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NCDs are No 1 killer disease in Thailand with over 300,000 deaths each year


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Sugar, deep fried foods, pollution are some of the reasons. No point blaming technology and lack of exercise. You can stay thin without any exercise at all. Not exercising doesn't make you fat. Eating too much junk food makes you fat.

I weigh the same as when US Army Basic Training put 20 lbs on me in 1984. I went from 145 lbs to 165 lbs & I'm 5' 10".

While never really being into sweets, I got on a chocolate fudge brownie binge a few months ago and gained 10 lbs in 3 weeks!

It was either buy bigger pants or get off the brownies, so no more brownies for me!

Edited by jaywalker
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Quote The minister stressed the need of a law to push forward the prevention and control of NCDs. The ministry, he said, aims to cut the death rate from NCDs by 25 percent in ten years, 30 percent reduction in the consumption of salty food, 30- percent reduction in cigarette smoking, 10 percent drop in alcoholic consumption and 80 percent accessible to medication. unquote

Ah Ha it finally dawned on me this guy used to work for TAT or he is up for reappointment.

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I bet a lot of that home made alcohol, found readily available in most villages, would certainly be helping with statistics....

How the hell can they drink that everyday and expect to live long enough to see their grandchildren even?..

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With America at 30% obesity and the UK headed that way by 2030 many falangs have no right to single out Thailand for abuse (take a look at yourself first - I've taken a look at many of you over-boozed/overfed fatties and I don't like what I see either biggrin.png ). Stupidity, lack of education and lack of self-control abounds worldwide.

me 1.77 m for 65 kgs tongue.png i imagine i can give advices at least to the deux children i m responsible for in thailand.... tongue.png and be allowed to react here wai2.gif

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I would say that Monsanto have a hand in that also.!

Monsanto and his accomplices ... sold in the 7/11 the youth is keen for ....

As a person who is scientifically litterate I should point out that the scientific consensus is that GMO's are safe. This is based on evidence from 1000+ studies.

Back on topic... Thai people are eating more snacks, fried foods, sugar and nutritionally low/ high calorie foods. Just like America!

Do you work for Monsanto? "Scientific consensus" is No such thing! Monsanot's scientists say everything is cool!

GMO's have NOT been tested!!!!!!! BS to your 1000+ studiesgigglem.gif

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Thais looks more healthy to me than most westerners , at least from the outside, even if they have to eat fried chicken every day. Obesity is on the raise here but still Thailand are far behind countries like the US, where its hard to spot a slim person on the streets.

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How about the diabetes industry as well. It is a multi-billion dollar industry that

only manages people who have diabetes. No cure in sight, surprise, surprise.

Can't have those unfortunate people cured or the industry would be out all of those billions

of dollars each year.

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Sugar is a big unnamed culprit as well.

Carbohydrates would also be converted into sugar by our bodies. And the one with the highest sugar content is sticky rice, a staple diet for those in North and Northeast.

Thais also consume large quantities of Salt,many food items are lagged in Salt (Fish and Meats) look on the bottles of Fish Sauce, it's 25% Salt,among lots of other exessessive salted products and used in many recipes. Considering when someone has a heart attack in the West, they usually go straight onto a Salt free Diet! there must be a medical reason!

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In my village there does seem to be a high incidence of stroke with very debilitating consequences. From my observation it's the greasy food and alcohol that's doing it. Some of the older people are getting out and doing some bicycling so there is some awareness of life style issues. Some of these people are drunk 24x7. Had to take one guy in his 40's to the hospital as he drank his way into a coma. Doctors had previously told him he would die if he didn't give up the bottle.

Coupled with Alcohol causing Strokes,Smoking can be added to the danger list according to western Doctors.

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There is another epidemic sweeping through Thailand that accounts for on average 80 deaths per day, around 29,000 a year, 44 deaths per 100,000 people. It accounts for 5.1% of the total deaths in Thailand.

And what is being done about it, sweet eff all!

If you take into account road deaths as stated & murders, death by natural causes the way the Thai race is going it will be extinct in about a century. There goes the missing link.

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There is another epidemic sweeping through Thailand that accounts for on average 80 deaths per day, around 29,000 a year, 44 deaths per 100,000 people. It accounts for 5.1% of the total deaths in Thailand.

And what is being done about it, sweet eff all!

If you take into account road deaths as stated & murders, death by natural causes the way the Thai race is going it will be extinct in about a century. There goes the missing link.

.............."the Thai race is going it will be extinct in about a century"......................

I don't think so. Going by the way the population is steadily rising.

And I agree with the comments above about Thai cooking containing too much salt and sugar.

Apart from being unhealthy

My wife is a good cook, we had a restaurant for a while in Chiang Mai, but she uses way too much sugar and fish oil (50% salt) in her cooking. When she cooks for me at home she does not use as much because she knows I will crack up if she does.

I want to taste the food, not just the spices and sauces.

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Let's face it. Thailand would rather spend taxpayer money on advertising and PR campaigns on the lastest Show-respect-to-the-King-and-Queen campaign than to spend anything on educating the citizens about risks of stroke and heart disease or other NCDs like other countries do.

As a result Thais are stupid. Really. Seriously stupid. When was the last time you saw a commerical about heart disease or stroke in Thailand?

What percentage of thais would know what to do if you suddenly fainted or couldn't talk? My guess is 99% would leave you lying down for a few hours before even contemplating calling for medical help. By that time it's too late.

Edited by Time Traveller
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problems will increase as they have begun to spread uranium, aluminium, barium , strontium , arsenic nanoparticles and much others poisonous chemicals in the atmospher for making rain artificially.... sad.png


yess, but it would be fine if i could enjoy life as long as possible ... and in good health ! not suffering (till the end of my life) of diseases caused by other's BS whistling.gif

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