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Why is Zoe in Yellow closed ?


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I bought a couple of Beer Leo's at the shop that is in the same area as Zoe. I tried walking in to the seating area, and was informed by - what I will call a worker, not a bouncer- that I was not allowed to bring the beers into their seating area... I understood their policy, and drank the beers nearby. They guy who told me I couldn't bring the beer in was EXTREMELY nice to me, and apologized a few times for the rule. I didn't feel it was necessary for him to apologize, but I appreciated that he was cool about it.

That's my story. Not saying the other reports aren't true, but that was my experience, this was about 3 months ago.

How strange and unreasonable of a pub/ bar to request a customer not to bring his own beer into their establishment. Wonder why?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently it happens quite often at UN Irish where the backpacker crew seem to think its OK to buy their beer at 7.11 then carry it into UN Irish and use their seats and even their glasses to drink it !!!

I am not sure if you're serious or not. It's actually not clear that the seats OUTSIDE of ZOE are also their seats.. There are a lot of businesses in that area, and one of them is a guy selling beers out of a cooler. The place where I bought the beer was RIGHT next to the seating area. It was not clear that these seats, which look sort of like the seating at a food court, are designated seating for ZOE customer's, and must drink their beers. As I said, I understand and have no problem with the policy. My only point in making the post was that it was a similar situation as to what is being talked about, and the bouncer was actually quite nice to me.

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How strange and unreasonable of a pub/ bar to request a customer not to bring his own beer into their establishment. Wonder why?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently it happens quite often at UN Irish where the backpacker crew seem to think its OK to buy their beer at 7.11 then carry it into UN Irish and use their seats and even their glasses to drink it !!!

I am not sure if you're serious or not. It's actually not clear that the seats OUTSIDE of ZOE are also their seats.. There are a lot of businesses in that area, and one of them is a guy selling beers out of a cooler. The place where I bought the beer was RIGHT next to the seating area. It was not clear that these seats, which look sort of like the seating at a food court, are designated seating for ZOE customer's, and must drink their beers. As I said, I understand and have no problem with the policy. My only point in making the post was that it was a similar situation as to what is being talked about, and the bouncer was actually quite nice to me.

Yes, I was being kind of serious but in a jocular way.....those seats are obviously provided for people partaking of drinks from the various bars which surround Zoe and the other bars, as you say kind of like a food court. You also dont take your own food into a food court......or do you ??!!

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As I was the 2nd post on this subject here is more some information....or not. I never said the bouncers beat him to death. I said they tried to stop the commotion. The principle foreigner (instigator from what Im told) ended up in hospital. He died a few days later.

If you go to Zoe in Yellow you may see that they have changed their signage (It was changed when I was in the area on Monday) The bar on the Northern side now says Yellow Bar whereas the Southern and main music bar has changed the sign and it just reads Zoe.

I agree, lots of people jump to their on conclusions when they don't read an article or post correctly. He'll I've done that myself on occasion.

I don't know any of the bouncers or staff at this establishment personally and have never had any problems with them. I have however noted that the tend to react very swiftly to customers whom cause a disturbance ie fight. And the only times I've seen that there is always a drunken foreigner at the forefront.

I don't condone violence but then again I tend not to put myself in in a situation where it's the only option.

It's always a good idea to go into any new environment cautiously to start with.Be the grey man, blend in and observe what's going on. It pays to do this while you are sober. You can quickly pick up if it's a safe place to be or whether to move on.

Just my opinion, and I've only been here 3 years. So far all has been good. Maybe the Army training did do me some good after all!

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It is hard for me to imagine some farang got beaten to death at Zoe´s and his friends don't run havoc on social media.

That, to me, is the long and short of it. We've had seven-page threads about some guy who simply had a verbal altercation, with tourist police called in, Royal Thai police on the scene, embassy alerted... everything but the brass band and dancing girls.

It's absurd to even imagine that a farang can be beaten to death in Chiang Mai and there is absolutely no mention of it anywhere except for a post in ThaiVisa. There are people chomping at the bit just waiting for excuses to lambast the police, the military government, local establishments, etc., who certainly wouldn't miss such a golden opportunity as a farang death at the hands of Thais.

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I've only been there once and that was early. But Tripadvisor contains some hair-raising allegations:

x.gifReviewed 27 July 2015

Me and 2 friends were at Zoeys 2 weeks ago. I assumed that the bar over the road was connected to the main bar, however I was wrong. The main bouncer clicked his fingers and within seconds I got dragged down an alley by 5-6 bouncers and beaten repeatedly, getting knocked unconscious 4-5 times. I had bottles of Chang smashed over my head and even a gun pointed at my head.

