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Huge fire in Prachinburi forces school to close


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Huge fire forces school to close


PRACHINBURI: -- A predawn fire at a tyre recycle factory in Sri Mahapho district of Prachinburi Tuesday morning forced an adjacent secondary school to close as wind blew poisonous smoke to cover the school.

The fire happened at 5 am at an old factory that recycled old tyres for use.

The fire happened at a huge pile of old tyres kept in the factory and quickly spread.

A dozen of fire trucks arrived to control the fire from spreading out of the factory.

They spent several hours to keep the fire under control late in the morning but the burnt tyres still emitted black and hazardous smokes that were blown by winds to cover all adjacent areas, including residential in the areas and a school opposite the factory.

As students started to arrive and were disturbed by the smokes, the school director then advised their parents to bring their children homes as the smoke was hazardous.

He later ordered the school to close for one day until the smokes were all cleared.

Factory owner Pausarn Watanasapsophon, 65, said he was sleeping inside the factory. But he woke up when the rain fell and heard sound of the eruption of a fire.

He suspected electrical short circuit as the cause.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/huge-fire-forces-school-to-close

-- Thai PBS 2015-08-11

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