.

Face it we all have our idiots, im pretty sure there are drunk bald violent high Dutch tourist too and I would dislike those as much as Brits who do the same thing.

However on this forum there are plenty of people thinking that people from their country are the best and their shit does not stink. Seen Brits on this forum gang up on other nationalities often and then cry foul when someone pics on them.

Face it we all have idiots, and I really don't see why people identify with the scum of their own nationality and defend them.

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'Share your thoughts and experiences. No need to be racially offensive'

This is a silly thread .... the question is like saying ' who do you dislike the most but don't be to obvious in your offensive remarks '

ridiculous topic ..... coffee1.gif it only incites further racism and especially on TV.

Edited by steven100
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Absolute worst person I ever met (was an expat not tourist) was Dutch. (and I am Dutch). Never met anyone who looked down on Thais so much and hated them so much. The things that guy said about Thai males and a lesser extent Thai females was just too much. I quickly told him to shut up and find someone else to share his misery with. Stupid unhappy OAP.

Now I agree there are plenty of things here to complain about but you can overdo it. And i hate saying it but in this case the guy should just have gone back the the Netherlands if he hated everyone here so much.

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Bald head + tattoo's + Alcohol + British = Bad Guy coffee1.gif

I am 3 out of the 4....(no tattoos). I must be a right a/ hole...bwahahaha

My 2 best buds are a black American, and an Aussie, and My mrs is Thai, so i don't think i am a racist...but when you give an honest assessment of your own way of thinking, the PC brigade shout "racist!" but really you are only giving YOUR opinion, if it doesnt fit in with how the PC'ers think, they pull out the racist card. How can you say things on here that you don't believe in?

I had an earfull from mr Bluespunk the other day, because i didn't agree with him. I had to message my black American friend and i asked him, "do you think i am racist", "he said "no fking way, why are you asking me this?" I said "oh, it doesn't matter, just someone had a go at me".

So now I know these pc people just use the racist card as a defence, knowing that you cannot out and out say what you really think....rant over.

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A rude tourist is found from every country and this word -rudeness- is sometimes misused. Numerous times it is from not understanding the mannerisms or culture of the country. I remember pointing with my foot toward a electric fan displayed on the bottom shelf at a store once (in Thailand) and my Thai friends all gasped as if I had committed a sin. I knew about my feet being up considered rude but was not aware pointing with my foot was rude. Showing anger in Thailand is another innocent rude action many of us Western farangs may display when we first arrive in Thailand. So with the Indians to not wait in line but mob at a Seven-11 counter, the Chinese to be in full volume all the time, or an Arab man treating women as second class citizens is just natural for them; for it is accepted in their country. They need to be educated (like I have been) what is acceptable and what is not and I think we expats that live here have the right to help these blokes out. (If it is due to drunkeness, forget it. Let them look like a fool.)

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Bald head + tattoo's + Alcohol + British = Bad Guy :coffee1:

Still "Brit Bashing" then ?????

Obviously someone in the past rocked your boat

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Bang on the money. If they only realised how ugly they look with their shaven bonces I suspect they wouldn't follow each other like sheep

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Why pick on the British?, I have seen many Europeans Aussies American just as obnoxious and also met many Brits tourists and ex pats who are quiet the opposite to your labeling of Brits.

Sorry but I'm British and I'm ashamed to say our Wrecking Crews make other Nationalities look like babes in arms

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Why pick on the British?, I have seen many Europeans Aussies American just as obnoxious and also met many Brits tourists and ex pats who are quiet the opposite to your labeling of Brits.

Why pick on anyone.. because we want to feel better about ourselves.

Its ok to pick on Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Russians... but when you touch the Brits it suddenly is not ok.

Face it we all have our idiots, im pretty sure there are drunk bald violent high Dutch tourist too and I would dislike those as much as Brits who do the same thing.

However on this forum there are plenty of people thinking that people from their country are the best and their shit does not stink. Seen Brits on this forum gang up on other nationalities often and then cry foul when someone pics on them.

Face it we all have idiots, and I really don't see why people identify with the scum of their own nationality and defend them.

To be expected as we had the most recent and largest ever empire on the planet.

Bringing cricket to impoverished Indians and Pakistanis,educating colonial convicts down under and regaining the ashes in the process lol.

Not wishing to partake in the current crisis in Calais as we're not really part of Europe.

Remember the Americans who speak English in New England.

Singapore,Malaysia,Myanmar which incidentally is called Burma as well as Hong Kong and numerous other territories.

Oops forgot The Falklands,miles from Blighty but still driving Land Rovers.

Jamaica,West Indies and numerous other Caribbean islands.

The problem is Britain that tiny island in the North Sea has had such a dominating era in recent history that people and generations are still not over it.

It dominates world news and history.

And at the end of the day there are a few chavs.

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To be expected as we had the most recent and largest ever empire on the planet.

Bringing cricket to impoverished Indians and Pakistanis,educating colonial convicts down under and regaining the ashes in the process lol.

Not wishing to partake in the current crisis in Calais as we're not really part of Europe.

Remember the Americans who speak English in New England.

Singapore,Malaysia,Myanmar which incidentally is called Burma as well as Hong Kong and numerous other territories.

