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Just received an email from Paypal that said.

eBay Inc sent you $10,00 USD

Is this my lucky day or what? I went to my Paypal account and indeed there has the money already arrived, no reason or whatever in the details.

There is however a note that I have 60 days the possibility to refund it. Yeah right, gonna do it straight away.NOT

Ebay doesn't owe me any money or I don't have any claims going on, and it's also not my birthday, so is this some thing they do now and then?

Had another luck just 2 days ago. An android box which I had bought from Aliexpress for 67$, and had returned to the seller about 2 months ago because the WIFI didn't work, and had been fully refunded by Paypal 2 weeks later, returned to my address the other day.biggrin.png

Time to predict the lottery numbers?


Did you click on a link in the email, or did you type paypal into your browser? It's really easy to spoof a URL in an email which will take you to a site other than what it purports to.

You can always look up at the URL after clicking but I never do that. If someone wants me to go to paypal I type it in myself.

In the meantime don't give that site any information. If it's a spoof they already know your email address (big deal with paypal) and your IP address.

I would use CCleaner to clear all of my browsing history including cookies and start fresh with a new login to paypal and see if they really are offering you money. Normally a spoof will involve a lot of money so this might be legit but be careful.


Did you click on a link in the email, or did you type paypal into your browser? It's really easy to spoof a URL in an email which will take you to a site other than what it purports to.

You can always look up at the URL after clicking but I never do that. If someone wants me to go to paypal I type it in myself.

In the meantime don't give that site any information. If it's a spoof they already know your email address (big deal with paypal) and your IP address.

I would use CCleaner to clear all of my browsing history including cookies and start fresh with a new login to paypal and see if they really are offering you money. Normally a spoof will involve a lot of money so this might be legit but be careful.

No spoof. Didn't click any links, logged in to my Paypal account and there was the money.

May be they have spoofed themselves?


The mystery is solved.

When I woke up this morning there was an email from Ebay that they had revised a previous decision, where a seller was supposed to send me 10$.

The decision was that they would not pay me back.

I had appealed with the words, " so you make a decision without asking me for more info. Isn't that called prejudice".

The email this morning was the first and only response that I had received to my appeal.

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