“Disgraceful bouncers, don't ever visit ”
x.gifReviewed 4 July 2015

My friend and I went here to drink a few beers for our first night in Chiang Mai. The night was going well and the place seemed good until one bald headed bouncer decided to slam my friends head into a table because he believed he had got his drink somewhere else. He never even allowed my friend to explain that he had purchased a beer from inside the bar. I've never seen such a disgraceful act by the bouncers in a nightclub before in my life. Don't visit this bar, it's run by complete scumbags who is thinks they're above the law and it is the worst nightclub/bar I've ever been to in my life. The bouncer was clearly one of those guys who is way to worried about the size of his own dick instead of doing his own job. There is so many other places in Chiang Mai to see instead!

Visited July 2015
“Dangerous Place”
x.gifReviewed 4 July 2015

We went for a birthday paty and we were really choked by what we see.

Most of the staff are there just to fight, and when they don't have anything to do they just assault a random costumer.

We witness 3 really bad beat up by the so called staff.

They drag the costumer in a small alley and kick him when he was allready insonscious for 20 minutes.

The manager was smilling and lafing during this.

There are many bars in the Zoe area. I wonder which ones these reported incidents occurred in.

The topic is Zoe in Yellow.

The tripadvisor reviews are for Zoe in Yellow.

Maybe you can sense that there is a link there.

There are about a dozen bars in the Zoe area. Zoe is only mentioned once in the first review, which said that the problem occurred "over the road" (whatever that means) from Zoe. This indicates the assault did not happen at Zoe in Yellow. There is nothing in the other two reports to indicate where the people were.

Maybe you can sense that there is uncertainty there.

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As I was the 2nd post on this subject here is more some information....or not. I never said the bouncers beat him to death. I said they tried to stop the commotion. The principle foreigner (instigator from what Im told) ended up in hospital. He died a few days later.

If you go to Zoe in Yellow you may see that they have changed their signage (It was changed when I was in the area on Monday) The bar on the Northern side now says Yellow Bar whereas the Southern and main music bar has changed the sign and ù just reads Zoe.

I agree, lots of people jump to their on conclusions when they don't read an article or post correctly. He'll I've done that myself on occasion.

I don't know any of the bouncers or staff at this establishment personally and have never had any problems with them. I have however noted that the tend to react very swiftly to customers whom cause a disturbance ie fight. And the only times I've seen that there is always a drunken foreigner at the forefront.

I don't condone violence but then again I tend not to put myself in in a situation where it's the only option.

It's always a good idea to go into any new environment cautiously to start with.Be the grey man, blend in and observe what's going on. It pays to do this while you are sober. You can quickly pick up if it's a safe place to be or whether to move on.

Just my opinion, and I've only been here 3 years. So far all has been good. Maybe the Army training did do me some good after all!

"Beaten to death" was my phrase, inferred from the description of events, but posed as a question. Maybe that's not what happened, but the causality was implied. However, I recognize the alternative explanation that the bouncers never touched him, he was hospitalized with dengue, and later died of old age.

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sometimes..it is just the competition....getting jealous of an overcrowded bar....which always was a good time place to go. Perhaps "competition" would be thugs and union busters....trying to degrade a good thing. I am probably not the most preferred alcoholic to have on the premises. I ramble alot, and dance with whoever I can. I talk to security, and they just want me to get on with my business (which for the night..is drinking and partying). Never had a problem there..I get that liquid courage..but I apply it positively..and try to make friends... (very hard when drinking)

by the way..I only go out twice a month....that is my binge..and my good time. No apologies.

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There are about a dozen bars in the Zoe area. Zoe is only mentioned once in the first review, which said that the problem occurred "over the road" (whatever that means) from Zoe. This indicates the assault did not happen at Zoe in Yellow. There is nothing in the other two reports to indicate where the people were.

Maybe you can sense that there is uncertainty there.

Not really.

People go to tripadvisor and post reviews of "Zoe in Yellow".

Just click on the bar marked "Terrible" (As in the rating).


You seem to be making the assumption that every one of them can't tell the difference between Zoe's and the surrounding bars.

Anyway, leading a horse to water, etc.

Edited by Chicog
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"Trip Adviser." The final word in reality and accuracy, right?

Not very many of the ThaiVisa community will step forward to tout the safety of the various Zip Lining venues around Chiang Mai.

In fact, most folks were quite adamant about just how incredibly unsafe these places are, with accidents almost guaranteed.