Oops forgot The Falklands,miles from Blighty but still driving Land Rovers.

Jamaica,West Indies and numerous other Caribbean islands.

The problem is Britain that tiny island in the North Sea has had such a dominating era in recent history that people and generations are still not over it.

It dominates world news and history.

And at the end of the day there are a few chavs.

Why would anyone care about the empire you had and lost ? its in the past, nobody alive anymore to really remember that. There might be some hate from former colonies. I know the Dutch are not well liked in Indonesia where we committed some war crimes. I am sure the Brits did the same thing in their empire you guys weren't nice guys you conquered and pillaged just like every other empire.

But I don't really see the relevance as in general its not those people that bash you on the forum. So all i see is someone trying to relive some past glory. I fail to see the connection.

Your idiots are no worse or better as the idiots from my country, no need to feel superior.

Personally I would not care about the nationality of the idiot making an ass of himself or getting aggressive with me I would dislike them all equally. But i guess you don't mind it when your face gets bashed in by a drunk Chav, but get all worked up if a Frenchman looks at you... or would you like most normal people dislike that drunk Chav more.

I judge on actions not on nationality.

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Why pick on the British?, I have seen many Europeans Aussies American just as obnoxious and also met many Brits tourists and ex pats who are quiet the opposite to your labeling of Brits.

Why pick on anyone.. because we want to feel better about ourselves.

Its ok to pick on Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Russians... but when you touch the Brits it suddenly is not ok.

Face it we all have our idiots, im pretty sure there are drunk bald violent high Dutch tourist too and I would dislike those as much as Brits who do the same thing.

However on this forum there are plenty of people thinking that people from their country are the best and their shit does not stink. Seen Brits on this forum gang up on other nationalities often and then cry foul when someone pics on them.

Face it we all have idiots, and I really don't see why people identify with the scum of their own nationality and defend them.

To be expected as we had the most recent and largest ever empire on the planet.

Bringing cricket to impoverished Indians and Pakistanis,educating colonial convicts down under and regaining the ashes in the process lol.

Not wishing to partake in the current crisis in Calais as we're not really part of Europe.

Remember the Americans who speak English in New England.

Singapore,Malaysia,Myanmar which incidentally is called Burma as well as Hong Kong and numerous other territories.

Oops forgot The Falklands,miles from Blighty but still driving Land Rovers.

Jamaica,West Indies and numerous other Caribbean islands.

The problem is Britain that tiny island in the North Sea has had such a dominating era in recent history that people and generations are still not over it.

It dominates world news and history.

And at the end of the day there are a few chavs.

Perhaps this is true,but I hate to see my flag,yes my flag the Union Jack embellish some tarts arse and tits in it

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Was at Cent. Festival.....This Chinese guy starts yelling/screaming/shouting at his buddy who had walked about 20 feet ahead of him......They proceed to have a scream conversation even when they close the distance.

Israelis.....fine if there is just one or two, a group, total A-holes.

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Why pick on the British?, I have seen many Europeans Aussies American just as obnoxious and also met many Brits tourists and ex pats who are quiet the opposite to your labeling of Brits.

Sorry but I'm British and I'm ashamed to say our Wrecking Crews make other Nationalities look like babes in arms

I would hate to see them try that in the US.

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Apparently the chinese are the worst but i only see them in herds and they always seem to keep to them selves. Russians arent as bad as people say they are. Arabs are fun to look at because u never get over how dirty and ugly they are.

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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Bang on the money. If they only realised how ugly they look with their shaven bonces I suspect they wouldn't follow each other like sheep

I have got a baldy bonce, but i must be handsome, because all the girls here tell me, so must be true....
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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Why pick on the British?, I have seen many Europeans Aussies American just as obnoxious and also met many Brits tourists and ex pats who are quiet the opposite to your labeling of Brits.

Sorry but I'm British and I'm ashamed to say our Wrecking Crews make other Nationalities look like babes in arms

I would hate to see them try that in the US.

They are Brits mate, they can do it anywhere....Mericky aint no different, you just think you are tough, sam as Brits, and Dutch....
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The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

Why pick on the British?, I have seen many Europeans Aussies American just as obnoxious and also met many Brits tourists and ex pats who are quiet the opposite to your labeling of Brits.

Why pick on anyone.. because we want to feel better about ourselves.

Its ok to pick on Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Russians... but when you touch the Brits it suddenly is not ok.

Face it we all have our idiots, im pretty sure there are drunk bald violent high Dutch tourist too and I would dislike those as much as Brits who do the same thing.

However on this forum there are plenty of people thinking that people from their country are the best and their shit does not stink. Seen Brits on this forum gang up on other nationalities often and then cry foul when someone pics on them.

Face it we all have idiots, and I really don't see why people identify with the scum of their own nationality and defend them.

Agreed - it would be stupid to even attempt to defend the indefensible...

As you mentioned above [robblock] each nation has their idiots... The Brits indeed have a terrible reputation, its a certain demographic of British which embarrass the rest of the nations people... this is true not of any nation, but of many nations.

There are some nations who's people are generally considered well behaved - The Japanese would be an excellent example of this.

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