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Fence and boundary questions

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Hi, was hoping to find out some more details regarding fences for a property we recently purchased.

Background Info:

1/ There is 2 Chanotes

2/ the 1st is just land and it's approx 2 RAI and 2 NGAN and its on the river frontage

3/ the 2nd is just under 2 NGAN and has a typical Thai timber house on it

4/ this is in a rural village in the north of Sukhothai Province


a/ Approximate cost per metre for a front fence made of concrete bricks/blocks or concrete (approx 1.8m or 6ft high). (These are typically rendered and then painted and are rather common)

b/ What the requirements are for a front fence i.e. do we need to advise local land department for example?

c/ For side boundary fences that boarder others, what is the status quo? Do we need to advise land department? We are contemplating that part of the side fences be of the same construction as the front fence and other parts be of of an alternative, such as metal sheets or fence wire. Cost will dictate what is used as its a large area to fence in.

d/ Contacts for reputable builders in Sukhothai - Phitsanulok - Uttaradit that can assist us with getting the fences sorted

Any useful and practical tips from old hands would be much appreciated.

many thanks


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