Yet take a look at what 'Trip Adviser' says about Chiang Mai zip lining. There hardly an unsafe comment mentioned. Plenty of 'unfriendly staff,' but some people praise the safety of these places. But you and I know better, right? We know that zip lining places are accidents waiting to happen. We have dozens of pages of threads testifying to that fact.

But "Trip Adviser" says they are fine.

And "Trip Adviser" says Zoe In Yellow is dangerous.....

This does not compute.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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There are about a dozen bars in the Zoe area. Zoe is only mentioned once in the first review, which said that the problem occurred "over the road" (whatever that means) from Zoe. This indicates the assault did not happen at Zoe in Yellow. There is nothing in the other two reports to indicate where the people were.

Maybe you can sense that there is uncertainty there.

Not really.

People go to tripadvisor and post reviews of "Zoe in Yellow".

Just click on the bar marked "Terrible" (As in the rating).


You seem to be making the assumption that every one of them can't tell the difference between Zoe's and the surrounding bars.

Anyway, leading a horse to water, etc.

I went to the review site, and noted that there are a lot of positive reviews. The most specific of the three negative reviews you posted made it clear that the assault did not take place in Zoe, though the reviewer originally thought he was in a Zoe bar. There clearly was some uncertainty in his case, and I doubt that he was the only one.

As you indicated earlier, the most prominent sign by far is the Zoe in Yellow sign. There are many bars there and Zoe is the only one I know by name. which is why I refer to the area as the Zoe area. I suspect it is much the same with tourists, they consider the whole area to be Zoe in Yellow.

Yes, how can you tell which is which?



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"Trip Adviser." The final word in reality and accuracy, right?

Not very many of the ThaiVisa community will step forward to tout the safety of the various Zip Lining venues around Chiang Mai.

In fact, most folks were quite adamant about just how incredibly unsafe these places are, with accidents almost guaranteed.

Yet take a look at what 'Trip Adviser' says about Chiang Mai zip lining. There hardly an unsafe comment mentioned. Plenty of 'unfriendly staff,' but some people praise the safety of these places. But you and I know better, right? We know that zip lining places are accidents waiting to happen. We have dozens of pages of threads testifying to that fact.

But "Trip Adviser" says they are fine.

And "Trip Adviser" says Zoe In Yellow is dangerous.....

This does not compute.

I think you can safely say that Chinese tourists don't post on the English tripadvisor.

So quite why you think zip lining has any bearing on this thread I have no idea.

Anyway, it is what it is, I use tripadvisor to get an overall opinion of places, there are always overly good and overly bad reviews.

However, if you choose to dismiss the information for whatever reason, that is your choice.

Others may not share your opinion.

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How strange and unreasonable of a pub/ bar to request a customer not to bring his own beer into their establishment. Wonder why?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently it happens quite often at UN Irish where the backpacker crew seem to think its OK to buy their beer at 7.11 then carry it into UN Irish and use their seats and even their glasses to drink it !!!

I am not sure if you're serious or not. It's actually not clear that the seats OUTSIDE of ZOE are also their seats.. There are a lot of businesses in that area, and one of them is a guy selling beers out of a cooler. The place where I bought the beer was RIGHT next to the seating area. It was not clear that these seats, which look sort of like the seating at a food court, are designated seating for ZOE customer's, and must drink their beers. As I said, I understand and have no problem with the policy. My only point in making the post was that it was a similar situation as to what is being talked about, and the bouncer was actually quite nice to me.

Yes, I was being kind of serious but in a jocular way.....those seats are obviously provided for people partaking of drinks from the various bars which surround Zoe and the other bars, as you say kind of like a food court. You also dont take your own food into a food court......or do you ??!!

Give it up; he's right. I was never confused personally, or even consider that anyone else might be, but drunk backpackers get confused about a whole lot less than which bar a bunch of wooden benches might belong to.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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been going to zoe yellow at least once a week for the last 5 years and ive never seen any trouble there.pity one of these quality tourist cocks it up for every one, closed for 30 days now,god help spicy.lol.

Ah spicy, the one and only time I went there someone got stabbed.

And that *is* from the horses mouth!


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Let me just add my 2 THB. Trashpackers sneaking beers into the nightlife scene bars was a problem when the Euro was at 50, and a small Chiang or Leo was 40 THB (Spicy)...I'm sure it has only gotten worse. I've never been to Zoe, walked by a few hundred times. John's Place is much more my kind of place, and I rarely go in there, anymore. But, just to comment on this incident. I eat over by Royal Guesthouse fairly often, and there is a new gym next door. A guy, who was working out came to get some food, and he was Thai, and while I've always thought head and neck tattoos were kind of prison like, this guy had ZOE BAR or similar tattooed to his neck in one inch letters. I just kind of thought to myself, another reason not to go, but now one might conclude that the bouncer staff are somewhat of a gang, and they are there to fight the farang. Bars at that age group late night, are going to have the fights, just like Spicy, but that's just another reason to stay away (besides the high prices). Meanwhile, I've done beer promos at Dayli for 9 years, and never seen a fight in there, but only good looking Chinese girls wearing circus pants. I hope they stay open, so a lot of the losers will not ruin the places where you can still relax and have a cold one.

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43 murders in Baltimore during July, I don't go there, either. I think bad drugs are a problem in both places. Last I heard, the trashpackers are drinking Deet, and the brothers in Baltimore are smoking horse tranquilizers.

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I've heard of fights in that area since before it was Zoe, but they always involved customers, both Thai and foreign. Fights sometimes happen when you mix young hormones with lots of alcohol. I've never heard of bouncers beating up customers until now, and the information provided here all seems to be second, third, or fourth hand. I'm always skeptical about that kind of information.

For years Zoe and a lot of other places were selling to under-age foreigners, and perhaps under-age Thais as well. I'm fine with a legitimate, no bribes to look the other way crackdown on that, but I'm also skeptical about how long it will last.

I'm not a fan of the Zoe area, I'm too old for it and have never liked crowds. Mostly I avoid the area because the last time I was there, about three years ago, over-sized katooeys started arriving by the tuk-tuk-load about 1 a.m., and it was clear they were on the hunt. I left and never went back.

However I have no problem with a place for young people to go nuts within limits--making a fool of oneself while learning how to drink is part of growing up, but inflicting injury on others shouldn't be. I hope it opens again soon and young people enjoy themselves there.

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I heard from a friend of a friend that a fellow he knows who was in a state of near mental collapse following breaking-up with his insignificant other that:

He went to Zoe to try and take his mind off his troubles, and, while sitting there, nursing a beer, he began to cry.

Two of the bouncers came up to him and gave him roses.

A third bouncer kissed him gently, and started crying with him, sobbing in Thai: "You ...same same," repeatedly.

When he asked for the bill, another bouncer came over and said: "You free."

He thought that meant the beer was on-the-house, but, just as he got past the door, another bouncer grabbed him, and said: "You pay."

He then said: "The other man said the beer was free."

Then, the bouncer dragged him back in the alley and kicked the crap out of him.

The next day, he telephoned the friend of a friend whose friend of a friend I heard the story from, to tell her that he felt so much better, that a night at Zoe was "just what he needed to get clear."


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So it's known as the Zoe in Yellow area now is it? That pub/bar ruined that area, Bun Yoo Market ( what it's actually called) was a good place to visit before the rich Thai girl came on a "bought" Zoe and yellow then got all the other units be forcing the other lease holders out. It's been and absolute horrible place to got for the last 2 or 3 years.

I know the area very well, though I've not been around there for a long time, there were Turkish and Greek lads doing security. Are the security people there now Kun Thai?

Edited by MickeyMaow
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I used to like Zoe in Yellow about 3-4 years ago and would often go 2-3 times a month. It was a decent place to go. The only thing I didn't like was all the different music being played at the same time. The last time I went about 16 months ago when a friend was visiting, it was not the same at all. There was an obvious change in management, was way too crowded, and too many people were smoking cigarettes. A very drunk Isaan girl with horrible breath approached us, muttered something and proceeded to blow cigarette smoke right in my face. I never went back.

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It is well known that TripAdvisor is riddled with false reviews. So it is not inconceivable that someone with a grudge against Zoe In Yellow posted these reports in an effort to damage the business.

False reviews can be good as well as bad.

So it's not inconceivable that the business writes balderdash to swamp out the valid criticism.

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So it's known as the Zoe in Yellow area now is it? That pub/bar ruined that area, Bun Yoo Market ( what it's actually called) was a good place to visit before the rich Thai girl came on a "bought" Zoe and yellow then got all the other units be forcing the other lease holders out. It's been and absolute horrible place to got for the last 2 or 3 years.

I know the area very well, though I've not been around there for a long time, there were Turkish and Greek lads doing security. Are the security people there now Kun Thai?

As I indicated earlier, I haven't been for a few years, but I still regard what is there now as a big improvement over when it was the Heaven's Beach area.

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